Chapter 814, let my brother come

"Who knows!"

The little blue zombie shrugged his shoulders, and there was no sour feeling in his heart.

I just feel that none of this has anything to do with her.

If there really was a day when she could choose whether to become a human or a zombie, she thought, she would probably maintain her current situation!

"I'll call my uncles and aunts out later! They've missed you a lot recently. They met me a few times and asked if they'd seen you."

Bai Xirong thought of the Song family.

They loved Little Blue Zombie so much that even though she turned into a zombie, they still treated her the same as before.

Treat her like a little princess.

They must feel sorry for the little blue zombie who is alone outside. They wonder if she has eaten well or if she will be bullied by other zombies.

After all, the hierarchy among zombies is strict. High-level zombies have absolute control over low-level zombies, and low-level zombies have no way to resist.

In other words, cannon fodder.

"No need, I just know they are living well."

The little blue zombie raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of the safe base, with a trace of reluctance flashing in his eyes.

She was afraid that she couldn't control herself.

Flesh, she needs flesh and blood to evolve.

As her level increased, it became increasingly difficult for her to control herself over flesh and blood.

When she was still an ordinary zombie, Bai Xirong gave her vegetables to eat. She could tolerate it because of the influence of Zhang Yiming's brain waves.

Zhang Yiming ordered her not to harm the Bai family.

This directive, above all else, is deeply ingrained.

So she can stand here and talk to Bai Xirong.

She didn't want to hurt her family, so it was better not to meet. If she couldn't restrain herself after meeting, it would be a tragedy.


Bai Xirong saw the sadness in Xiaolan Zombie's eyes, and for a moment she didn't know where to start comforting her.

She probably understood what the little blue zombie was thinking.

The more I care about my family, the less I want to appear in front of them.

"Not seeing him is not an option. It's better to call my brother over and say a few words when you have time! Don't let my parents come over, lest I accidentally hurt them. When my level is higher and I can control myself, Have a good chat with them again.”

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the little blue zombie, without the compassion just now.

Bai Xirong:......

I hope your brother won't hear this.


Leng Yebai on the side suddenly took Bai Xirong's hand and looked in one direction.

At the same time, the little blue zombie's eyes instantly became fierce, and his brain waves became active quickly.

A powerful wave of supernatural power overflowed from his body, although he was ready for a battle.

A gust of wind blew, and a tall figure appeared in front, accompanied by a gentle voice.

"Are you chatting? Why don't you see kid Zhang Yiming?"

It’s Captain Zhang.

He wears gold-rimmed glasses, his hair is neatly combed, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and he exudes a soft aura.

The weather was still cold, but he was wearing a thin suit and his leather shoes were polished.

There is a feeling of being a politician.

The little blue zombie is on high alert and can rush over at any time.

The aura exuded by Captain Zhang is too dangerous. Humans and zombies have always been at odds with each other.

Xiao Lan's zombie posture was out of instinct. At the same time, she also smelled the rich scent of flesh and blood on Captain Zhang's body.

The higher the level of the superpower, the richer the flesh and blood from his body is to zombies.

The little blue zombie also knew that he couldn't defeat it, so he could only wait on the sidelines.

Don't leave either.

She was afraid that Captain Zhang would be unfavorable to Bai Xirong.

"Captain Zhang? Why are you back so soon?"

Bai Xirong was shocked, she was already standing in front of the little blue zombie.

After all, Captain Zhang is the captain of the Human Alliance. Even if he wants to negotiate with Zhang Yiming, there is no guarantee that he will not take action against zombies.

"Don't worry, since I'm your friend, I won't do anything."

Captain Zhang reached out and touched his face, speaking as calmly as possible.

Does he look that serious?

Maybe it’s just a habit of pretending!

In the past, he was not a serious person and had always been easy-going.

Now he represents the face of this land, and every force is staring at him. He feels that he cannot be embarrassed.

Little Blue Zombie listened carefully to the conversation between the two and quickly came to a conclusion.

The person in front of him was very powerful. He and Xiao Ramu had known each other before, and they wanted to find that guy Zhang Yiming.

The little blue zombie frowned slightly, what would a human do to that guy Zhang Yiming?

Do you want to be eaten, or do you want to kill that guy Zhang Yiming?

Judging from the momentum, this person is very powerful, but Xiaolan Zombie still thinks Zhang Yiming is more terrifying.

I can't resist at all, I can only obey absolutely.

Therefore, as a zombie king who can inherit Zhang Yiming's throne, he comes to the conclusion that if this guy goes to see Zhang Yiming, he just wants to be eaten.

She has never seen that guy Zhang Yiming swallowing flesh and blood!

It would be a waste to go!

Xiaolan Zombie felt a little pity that he wouldn't give it to her to eat!

Even the bones can be broken into pieces and swallowed.

"Little girl, where is your boss? Use your brain waves to call him over! I have something to tell him."

Captain Zhang nodded to Bai Xirong and looked at the little blue zombie behind Bai Xirong.

When he looked at the little blue zombie, his eyes were not so soft, with a hint of coldness.

There is a difference between humans and zombies after all.

He is the captain of the Human Alliance. He leads humans to fight against zombies. There is no need to be nice to zombies.

He has always been serious in front of humans.

In front of the Bai family, he became a lot gentler.

After all, this is a big family, and three melons and two dates spilling from his fingertips are enough for him to struggle for a long time.

Sometimes, he really doesn't want to work hard.

Ahem, a man with forty-one flowers, he thinks he's okay! ! ! !

The little blue zombie looked slightly nervous as Captain Zhang suddenly changed from cold to a bit...cowardly.

This guy wouldn't want to harm Zhang Yiming, right?

This is not possible!

It was ruined, but if it was ruined through her, she wouldn't be able to survive?

My emperor must be killed before she dies.

In the midst of the electric sparks, Xiaolan Zombie held back three words.

"he died."

Forgive Xiaolan, she is just a zombie and doesn't have that much in mind.

He's not very good at lying or anything like that.

Bai Xirong, Leng Yebai and Captain Zhang looked at the little blue zombie in shock at the same time.

This guy is awesome!

Dare to curse Zhang Yiming!

"Are all of Zhang Yiming's zombies as brave as you?"

It took Captain Zhang a long time to recover. This was the first time he heard a zombie curse the highest level zombie.

"...He's really dead."

The little blue zombie blinked and felt that the other party didn't quite believe it, so he repeated it deliberately.

She has dozens of tricks up her sleeve, so she can probably deceive him!

As a zombie, she has a very down-to-earth mind. Apart from devouring flesh and blood, she really has no other crooked thoughts in her head.

You can only make up for the shape with the shape. She can figure out what she eats to make up for it.

"What do you want from me?"

A cold voice sounded from around the corner.

Everyone looked up and saw Zhang Yiming walking over slowly with a bloody smile on his lips.

Little Blue Zombie:......

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