After the Doomsday Rebirth, My Whole Family is Big Brother

Chapter 810, Little Blue Zombie is coming

Chapter 810, Little Blue Zombie is coming

Fang Yuanyuan is very beautiful, and because she is a wood-type superpower, the vitality exuding from her body is extremely strong.

Female wood-type power users are not like male wood-type power users. They use their powers on their faces and bodies, but they do not completely convert them into powerful attack power or tend to heal.

Fang Yuanyuan has become taller and more beautiful than before, with fair face and breakable skin.

She is very confident in her appearance.

The first thing a man looks at a woman is her figure and face.

It depends on a man's first impression.

Zhang Yiming is not an ordinary man. Even if he has not turned into a zombie, he can no longer tolerate other women in his eyes.

Song Wenwen's appearance and figure were several times that of Fang Yuanyuan, but she was only as good as a goddess and as ruthless as King Xiang.

Zhang Yiming didn't answer Fang Yuanyuan's words, and without even looking at her, he raised his feet and walked in one direction.

Research is faster.

More and more people will know about the relationship between Xiao Xi and the Zombie King.

Captain Zhang, Wang Ge, the base commander, the Song family, the boy today...

Paper cannot contain fire.

Perhaps only when the zombie virus is completely conquered can he truly feel at ease.

Those humans would not reject being friends with zombies.

Of course, before that, they can also reject them, but what will greet them will be anger that no one can resist.

"Classmate Xiao Ming..."

Fang Yuanyuan saw Zhang Yiming striding forward and quickly followed him.

My head hurt suddenly, and it suddenly hit a cold wall.

When he looked up, it was Xiao Li.

"Why are you blocking me! Get out of the way!"

Fang Yuanyuan stamped her feet and pushed Xiao Li in front of her without curiosity.

His fingers touched Xiao Li's arm as if they were touching the concrete floor.


Fang Yuanyuan felt disgust rising in her heart. She could accept that Zhang Yiming was a zombie, but that didn't mean she could accept zombies.

She fantasizes about enjoying the respect of humans and zombies, but she doesn't like zombies at all.

She hated the decaying bodies and black blood of zombies. The cold bodies felt like touching corpses, giving her goosebumps all over her body.

"Miss Fang, the fee that Secretary-General Fang spent to renew your life has expired."

Xiao Li smiled gently, his face was as gentle as before, looking like a good subordinate.


Fang Yuanyuan looked at Xiao Li's gentle smile, and before she knew what it meant, she heard the roar of zombies coming from behind...

The peaceful community suddenly became boiling, with dozens of ferocious-looking zombies roaring and crowding in one direction.

The black carrion was accidentally thrown away by the claws of the same kind without even noticing.

A strong smell of blood is mixed with the decaying smell of zombies. Only humans can distinguish this smell of flesh and blood.

Xiao Li stood there expressionlessly, waiting for the end of this "banquet".

The cold sunlight shone on him and the eating zombies, lifeless and lifeless.

They are obviously active bodies, but they lack the little bit of spirituality of humans and animals.

Night falls.

The Bai family was eating dinner in the bus.

The base director didn't come over, and the weather suddenly became bad. He was dealing with the security of the base and planned to take some superpowers to hunt.

Stock up on more prey to survive the long winter ahead.

The cattle that were hunted last time had already eaten a lot because it was difficult to store due to the hot weather.

The base also needs a lot of food for the winter.

However, the base director was not panicking. He knew clearly that there was too much food piled up in Bai Xirong's space to be eaten all.

If it were impossible to get it in vain, the Crystal Core Base would be rich, and the survivors of the Yunhua Security Base would also be extremely rich.

At that time, Bai Xirong can make a lot of money again.

Leng Yebai sat on the sofa, carefully peeling the shrimps, and put the good parts on Bai Xilu's plate.

When the pile reached a certain level, Bai Xirong ate it all in one go, feeling extremely satisfied.

Leng Yebai was also very satisfied.

"Sister, I want to go to the black market to buy something tomorrow. Can you give me two crystal cores? Just ordinary crystal cores."

Bai Yifan kept poking at the rice with his chopsticks, looking at Bai Xilong eagerly.

"buy what?"

Bai Xirong is still very open-minded and will never reject her brother directly.

It's just two crystal nuclei, which is equivalent to several hundred dollars before the end of the world.

"I heard from Hong Yu that there are a lot of card sellers inside!"

Bai Yifan blinked.

He didn't have a hobby of collecting cards before, and when he was hoarding supplies, he didn't waste money on these useless things.

I haven’t even gone to the toy market to stock up on supplies.

The black market sells everything, and the cards are useless, so they are sold extremely cheaply.

There are only two crystal cores on the left and right, so we should be able to get them, right?

The crystal cores at home were packed in sacks, and he just wanted to experience the feeling of being a prodigal.


Bai Xirong shook her head.

Bai Yifan:......

"Ah ah ah, no, I want it, I want to buy something!"

Bai Yifan pushed the bowl and sat on the sofa, twisting restlessly.

Just like when I asked my mother for pocket money, she would lie on the ground and roll around.

A boy no more than sixteen years old.

Rolling on the floor is too ugly, so some mature boys choose to roll on the sofa.

Leng Yebai stood up naturally and made room for Bai Yifan, giving him enough space.

Not to mention, the Bai family didn't even feel annoyed when Bai Yifan made a scene. In the past, he would have been beaten.

It's probably because there is rarely such a "warm" atmosphere in the apocalypse.

"Xiaofan, I'll give you a chance to make a lot of money. You can get five crystal cores."

Bai Anhai's voice sounded.

Bai Yifan stood up immediately, his eyes shining.

No matter how many crystal cores he has at home, they don't belong to him, and he doesn't have a private crystal core. It would be great if he could earn the crystal cores at home.

"Today it's my turn to do housework. You wash the socks for me and I'll give you five crystal nuclei."

Bai Anhai directly took out five crystal cores and placed them in front of Bai Yifan.

"make a deal!"

Bai Yifan immediately stopped rolling and quickly collected the crystal core.

"For my share tomorrow, help me wash my socks."

Bai Zhengxuan also took out five crystal cores.

Save yourself the trouble!


Bai Yifan accepted it happily and looked directly at Leng Yebai.

If Brother Leng doesn't want to do housework, he can also help. It only requires five crystal cores, which are high quality and cheap!

"I can wash it myself."

Leng Yebai spoke calmly.

Xiao Xi probably doesn't like lazy men. Now that he is a door-to-door son-in-law, he can't be lazy and lazy all day long, as he will be easily disliked.

Leng Yebai is very precise about his positioning. Lazy things are absolutely not allowed!

Compared with Leng Yebai, Bai Zhengxuan and Bai Anhai, this is the difference between an old slicker and a newcomer.

One is someone who has just entered the trap, and the remaining two have been involved in the trap for a long time.

"I can use less." Bai Yifan reminded.

He really didn't want to lose this business.

Leng Yebai remained unmoved.

Bai Yifan still wanted to persuade Leng Yebai, but if it didn't work, just a crystal core would do. Before he could speak, Bai Xirong suddenly stood up.

"The little blue zombie is here!"

Bai Xirong looked in one direction, with a look of astonishment on her face.

She could actually directly feel the brain waves of the little blue zombie!

The little blue zombie breaks through again!

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