Chapter 809, send him home

Xiao Li secretly looked up at Bai Xirong, and then quickly lowered his head.

Fang Yuanyuan is seeking death. Under normal circumstances, Xiao Li would immediately clear out such people without even having a chance to say a second sentence.

But here Bai Xilu and Leng Yebai, even if they are pretending, must be more elegant and not too bloody and brutal.

Be a good zombie.

"elder sister……"

Little Shota's eyes were filled with mist, and his little body was trembling slightly.

He seemed to understand that this was his last chance to survive. If the people in front of him didn't help him, he might really die.

Bai Xirong also waved to the little boy as a greeting.

At the same time, his eyes looked at Zhang Yiming.

Although she had not asked, she felt that Zhang Yiming did not devour flesh and blood. She could not imagine what it would be like for Zhang Yiming to bite bright red flesh.

So Bai Xirong was not worried at all about the little boy's life or death.

Zhang Yiming saw Bai Xirong's gaze and tightened his fingers slightly.

He understood what Xiaoli was thinking. She must have reassured him, so she didn't speak, thinking that she would not kill the little boy.

However, she didn't know that she had actually devoured flesh and blood.

It’s not this world, it’s the Zombie Emperor, Zhang Yiming.

Their memories merged together, and he was the Zombie Emperor Zhang Yiming. The Zombie Emperor Zhang Yiming was him.

He can still feel the taste of flesh and blood.

Beautiful, yet painful.

Fang Yuanyuan carried the little boy and saw that Zhang Yiming ignored her. She walked to Zhang Yiming's side without fear of death and looked directly at Zhang Yiming.

She thought that her courage to kill her father would make Zhang Yiming look high on her.

Zombies must eat flesh and blood.

Even though classmate Xiao Ming looks warm and sunny, and has no intention of devouring flesh and blood, he certainly cannot resist the temptation of flesh and blood.

The reason why classmate Xiao Ming doesn’t devour flesh and blood openly is because

There is still some psychological burden.

Fang Yuanyuan's action was to tell Zhang Yiming clearly -

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if she devours flesh and blood, she is not afraid and is very supportive.

She doesn't dislike everything about Zhang Yiming.

"Xiao Ming, I brought this back to you..."

Fang Yuanyuan placed the little boy in front of Zhang Yiming, his ears slightly red.

His heart beat uncontrollably, and his hands trembled when he moved away from the little boy.

She was gambling.

I bet classmate Xiao Ming will fall in love with her who has a "bold personality" and doesn't dislike her for devouring flesh and blood.

The little boy stared blankly at Zhang Yiming in front of him, tears bursting out of his eyes, "Brother, my parents are waiting for me at home. Can I go home?"

He couldn't tell that the gentle-looking person in front of him was a zombie, but the bad woman who captured him pushed her in front of him, which meant that he was captured because of him.

"Go home." Zhang Yiming glanced at Xiao Li who had been standing aside and said, "Send him home."


Xiao Li responded, and his body instantly turned into an afterimage. In the blink of an eye, the little boy and he disappeared.

"Xiao Ming, you are so kind."

Fang Yuanyuan looked at the empty ground, her heart sank, and she felt something was not good.

There are two possibilities. Xiao Ming doesn't like to eat flesh and blood, or Bai Xirong is here and he doesn't want to ruin his image.

Fang Yuanyuan glanced at Bai Xirong fiercely, with unconcealable viciousness in her eyes.

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Yiming looked at Fang Yuanyuan calmly and spoke calmly.

Fang Yuanyuan should be dead now.

Asking her to kill Fang Jin yesterday just meant that she was not killed yesterday.

"I will be here from now on, and I will always be your right-hand man."

Fang Yuanyuan took a deep breath and said seriously.

Let go of the grudge with Bai Xirong first, and show your firm determination and willingness to stay.

Classmate Xiao Ming has always been lonely. As long as she is willing to give, she will be rewarded.

Zhang Yiming didn't speak when he heard Fang Yuanyuan's answer.

There is no need to say too much.

"Let's go and have a good chat."

Leng Yebai took Bai Xirong's hand and glanced back and forth at Zhang Yiming and Fang Yuanyuan with profound meaning.

Zhang Yiming stood there, watching the two people's backs drifting away.

It wasn't until the two figures disappeared that Zhang Yiming slowly turned around.

"Hey, wait for me."

Fang Yuanyuan thought that Zhang Yiming's ignoring her meant that he was about to accept her, so she became bolder and chased after Zhang Yiming.

Walking side by side with Zhang Yiming.

Zhang Yiming's long legs are enough for her to take a few steps at a trot, which looks quite funny.

"Boss, the child has been sent home, but..."

A gust of wind blew, and Xiao Li stopped beside Zhang Yiming, with some hesitation on his face.

Zhang Yiming stood still and looked at Xiao Li.

Powerful brain waves acted on Xiao Li's body, and Xiao Li also released his own brain waves and uploaded the scenes he saw to Zhang Yiming simultaneously.

The little boy's so-called home is the Yunhua Security Base.

Yunhua Security Base is the largest security base in the Magic City, with more than 20,000 survivors inside.

That little boy was tricked out of the security base by Fang Yuanyuan.

According to the little boy's recollection, Xiao Li sent him home in the blink of an eye.

It's just... if the little boy remembers the faces of Bai Xirong and Leng Yebai, and if he understands that Zhang Yiming and he are both zombies, he will be in trouble if he spreads some bad remarks in the security base.

After Zhang Yiming finished reading Xiao Li's memory, the aura emanating from his body was extremely cold.

The brainwaves expanded rapidly, almost destroying his relatively weak brainwaves.

Xiao Li lowered his head slightly, trembling all the time.

He was born because of Zhang Yiming, and it was Zhang Yiming's blood that made him what he is now.

No matter what, he will not betray Zhang Yiming and will faithfully carry out Zhang Yiming's orders.

Zhang Yiming asked him to send the little boy home, so he had no choice but to send him home. The aura emanating from the little boy was very strong, but he didn't think about it at all.

Even though he knew the consequences of sending the little boy back to the safe base, Zhang Yiming still carried out the order as long as he didn't take it back.

The only good thing is that the little boy is too young and has no ability to distinguish. He probably can't tell who the zombie king is.

There is still a risk of exposure.

When Fang Yuanyuan heard this, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising crazily.

She seems to have found a good way to be so white.

If all the survivors knew that Bai Xirong was a friend of the zombies, let's see how she could still live in the human safety base.

"It's okay! Even if she is exposed, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Xiao Xi is afraid that others will know that she is your friend. I'm not afraid anyway. I can even declare myself a survivor in the world!"

Fang Yuanyuan said quietly.


That is the person you love most who you have treated with all your heart and soul.

She can't even tell others that she is your friend, and she doesn't deserve such special treatment!

The aura on Zhang Yiming's body became more and more violent and chaotic, and it took a long time to slowly calm down.

"Xiao Ming, what kind of flesh and blood do you like to eat? I'll bring it back to you. I'm really not afraid of others finding out. Let's be together, okay?"

Fang Yuanyuan mustered up the courage to say what she had buried in her heart for a long time.

Perhaps it was because she was so crazy in love that Zhang Yiming was the only thought in her heart from her student days to now.

So much so that she lost even the most basic ability to observe words and emotions.

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