Carefully going through these suitcases, Bailixin and Hongyue walked into the densely packed tombstones.

There are old and new on the boxy tombstones, and each tombstone is empty, and there is no signature.

Bai Lixin walked halfway and stopped.

The great sun hangs high in the sky, but the dense leaves above cover the sky and block out the sun, so that no light can penetrate.

On the asphalt road not far away, there will be mottled sunlight from time to time, but this place seems to be completely isolated, and it is dim as far as the eyes can see.

Hongyue: "Look at the number of tombstones, at least 10,000."

"So many tombstones are tourists from the resort?"

"This damn place."

Bai Lixin stood among the tombstones and swept them one by one.

Some have been aging for a long time and have cracked lines, and some look relatively new.

Although there are no words on the tombstones, there are one or two strange things on the tombstones.

Some tombstones have a small flower on them.

Some tombstones have a hairpin on them.

Some tombstones hang a walking stick.

There are also tombstones with wedding veils hanging on them.

A gust of wind suddenly blew from nowhere, and the things on the tombstone were suddenly shaken under the tug of the wind.

At first, the little flowers swayed, then the veil rustled, and the crutches kept beating the tombstone.

At first, only a few tombstones swayed, and then more and more things on the tombstones swayed.

Bailixin and Hongyue were standing in the middle of the group of tombstones, and noisy and restless voices came from all directions.

There is obviously no one else around except the two of them, but it seems that there are countless people hiding around.

Another gust of wind blew past, and Hongyue shivered from the cold, "Bailixin, do you feel that the temperature around you has dropped again?"

It's so cold, it seems to be colder than before.

She casually walked to a tombstone, and a delicate pearl necklace hung from a corner of the tombstone. Just because of the wind and sun all year round, the pearls have long been weathered and lost their luster.

The suitcases were not placed in front of a single tombstone, more precisely, these suitcases were just scattered and randomly piled among the tombstones.

Hongyue said a little strangely: "When we watched the video just now, it seems that they just threw their luggage on the road? Why did they appear here?"

However, Bai Lixin didn't seem to hear Hongyue's voice. Ever since he stepped into this strange cemetery, he looked around with deep eyes, and put his hands on his ears from time to time, as if he was listening to something.

Hongyue seemed to be talking to herself, but she didn't get a response, she looked up at Bai Lixin, and then walked aimlessly in the cemetery.

Seeing this cemetery at first glance, it would be a lie to say that it is not shocking.

They passed by here when they came, and they never noticed that there is such a large cemetery here.

Who would have thought that beyond the resort that looked like paradise, there were tens of thousands of strange tombstones so far away.

This place used to be a mass grave? Or was it once a village? Or is it another existence?

Hongyue thought for a while but couldn't think of an answer, so she simply shook her head and thought nothing of it.

She wasn't originally a decryption brain player, if she could do it, she wouldn't force her.

To be honest, this dungeon is not her home field.

It's very frustrating.

She stopped and looked back at Bailixin, and saw that Bailixin had reached the highest point of the cemetery at some point.

Because these tombstones are built on the hillside, from the bottom to the top, all the tombstones are densely packed, which makes people's scalp numb.

Bai Lixin was also wearing a white shirt. He walked lightly among the gloomy tombstones, and at first glance he looked like a ghost in a cemetery.

Hongyue secretly swallowed her saliva.

However, the person involved seemed completely unaware of how hellish his current appearance was. Bailixin stepped on these tombstones step by step, and glanced over them one by one.

Time passed bit by bit, when Hongyue felt bored, he just walked down step by step patiently and came to Hongyue's side.

Hongyue and Bai Lixin looked at each other, and saw him glance at herself.

"What's wrong?" Hongyue asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong?"

Bai Lixin: "It's almost 12 noon."

Red Moon: "?"

Then what?

Bai Lixin: "It's almost time for the sacrifice. Although I don't know who the emir will choose, I wish you good luck."

The moment his voice fell, something flashed in front of Hongyue.

Before Hongyue could blink her eyes, her eyes suddenly went blank.

Bai Lixin, who was still talking to him just now, just disappeared in front of him out of thin air.

Red Moon: ""

Overhead, there is no sky.

In the ears, the cold wind howled.

Around, there are tombstones everywhere.

In the empty and silent mountain forest, Hong Yue was the only one left.

Hongyue frowned, and ran towards the asphalt road without turning her head.

She ran far away, and could still hear complex and restless voices behind her.

Swish Swish.

Kuang Kuang.

bang bang.


It seems that the owners of the tombstone did not want Hongyue to leave and sent out time and time again to stay.

She remembered that it only took a few minutes to come up from the asphalt road, but the way down became difficult and long.

She walked through the woods for a long time, but the sound of the tombstone still seemed to be in her ears.

Hongyue didn't hesitate or stop, she still chose to continue running. After running for an unknown amount of time, she finally saw the asphalt road, and the moment she saw the road, all the voices that followed suddenly disappeared.

It wasn't until the soft and wet soil under her feet turned into a hard asphalt road that she turned her head and looked in the direction where she came down just now.

At this time, she could no longer see the suitcase at the beginning, nor could she see any trace of the tombstone.

She supported the small trees on both sides of the road, panting heavily, and didn't open the system tray until she was relieved.

Only then did she realize that only three minutes had passed since 12 o'clock at noon, but she seemed to be trapped in a time cage just now, running for several hours.

Hongyue took a deep breath and opened Baili Xin's private chat window.

Hongyue: Bailixin, can you see my message?

Not surprisingly, she received no response.

The shadows of the trees were mottled, Hongyue glanced at the woods again, and turned back in the direction of the resort.

Bai Lixin opened his eyes from the darkness, and what he saw was a gorgeous pure white palace.

The palace has a western mythical feel to it. The pure white marble is built into a hollowed-out corridor. He glanced down and suddenly found that there were soft clouds under his feet.

There was no one around.

Bai Lixin tried to open the system, but ended in failure.

Just as he was standing there blankly, a voice suddenly sounded above his head.

The sound was like a bell, and it was loud and full of majesty that could not be ignored.

"Come up, my boy."

As the sound fell, the soft white clouds gradually dissipated, revealing crystal steps one after another, connecting the steps under his feet to the palace in the distance.

The young man looked at his feet blankly, finally gritted his teeth and walked up the steps.

I don't know how long I walked, but as the young man approached, the originally mysterious palace became clearer. And as he approached, a group of handsome men and women in uniform pure white attire also came out of the palace, and stood orderly on both sides of the palace gate.

Just like when they first came to Eden Resort.

The young man was still at a loss. The moment he walked up to the palace, a person walked out slowly.

The young man stared at the man for two seconds, and blurted out, "Mr. Tour Guide?"

The one was dressed in pure white, with gray branches and green leaves twined around the shoulders.

His facial features were exactly the same as those of the tour guide, but the eyes of the man in front of him were ruby ​​red like red apples, and his hair was green like grass.

"It's not a tour guide, this is the master, the master who can fulfill everyone's wishes, the master of the Garden of Eden, please pay attention to your wording. Guest, welcome, you have come to the real Garden of Eden."

A cold voice without any emotion spoke, and Bai Lixin followed the voice and saw the elder son-in-law who had long since disappeared.

Bailixin: ""


If I hadn't seen the tour guide's professional smirk, I would have thought Xin Shen had come to heaven.

The real Garden of Eden? What about Eden Resort, fake?

So Xin Shen was taken to another dimension? Then Emil sacrificed God Xin yesterday?

Emil: Danger!

Come here, will Xin Shen be able to find the boss?

Hey, it's really possible, is it possible that the whole family is reunited!

Bai Lixin scanned the men and women on both sides, and saw many familiar faces inside.

The eldest son-in-law, the younger son-in-law, and Mrs. Odd are all in this group of people.

The tour guide who is now the master of the Garden of Eden still had his familiar smirk on his face. He opened his arms and walked slowly in front of Bailixin with a posture of a superior.

With just one glance, Baili Xin had the illusion of being pierced by the red pupils, and his body immediately half-kneeled on the ground uncontrollably.

Bai Lixin's heart trembled slightly, and his expression became more and more frightened.

Master of the Garden of Eden: "I think you must be curious why it appears here."

"Now it's up to me to tell you."

"The golden room is the outlet of desire, and desire is the source of evil. Those who enter the golden room have long been infected by the source of evil beyond redemption."

"Sacrifice is a sacrifice, and a contributor."

"Those who desire should go to hell forever, and those who sacrifice should ascend to heaven."

"But only when the sins are eradicated, can the victim truly sublimate, enter the holy realm of the gods, and become a resident of the Garden of Eden forever."

Bai Lixin frowned, "What do you mean by eradicating evil?"

The master of the Garden of Eden smiled slightly, and the sacred light instantly burst into thousands of rays of light behind him, "As the executor of justice, you must personally eliminate the evil that made you a contributor, do you understand what I mean, poor child. "

"Look up, these children have completed the clearing task very well and become the purest souls." The master of Eden pointed to the men and women in white clothes on both sides, "If they can do it, you can do it too To. You envy them too, now they not only have

The same lifespan as heaven and earth, but also freed from the sufferings of the world. "

"They are very happy now."

Bai Lixin glanced at the two rows of people with indifferent expressions: ""

This expression does not show how high the happiness index is at all.

"You mean, let me kill the wisher with my own hands?" Bai Lixin looked up at the aloof Master of Eden.

"Cough," Master Eden pursed his lips, "It's not killing, but fulfilling justice."

"Of course, you can also choose to give up justice. But the moment you give up, it means that you become an enabler of evil and a member of evil. In order to maintain justice, we will eradicate you."

The owner of Garden of Eden suddenly narrowed his eyes and bent over to look at the half-kneeling Bai Lixin: "How do you plan to choose?"

Bai Lixin: "Of course it kills the wisher. People do not work for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy it. I want to live two more years, and I'm not stupid."

Eden Master: ""

It is to maintain justice, not to kill others!

Everyone: ""

Real enough.

The smiling expression of the master of Eden distorted: "Hey, poor child, go to rest first, it is not the time to perform justice, I still have something to do, I will come to you later."

After the words fell, the man left slowly.

The pressure suddenly disappeared, and Baili Xin, who had been half kneeling, also stood up.

"Come with me, I'll take you to change clothes, and I'll tell you how to fulfill justice." The son-in-law was still expressionless, "It's not difficult, after all, it's for justice."

The appearance of other people seemed to be just to increase the ostentation. With the departure of the owner of Eden, other people except the eldest son-in-law also left one after another.

Bai Lixin walked behind the eldest son-in-law for a while, and found that the layout here was very similar to the Eden Resort in reality, almost a one-to-one restoration.

The difference is that the materials used here are all white, which really seems to be in heaven.

"Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night is the time for us to maintain justice. At that time, the master will send those evils to us, and we will execute the punishment ourselves. It is enough to clean up the evils."

"Actually, it's not difficult at all. At that time, the evil has been controlled, and it has neither the ability to attack nor the power to bewitch."

"So that's how you killed Second Miss Nick?" Bai Lixin asked casually while listening to the eldest son-in-law chattering.

The eldest son-in-law paused, and gave Bai Lixin a meaningful look, "Yes, she is very good at hiding. The master searched for her for two days before finding her. She is a crime. I didn't kill her, but helped She cleanses the body of sin."

"The flesh and blood are separated, and there is still so much blood on the ground." Bai Lixin said in a deep voice, "Is it because you cleaned the corpse?"

The eldest son-in-law's eyes darkened for a moment, and then he smiled helplessly: "I said it, it's not a corpse, but a crime. Why do you slip up every time?"


Although it is a supernatural dungeon, it is rare these days to talk about murder in such a high-sounding manner.

Hahaha, have you seen it today?

So hypocritical.

Did you kill someone today?

What nonsense are you talking about? I call it cleansing of sins.

The eldest son-in-law led Bai Lixin to shuttle flexibly in the corridor: "Besides you, there are two other people who have not eradicated their crimes. But they can't be blamed. The crimes are insidious and cunning, and they are too good at hiding their bodies." .”

"We know where they're hiding, but it's no use hiding tonight."

Bai Lixin raised his eyelids and looked at the eldest son-in-law in front of him: "What do you mean?"

"The statue of the Madonna doesn't stay there forever. Sometimes it has five, sometimes it has four, sometimes it has only three."

The eldest son-in-law paused: "Sometimes, there isn't even one."

"Fortune will not always be on the side of evil. The statue of the Virgin Mary will definitely change tonight."

Bailixin: ""

The eldest son-in-law's words should not be false. When he was guided by the tour guide to the back garden, he found only four stone statues of the Virgin Mary. But last night it turned into five stone statues again. It seems that the number of stone statues will really change.


Emil shouldn't be so unlucky, right?

During the exchange, the eldest son-in-law brought Baili Xin to a strange place.

There are two curtains drawn in that place, and it is not clear what is inside from the outside.

"Go in, there is a bathing place inside, and someone will come over to wait for you to take a bath and change clothes later."

"I have just been promoted to be an official resident of the Garden of Eden, and I still have a lot of work to do. Come to me again if you have anything to do."

"Your room is the third room on the left from here. Someone will come and take you there later. Just take a good rest and don't need to worry about it."

"By the way," the eldest son-in-law suddenly turned his head, and stared at Baili Xin with a pair of extraordinarily indifferent eyes, "I would like to advise you, if evil appears, you'd better eradicate it without any hesitation. Only then will you Be like me, otherwise you can only be a lowly servant in the Garden of Eden serving others."

"Because you are a newcomer, you have special privileges today. After tonight, if you can't kill evil, you will become a servant."

"For your own sake, don't hesitate."

"They want to use you to gain desire, and you don't have to show mercy."

Quickly said the advice, the eldest son-in-law turned


Seeing his leaving back, Bai Lixin sighed a little.

Not so long ago, he was a kneeling eater. Just because he came here, his back suddenly straightened.

I just don't know how long his straight waist can last this time.

After watching the eldest son-in-law leave, Bai Lixin opened the curtain and walked in. Just like what the eldest son-in-law said just now, there is a huge hot spring inside.

There is still mist bubbling from the hot spring, and the white mist envelopes the area, making everything in front of us look like a dream, half-truth.

Bai Lixin looked down at his somewhat dirty clothes, and then at the hot spring in front of him.

He hesitated for two seconds, then unbuttoned the button and moved towards the hot spring



Wrong, it is obviously a honey color.

It's not honey color, it's pink!

Fuck, the screen is black! Ahhh, damn it, isn't this a movie? The movie is still black? I want to give this movie a bad review!

I rate 0.5.

Sorry, I just give 0 points.

There is no most ruthless, only more ruthless.

sting, sting

A piercing electric sound rang in Baili Xin's mind several times, and the familiar electric sound sounded again a few seconds later.

Ding! The escape system is activated, and the debugging starts below. The debugging is successful, dear Bailixin player, after a short parting, it is a pleasure to see you again. I am your loyal and caring little butler of the system—the escape system, you can also call me "Tongmei" kindly

The young man with wet hair was lazily leaning against the warm sulfur hot spring, and the surrounding warmth thoughtfully took away the tiredness from his body for many days.

Hearing the sound of the escape system, the young man's hand washing his hair paused slightly, er, I washed the head, not the brain, and the brain didn't get water, right? The Tongmei system is short-circuited?

Why are you so nasty today?

s419m: What are you talking about, Mr. Host, why don't I teach it privately?

Escape system: Yes, yes, Brother M gave me a system training class. Now I am not only a unit, but also a combat unit. Lord Bailixin, don't worry, from today on, I will make you feel the warmth like a spring breeze.

Bai Lixin took a deep breath and soaked his head in the hot spring: Can anyone explain to me what's going on now?

s419m: That's right, because of the ability field, haven't we been disconnected for a long time? Then after turning on the phone, Tongmei was a little worried about gains and losses, and was afraid that one day she would suddenly separate from me like these two times.

I told sister Tong that as long as you are a good system person, the host and the main god will definitely have a way to take you out so that the two of us will eventually get married.

s419m hinted frantically: Right, Master Host? You probably wouldn't do anything to beat mandarin ducks and watch the two of us turn into Cowherd and Weaver Girl and Zhu Yingtai Liang Shanbo, right?

Escape system: woo woo woo.

Bai Lixin didn't come up in one breath, and got out of the water: .

What evil did I do in my previous life, both of them can show their affection in front of me.

Bai Lixin wiped his face and squeezed out a few words: Don't worry, if I can go out, I will definitely take you with me.

s419m: Master Host, I knew you were the best.

Escape system: Yes, yes, I am so touched.


Who is the master?

He rubbed his temples, and suddenly he heard rhythmic footsteps in his ears.

This should be the person who the eldest son-in-law said was waiting for him to take a bath. Bai Lixin turned his head and glanced at the opposite side of the voice. He could only see a vague black shadow in the white mist, but he couldn't see anything else at all.

Bai Lixin turned her head lazily, and said casually: "Hi, please put the change of clothes beside me. I don't like being served by others. I will go out and wear them myself later, thank you."

The rhythmic footsteps stopped, and then sounded again two seconds later.

Hearing the sound of footsteps walking away, Baili Xin relaxed and rested his arms on the stone wall, enjoying the long-lost hot spring comfortably.

s419m: Master host, you have a big heart. Ordinary people come here to take a bath just to take a bath, you are really soaked up.

Bai Lixin relaxed his whole body, leaning his head lazily on the stone wall: otherwise? Come here. Although this place is quite strange, let alone, the hot spring is really a good hot spring.

The sound of distant footsteps approached again, Bai Lixin opened his eyes, looked up at the dark figure behind him, and his voice became cold: "I said no need to come, don't you understand?"

The next second, a familiar laughter sounded in the mist.

The moment he heard this voice, Bai Lixin was slightly stunned. And just in this daze, a slender arm suddenly stretched out from the mist, pinching Baili Xin's chin quickly and accurately.

"I don't understand, or you can say it again and I will listen."

The voice is indistinguishable from male and female, with a sense of evil and bewitching.

His jaw was pinched, and Bailixin could only be forced to keep his head up.

In the dense fog with extremely low visibility, he could only raise his head and was forced to look in the direction controlled by that person.

Without warning, a handsome and gorgeous face suddenly appeared in front of Baili Xin.

The moment the four eyes met, Bai Lixin saw his somewhat surprised and scribbled image in the other's azure blue eyes.

Bai Lixin blinked her eyes: "Okay, long time no see, Miss Cal."

The man just smiled slightly, and the faint smile instantly made the flowers fade.

The soft curly hair hung down on Baili Xin's cheeks and collarbone, and it felt like thousands of ants were gnawing and climbing where they touched.

"Long time no see, Mr. Bailixin, why are you here?"

The thumb lightly brushed against the chin as if there was nothing there, and the nails slid down the smooth line, slowly coming to the young man's slender and soft neck.

There are a few small drops of water hanging on the white neck, and the blue blood vessels are clearly visible through the skin.

Cal squinted his eyes, he could even see the young man rolling his Adam's apple and swallowing his saliva.

The devil lowered his head, took a deep breath secretly, and immediately smelled the unique fragrance of the young man.

The tip of his nose was full of rich and sweet soul flavor, but his eyes were uncontrollably attracted to the young man's neck, his eyes stared straight at the young man's young blood vessels, and he refused to leave even a single point of his eyes.

This soul was the one he saw first, but he didn't expect to come to this place.

Entering this place means that the soul has lost its freedom. A soul without freedom might as well eat it now.

But why would it be a bit reluctant?

"I said I was looking for you, do you believe me?"

The youth's voice seemed to come from a distant place, but miraculously recalled the demon's rationality.

The demon stared blankly at the young man, as if he didn't hear the young man's words: "What?"

Youth: "I said I came for you."

"When I was in the apple orchard, I promised you that if you disappeared, no matter where you were, I would definitely find you."

Under the demon's blank gaze, the young man suddenly reached out and grabbed the back of the demon's hand: "Miss Cal, I finally found you, that's great."

The devil's eyes were still a little dull, he stared blankly at the young man's pure and innocent forehead eyes, and then looked at the young man's hand holding his arm, his voice was a little dazed: "It's just a sentence, why do you have to find me? It's not necessary, is it?"

"Why isn't it necessary?" The young man held the devil's hand even harder, and even interlocked his fingers directly, "I will keep my promise for the rest of my life, and I promise you that I will definitely do it."

The devil's eyes fixed on the interlocking fingers of the two, and then he blushed suddenly: "."

Hiss, I can't fix it.

s419m: Did you see that, sister Tong! This is the ultimate suspension system, have you learned it? !

Escape system: learning hard! But what are the knowledge points?

s419m: It's teasing, teasing at 360 degrees without any dead ends. Look, just now the demon was intent on killing the host, and just now the host's flirt directly blinded the other party. This is called anti-customer-oriented, latecomers come first, and the next step is to take advantage of the victory to pursue, it is not suitable for children!

Escape system: It's okay, Brother M, I'm over 18 years old, I'm an adult, I can do it!


Or you two should play dead.

The devil is still in the shape of a woman's clothing, but with a flat chest, which is really nothing to expect.

In the dense mist, the devil's cheeks were exceptionally red. In a panic, the devil wanted to free his hand, but the young man refused.

The hands were tightly clenched, with great strength, otherwise the demon would have a slight chance to escape.

The young man looked serious: "Miss Cal, where do you want to escape to? I finally found you, and I won't let you leave again."

The devil twitched his hand: "I won't go, let me go."

I am nervous.

The young man did not let go, and still held the demon tightly: "Miss Cal, do you still remember what you said?"

I don't know if it's because the surrounding temperature is too high, the devil just feels dizzy, and can only follow the rhythm of the young man: "What are you talking about?"

Youth: "You asked me what I wanted before, I never knew what I wanted, and then I rejected you twice."

"I got it now."

"Miss Cal, I like you, I want you."

The demon froze all over and looked at the young man in a daze: "."


Hahaha, thank you for the mist, thank you for this natural mosaic. Without this fog, we really would have missed such a wonderful scene.

Ahhh, I would like to call Xinshen the god of fishing. Others are fishing for men and women, but Xinshen is not, Xinshen directly catches demons. Just ask if you accept it or not.

The problem is that the devil was caught in a daze for a while, probably blinded by the throwing of the pole.

Hahaha. Demon: You can't fix me. I thought the demon boss was the king, but it turned out to be just a paper tiger.

After all, he did not escape Xin Shen's net.

Ding! Congratulations to Xinshen, successfully captured a demon.

"Do you like me? Miss Carl." The young man looked over and his tone became more serious.

"Of course Xidang likes it." The demon's upper teeth touched his lower teeth, blushing and stumbled, "You, you, let me go first."

The young man remained unmoved, "You really won't disappear?"

Devil: "I, no, no, disappear, you let go first."

Just when the devil's cheeks were about to turn red, the young man let go of the devil.

Just when the devil breathed a sigh of relief, a pair of wet hands suddenly stroked the devil's hot cheeks,

In the next second, the demon heard the young man laughing, "Miss Cal, you are blushing, so cute."


Ahhhh, give me a hole in the ground and let me drill it!

I'm cute? How are you cute?

After the young man finished speaking, he quickly withdrew his arm and pointed in the direction of the door politely: "Miss Cal, although I like you, I also respect you. Whether you want to kiss me or not, wait for me first. I'll come out right away, okay?"

OK, of course.

The demon stood up in a daze, his brain that had lost his thinking, accepted the young man's instructions in a daze, and walked towards the door.

He stood at the door, and soon heard the sound of splashing water.

Then came the rustling of fabric.

The devil only felt that his cheeks were hot, and the roots of his ears were still hot, as if something was burning.

He turned his head and glanced back, only to see a vague figure wearing clothes in the dense mist.

The wide sleeves stretched out in the mist, like a white butterfly.

The demon only took one look, then quickly turned his head away.

He propped up the wall with one hand, stared blankly at the outside, and gradually regained consciousness from his muddled consciousness.

Strange, what happened to him just now?

How could he behave so strangely?

Could it be that young people are bewitched? Bewitched even a demon at the level of a demon king like himself?

The demon suddenly narrowed his eyes.

It seemed that he really underestimated this young man, he was definitely not as simple as he appeared on the surface.

Maybe he had secretly colluded with the angel long ago.

The more the devil thought about it, the more he felt right.

"I packed it, Miss Cal."

Suddenly, a soft voice rang in his ear.

The devil looked over subconsciously, only seeing a large mass of fat and a beautiful face.

Woo, it's really cute.

Help, what kind of bewitching technique is so powerful.

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