After the Doomsday Rebirth, My Whole Family is Big Brother

Chapter 804: Successfully extracted zombie virus antibodies

Chapter 804: Successfully extracted zombie virus antibodies


The wind outside was blowing strongly, there was no snowflakes, but the temperature had dropped to below freezing.

Just by being close to the car window, the base commander could feel the biting cold wind.

A few hours ago, the weather was still very hot.

It’s winter again.

The snoring sounds of the Bai family could be heard upstairs, and the base commander sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

Is it true that he can't fit in with the Bai family?

It was already this time, and no one in the whole family was awake.

The cold wind was howling, the air conditioner was still on, and everyone was still sleeping happily.

Only he got up and changed the air conditioner to heating.

After a long time, the base commander came to a conclusion.

This family can't survive without him.

By then they will all be frozen into sand sculptures.

The base director nodded to himself. It seemed that he would have to continue his efforts in the future and work hard to live in the Bai family for free.

early morning.

The sun came out very slowly today.

It was finally revealed, and the sunlight emitted was so soft and powerful that it didn't have the momentum of yesterday's bright sun.

The cold air in the air is particularly bleak, and winter is coming again.

The golden autumn in August is originally the harvest season, but the weather is so cold that the fruits are frostbitten and there is no joy of harvest.

The base director consciously went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast.

Even though he only has one arm, as a high-level superpower, his one arm is much more flexible than that of a normal person, and he has no trouble at all in life.

The only regret is that I can't applaud.

One after another, the Bai family came down from the sleeping place on the upper floor, sat on the chairs in a daze, and slowly threw food into their mouths.

"It was too dangerous last night.

The air conditioner is still cooling, and the outside has switched from summer to winter mode. "

The base director put a pretty-looking love omelette into each of Bai Xirong and Leng Yebai's bowls, and spoke in a very calm tone.

But there was a touch of arrogance on his face.

It looks like everyone can't do it without me.

He obviously has a cold and ruthless face, but he still has this arrogant face.

It looks quite...shameless.

Sometimes, the characters of the base commander and Leng Yebai are like brothers.

He looks cold, but is actually boring.

"I see, no wonder it was so cold when I slept last night. I even wrapped myself in a quilt, but it was still cold."

Bai Anhai glanced out the window and yawned.

"The frost that had condensed on the skylight dripped onto the quilt. Fortunately, I was smart and completely covered the window with ice, so no more water dripped."

Liu Jing said lightly.

There was no particularly surprised expression on the faces of the Bai family. It seemed that they had learned about the extreme change in the weather last night.

The base director couldn't hold back and asked again, "Why didn't you respond last night? Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

The base director suspected that even if he had not turned the air conditioner into heating mode yesterday, none of the family would have gotten up and turned on the air conditioner.

"Can't afford it."

Bai Zhengxuan shrugged his shoulders.

His granddaughter and wife both have ice powers and are not afraid of the cold, so he doesn't have to get up in the middle of the night to turn on the air conditioner.

"I'm lazy too."

Bai Anhai glanced at his wife, and then showed a meaningful smile to the base director.

This single person will not understand that sleeping with two people is warmer than sleeping alone.

Bai Yifan rubbed his eyes and smiled, "I took Brother Leng's quilt, and it's not cold at all!"

Leng Yebai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, smiled and said nothing.

He was also cold and didn't turn on the air conditioner.

I just ran to Bai Xilu in the middle of the night and went into the space with Xiaolu to warm up.

Base director:...

He is still too diligent.

After eating, the base commander walked naturally towards the cab.

"Uncle Leng, I'll do it!"

Bai Yifan ran over and sat down in the driver's seat.

"Xiaofan, go and rest! I'll drive!" the base commander said with a smile.

Driving is quite hard. After all, Xiaofan is still a child, and he is his son's brother-in-law, so he cannot be neglected.

"Uncle Leng, I will let you drive after we return to the safe base! We are really in a hurry this time."

Bai Yifan gently patted the base commander's arm with a comforting tone.

He didn't mean to dislike the base commander either inside or outside his words, but the base commander could tell that Bai Yifan disliked him for driving slowly!

"Safety is the first priority when driving, not to mention that I don't drive very slowly. My in-laws..."

The base director turned around and was about to talk to Bai Anhai, trying to get him to take care of Bai Yifan. Driving too crazy was not a good thing.

But when he turned his head, the base commander saw all the Bai family sitting on the sofa obediently, and then pulled out the seat belts from the back of the sofa.

There was a clicking sound and everyone fastened their seat belts.

"There's another one here, come over quickly and tie it up."

Mr. Bai Zhengxuan waved to the base commander, indicating that he should sit next to him.

At the same time, Bai Yifan stepped on the accelerator to the end. The bus shuddered suddenly, and then rushed out like a wild horse running wild.

Bang bang bang!

The bus crushed the remains of various animals in front of it, and zombies without eyes were also knocked away, and their flesh and blood were covered in the front windshield.

The base director stopped talking and quickly sat down next to Mr. Bai Zhengxuan. He fastened his seat belt with a click, all in one motion.

The blue and white bus looked like a huge monster, running wildly on the deserted road.

Some out-of-control cars were violently knocked out of the way and opened up a road.

The journey was smooth, and some high-level zombies and mutated animals had no chance of causing trouble for the bus.

I can't even chase him away.

One day, two days.

Finally, on the second day after leaving the ancient Kunlun Mountains, the blue and white bus arrived near the Yunhua Security Base.

In the bus, the family looked disgusted and looked a little bad.

Only Bai Yifan, with bright eyes and high energy, did not look like someone who had driven a bus for two days.

That is to say, Bai Yifan is a talented person who can turn a car of high-level superpowers into this kind of virtue.

Zila Zila...

Mr. Bai Zhengxuan turned on the radio with trembling hands and feebly adjusted the frequency of the radio.

"...This is the Human Survivor Alliance. Mr. Zhong has found antibodies that can resist the zombie virus from the hibiscus tree. In the near future, a vaccine will definitely be developed. Please don't give up hope..."

On the radio, the female anchor's voice was extremely excited and a little choked.

Every survivor is waiting for a vaccine against the zombie virus, and the wait has been too long.

"So fast!"

Bai Zhengxuan was shocked when he heard the news.

He has lived in the apocalypse for more than ten years, and he knows clearly that in more than ten years, no doctor or scientist has been able to successfully extract antibodies to the zombie virus.

And now, within a few days of getting the hibiscus tree, Mr. Zhong succeeded?

He is still the same person, the only difference is that he has a hibiscus tree given to him by his granddaughter.

"What can be said is that Xiao Xi saved all mankind."

The base director had a smile on his face and looked at Bai Xirong and Leng Yebai with a smile. He felt more and more that his daughter-in-law was a treasure.

Not to mention the body space, the plants inside can also extract antibodies to the zombie virus!

That is to say, there is no place to apply for a patent, otherwise my daughter-in-law will definitely become the richest man in the world.

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