After the Doomsday Rebirth, My Whole Family is Big Brother

Chapter 805: Excuse me, are you looking for my boss?

Chapter 805: Excuse me, are you looking for my boss?

Zila Zila...

The female anchor's hopeful voice came intermittently from the radio.

"...The Fusang tree is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. It is a legendary sacred tree. On the ancient Kunlun Mountains, a couple named Bai who did not want to be named discovered this sacred tree. Mr. Zhong extracted the zombie virus from it. Antibodies..."

"...The extracted zombie virus antibodies can be used as the best vaccine. It is expected to be mass-produced within a month. By then, we will not have to worry about turning into zombies if we are scratched by zombies..."

The female anchor repeatedly said exciting words, but did not mention whether a vaccine could be developed to turn zombies into humans.

"...This is the Phantom Security Base. I am the base director here. We have already contacted the alliance. The vaccine developed will be quickly distributed to major security bases. Please protect yourself and fight against zombies. Please take good care of yourself." Live!"

"This is the Feiyun Security Base. All superpowers are welcome to accept the mission of annihilating zombies. This is the place where peace can be restored the fastest."

Other frequency bands on the radio were broadcasting the news that the Human Survivor League had extracted antibodies to the zombie virus, and every frequency band was filled with joy.

Even the Zombie King of the Zombie Alliance did not give an impassioned speech today.

Everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

But Bai Xirong could hear the tense atmosphere.

"If a vaccine is developed, zombies will still be zombies, and humans will not be afraid of zombie viruses. By then, some people's self-confidence will be extremely inflated. They..."

A flash of worry flashed in Bai Xi's eyes.

She only thought about giving the hibiscus tree to the Alliance so that humans would no longer have to fear the zombie virus, but she did not think about the series of things that would happen next.

"They will start to encircle and suppress zombies, break out conflicts with zombies, and even try to eliminate all zombies." Leng Yebai paused slightly and continued, "It's just that there are too many zombies, and there are countless high-level zombies. Even if you are not afraid of the zombie virus, you will not win."

This is suicidal.

If we encounter a few more extreme people like Fang Jin, the earth may restart.

"If I had known this,

They should wait until a plant that can turn zombies into humans is discovered before handing over the hibiscus tree. "

Bai Xirong felt slightly regretful.

It's not that she favors zombies, but that humans are really no match for zombies.

If we really fight zombies because of the development of vaccines, more humans will die.

"Since the alliance chose to make it public, it should have thought about what happened next. Regardless of whether it chooses to hand over the fuso tree or not, Captain Zhang has already set his sights on the fuso tree, and the result will be the same."

Leng Yebai saw Bai Xirong's frown, took a piece of fruit candy from the table and placed it in Bai Xirong's palm.

"Captain Zhang is so smart that he would not announce that a vaccine is about to be developed so quickly. I'm afraid someone else announced it in advance." Bai Zhengxuan said.

Captain Zhang has absolute strength and power in the alliance.

But Captain Zhang is only one person after all. There are many strong men in the alliance, including people like Fang Jin.

"Don't worry about it. Can't Captain Zhang predict the future? This should be within his expectation!" Bai Anhai was very ambitious.

Anyway, their family has a backing.

Whether they are zombies or humans, they are all related to his family!

"Yes! Captain Zhang is really a god. Judging from his various performances, he came here this time just for the Fusang tree and the spiritual spring water in the Xiaolu space."

The base commander nodded aside and echoed Leng Yebai's words.

Captain Zhang didn't show off himself at all, and seemed to know the Bai family very well.

Is it really so magical to predict the future?

The base commander's heart trembled, and he wanted to find Captain Zhang immediately and ask him about the future.

He just wants to know what the future of mankind will look like.

Is it really possible to bring the dead back to life...

The thought flashed away, and before I had time to think about it, the bus stopped.

"Sister, why don't we stop here?" Bai Yifan turned back and looked at Bai Xirong.

Since Captain Zhang said he would come to see Zhang Yiming, he would definitely come.

Talk to Zhang Yiming in advance, and you will be prepared when the time comes.

The province triggered a war between the two.

"Well, we will leave here. You and the base commander should go back to the safe base first! There may be some instability in the base recently." Bai Xirong said.

Fortunately, Yunhua Security Base has Zhang Yiming nearby, so high-level zombies will not be unscrupulous.

Announcing in advance that a vaccine is about to be developed can indeed be encouraging, but it also makes some smart zombies impatient to wait.

During this period of time, high-level zombies will attack humans frantically in order to expand their zombie team.

If it is not expanded at this time and everyone is vaccinated, no one will be able to become a zombie brother.

Of course, during this period of time, people also see hope in the future and will live even more tenaciously to resist zombies.

It’s not particularly bad, nor is it a good thing.

"Be careful."

The base director knew what they were going to do and gave a worried warning.

Even though he knew that Zhang Yiming was good friends with them and there would be no danger there, the base director was still a little worried.

I always feel that these two are still children, and it is too early to be independent.


Bai Xirui responded with a smile and took Leng Yebai's hand to get off the bus.

Leng Yebai pursed his thin lips and glanced at the worried base commander. His mouth moved, but his eyes fell on the base commander's empty left arm.

Finally, he said, "Okay."

Without looking at the base commander's crazily raised corners of his mouth, Leng Ye got out of the car without looking back.

The place where Bai Yifan stopped was still some distance away from the Yunhua Security Base, on the edge of the Magic City.

There were only a few zombies here. As soon as Bai Xi and Li got out of the car, the angry roars of zombies rang out around them.


The zombies with faces covered with carrion showed no reaction to the sudden cold weather, and their limbs were so twisted that they could support their bodies.

The whole body was shaking violently, almost falling apart.

Bai Xilu and Leng Yebai were both wearing thick down jackets, and their breath turned into white mist.

There was no white mist exhaled from the rotting mouth of the zombie, only the bloodthirsty factor coming from the mind.

Brutal, bloodthirsty, crazy...

"I forgot to ask classmate Xiao Ming where it would be more convenient to find him."

Bai Xirong looked at the zombies whose faces were full of rotten flesh and had no way of communicating with humans. They were a little big-headed.

She did know several places where Zhang Yiming lived, but Bai Xirong really didn't know where Zhang Yiming was now.

"It's okay. If you can't find it, just dig out a few more crystal cores. If you can, make a little bit."

Purple thunder and lightning overflowed from Leng Yebai's fingertips, and the thunder and lightning was condensed with rich energy.

Just one thought from Leng Yebai can pierce the heads of these little zombies.

Just as he was about to take action, the roaring zombies suddenly stopped.

The zombies that were extremely violent just now turned back in unison, and then fled madly in the direction they came from.

"Xiao Xi, may I ask, are you looking for my boss?"

A gust of wind blew, and before anyone could be seen, a gentle voice was heard.

It's Xiao Li who has wind powers.

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