"It's okay, I'm used to it. Sister Hu is probably too lonely to find a sense of existence?" Goddess Li Yu was indifferent.

Sun Yunu lowered her voice: "Sister still has to be careful, Sister Hu is not easy to give."

"What am I afraid of her? As long as she doesn't come to provoke me, I won't pay attention to her. I just carried the little prince to Jinyang Palace. My hands are sore, so I will go back and rest first." Li Yunu said that she was about to leave .

But Sun Yudv grabbed her and went into the house: "Sister come to my house and sit for a while, I'll give my sister a massage, it will be better."

Li Yunu did not refuse.

This Sun Yudaughter is also suspicious. She has never been so enthusiastic in the past. Today, she suddenly becomes enthusiastic. Could it be that Sun Yudv is the person Qin Zhao is looking for?

She thought about it in her heart, but her face was calm, and she followed Sun Yunv into the house with a half push.

When Sun Yunv took out a bottle of medicinal oil, Li Yunv was quite surprised: "What is this, sister?"

"This is a good thing. I bought the medicated oil at a high price. It is said that the back pain can be cured by a touch and a push." ​​Sun Yunu said and asked Li Yunu to pick up her sleeves.

How did Li Yunv not know that Sun Yunv was testing herself?

This is to see if she really carried the little prince and went to Jinyang Palace.

Sun Yunv didn't even think about it. What she could think of, how could Qin Zhao's scheming not think of these details?

On her way to Jinyang Palace, but she had walked such a long way with her little highness in her arms, and it was a fact that her arms were sore.

After Sun Yunv rubbed the medicated oil, she began to massage, Li Yunv frowned in pain: "Little sister, be gentle!"

Sun Yunu gritted her teeth when she saw Li Yunu's pain: "Does my sister hurt so much?"

"It's not pain, it's soreness. Don't look at the fact that the little highness is only a few months old, but it is very heavy, but I am exhausted." Li Yunv sighed again: "But it is a fact that the little prince looks good. Look. It's okay for me to be a little tired because the little prince looks so much like the emperor."

"Your Highness is really good looking. Sister Qin is a blessing. It would be nice if she could climb up to Sister Qin." Sun Yunv said thoughtfully.

Li Yunu snorted softly when she heard the words: "I can't stand Sister Qin's temper anyway, but I won't hit a stone with an egg in the future. No matter what, I have to think about my clan, and I will spend it in the harem in peace in the future. The rest of your life will be counted.”

Sun Yunv was a little surprised by Li Yunv's plan: "I thought my sister wanted to climb up to sister Qin."

"Is a person like Sister Qin that I can climb if I want to? I have a bad temper, so let's not deal with Sister Qin, so as not to hurt myself and my family." Li Yunv saw Sun Yunv He stopped and urged dissatisfiedly: "My sister continues to massage for me."

Only then did Sun Yunv react.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Yunv felt that the soreness in her arm was indeed relieved. She shook her arm and said to Sun Yunv, "I have sister Lao Sun to help me today, thank you."

"You're welcome, sister." Sun Yudv replied warmly.

The two were polite again, and Li Yunu returned to her residence.

Sun Yudv put the medicated oil, and then the palace servant Xiangtan who was serving her came up to help: "Li Xiaozhu doesn't look like he's lying."

"Sister Li did carry the little highness down to Jinyang Palace, it seems that I am over-hearted." Sun Yunv was thoughtful.

At first, she thought that Qin Zhao deliberately made an excuse to let Li Yunv go to Jinyang Palace, but seeing Li Yunu's arm sore, she knew that Li Yunv was indeed carrying the child into Jinyang Palace, not just to do act like.

"According to the servants, people like the noble concubine may not like Li Xiaozhu. Who doesn't want to have a relationship with the noble concubine in this harem? In the past, Li Xiaozhu was disrespectful to the noble lady. If the noble concubine does not care about Li Xiaozhu, it is considered a lot of adults." Xiang Tan answered.

Sun Yu's daughter smiled and said, "Your words are also reasonable."

Everyone can see what Li Yunv did in the past. It is said that when Li Yunv was in the East Palace, she would be demoted, and it was also thanks to Qin Zhao.

How could it be possible to write off so many grievances between the two?

When Li Yunv returned to her residence, she shook her arm, thinking that Sun Yunv's massage skills were not bad, but Sun Yunv had a deep scheming, because she was suspicious of her, she deliberately pulled her into the room to test. A bit, but she is not at a loss.

If she could use Sun Yunv's mouth to make others relax their vigilance against her, it would be much easier for her to inquire about the situation in the future.

Later, she also went to Wu Baolin to talk to her, and complained about the matter of His Highness Shen.

"Fortunately, I have Sister Sun to help me, otherwise I may not be able to lift my hand today." Li Yunv joked at the end.

"I don't think Sister Qin is trying to embarrass you, don't take it to heart."

"It doesn't matter if Sister Qin is intentional or not, I won't take it to heart anyway." Li Yu said lightly: "I have experienced so many things, and I look down on many things, and my sister doesn't need to worry about me."

Wu Baolin felt slightly relieved when she saw her openness: "My sister is right to think this way. As long as she wants to open up, there won't be so much unwillingness and jealousy, so that you can live in the harem for a long time."

What's more, Qin Zhao is not a messy person.

The two were talking to themselves when Xu Cairen came over. The three of them met and greeted him. After taking a seat, Xu Cairen said, "What are the two younger sisters talking about?"

"Just now I complained that I was tired of hugging Little Highness. Sister Wu is here to help me."

Wu Baolin smiled when he saw this: "I'm worried for nothing. Sister Li is very open-minded now, and she thinks optimistic about everything."

"Sisters mean that Sister Qin deliberately tossed Sister Li?" Xu Cairen guessed boldly.

Li Yunu smiled and said, "It shouldn't be Sister Qin's intention. When I was in the Royal Garden, Sister Qin also said it. At that time, I didn't think that the distance from the Royal Garden to Jinyang Palace was a little long, and the time to hold the little Highness was long. Soreness of the arm is inevitable. Fortunately, when I came back, I met my sister Sun, and she felt much better after helping me massage."

"Okay, okay, it's just a trivial matter. Don't worry about it. In the future, Sister Li should stop trying to show her ability, so that things like today won't happen again." Wu Baolin felt that this topic could not be continued, so he changed the topic.

Li Yunv and Xu Cairen sat for a while and pushed their hands away. Xu Cairen looked at Li Yunu's arm and said, "I have a good ointment there. Sister Li wait a moment, and I will ask Xiao Qingzi to get it."

"Sister Sun helped me massage before, and also applied medicated oil. Now it's much better. I appreciate Sister Xu's kindness." Li Yunv hurriedly said.

Xu Cairen couldn't hold on any longer, "If my sister needs to come to me again, I will go back and my sister will go back and rest."

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