Chapter 815, you can work hard

The little blue zombie lowered his head silently, pretending not to notice the smiling zombie king in front of him, who could actually crush a crystal core with his bare hands.

She quietly hid her body behind Bai Xi Ramie, and quietly stretched out her fingers to gently tug Bai Xi Ramie's sleeves.

Brother, how about we rebel now?

She felt that there was no hope for her survival, and the smell of flesh and blood filling her nose became lighter.

Sooner or later you have to die!

Bai Xirong noticed the movements of the little blue zombie and glanced at the little blue zombie comfortingly.

Calm down, just in case your boss doesn’t hear it!

"Classmate Xiao Ming, when did you come?"

Bai Xirong coughed and looked at Zhang Yiming who had just appeared.

"Before Captain Zhang comes," Zhang Yiming said.

Bai Xirong nodded slightly.


Very good, this time the little blue zombie is really finished!

Little Blue Zombie:......

There is no need to ask so clearly.

"You're looking for me?"

Zhang Yiming looked away from Bai Xirong and looked at Captain Zhang standing aside, his voice cold.

"Well, I think we have a lot to talk about, such as the future before humans and zombies." Captain Zhang said with a smile, "Xiao Xi, why don't you come and discuss it together?"

Captain Zhang felt that Zhang Yiming would be able to talk better if he brought Bai Xirong and the two with him.

The future of humans and zombies, as the name suggests, is actually just the future of humans.

At the end of the day, it is humans who benefit the most.

"No, we can just discuss it."

Zhang Yiming refused without hesitation and was not prepared to bring Bai Xirong and the others in.

These things are too complicated, and once you get involved, it is difficult to get out unscathed.

He doesn't want her to be a hero of mankind,

Being a hero is not easy.

Captain Zhang glanced back and forth at Bai Xirong and Zhang Yiming, smiled softly, and did not insist on doing so.

"It's getting late, go back and rest quickly!"

Zhang Yiming raised his head and glanced at the stars in the sky, with a faint smile on his face. When he looked in the direction of Bai Xirong, his voice was extremely gentle.

The little blue zombie behind Bai Xirong happened to see this smile, and his body suddenly stiffened.

Died young.

This smile is really zombie-like!

If she is wrong, please punish her by not being able to eat meat for ten days, and don't let her temporary boss show this expression!

When he looked at me like this, I felt like I wouldn't live long!

The little blue zombie's hand held the corner of Bai Xi's clothes much tighter.

She has a deep love for sisters Xiao Ramie. Can you kill this ferocious king for her?

"You...are not going to fight, are you?"

Bai Xilu was slightly worried.

If a fight really breaks out, it's not something that can be solved by killing one or two zombies or one or two people with super powers.

"I'm just chatting with him, not fighting." Captain Zhang tugged on his sleeves, straightened his slightly wrinkled clothes, and said with a smile, "Look at me being so gentle, I'm not a person who knows how to fight!"

While speaking, he also imitated the boy in his twenties and blinked his eyes and gave her a flirtatious look.

I heard that little milk dogs are very popular!

He felt that he could work hard.

Old men can also be very attractive.

If he can save all mankind with his forty-year-old body, he can risk it!

Chatting with Zhang Yiming can change the future, but this guy is a zombie after all, and there is nothing substantial to give him.

Bai Xirong gave him enough to fight for a long time.

This is a big deal!

He doesn't want to be so shameless, but Bai Xirong can give too much!

"Don't worry." Zhang Yiming also spoke.

Bai Xirong looked at the smiling faces of the two people in front of her and always felt something was strange.

Classmate Xiao Ming has always smiled like this, but when did Captain Zhang smile so... wantonly?


Leng Yebai pursed her thin lips, pulled Bai Xirong and turned around to leave.

He knew it.

The zombie king and the alliance captain are all perverts!

The smile on his face was full of joy, just like a smiler!

Not as elegant as him at all!

"……I send you!"

The little blue zombie decisively chased in the direction of Bai Xirong.

She feels that it is best not to come back before my emperor dies in ten or eight years.

It is easy to crush the crystal core.

You can't beat it, but you will live longer if you stay by Xiao Ramie's side.

"You stay."

The little blue zombie had just taken two steps towards Bai Xirong when Zhang Yiming's cold voice came over.

Dangerous brain waves fell on the little blue zombie, and his body trembled subconsciously.

The little blue zombie stopped suddenly, but kept his hand grasping Bai Xirong, and stared at Bai Xirong's back closely.

It’s over…

"Little ramie..."

Little Blue Zombie reluctantly shouted Bai Xirong's name, wishing he could just say let's rebel together!

There is quite a posture of breaking a jar and smashing it.

I really want Bai Xirong to hold down Zhang Yiming while she goes to twist Zhang Yiming's head off.

"Don't scare Xiaolan, she was just joking!"

Bai Xirong understood that zombies were afraid of Zhang Yiming, for fear that Xiaolan's zombie would be bullied.

She and the little blue zombie are also cross-species best friends.


Zhang Yiming responded.

The little blue zombie blinked, and the dangerous brain waves on her body disappeared instantly, and she came back to life.

One thing brings down another thing!

Xiao Ramie defeated Zhang Yiming, and Zhang Yiming defeated her.

Little Blue Zombie, who has dozens of thoughtful eyes, suddenly thought of the key point. Being friends with Little Ramie will definitely not be a disadvantage!

The little blue zombie stood silently far away from Zhang Yiming, with dozens of minds constantly thinking about something.

Neither Zhang Yiming nor Captain Zhang spoke.

When Bai Xirong and the two figures disappeared completely, Captain Zhang finally spoke,

"The zombie virus antibodies have been extracted. Humans will no longer be infected with zombie viruses and become zombies. Mr. Zhong will continue to study zombie viruses and find ways to turn zombies into humans."

As Captain Zhang spoke, his eyes looked into the dark corner.

From there, several figures slowly walked out.

The heavy footsteps made it easy to identify their identities, which were zombies.

Walking at the front is the zombie king Xiao Li, and behind him are two ferocious-looking zombies.

One is a male zombie in a suit, and the other is a Xiao Song zombie.

With rotten flesh hanging on their faces, they are not zombie kings. They have been with Zhang Yiming for so long, and they are much more powerful than ordinary high-level zombies.

Captain Zhang didn't react at all to the appearance of these zombies, and his voice remained calm.

He knew that Zhang Yiming would not completely trust him yet.

What's more, he contacted Zhang Yiming through Bai Xirong, so Zhang Yiming would only be more cautious.

"The first half of the sentence is indeed true, but the second half is okay to deceive those stupid humans."

Zhang Yiming snorted lightly, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Zhang Yiming doesn't believe the nonsense that zombies can be turned into humans.

His research does not lag behind that of the Alliance.

That's almost impossible to accomplish.

How could the rotten flesh be regenerated?

Captain Zhang's face also became cooler, and he exuded the aura of a superior person.

He is completely different from the person who just wanted to be taken care of.

"As long as human civilization continues, there will be hope. What's more, you don't want this land to become a world where zombies are rampant, right?"

When Captain Zhang said this, he glanced in the direction of the security base.

He could see the future, thousands of futures that had never happened.

Seeing why the Zombie King in front of me was furious and destroyed one safe base after another...

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