After the Doomsday Rebirth, My Whole Family is Big Brother

Chapter 812: Learning the skills of zombies

Chapter 812, learn the skills of zombies

"Come, let me show you what it's like to have a little brother!"

Xiao Lan Zombie grabbed Bai Xirong's hand and pulled her out of the alley.

Bai Xirong raised her eyebrows slightly, not minding that her hand was held by cold fingers.

Just like normal human besties.

"Ho ho..."

As soon as Bai Xirong and Xiaolan Zombie stood where Leng Yebai was standing, a heavy whooshing sound was heard.

It's the sound of a zombie.

A strong aura of decay hit his face, and a hideous-looking zombie slowly walked in this direction.

This is an ordinary male zombie. Due to the weather and the sun, it often chases flesh and blood. The shoes on its feet are tattered and can easily fall off at any time.

The seven and a half fingers have weird twists and turns, and the nails are all worn away, exposing the white bones.

It lowered its head without raising its head.

Staring at the ground with dull eyes, the scent of flesh and blood that his nose smelled made him a little restless.

If it weren't for the brain wave suppression of the little blue zombie, it would have pounced on it without hesitation, without considering any consequences. Even if it was a mantis acting as a car, it would still chase the flesh and blood.

"Only more violent and violent brain waves can easily subdue the zombie boy. If you want it to complete the task assigned by you, you must pass on the brain waves."

As the little blue zombie said this, he guided Bai Xirong's brain waves to control the ordinary zombie in front of him.

Bai Xirong's brainwaves are relatively clumsy.

She had only communicated with one zombie, Little Blue Zombie. Even when Little Blue Zombie was an ordinary zombie, it was extremely quiet, its brainwaves were violent but it was cooperative enough.

The ordinary zombie in front of me was like a mad cow. It couldn't be calmed down by even a few words, so it could only be suppressed by brain waves.

Bai Xirong imagined herself as a zombie, her aura suddenly changed, and her brainwaves gradually changed from gentle to those of the little blue zombie.

The brain waves that Little Blue Zombie affects on the male zombies gradually release, giving control to Bai Xirong.

It's like two people handing something over.

Both hands raised the water glass at the same time. One person slowly let go, and the other person slowly pressed hard until the water glass was completely handed to the other person.

Gradually, Bai Xirong completely suppressed the zombies' behavior by relying on the brain waves she imitated.

From the beginning to the end, the male zombie did not raise his head, his body was even trembling, and he could still smell the impatient sound of flesh and blood in his throat, and he never dared to go beyond the rules.

"Just like communicating with me, command it and make it listen to you. Remember not to be too gentle. You must have absolute leadership!"

The little blue zombie's eyes fell on the male zombie, always paying attention to its reaction.

The distance to the zombie is too close at this time. If the zombie suddenly goes crazy and resists, the little blue zombie can subdue it immediately.

Bai Xirong's performance has exceeded Xiaolan Zombie's expectations.

The ability of high-level zombies to command low-level zombies is almost innate and does not require learning to use.

It is too difficult for humans to do this. There is almost no way except to perform a major surgery on the brain or use scientific devices.

Bai Xirong's learning ability is very strong, beyond her imagination.

As a zombie king, her imagination is objective and not mixed with any emotions, just like a computer calculating numbers without any emotions.

Bai Xi Ramie transcends human limits.

Learning, imitating, and practicing are not things that can be completed in one day. It takes a long time to digest.

And all this took Bai Xirong only two hours.

The little blue zombie was slightly emotional.

If Xiao Xi becomes a zombie, they can kill Zhang Yiming together and support Xiao Xi as the zombie king!

Tsk, perfect!


The male zombie let out a roar, raised his head that had been lowered just now, and looked in Bai Xirong's direction with a pair of dull eyes.

The sound coming from the throat is extremely urgent, and he rushes to enjoy the flesh and blood in front of him at any time.

Bai Xirong did not panic when the zombie suddenly raised its head. Her aura became more and more intense, and her dark eyes looked at those dull eyes without hesitation.

There is an unmistakable command tone conveyed in the brainwaves.

Turn around and squat down.

Bai Xili conveyed just a simple message several times, each time being more severe than the last time.

After a long time, a dull sound came from the chest of the male zombie, and he slowly turned around.

Creak, creak -

The stiff body creaked as he squatted down, as if it would fall apart at any moment.

Even if the zombies are constantly moving and chasing flesh and blood, the joints on their bodies are still very stiff.

A simple squatting action almost killed the male zombie.

Bai Xirong even heard a crisp clicking sound that made her scalp numb.

Probably one of the bones in the male zombie's body broke due to the lack of fresh blood to provide energy for a long time.

Seeing that the male zombie was almost squatting on the ground, with a plop, the stiff joints did not continue to bend and fell to the ground.

The male zombie stared blankly at the sky, motionless like a brainless thinker.

"The order is not absolute enough. It does not carry out your order. Every order should be engraved in their bones and made them execute it even if they risk their lives, so that they will not resist, nor give up on the mission, but will always surrender. "

Little Blue Zombie said from the side.

"Then it's quite troublesome for you to order the zombies to do their work."

Bai Xirong wiped the sweat from her forehead, feeling a little tired.

"It's no trouble, we can just give a random order, and they will execute it with all their might. I don't know why, it's probably just innate!"

The little blue zombie tilted its neck, looking innocent.

Lower zombies naturally obey the orders of higher zombies.

"So, you are born to obey that pretty boy's orders with all your might, right?"

Leng Yebai glanced at the two white fingers still holding each other, with a hint of coldness in his voice.

Chiguoguo's contempt.

The atmosphere in the zombie world is getting worse and worse!

They are all led by the crooked zombie king!

Leng Yebai couldn't wait to carry his wife back to the base, and then beat up a certain zombie king and his crooked younger brother.

However, his wife also grabbed the zombie brother's hand with her backhand, and it was really difficult for him to do it!

Hearing Leng Yebai's sarcastic words, the little blue zombie's teeth made a crunching sound.

It's hard to imagine how those white jade-like teeth could make such a mind-numbing sound.

Wait, I won't obey soon. When I become more powerful and my brainwaves improve to a higher level, I will definitely become the Zombie Emperor!

Little Blue Zombie didn't dare to say these words. All the zombies were Zhang Yiming's spies, and he could hear everything they said.

Even if she is extremely talented, she is not as good as Zhang Yiming, but she has plenty of time. She can wait until Xiao Ramie kills Zhang Yiming, and then she can become the zombie emperor!

She believed that as long as Xiao Ramie was willing to take action, she would definitely succeed.

Oh yeah!

There’s one more reason to teach little Ramu to strengthen her brain waves!

"Ho ho—"

The zombie that had just been lying on the ground stood up again under the command of Bai Xirui's brain waves.

He started trying to squat again.

This action is difficult for zombies to complete, and it can perfect Bai Xirong's control over the zombies.

? ?(???_??)?



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