Chapter 811, Treasure Human

Outside Yunhua Security Base, in a deserted alley.

A tall girl stood there with bare feet, her white soles stepping on the ground, and sharp stones and debris scratched her delicate soles, causing ink-black blood to flow out.

The weather was already several degrees below zero, and the girl was wearing a thin long-sleeved dress. The blue dress made the skin on her face white and flawless.

The smooth black hair hangs down naturally, like a black waterfall.

The eyes were obviously big double eyelids, but they carried an aura that kept strangers away.

Looking quietly in one direction, when he saw two figures appearing in his field of vision, his cold eyes instantly became curved.


Bai Xirui looked up and down at the ridiculously beautiful girl in front of her, and couldn't believe her eyes.

It's not that she doesn't believe that Little Blue Zombie is so beautiful, she can't believe that Little Blue Zombie can transform from an ordinary zombie into a real zombie king in just a short period of time!

The evolution speed of zombies is much slower than the speed of human beings improving their abilities. Among the billions of zombies, there can be tens of thousands of zombie kings, which is considered to be the limit.

The little blue zombie has truly evolved from "zero basics", from a zombie that only knows bloodthirsty to a zombie king that looks exactly like a human!

This ability to evolve is amazing.

"Well, it's me."

The corners of Song Wenwen's mouth raised slightly, and the muscles on her face moved well with her smile.

Even though this was a smile she was deliberately pretending, it was almost human-like.

"Why aren't you wearing shoes?"

Bai Xirong looked at the soles of her feet with black blood flowing all the time, and felt a slight pain.

I don't care much about my appearance.

"It doesn't matter whether you wear it or not."

Song Wenwen blinked innocently, not feeling any difference whether he was wearing shoes or not.

Humans wear shoes to protect their feet from being scratched by sharp objects on the ground.

She feels no pain,

I can't feel the temperature, so there's nothing wrong with wearing a skirt or bare feet in this weather.

"You'd better put it on! If your parents see it, they will definitely feel distressed." Bai Xili said.

Song Wenwen paused slightly, and then nodded after a while.

"Help keep watch outside and don't let anyone come over!"

Bai Xirong pushed Leng Yebai out of the alley, and couldn't wait to try the brainwave experiment with the little blue zombie.

We are now at a critical moment in the development of a zombie virus vaccine. The major security bases are on tight guard for fear of being captured by the zombie swarm before the antidote is researched.

The director of Lengda Base also set an example, and the number of gatekeepers and patrols increased several times.

The chance of the little blue zombie entering the safe base is very small - unless the base grows up and takes her in personally.

The little blue zombie now has a completely autonomous consciousness and has returned to human IQ. Since she chose not to enter the safe base, she must have her reasons.

Her decision should be respected.

Today's little blue zombie is no longer an ordinary zombie. Using brain waves to communicate with her will help both parties understand brain waves.

Bai Xirong's proposal was not rejected by Leng Yebai.

——Even if he refuses, it will be of no use.

The corners of Leng Yebai's mouth turned down slightly, he glanced at the little blue zombie, then silently turned his back and stood at the entrance of the alley.

Not too far away, you can see the scene outside, be wary of people coming from outside, and also pay attention to the scene inside at all times.

He was afraid that Xiao Xi would suffer.

The little blue zombie used to be stupid and stupid, so there was no need to be particularly vigilant.

Now it doesn’t work anymore, Xiaolan Zombie followed Zhang Yiming.

With such a green-tea zombie king leading him, the zombies under him are not very serious.

Just as Bai Xirong was getting ready, a violent brainwave enveloped her.

The little blue zombie has tried his best to restrain his thoughts and not think about devouring flesh and blood.

But this was an instinct engraved in her bones and she couldn't suppress it no matter what.

Bai Xirong also began to empty her mind and entered a state of "selflessness".

What are brain waves?

Invisible, intangible.

High-level zombies use it to convey information and have absolute control over low-level zombies, giving them a sense of oppression.

It is difficult for humans to grasp brain waves and cannot sense their existence.

Probably because of rebirth, the fusion of past and present brain waves made Bai Xirong more sensitive to brain waves.

At the beginning, Bai Xixi could use brain waves to guide the thoughts of the little blue zombie and communicate with her.

This is only the first phase.

If you can learn how to use brainwaves to exert coercion on high-level zombies and give the enemy an absolute sense of oppression, you will win the battle without a fight.

This is completely different from the coercion that humans exude.

One is the aura that comes with it, and the other is the mental blow to the target.

All low-level zombies cannot withstand the pressure brought by the brain waves of high-level zombies.

If you can learn this move, you will have the advantage of crushing superpowers of the same level and below.

You might even be able to cross levels and challenge people with powers higher than yourself!

Near the alley, two invisible brain waves enveloped the area.

A zombie king with strong brainwaves made the nearby zombies afraid to approach. The zombies that had no time to leave stood there with their heads lowered, shivering with the instinct engraved in their bones.

The other brain wave is very gentle and has no lethality.

But under the guidance of the zombie king's violent brainwaves, the gentle brainwaves began to become angular and began to show their power.

Under the influence of the gentle brain waves, the violent brain waves began to become calmer, not as chaotic as before.

The two complement each other and complete each other.

Two hours passed.

Bai Xirong and Xiaolan Zombie opened their eyes at the same time.

Similar black pupils burst out with a scornful aura. Slowly, the two pairs of eyes opened and closed at the same time, and became calm again.

"Xiao Xi, you are so amazing!"

There was a hint of envy in the little blue zombie's voice.

Even she herself didn't notice that this time she didn't pretend to be her feelings, but showed her emotions naturally.

Zombies also have emotions.

All the emotions of zombies are manic, chaotic, bloodthirsty, violent... and other negative emotions.

The little blue zombie didn't want to reveal these emotions to her friends, so she had been practicing how to smile and speak in a gentle tone.

She is not as crazy as the current Zombie Emperor. Except for the fact that the blood in his body is black, his body temperature and true feelings are already perfectly close to human beings.

She only looks like a zombie on the outside, and is no different from a zombie on the inside.

She felt nothing beautiful from herself.

Because of this, she likes to stay with Xiao Xi very much. Xiao Xi's brain waves can quickly calm down her frantic brain waves...

This is something no one can do.

If other zombie kings knew that there was such a treasured human being like Bai Xilu, they would definitely go crazy!

Not all zombie kings are crazy, there are also some who want to calm down but are unable to control them.

The most rare and commendable thing is that human beings can control their own brain waves without using any tools!

Much more powerful than Experiment No. 9 captured by a certain zombie king!

"Actually, you are the most powerful."

Seeing the bright eyes of the little blue zombie, Bai Xirui's face twitched.

In terms of progress, Little Blue Zombie is the father!

What does it mean for the King of Glory to envy her a piece of gold?

? ?……



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