Chapter 803, don’t laugh out loud

Captain Zhang's words instantly silenced the Bai family.

Chatting with classmate Xiao Ming?

Are you sure it's not a big war?

Who's to blame when the time comes?

Also, how does Captain Zhang know that they have a good relationship with classmate Xiao Ming?

Or is Captain Zhang deceiving them?

In the blink of an eye, the Bai family thought a lot.

In the end, there is only one conclusion. No matter what, it cannot be admitted. There is no benefit at all from admitting it.

A zombie leader and an alliance leader, how can they get along when they meet?

"What did Captain Zhang say? Which kid do you want to see? We don't seem to be familiar with him. There is no such person in the security base!"

The base commander shook his head seriously.

Zhang Yiming is indeed not a person inside the security base, he is the zombie leader outside.

To a certain extent, the base commander did not lie.

The base commander was really afraid that when Captain Zhang and Zhang Yiming met, they would fight and destroy the safe base!

"It doesn't matter whether you have this 'person' or not. What's important is that you just need to bring this sentence to him."

Captain Zhang curled his lips, raised his feet and walked down the mountain.

"Let's go. It will get dark if we don't leave. I have to set off back to the Alliance before it gets dark."

The base commander still wanted to quibble, but Captain Zhang was in a state of "I won't listen to you" and he was sure of victory.

The base commander touched Leng Yebai with his only arm.

Leng Yebai glanced at the base commander and said nothing.

He didn't have any good ideas.

At worst, Zhang Yiming's body will be collected by then!

When the time comes, the most he can do is squeeze out a few tears to express his feelings, and then give her two beautiful white chrysanthemums.

I don’t know if I can squeeze out the tears, but I definitely won’t laugh out loud.

The base commander looked at the raised corners of his son's mouth and twitched his face severely.

My son has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

When the time comes for these two to fight at the safe base, his family will be gone!

The base commander scratched his hair hard, but he could only let Captain Zhang handle it.

Yes, he should hide the crystal cores he hoarded when he goes back!

The way down the mountain went extremely smoothly. The entire mountain range was extremely quiet, and there was no obstruction from any mutated plants.

They are all immersed in a state of crazy energy-sucking.

Captain Zhang released those energies and brought them great benefits.

At the foot of the mountain, the family's bus still stayed in its original place, covered with green plants.

The thick rhizome did not puncture the bus body or the fuel tank.

All thanks to Bai Yifan and Uncle Wang's efforts to strengthen the body's condition from time to time.

"Okay, I'm leaving first."

As soon as the Bai family was sent to the bus, before they had time to say anything else, a gust of wind blew by, and Captain Zhang disappeared with the water bottle.

Captain Zhang possesses wind powers and his speed is extremely high, making it difficult to see his movement clearly with the naked eye.

The Bai family looked at each other, not sure how far Captain Zhang had gone and whether they could hear them talking, and they didn't say anything about Zhang Yiming.

He got on the bus silently and drove towards the Yunhua Security Base.

The person driving was the base commander.

The black car that the base director drove over had been completely damaged by plants, and he naturally sat in the direction of the driver's seat.

With one arm, he can drive much more safely than Bai Yifan.

The bus moved forward, and after driving for several hours, the voices of people talking could be heard in the bus.

"Are humans preparing to go to war with zombies?"

Bai Anhai sat on the sofa and peeled melon seeds for Wang Yiyun, frowning deeply.

"Humans and zombies have already started a war, and they are both fighting to the death." Bai Zhengxuan glanced at Bai Xirong and said, "It's just that Captain Zhang's attitude is unclear this time. His identity is special, and he met Xiao Ming. After that, it might trigger a big war.”

The Bai family still believes that Zhang Yiming is a kind and good zombie king.

But not everyone can accept the identity of a zombie.

Judging from Captain Zhang's attitude at the beginning, he was not as radical as Fang Jin, nor did he show any particular resistance to zombies.

But after all, he is the captain of the Human Survivors Alliance, and his position is definitely on the side of the human survivors.

Zombies and humans are mortal enemies.

When the two meet, there will definitely be waves.

"Since Captain Zhang told us directly, he must know that we are familiar with classmate Xiao Ming. With his ability, he can find classmate Xiao Ming even if we don't tell him. After we return, we should tell classmate Xiao Ming first. Just say it!"

Bai Xirong also had a headache.

If a fight breaks out, it's not a question of who to help.

Neither Captain Zhang nor Zhang Yiming can defeat them, so there is no point in helping anyone.

To be honest, Bai Xirong still didn't want them to fight.

First of all, Zhang Yiming is not a bad zombie in the first place, so it is not cost-effective to lose the power of the Human Survivors Alliance to him.

Secondly, Captain Zhang has powerful powers and can be regarded as the leader of mankind. If anything happens, it will be a loss for all mankind.

But the meeting between the two will eventually come, and no one can stop it.

An ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law.

Even if we don't meet in the past few days, we will meet in the future during the war.

"I think my sister is right!"

Bai Yifan quickly grabbed a handful of melon seeds peeled by Bai Anhai from the table and quickly threw them into his mouth.

The sunflowers grown in the space, the melon seeds fried by Mr. Bai Zhengxuan, and the shells peeled by Bai Anhai.

Full of flavor!

"I hope it won't be a meaningless war by then."

Bai Anhai's fingertips "accidentally" revealed a bit of purple thunder and lightning, which fell on Bai Yifan.

Bai Yifan blew out a puff of white smoke from the corner of his mouth and instantly collapsed on the sofa.

The body is soft, but the mouth is still hard, and it is still eating melon seeds.

After driving for two hours, it became dark.

After barely driving for a certain distance, it stopped.

The night of the apocalypse is not suitable for driving. The road is bumpy and bumpy, and from time to time, some zombie corpses or animal bones will be crushed.

I was anxious to get back to the base, but I could only wait until dawn before setting off.

After having some casual dinner, everyone went to sleep on the second floor.

The base commander was lying on the sofa on the first floor.

The doors and windows were locked, leaving only a gap for ventilation.

There is no need to cover yourself with a quilt in the hot summer. The central air conditioner in the bus is still blowing.

The base commander was covered with a cute little Ding Dong blanket and was snoring loudly.

During the day, the whole family was very tired after a lap in the ancient Kunlun Mountains. Soon, everyone fell into a dream.

No one noticed that the sky outside was unusually dark.

I can't see my fingers.

There was still the sound of insects at first, but in less than a minute, all the sounds of insects suddenly stopped.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed all of a sudden.

A thin layer of frost had condensed on the glass of the bus at a speed visible to the naked eye. The frost was getting more and more, almost condensing into ice.

The base commander squinted his eyes and wrapped himself in a small blanket. It was still very cold.

Finally, I couldn't bear the cold anymore and opened my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw thick frost on the car window next to the sofa.

"What the hell is this weather!"

The base commander instantly jumped up from the sofa and quickly changed the air conditioner from cooling to heating.

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