"Miss Cal, your face is so red," the young man with the purest concern on his face naturally raised his palm and placed it on the demon's forehead, "Isn't it because of a fever?"

The palms were icy cold, but wet and greasy.

The demon froze in place, his eyes lowered slightly, and his eyes just fell on the young man's neckline.

The young man didn't know if he hadn't wiped himself after bathing, the already thin clothes were wet on his body, and the wide neckline couldn't cover the young man's milk-like skin at all.

As the young man raised his head, a drop of transparent water slipped from the young man's neck and rolled silently into the secret neckline.

The devil only felt that his ears were buzzing, and only the piece of white jade was left in his eyes.

"I don't seem to have a fever."

The young man tilted his head, and seriously took his hand off the demon's forehead, and placed it on his own forehead to compare and test.

The demon let the young man talk to himself, staring straight ahead.

Suddenly, he saw the delicate white approaching him suddenly.

In the next second, the cold touch was against his forehead, with the hardness of the bone and the delicateness of the skin.

The demon swallowed heavily, and stammered: "You, what are you doing, what are you doing?"

The young man put one hand on the devil's neck and pulled his head down, while the other hand stroked the devil's hot cheek, and stood on tiptoe to put his forehead on the other's forehead.

The devil raised his eyelids to look, and happened to meet the young man's star-like pupils.




My heart beats so fast.

The young man looked serious: "The forehead is not hot."

"But Miss Cal, your face is so hot."

The white mist was dense, and the voice seemed to be hazy with the mist, with a sticky damp feeling, and a strange ambiguity slowly rose around the two of them.

The young man's fingertips lightly brushed the back of the demon's neck, his eyes fixed on the other's eyes persistently, and then silently swept across the other's cheek.

A strange tingling stimulus like ants gnawed came from the back of his neck. He looked at the young man with eyes that were still clear but full of the aggressiveness of a beast.

There seemed to be sharp knives wrapped in the eyes, and everything he saw was hot.


Pass it on, Xinshen's eyes will drive.

Who can refuse such an active and flirtatious subject?

I can't stand such an innocent demon Lao Gong, the contrast between cuteness and cuteness is really understood by the couple.

The demon boss I thought: astringent/love, wild, direct, and tyrannical.

The actual demon boss: posturing, paper tiger, blushing, innocence, stuttering.

The big angel I thought was: elegant, restrained, and cold.

Actual Angel Boss: I Like You, Kiss, Touch, Straight.

The demons in this dungeon are not good, did they get the wrong script?

But we love to watch! If you take it wrong, you will take it wrong, it's too exciting.

Woohoo, do I have a chance to see Xinshen call the demon boss "wife"?

Fierce die, your idea is terrible, but I like it, v.

"It's too hot here, let's go out and talk about it." The young man naturally withdrew his hand on the back of his neck, and took the demon's hand with the other hand, leading him away from the foggy room, standing in a pure white in the corridor.

There is a long corridor connected to the left and right of the bathroom door, and the corridor is empty, with no one there.

Bai Lixin stood there, looking around hesitantly, "Which way should I go?"

The devil's chin was closed, his eyes were slightly lowered, and he stared at the young man holding his hand in surprise, hesitantly said: "Go to the left."

"Oh, that's it, thank you." The young man took another step after hearing this, but he didn't intend to let go of his palm, "Let's go, Miss Cal."

The devil staggered slightly, but he still raised his feet and followed the young man silently, without any sense of resistance.

After walking more than ten steps, the young man in front suddenly called out: "Ah!"

The demon's originally bewildered eyes froze for a moment, and he asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

The young man suddenly turned his head, his eyes wrapped in stars opened slightly, "Miss Cal!"

The demon suddenly became nervous, "Why, what happened?!"

Youth: "I just discovered that you can walk!"


That's it? I really tied q.

The curious young man with blinking eyes suddenly approached, "Miss Cal, so you are so tall, half a head taller than me."

"Why did your legs get better all of a sudden? Did you recover after coming here? Is there any discomfort?"

The young man pressed on step by step, and the demon unconsciously took a few steps back, and was directly pushed against the wall by the young man.

Facing the approach of the young man, the demon blushed, "The leg recovered on its own after coming here, and there is no discomfort. It is very good. Thank you for your concern."

The young man stared seriously at the demon's blushing cheeks: "Miss Cal, your face is blushing again, are you shy?"

The expression on Cal's face was already broken, and when he suddenly heard the young man's serious question, he looked at the young man in embarrassment for a moment, and said a little annoyed, "Who, who is shy, I am not shy."

As soon as he finished speaking, an arm suddenly hit the wall, slender him

The tall body was trapped inside the wall.

The young man looked at the devil seriously, with an affectionate and focused tone: "Miss Cal, I confessed my love to you in the hot spring just now, saying that I like you. When I asked you if you liked me, and you said that you liked me too, this is that true?"

The demon was forced to the wall, and in front of him was the aggressive expression of the young man.

After being a demon for so many years, this was the first time he was confessed to someone on the wall.

Glancing at the young man in bewilderment, he quickly looked away.

He swallowed, about to deny it.

At the tip of the nose, the seductive soul fragrance that belongs to youth suddenly penetrated forcefully.

smell good.

In the next second, the devil closed his eyes and said in resignation: "What I said is true, I like you too."

How about sacrificing some false flattery for the delicious food?

Besides, he didn't dislike youth at all.

"Really?" The young man shouted excitedly, the demon quickly looked up, and suddenly the bright swirl of stars in the young man's eyes attracted all his attention.

The young man's eyes were shining, as if the self in front of him was his eternal sun.

The devil froze for a moment, and his expression suddenly became serious: "It's true."

The young man's cheeks were flushed, his eyes became brighter, his eyes flickered slightly, and he tentatively asked a little nervously: "Then can I call you wife?"

The devil froze suddenly: "???"

What? ! Say it again, what are you going to call me? !

The young man's eyes suddenly turned red, and the bright stars in his eyes disappeared in the next second, replaced by gloomy and damp water mist, "Is it not possible?"

The voice was trembling, and the whole face drooped, looking pitiful.

The devil's forehead exploded with a "buzz", and he answered without thinking about it, and blurted out: "Okay, okay, of course, I will be your wife from today on, don't cry, I'm not unwilling."

After finishing speaking, he froze on the spot, ""

Ma De, wanting to slap himself to death, it's a terrible trick of bewitching!

You must find a way to break it yourself.


Fuck, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Xin Shen is really tempting frantically on the verge of death every day. I especially want to know if the boss suddenly regains his previous memory, will he directly fuck Xin Shen.

Hahaha, that's about the two of them. I just want to say now, God Xin, you are my God! Xin Shen really doesn't treat us as outsiders, when he calls his wife, he really calls us.

So do we have a chance to see Xin Shen counterattack?

Pass it on, pass it on, Xin Shen wants to counterattack.

One sentence from you, one sentence from me, Xinshen will counterattack tomorrow.

In the 999-storey tower, the man squinted his eyes and stared at the sly eyes of the young man hidden under the long eyelashes on the big screen opposite, and suddenly smiled coldly.

called wife?

Still want to counterattack?

It seems that pigu is really itchy.

Looking forward to the day you come back.

my little pearl.

"Honey, is my room coming soon?"

The hand was clasped by the young man's ten fingers, and when he called out the title, the demon subconsciously shook his shoulders.

He felt his palms sweat.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

"It's just ahead, and we'll be there in two minutes." The devil took a deep breath and replied.

When the two were talking, a person came slowly across. Bai Lixin took a look and said, "Mr. Aisley, long time no see."

The man was walking expressionlessly, and stopped when he heard the familiar call, and looked over intently.

After staring at Baili Xin for three seconds, he suddenly said, "So it's Mr. Xin, and you've come here too."

Bai Lixin: "Yes, I'm here too."

Mr. Eisley came up to Prissin, glanced meaningfully at his and Cal's interlocking hands, and asked calmly, "Is she alright?"

Bai Lixin: "Who?"

Mr. Ashley: "My wife, Mrs. Ashley."

Bai Lixin: "She is either good or bad. After you disappeared, she missed you very much, but she is pregnant. The happiness of becoming a mother temporarily dilutes her missing of you."

Hearing that Mrs. Philanthropist was pregnant, Mr. Philanthropist had a dumbfounding expression on his face, "Really, I'm pregnant."

"Well, she has always wanted a baby. Since our son died unexpectedly, we have tried many methods, but none of them have succeeded. Either the baby was born and died, or there was no breathing in the stomach."

"She has been blaming me for so many years."

Mr. Eisley paused. A person who usually seldom talks seemed to suddenly open up today. He just stood in the corridor and talked non-stop, as if he wanted to confide all the grievances and helplessness of these years.

"A big safety accident occurred in the family mine project I was in charge of. The gold mine collapsed, causing nearly a hundred workers to be crushed in the mine."

"There is our youngest son in there. He sneaked in to play. We didn't know it at the time."

"And in fact, this mine disaster could have been avoided, but in order to reduce costs and speed up the work progress, I cut corners on the mine support that should have been reinforced."

"Nearly a hundred people died in that mine disaster, including our son. Since then, my wife

So she hated me, she hated me for being greedy for money, and blamed me for killing our son, the death of our son was all retribution. "

"She hated me for several years, until I organized a charity auction to please her a few years ago, and she smiled for a long time."

"From then on, in addition to making money, I helped her complete her charity work. In fact, I know that what she loves is not charity and helping others. She thinks that this can redeem her sins and publish her deeds in newspapers. Maybe one day to be seen by God, to forgive our past mistakes, and to give us a child."

"Not long ago, I got two tickets to the Garden of Eden, because my wife heard from somewhere that the Garden of Eden Resort is the closest place to God. If we can't pray here, God the Father can hear us and make our wishes come true. .”

Mr. Eisley smiled wryly: "Her wish has really come true, and she exchanged it with me."

Bai Lixin looked at Mr. Eisley: "Then what do you want to do next? Kill Mrs. Eisley?"

Mr. Eisley shook his head blankly: "I don't know, let's take it one step at a time. In fact, I was relieved that she wasn't caught yesterday. I love her very much, and I really don't want this kind of relationship between the two of us." The sword is on the verge, I don't want to kill her, even if she sacrifices me."

"Hopefully she never gets caught so I don't have to make any decisions."

Bai Lixin: "I hope it will be as you wish, Mr. Eisley."

Mr. Eisley smiled falsely: "With your kind words, Mr. Bailixin, I also hope that your wishes will come true. I will go first and leave."

After watching Mr. Eisley leave, Prissin slightly raised his head to look at the devil, and found that he just casually glanced at the man expressionlessly, his eyes indifferent.

Feeling the cuffs being pulled, the demon looked over and saw the pair of eyes that made his heart beat wildly.

"Don't worry, Miss Cal."

The young man looked serious: "I am a good person, and I will definitely not let God punish the two of us. If you have a baby, I will definitely take good care of you, and I will never be careless and cause irreparable regrets."

The devil's teeth chattered in an instant: "You, you, what are you talking about, what, what are children and not children, don't talk nonsense."

The young man suddenly embraced the devil's hands tightly with both hands, and made a serious promise: "What I said is true, Miss Cal. If you give birth to our baby in the future, I will definitely not make you sad."

The devil's cheeks flushed red, and the hot feeling even spread to his neck and forehead.

Who, who wants to give birth.

Do you really think of him as a girl?

The demon frantically shook off the young man's arm, and strode away in a panic.

Bai Lixin silently followed behind the demon, walking unhurriedly with a smile in his eyes.

Lao Gong's shy look is so cute.



It's full of sinful and evil fun, even the children would think of it.

Don't think that Xin Shen is happy now, but he is afraid of making a list in the future. Silently pray for God Xin, hoping that he will not overturn in the future.

What are you afraid of overturning? The big deal is that the child will change from a big brother to a Xin Shensheng. Anyway, the child is still theirs, and there is no loss at all.

It's just a bit useless.

I found that Xinshen is really strong, the enemy is strong but we are weak, and the enemy is weak but we are strong, no one overpowers him, he no longer knows what his last name is. I'm ready to roll over, looking forward to .jpg.

expect? Heck, I'm looking forward to it too.

The devil opened a door in a panic, pursed his lips and said, "This is your room, go in quickly."

He glanced at Bai Lixin's bathrobe hanging crookedly on his body, blushing and turned his eyes away, "There are clothes inside, you can change the one you are wearing."

"You won't feel hungry in this space, but if you want to eat, there is also a kitchen in the room. If you want to eat fruit, you can call me, I'm next door."

The demon stretched out his index finger and pointed to the left.

"I won't bother you for now, call me if I have something to do."

"Is it okay to knock on the wall?" The young man interrupted the demon's departure, "wife."

The devil staggered and said without turning his head: "Yes, yes, I will come when I hear it."

In the next second, without looking back, he plunged into the next room.

s419m: Brave, Master Host, you are really confident in your physical fitness.

Are you trying to get killed?

Bai Lixin glanced at the room where the demon disappeared, and walked slowly into his own room and closed the door. It was rare to come across such an old attack with such a setting.

The big deal is that when the Dong Chuang incident happened, the sales were miserable. Your host is also a person who has experienced big storms, so don't panic.

s419m Tucao: What wind? What wave? Is it the wind and waves that turn the phoenix upside down?


After laughing awkwardly for a second, he silently opened the chat window and found that Hongyue had sent himself a message.

Bai Lixin: Hongyue, I'm here.

Red Moon:? ! Are you alive?


What are you talking about?

What the hell is going on with this guy, are they trying to piss him off?

Hongyue: I have returned to the resort now, what's the situation with you?

Bai Lixin: It’s not clear, just think that I have come to heaven. I was taken to another dimension that is very similar to heaven. By the way, you saw the tour guide when you got back to the resort


Hongyue: I see, it's still that professional smirk, standing at the door of the hall all the time, laughing nervously and cautiously.

Bai Lixin: Go to the garden to see if the director's backpack is still there.

Red Moon: Good.

The communication between the two came to an end for the time being. Not only is the palace in this space very similar to the one in the resort, even the furnishings of the rooms are similar.

Bai Lixin opened the closet and found that the clothes inside were all the same white clothes, no different from the clothes worn by other people outside.

He took one casually from the inside, stood in front of the mirror and made gestures to the mirror. The man in the mirror also compared the clothes in the same gesture.

I don't know if it's because of the light, but Bai Lixin faintly felt that the mirror was pitch black, which was a bit weird and inconsistent.

He stepped forward and poked a finger into the mirror.

The young man in the mirror also stretched out the opposite hand and poked it.

The two fingers were pressed together, leaving a small gap between them.

Thoughtfully withdrew his hand, Bai Lixin put the clothes on his arms, and looked seriously at the young man in the mirror. The young man in the mirror did exactly the same thing.

But the strange thing is that the self in the mirror seems to have a sense of distance.

It does not refer to the sense of alienation in the expression, but the sense of distance in the body.

I am about 30 centimeters away from the mirror, but the self in the mirror seems to be 60 centimeters away from the mirror.

After staring at the figure in the mirror for a while, Bailixin took off his bathrobe and changed into the same white loose clothes as the others.

Hongyue: I went to look for it, but the package was gone.

The private chat sounded, and Bai Lixin continued to ask after getting the answer he wanted: Is the camera gone?

Hongyue: Hey, it's gone, how do you know?

My God, Hongyue continues to send messages, let me tell you, didn't you say that the bodies that disappeared yesterday would appear? When they did appear, they hung in their respective rooms.

Bailixin: How did those people react? Have you been wronged again?

Hongyue: Well, not this time. After such a commotion yesterday, they also realized that it was a supernatural event, so how dare they wrong us?

And they don't have the energy to wrong us now, they are all blaming and complaining to each other.

Others blamed Mr. Nick for his bad idea of ​​"leaving". Mr. Nick said that he had lost two children. Anyway, the atmosphere was tense, and they both regarded each other as enemies.

Priscine: Where's Mrs. Ashley? Has her belly continued to grow?

Hongyue: She's grown up again, she looks six or seven months old now, but she looks very weak, her face is pale, like a dead person.

Bai Lixin paused for two seconds: I saw the owner of the resort in this space, just like the tour guide, please pay attention. The black snake will come to arrest people tonight.

He slowly instructed: The stone statues in the back garden are likely to disappear, and how many will disappear is uncertain. Let Emil prepare to hide in advance, and contact me in time if there is a situation.

Hongyue: What about you, is there any danger?

Bai Lixin: I am fine now, and I called Cal, Mr. Eisley and they are all here.

Hongyue: I will tell Emil about the statue of the Virgin Mary, and you have to be careful, so that nothing happens. How many people do we have when we come here, and how many people do we need when we go out?

Bai Lixin smiled after seeing Hongyue's glaring face in his mind: OK, thank you for your concern.

After finishing the private chat, Bailixin walked to the window.

He is on the second floor now, and looking out from here, he can just see the apple orchard.

Many attendants in white clothes are busy in the apple orchard.

When he glanced aimlessly at these people, Bailixin's gaze slowly stopped in the middle.

At the end of his line of sight, a girl was cleaning an apple on tiptoe. Under the white sunlight, a beautiful bow swayed from side to side, as if it was about to fly away from the girl's head.

His eyes moved again, and he quickly saw a girl with a silk wrap around her neck.

Then a man with a flower on his chest

Among these people, he also saw a few familiar faces. They had all appeared in the resort before, and they were the attendants who greeted them.

With a calm expression, Bai Lixin swept past these busy people one by one. He didn't feel bored either, so he just sat quietly by the window and watched them work all afternoon.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that these busy people left in groups.

As night fell, the originally bustling back garden suddenly became empty and silent.

There was a knock on the door outside the room.

Bai Lixin walked to the door and opened the door, only to find that standing outside was the eldest son-in-law whom he had seen during the day.

The eldest son-in-law smiled at Bai Lixin, "You came at the right time today, today is the annual Thanksgiving Day, and the master invited you to attend this festival."

"It's also my first time participating in this festival, but I heard from seniors that this festival is very exciting."

Bai Lixin did not leave directly, but glanced at the next door: "Where is Miss Cal?"

Where is my wife?

The elder son-in-law had a smile on his lips, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "She has already passed, and I will wait for you."

Bai Lixin glanced at the neighbor again, "OK."

Following the eldest son-in-law through the long corridor, Bai

Li Xin followed behind and asked, "Do you like this place?"

It seemed that he had finally talked about something that made him happy, and the eldest son-in-law's voice was very pleasant: "I like it, this is heaven!"

"Here we are all equal, there will be no hierarchy, no flattery." He said and twisted his arm, "Look, I don't even feel pain here, only joy and happiness here." Happiness, other than those negative emotions that make people hopeless, don’t exist.”

Bai Lixin glanced at the feet of the eldest son-in-law, and asked again: "Is this really heaven?"

Eldest son-in-law: "Otherwise? If this isn't heaven, where else is it?"

When he spoke, he revealed the watch on his wrist. Bai Lixin stared at the familiar watch, and smiled strangely at the corner of his mouth: "Yes, this is heaven."

"Miss Nick missed you very much after you disappeared. She cried for you for a long time."

The eldest son-in-law shrugged: "So what, no matter how much she misses me, it is a crime, and the crime must be eradicated. And I don't like that fat pig at all. If it wasn't for a comfortable living environment, I wouldn't be with her. Married. Our married life is not very happy, she and her father often look down on me."

"Do you know how sad I am?"

Bai Lixin: "It's hard, you can leave, divorce, the marriage relationship is legal and free, if you don't like it, you can leave, right?"

The eldest son-in-law turned his head and looked at Bai Lixin with indifference: "It's easy for you to say. If I divorce, then I will be married again. Although that fat pig looks down on me, it is already the best choice I can find. If Divorce her, and I'm likely to end up on the streets."

Bai Lixin: "So in the end, it was all voluntary by you, so there is no need to complain about this or that, right? The Nick family found a sense of superiority from you, and you also obtained a comfortable life from them."

It's really a win-win deal.

The eldest son-in-law's serious embarrassment flashed past, he gave Bai Lixin a vicious look, and finally said simply: "Let's go."

Bailixin: "Thanksgiving, what's going on?"

The eldest son-in-law sneered, and his expression suddenly became weird, "Of course. In order to thank God the Father for creating this sacred and comfortable Garden of Eden for us, on Thanksgiving Day, we will kill a demon to add to the fun. If To be able to stain the altar with the blood of this demon means that next year will be a happy and healthy year."

"The Garden of Eden just captured a very top-quality demon two days ago. You are so lucky, Bai Lixin."

Hearing the word "devil", a bad premonition suddenly surged in Baili Xin's mind.

Led by the eldest son-in-law, they finally passed through the long corridor and came to an empty and crowded open space.

It is said to be empty, which means that the front is bare, and there is nothing else except a round altar in the middle.

It is said to be crowded, but this place was originally empty, but now it is full of people.

These people dressed in gorgeous pure white clothes looked at the altar obsessively. They knelt on the ground one by one, as if they were waiting for something.

The eldest son-in-law also had an excited expression on his face. He led Bailixin through the crowd nimbly, and soon came to the frontmost position.

The eldest son-in-law pointed to the round altar above: "After a while, the demon will slowly rise up from under the altar, and then the master will come out. The master will stab the holy sword into the demon's body, and wait until the demon's blood is stained. Red the area, and the most important ritual of Thanksgiving is complete."

The person next to him heard the introduction of the eldest son-in-law, and raised his kneeling head, "Is this the first time for you? Speaking of which, you are very lucky today."

Bai Lixin: "What a good way?"

That person: "In the past, we just summoned an ordinary demon from the Demon Realm, and then used death energy to attract it. This year we were particularly lucky, and we accidentally captured a demon of the Demon King species."

"With this level of demon watering, needless to say next year, even the year after and the year after is a good omen."

The eldest son-in-law's eyes widened, his expression was exaggerated: "It turned out to be a demon king, the master is so powerful!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of intensive drumming, and the man hurriedly lowered his head in a panic, dragging the eldest son-in-law and Bai Lixin to the ground, "Hurry up and lower your head, the sacrifice is about to begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, accompanied by the sound of drumming, the sound of stones moving alternately spread throughout the space.

The originally noisy voices fell silent for an instant.

Bai Lixin raised his head quietly, and saw a triangular hollow appeared under the round altar, and a cross slowly rose up from the hollow.

A figure is being tied to the cross.

That figure had beautiful golden curly hair, and the surrounding fire light shone on that person's hair, and that person's golden hair was instantly brighter than the sun.

Black chains wrapped tightly around the man's arms and legs, securing him to the cross.

At such a critical time, the man's expression was very calm, there was no fear between his brows, only a touch of sarcasm and contempt.

When the man glanced across the crowd indifferently, he suddenly met a pair of eyes.

A pair of panic flashed across the indifferent eyes.

Those eyes were still so bright in the dark. Just half a day ago, the owner of the eyes was still confessing to himself that he was the most outstanding woman in the world.

Seeing him like this now, he probably knows

He revealed his identity as a demon.

The panic quickly faded from his eyes, and his eyes quickly left the young man's gaze and moved to the side.

Knowing his true face, the young man should give up on himself now.

Unexpectedly, he just took a nap, and let the master of the Garden of Eden count.

When you sleep, you are still on the bed, and when you wake up, you are bound to the cross.

But that stupid thing seems to have underestimated its own strength, thinking that it could trap itself with this kind of thing.

The devil glanced at the young man again, and found that the young man was still looking at him intently.

His eyes were full of worry.

The demon quickly looked away again.

Now it's worrying, later it's disgusting.

Immediately the youth will see that he has turned this place into a mass of purgatory, and by then the youth will surely hate himself.

The devil laughed at himself, and suddenly heard countless screams of panic.

He raised his head in doubt, and saw the young man standing up at some point, and running towards him recklessly.

The people around didn't expect this kind of accident at all, and by the time they realized it, the young man had already run in front of the devil.

Looking at each other, the young man smiled at the shocked demon, and directly smashed the chain with all his might.

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, he picked up the demon and ran wildly.

Demon: "What are you doing?"

Bai Lixin: "Can't you see it? Save your daughter-in-law! The daughter-in-law you finally found, how could they make a fool of you!"

The devil pursed his lips: "Can't you see that I'm a devil?"

The idiot.

Bai Lixin: "I see, what about the devil? As long as it's my wife, it's fine."

The devil's expression was numb: "???"

What are you talking about? Can you say that again? !


Xinshen hero saves the beauty, it’s wrong, beauty saves the hero, it doesn’t seem right

Hahaha, the last expression of the devil is simply: people are stupid.

He probably never expected that what the pure Xinshen said would be so rough.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

Some people are like snakes, some are like spiders, we Xinshen just want to be like devils, what is wrong with Xinshen? He just wants to stick to his wife.

The devil performed the expression of the idol's collapsed house on the spot.

Bai Lixin ran ahead, and the people chased after him.

The devil stared at the thick chain on the cross, then at the thin-looking young man, and suddenly felt that he might be a fool.

The private chat suddenly rang.

Bai Lixin opened the private chat, and Emil's messages popped up one after another.

Emily: Help! ! ! Fuck, blah, blah, all the statues of the Madonna are gone! Is it poisonous?


Bad luck.

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