"Mr. Nick, good morning." Bai Lixin glanced at Mr. Nick, and greeted Mr. Nick with an elegant and polite smile.

The smile is like a flower, and the dragon and the phoenix are beautiful.

Mr. Nick was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Bai Lixin and Emile Hongyue walking outside.

"What are you doing?" the philanthropist's wife carefully protected her stomach and asked doubtfully.

Hong Yue secretly looked at the philanthropist's wife. Compared with yesterday's slightly swollen belly, it was just one night. Now, the philanthropist's wife is five or six months old.

If it continues at this rate, it is estimated that she will give birth tonight or tomorrow.

Compared with the others, the wife of the philanthropist who has been running all night is also more haggard, and her movements are obviously inconvenient to the naked eye.

Such a weird change, the others didn't think it was strange at all.

"Ms. Ashley," Hongyue said kindly, "You look a little weak, it's better not to wander around, see a doctor, change your clothes and recuperate."

The philanthropist's wife lightly stroked her stomach, her drooping hair was full of distress: "The change of clothes is in the suitcase, and it was thrown away when the suitcase ran away."

The three of Bai Lixin swept over the five of them one by one, and all the luggage in their hands was missing.

Hongyue: "Really, it's a pity, but I think the resort is so hospitable, it should prepare a change of clothes for you."

The attendants quickly smiled and said, "Yes, guests, this way please."

Nick stared at Baili Xin and the others with a tangled expression, but after the servant's respectful and warm invitation, he still didn't say anything, but turned around slowly and left with the servant.

They were the ones who wanted to leave in the first place, and they were the ones who wronged Baili Xin.

Bai Lixin had mentioned many times that it might be a supernatural event, but they were all blindly confident and didn't take it seriously.

The other party refused to open the door for them, and to be honest, they had no reason to blame the three of them.

Watching the three of them leave, Hongyue asked Emil: "Where's the craftsman?"

Emil: "Still in the room."

Hongyue: "Otherwise, don't follow me, go and watch it, don't make any mistakes, and finally find a rescuer."

Emil looked at Hongyue, then at Bai Lixin: "No problem, no problem, if it's not enough, can you tell me, where are you two going?"

Hongyue looked serious: "You don't know?"

Emil suddenly felt a little guilty, and his tone became uncertain: "Should I know?"

Hongyue stared at Emil for a full two seconds, and when she was about to stare at Emil until she was hairy all over, she turned to look at Bai Lixin: "Yes, Bai Lixin, where are we going?"

Emil: "?"

There are so many slots and no mouths, Gan.

Bai Lixin: "Just wander around. There are still two days and two nights before the resort trip is over. It's a pity that I didn't have a chance to see this place."

Emil: "."

Is it a pity? Are you serious?

Emil took two steps back rationally, "Then I'll take care of Sa, the craftsman, please contact me if you have any situation."

After all, without looking back, Sa Yazi ran away.

The threesome going out instantly turned into a twosome.

The first thing the two went to was the back garden.

In the morning dew, in the warm and soft sun, the colorful roses stretch out their branches and petals, like innocent and beautiful little angels, dancing carefree in the greenery.

If they hadn't witnessed a spiritual massacre last night, it is estimated that no one would associate such a beautiful and pure garden with death.

The ground is covered with green grass, and there is not even a trace of a giant snake walking away.

Bai Lixin and Hongyue walked all the way, and soon found a black backpack stained with blood on the grass.

This is left by the director who was swallowed last night.

Bai Lixin squatted down, opened the zipper, and the contents of the bulging backpack were immediately exposed.

A mini video camera, a few changes of clothes, a pile of silk, and a few precious manuscripts on the bookshelves of the resort.

Generally speaking, things are not heavy, adding up to about ten catties.

He didn't take any gold and silver treasures from the resort, but chose something more helpful to his career.

Putting everything else in place, Bailixin just took out the all-in-one camera and projection machine inside.

This instrument uses batteries. Bai Lixin opened it and looked at it, and there were only two bars left in the five bars.

Temporarily turning on the camera, Bailixin continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, they came to a stone statue of the Virgin Mary.

Hongyue stared at the stone statue and the surrounding scene for a while, then said, "Here are the two stone statues where Nick's family was last night."

It is also the stone statue of Mrs. Nick when she hid the treasure at the beginning.

Bai Lixin walked to the back of the stone statue, opened the hidden door and took a look inside. Several new scratches appeared on the already mottled inner wall.

These are the marks left by Miss Nick's fingernails when she was stuck in the stone statue yesterday and tried to break free.

After carefully observing the inner wall, Bai Lixin looked away thoughtfully and straightened his back.

Hongyue still couldn't figure it out: "Have you found anything?"

Bai Lixin nodded: "A little bit."

Hongyue: "Do you still see the other stone statues?"

Bailixin is not far away

The stone statue at the place took a look and replied, "Look, let's go."

In the next half an hour or so, they walked through the remaining four stone statues. In Hongyue's eyes, Baili Xin looked at each of the stone statues very closely.

When Baili Xin finally finished watching the last stone statue, his tense face relaxed slightly, and a smile appeared on his face, "Red Moon, let's go out for a stroll."

Hongyue was looking up at the flowers, when she heard this, she looked at Baili Xin: "Go out?"

Bai Lixin: "Yes, let's take a look outside the resort, and let's walk the same road they walked yesterday."

When I came, the speed of the bus was very fast, and the surrounding scenery was almost swept away, except for a piece of green, I saw nothing.

The two returned the same way, and it was almost nine o'clock in the morning when they reached the fountain at the entrance of the resort.

Hongyue stood at the fountain and looked towards the resort hotel above the stairs, and saw the attendants who had disappeared at night reappeared, walking back and forth in the hall in an orderly manner.

It looks busy, but there is nothing to do.

Hongyue turned her head again, and Bailixin had already walked a few steps away, and her body was about to pass through the big iron gate of the resort.

She quickly followed, and while catching up with Bai Lixin, the two of them walked out of the big ornate and heavy black iron gate of the resort together.

At that moment, Hongyue shivered physically.

so cold.

There is only one door, and the temperature outside is about ten degrees different from the temperature inside the resort.

If it is sunny inside the resort, it is windy outside the resort.

Hongyue looked up at the sky, it was clearly the same clear sky, but the atmosphere was very different.

When I came here, I took the bus directly into the resort, and I didn't notice such a difference in the bus.

Hongyue: "It's kind of spooky, Bailixin."

The gate of the resort was built directly on the asphalt road, and a winding road was in front of them when they walked out of the big iron gate.

On both sides of the road, there is a dense forest. There seems to be a hill on each side, and the only road is sunken in the middle of the two mountains.

No matter how bright the sun is above the head, the dense trees on both sides block the sun above the head. It is clearly a sunny morning, but the road is shrouded in the shadow of the trees.

Bai Lixin: "If you come here in summer, it's pretty good to escape the heat."


Ordinary people: eerie, terrifying, so scary.

Xinshen: A good place to escape the summer heat.

While walking, the two observed the terrain, sometimes chatted, sometimes remained silent, and walked slowly forward.

After walking for about half an hour, when Hongyue looked back, the outline of the resort was gone.

Bai Lixin: "It's so quiet, no one is there."

Hongyue: "It's quite quiet, no one is normal, right?"

Bai Lixin: "It's not normal. Didn't the tour guide say before that all the attendants available in the resort would come to dig the road? It stands to reason that when we walked over, we would meet at least one person."

Hongyue didn't know what Bailixin wanted to say: "So?"

Bai Lixin said seriously: "So the form of a servant may only be maintained in the resort, and it will not be a human form outside the resort."

Red Moon: ""

Can we please stop saying this in a serious way? Although I am not afraid.

"By the way," Hongyue pointed to the camera in Bai Lixin's hand, "Doesn't he like to take pictures? Look at what was taken yesterday."

Speaking of which, Hongyue took the camera from Baili Xin, opened the small screen, fiddled with the button a few times, and opened the video content.

There are many sections in the video, Hongyue randomly found a section from it and clicked on it.

With a rough "thrilling" electric sound, the content on the screen also began to be projected.

——"Dear viewers, this is the most mysterious resort documentary in the world."

The director's characteristic excited voice came from the screen, and the camera also started from the bus.

The four of them sat very far back at the time, and the angle inside the camera was also recorded from the rear, because the car was a bit on-demand, and the camera was always shaking.

—— "I think you should have guessed it, yes, it is the Eden Resort. This is the most mysterious place in the world, and I will spend five days and six nights this time to reveal the secrets for you."

——"Hi everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Nick, yes"

Some familiar and some distant voices came from the camera, and familiar pictures also appeared on the screen simultaneously.

Hongyue remembers that this was the first scene where they introduced themselves.

At that time, everyone's faces were full of joy, and the camera captured everyone's enthusiastic expressions one by one without their knowledge.

Looking at the familiar faces on the screen, Hongyue suddenly sighed.

At this time, these people never expected that in just a few days, they would be in a state of embarrassment where there were only five people left today.

Hongyue pressed fast forward, and the faces on the screen immediately became funny, and the picture began to advance rapidly.

Fast forward for more than a minute, and with the transition of a picture, Hongyue let go of her hand.

The picture goes from the bus, the fountain, the hall, and the restaurant to the familiar corridor, and in the depth of the shaking camera is the weird golden room.

inside the screen

The director's excited voice came again.

——"Have you heard, this golden room is the mysterious room that the tour guide just mentioned, are you all curious about what's inside?"

——"Will it be the curse that the tour guide said? Will something bad happen?"

——"Are you scared?"

——"Hahaha, it's all a gimmick!"

——"Just like a psychological suggestion, the more you are not allowed to open it, the more curious you will be. If this room is really not allowed to enter, then an extra lock should be added from the very beginning. He gave us the key and asked Let's not open, actually want us to."

——"Are you also starting to wonder what's inside?"

The camera shakes suddenly, and begins to slowly approach Jin's room.

Bai Lixin and Hongyue looked at each other, and Hongyue's eyes became tense.

In the shot, a hand reached into the frame from below and placed it on the doorknob of the golden room.

Red Moon swallowed.

——"Haha, do you really want me to open the room right now? Now the audience can guess what's inside."

He slowly took his hand off the doorknob, but did not open Jin's room.

——"We will treat what is in Jin's room as an easter egg. I will shoot it for you at the end of the video. Before that, you can spread your thinking and guess what is inside."

——"So everyone, let's start with a paragraph of today's documentary, and see you tomorrow."

After the first video ended, Hongyue looked aggrieved, "This director deserves to be a director of suspense films. I was curious why he didn't win an award. With this tension and suspense, I would say he is the Sherlock Holmes in the director circle." Not too much, right?"

Hongyue clicked on the second video.

The electric current sounded, and time began to move, but the inside of the camera was always dark.

Hongyue frowned slightly: "Is this video broken?"

Even though she said so, she pressed the fast forward honestly with her hand.

It was still the same black picture, but when Hongyue got a little impatient, the picture finally changed.

There was only a slight "squeak" sound as the door opened, and the screen finally lit up.

It turned out that the camera was placed in the corner of the corridor. The reason why there was no picture just now was because the corridor was pitch black.

In the picture, a faint light shines in the depth of the lens, the door of Mr. Odd's room opens, and Mr. Odd's old body staggers to the front of the golden room with the key.

In the camera, Mr. Odd's face was a little pale, and his expression was a little numb. He tried several times before opening the golden room, and the camera also completely recorded the scene of Mr. Odd walking into the golden room.

Hongyue: "I'll go, this director already knew that Mr. Ode had entered the golden room, but he didn't say anything. In order to be able to shoot the so-called shocking material, can people be so indifferent?"

Bailixin: ""

Hongyue started to fast forward again, and about fifteen minutes later, the door of the room opened again, and Mr. Ode came out from inside.

At this time, his face had become very rosy, and he walked much more briskly.

After that, there was a long period of darkness until the end of the second video.

Hongyue closed the second video, and opened the third video while walking.

The camera "squeaked" a few times, and the screen lit up, showing the treasure room they visited the next day.

——"The fountains, carpets, silks, and portraits yesterday must have opened your eyes. Today I present to you the treasure house of the owner of Eden Resort. Seeing the things inside will definitely open up a new world for you door."

With the sound of pushing the door, the inside of the camera instantly became resplendent.

At this time, they should have separated.

The directorial quartet visited one corridor, and the others chose other corridors.

As the camera moved, the faces of three other actors were also recorded in it.

The picture flashed by, and Bai Lixin suddenly said: "Wait, pause, and then go back."

Hongyue didn't refute, and directly pressed pause decisively, rewinding the screen. The screen was played backwards for two seconds, and Bailixin pressed the pause button.

The picture freezes on one of the frames.

In the picture, there is a vague black shadow at the stairway.

If you don't look carefully, you may even feel that it is a ghost image in the lens.

Hongyue squinted her eyes for a while before she said uncertainly, "Looks like a snake?"

Bai Lixin: "Maybe it's the same thing as yesterday's black snake."

In addition to recording the black shadow, the camera also recorded the clock hanging in the hall. When the black shadow appeared, the time in the camera was exactly twelve noon.

Red Moon also found the time on the clock.

"The sacrifice disappeared at 12:00 noon, and the black shadow appeared at 12:00 noon. This shouldn't be a coincidence, right? Could it be that the sacrifice didn't disappear out of thin air, but was taken away by the shadow? It's just that the black shadow appears too fast, so fast that we can't even see its existence?"

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, "Play it again, and click the slowest one."

Hongyue said "OK", stepped back for a few seconds, and pressed the slow down button.

The screen was shown again, but this time it was so slow that it turned into ppts.

thyme and red

With Yue's eyes fixed, they stopped and stood on the side of the road staring at the screen without blinking, for fear of missing any pictures.

Soon, a black shadow suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

The fuzzy black shadow appeared in less than one frame.

Hongyue was surprised: "It's so fast, how many nanoseconds must it be?"

Bai Lixin took the camera from Hongyue, and he played it back and forth several times before continuing to play normally.

Hongyue: "What did you see again?"

Bai Lixin: "It shouldn't be because of the speed, it seems that there is a distortion of space."

He pressed pause again, pointed to the same place in the two frames before and after, "Look here, although the difference is a few nanoseconds before and after, the lines on the wall here are a bit blurred."

Hongyue felt a little confused: "What does this mean?"

Bai Lixin: "It means that those who disappeared did not simply enter the golden room, but entered another space. If I want to find Cal, I have to take the initiative to find this thing and catch it. I sincerely hope that Emil took I made it a sacrifice."

Red Moon: ""

I have seen myself looking for food, but this is the first time I have seen myself looking for death.

Bailixin: "Do you remember those corpses hanging on the walls?"

Hongyue: "Remember, what's wrong?"

A subtle expression appeared on Bai Lixin's face: "I think Mr. Nick's expression should be wonderful when they go back to the room to change their clothes."

Hongyue was stunned for a moment: "You mean, the bodies of the three people who were eaten last night will appear in the room again? Wasn't it swallowed by the black snake?"

Bai Lixin: "The black snake should be just a medium, taking people away and jumping back and forth between two spaces."

"The director made a wish for fame with an actress, the youngest daughter was the one who slipped through the net last time, and the eldest daughter made a wish for delicious food."

"Time is running out, let's move on."

Hongyue stared at Bai Lixin's back with a camera full of doubts: "If the black snake is not the perpetrator, then who is the murderer?"

Bai Lixin's voice was calm and gentle: "Think about it, is there a person who hasn't appeared from the beginning to the end? He has always had a high sense of presence, almost everywhere, but he never showed up."

Hongyue thought about it for a few seconds before asking uncertainly, "The owner of the resort?"

Bai Lixin: "It's probably him."

The trees in front of them became more and more dense. They had been walking for more than an hour, but at a glance, it was still a long road, and neither the end nor the so-called mudslide roadblock could be seen.

Hongyue is now completely sure that the so-called mudslide is just an excuse for the tour guide to trap people in the resort.

From the beginning to the end, there was never any mudslide. The people in the resort neither went out to find rescue, nor did they want anyone to leave here alive.

The meaningful words of the tour guide at the beginning, "It's a pity that no one can take away the treasure", are now gradually being fulfilled.

Hongyue turned on the camera and clicked on the last video.

As the screen played, the sound of arguing quickly came from inside.

The camera is always placed in the backpack, and the backpack is carried behind the director. The random footage is always bumpy. Most of the shots are other people's chests, and occasionally other people's faces can also be shot.

Director: "Who is the first to say that the one-hour assembly, the ape-man who thinks from the lower body, knows that it's getting dark because of you for more than half an hour?"

Mr. Nick: "Who asked you to wait for me? Didn't I say that those who don't want to wait can go first? Since you are waiting, just shut up and hurry on your way."

Elizabeth: "It's so cold, do you feel extra cold?"

Two pieces of clothing appeared behind Elizabeth at the same time. Elizabeth was taken aback for a moment, took one of the slightly smaller suits, and put it on herself, "Thank you, Mr. Nick."

The actor had a bitter expression on his face, and finally took the suit back, "Night is colder than the day, and it will be warmer after walking. After all, there is no sun at night. If you are still cold, I will give you my clothes."

Elizabeth ignored him.

"But it's too cold, isn't it?" Richard looked around, "Did you hear anything?"

The voice of speaking suddenly stopped, and only the panting and footsteps of the people and the mottled sound of the surrounding leaves remained in the camera.

"Don't scare yourself?" Mr. Nick said, "Richard, you are such a coward."

Director: "That's right, if there is something, we have so many people, are we afraid that they won't succeed?"

The sky outside has long been dark, and all the light in the lens comes from the flashlights in the hands of these people.

"Damn it, why haven't I seen the mudslide roadblock after walking for so long?" Mr. Nick said again, his voice was a little panting, "There is indeed a problem with that resort, there is no mudslide at all, a lie, a lie from the beginning. "

"That's right, Dad is still smart, but fortunately we left," the younger daughter said, "Dad, you are so wise."

Eldest daughter: "Tsk tsk, can you stop flattering me so disgustingly? Even if you say it nicely, you are not daddy's own daughter. Dad loves me the most."

Mr. Nick: "Forget it, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. Although they are not biological, they have been raised for so many years, and they still have feelings. Since both of your husbands are missing, I will find them for you when you go back." Husband, what kind of husband do you want to find?"

Eldest daughter: "I, I want to find someone who is more handsome!"

The youngest daughter's voice was timid: "Dad, I don't want to get married yet, I want to stay with Dad and take care of Dad."

Mr. Nick: "It's up to you."

Suddenly there was a short cry, and the conversation of several people was interrupted again. Mr. Nick was a little unhappy: "Who was calling just now? What's wrong?"

"It's me." The philanthropist's wife whispered in embarrassment, she clutched her stomach and said, "Sorry, it's me."

Director: "Did you see something, Mrs. Eisley?"

The philanthropist's wife stumbled, "No, no, the baby in my belly kicked me just now."

Hongyue and Bailixin off-screen were stunned at the same time.

Hongyue: "And, although I haven't given birth to a child, she should have a belly of one or two months now, right? Such a belly has a child formed? Can it kick people?"

Bai Lixin stared at the surprised Mrs. Aisley on the screen: "Is there a possibility that she is not carrying a normal human child at all?"

Red Moon: ""

you're right.

Mr. Nick: "Oh my god, Mrs. Eisley, it turned out that you were pregnant when you came here. We didn't know about it. Congratulations. This way, Mr. Eisley can feel at ease. Although he is missing, you have returned He left a descendant."

Director: "Yes, congratulations."

Mrs. Philanthropist just forced a smile, courtesy of all the blessings that followed.

How this child came about, only she knows.


On the importance of biology.

Mr. Ashley: Thank you.

Really leave the father and keep the son.

Mrs. Philanthropist is a werewolf.

What followed was some unnutritive conversations, and Hongyue pressed fast forward directly.

Amidst the conversation, there was another scream.

Hongyue quickly let go of her hand and turned the screen back for two seconds.

This time it was Elizabeth who screamed.

She screamed and pointed at the densely packed woods with a horrified expression.

The actor rushed over immediately, holding Elizabeth in his arms, "What's the matter? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Elizabeth pointed forward with trembling hands, her voice trembling: "Snake, there is a snake, I saw a very big snake just now."

At first, everyone's scalp was numb because of Elizabeth's scream. Hearing Elizabeth's voice, Mr. Nick laughed first: "It's just a snake. There's nothing to be afraid of. A woman is a woman. I have no courage at all. We How old is a man, can't kill a snake?"

Elizabeth waved her hands frantically, "No, it's not. It's not that kind of snake, it's a big snake, a very, very big snake."

She was obviously frightened, and she danced and gestured with her arms while frightened.

The director laughed a few times when he saw this, and walked straight towards Elizabeth's finger.

With his departure, all the remaining people appeared in the camera.

Elizabeth's face was pale, and she wanted to stop the director hastily, but the director said indifferently: "Even the anaconda is not as big as you gestured, besides, anacondas are only found in the tropical rainforest, and there are no pythons on such a small hill. How can there be such a big snake. I caught it for you to see, it must be the reflection of the moon above your head that gave you an optical illusion."

Because the director kept his back to the camera, he could only hear his voice.

With rhythmic bumps, the camera finally stopped.

Then the camera tilted, as if the director had bent over.

But in the next second, a scream suddenly came from the camera, and at the same time, everyone's faces were uniformly terrified.

Without any hesitation, they all turned their heads and ran towards the back.

The camera quickly turned 180 degrees, and a pair of blood-red pupils instantly appeared in the dark and bumpy scene.

Those eyes were almost poking out of the lens, and there was a broken arm inside the fangs hidden in the mist.

Red Moon: ""

Madeleine, I was scared to death.


Fuck, scared the hell out of me.

Although I am prepared.

So the question is, which horror movie are we watching now?

Uh, copy movie video, third hand?

Who knew I was actually watching a picture-in-picture movie on a live stream.

Hongyue held her breath, watching the late night explorer turn into parkour in seconds.

Just when Hongyue was looking at it vigorously, the screen in her hand suddenly became black after a white line, and the whole world became quiet.

"" Hongyue, "the battery is out."

It looks exciting!

She raised her head with some unfinished thoughts, only to realize that she followed Bai Lixin into the woods unknowingly.

"Why did you come here, Bailixin?"

Bai Lixin pointed forward: "I saw something shiny in front of me just now, look there, is it a suitcase?"

Hongyue followed Baili Xin's gaze to look intently, and sure enough, she saw something in the distance reflecting the sun's brilliance, shining with a translucent white light.

"It looks like a reflective metal handle," she closed the camera and held it in her hand, "Go and have a look."

It is not difficult to walk in the small woods. There are trees in the woods, but it is surprisingly quiet.

No running critters, nor

A bird chirping in a tree.

It was so quiet that it was abnormal, but this abnormality seemed normal in the supernatural dungeon.

Hongyue didn't think much about it, and quickly shuttled through the jungle flexibly, and soon arrived near the shining point at the same time as Baili Xin.

As she got closer, she also saw the thing clearly, "It's really luggage, how could it be?"

Looking around, her voice suddenly stopped.

Behind this suitcase is a densely packed tomb.

Many suitcases are crookedly placed next to the tombstones. Looking from here, this place looks like a mountain of tombstones.

Red Moon: ""

Bailixin: ""


Fuck, what is this, I'm stunned, old men.

No wonder Master Crow said that there is a lot of dead energy around here, I believe it, I really believe it.

Hey, I have a bold guess, the attendants and tour guides in the resort are all goigoi, right? Could this be some sort of tomb, specially designed to bring people in and kill them for breathing? Are there not many such plots in Zhiguai?

Mad, don't talk about ghosts, this pile of tombstones appears, the picture is full, and my scalp is numb.

Hmph, goblins, I knew you were using my danmaku-sama to block goigoi again.

Hongyue changed her casual expression just now, she stood in front of the tombstone solemnly, staring at the suitcase in front of her, "This is Elizabeth's suitcase."

After reading it, she pointed to the suitcases in the middle of the tombstone, "That belongs to Mr. Nick, the eldest lady, the second daughter, and the husband of the philanthropist."

She carefully identified them one by one: "Besides, there are many suitcases that we haven't seen before."

After Hongyue finished speaking, the corner of her mouth suddenly twitched, showing a very powerful and ferocious smile, "This is really a good place, Bailixin, what do you think?"

Bailixin: ""

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