In the pure white world, Bai Lixin ran in front, and the attendants chased after him.

In the real world, Emir runs ahead and the black snake chases after him.

There is no worst, only worse.

Behind him, the eldest son-in-law and others chased after him cursing.

"Bastard! Change the demon back."

"Damn it, how dare you spoil the master's Thanksgiving."

"Stop, stop for me!"

Bai Lixin started to run, and the soles of his feet felt windy, and while running, he complained in a low voice: "Are you stupid or I am stupid, if you tell me to stop, I will stop?"


What about pure soul?

What about the shy pretty boy?

Emile's news came again.

Don't just have six points, Wori, why do these snakes run so fast, have you oiled the soles of your feet? !

Gan! Bai Lixin, this is different from what you said. Didn’t you say that it’s fine to hide in the statue of the Virgin Mary? What the hell did you conjure up the statue of the Virgin Mary for Lao Tzu?

If I don't trust you again, I'm just an idiot.

Ahhhhh, help.

Good man, I was wrong. Help me, good brother.

I've never seen Emil take the initiative so much, it seems that it's really over, it's a flashback.

Bailixin: What's the situation over there now?

Emile: Grandfather, you finally returned to me! Three-headed snakes came out, and one of them kept chasing after me.

Priscine: Are the other two being chased Richard and Mrs. Philanthropist?

Emile: Yes, they are. Richard didn't know where he went, and the philanthropist's wife had been eaten. Fuck, the black snake is about to catch up to me now, am I going to finish Bailixin?

Bai Lixin: Go to the entrance of the resort now. There are two statues in front of the entrance. One is an angel statue and the other is a demon statue. There should be a sign drawn on it, and a triangle is drawn inside the circle.

Emily: And then?

Bailixin: You choose one to get into based on your intuition.

Emil: ? By, by intuition? Are you so sloppy bro.

Bai Lixin: Don't rely on your intuition, should I rely on my intuition? You should also understand my lucky value, right?


Should I use reverse selection?

In the real world, Emil has been using Z-shaped movement to avoid the black snake behind him.

The terrifying black snake crawled on the ground, its smooth body didn't panic at all, in stark contrast to the Emir who was running wildly in front.

He quickly walked through the back garden and came to the gate of the resort.

In front of the resort stood two statues that they had been ignoring.

A statue of a graceful smiling angel.

A hideous and terrifying demon statue.

Without any hesitation, Amir quickly ran to the statues, and saw the signs that Bai Lixin had just mentioned on the palms of the two statues.

He quickly knocked on the statues, and found that both statues were hollowed out, and there was a hidden secret door behind them.

An angel, the angel represents hope.

A demon, the devil represents desire.

The hope of life, the desire to live.

So the question is, which one to choose? !

The black snake behind him was getting closer and closer. As the size of the black snake enlarged, cold sweat dripped down uncontrollably on Emil's forehead.

Just when the black snake was about to catch up, Emil gritted his teeth and got into the devil's secret door.

With a sound of "bang", the secret door was slammed shut by him.

There is a hole above the secret door, from which you can just see the outside situation.

After the black snake arrived, it circled around the demon stone statue. After failing to find the target person, it struggled for a while, then twisted its body and left.

After a while, a furtive figure emerged from a dark corner.

Emile took a closer look, it was Richard.

Richard glanced at the demon stone statue thoughtfully, said "thank you" to Emil who was opposite the demon stone statue, and then went straight into the angel stone statue.

Emil: ""

I still make a sample?

Not long after Richard got in, another black snake came out of the darkness.

It first circled around the demon stone statue, and then came to the angel stone statue.

Emil has been observing the movement outside through the small hole. Just when he thought that the black snake would leave like the previous black snake, the black snake suddenly stood up and let out a roar. Passed through the thick stone statue, and passed through it out of thin air.

Richard's scream came from the angel stone statue in an instant, and it took only one breath before the scream disappeared suddenly.

Two seconds later, the black snake came out of the angel stone statue again, shaking its fatter body, and slowly moved towards Emil like this.

Emil held his breath and shrank into a corner vigilantly.

A few seconds later, a blood-red eye suddenly appeared in this small hole.

Blood-red eyes searched inside, and finally left after finding nothing unusual.

Only then did Emil let out a long sigh of relief. He leaned his tense body against the cold stone wall, only to find that his back was sticky and wet, and his back had been soaked with sweat at some point.

Open private chat.

Emile: I'm inside the demon statue, this one is safe.

The one named Richard entered the angel stone statue, but was eaten by the black snake through the stone wall. Obviously both have symbols, why is the demon's real and the angel's not?

What does this symbol mean?

Bai Lixin: I saw that symbol in the secret door of the statue of the Virgin Mary. Although I don't know the meaning of this symbol, I always feel that I have seen it somewhere.

When I went out today, I deliberately turned around in front of the statue at the door, and saw these two symbols on the stone statues of angels and demons.

Then I remembered what the tour guide said before.

There were seven stone statues of the Virgin Mary at the beginning. For some reason, two disappeared, and only five remained. Perhaps they did not disappear, but existed in other forms.

The black snake outside crawled back again, and Emil hid inside the cramped stone statue, panting lightly, if this is the case, then both of them should be right, why would you think one of them is fake?

This is too metaphysical, right? Did you figure it out?

It took two seconds for Bai Lixin's answer to be sent: Hey, the boy must learn to protect himself when he is outside. Some words should be heard, but not all, at least with a skeptical attitude. I'm not sure whether the two statues are real, but I just have a hunch that there may be pitfalls in them.

Emil: Byrysin.

Baili Xin: Why?

Emile: I finally understand why Samael and Song Yuantian look at you differently. Although you are unlucky, you are really terrible.

Should I be thankful that you are on the side of human beings and not on the side of the game system?

Speaking of which, Emil shuddered.

This man is simply a devil, with a harmless face, and a terrifyingly treacherous mind.

It took another three seconds for Bai Lixin to send back a message: Haha, the reason why I guessed this way is actually from the perspective of the boss. If I were a boss, if I thought of the desperate expression of human struggle, I would probably play like this.

Emil shuddered again:

Fuck, he's not the devil, he's scarier than the devil.

Speaking of which, what are you doing? Emil carefully changed the subject. Why is it so slow to reply to messages from just now?

We can't talk about this topic any longer, because if we talk about it again, he is afraid that he will lose his mind.

Bai Lixin: Oh, I'm in love.

Emil: ? ? ?

I'm running for my life, you're in love?

Is this reasonable? !

Bai Lixin led the demon quickly through the woods, but after a while, he got rid of the pursuers behind him.

The surrounding trees are dense and the branches are overgrown.

The overlapping trees became a natural shelter, hiding the two of them.

The devil pulled Bai Lixin's arm, and led him to walk in the woods for a while, and came to a hidden stone behind a hidden stone, and found an imperceptible cave.

Walking into Shandong with Baili Xin, the demon faltered towards the entrance of the cave, and the entrance of the cave instantly turned into a black lacquered stone.

He explained: "It's just a simple cover-up, but it's more than enough to deal with such ants."

The cave is not too small, the space is oval and can accommodate almost ten people.

After sealing the entrance of the cave, the demon snapped his fingers in mid-air again, and a ball of flames appeared in the center of the entrance of the cave miraculously, and hung in the cave.

Bai Lixin asked curiously: "Will people outside see the flame?"

The demon stared at the young man's face: "No, not only can't see the light, but also can't hear the sound."

What, are you scared?

The young man's cheeks were flushed because of running, and he looked at the devil excitedly, with surprise in his eyes: "Daughter-in-law, you are amazing!"

Demon: "Uh."

It's a bit unreasonable to play cards!

The young man clasped five fingers in the demon's fingers, and led the demon to the wall to sit down, "But since you are so powerful, why did you get caught?"

Devil: "It's careless. After I came here, I was very sleepy. I took you into the room in the afternoon and fell asleep. After waking up, I was tied to the cross."

"But I'm not afraid of that cross, even if you don't help me, I can easily break free."

The young man's eyes were slightly guilty: "Then if I help you, will it be superfluous and not helpful? If I don't do anything, won't you be hiding everywhere like you are now?"

He pursed his mouth, and there seemed to be water flickering at the end of his eyes: "I'm sorry."

"!", the demon immediately panicked, "No, it's not that easy to break free. You don't have to do anything extra, thanks to your help, otherwise I would definitely have to use a lot of effort."

The youth's eyes filled with mist raised: "Really?"

The devil bit his tongue: "It's absolutely true!"

In the next second, the young man smiled.

Under the warm dim light of the fire, the young man's cheeks reflected a faint golden light, and even the fine and small hairs on his face were covered with warm golden light.

Purely like the sun in the sky.

The demon stared blankly at the young man for several seconds, and when his heart was about to jump out of his throat, he suddenly remembered the chain that was easily crushed by the young man.

All the restlessness instantly calmed down.

The devil squinted his eyes and looked at the young man: "The chain just now, you pinch it

It shattered. "

The young man smiled slightly, and gently slid his fingertips on the back of the demon's hand, "Yes, I have been strong since I was a child."

"I used to have a little pony called My Little Pony. Everyone else rode on the pony to run, but I ran with the pony on my back. That's when I developed my strength."

"Daughter-in-law, I am strong enough to hold you."

The fingertips slid gently along the back of the hand, slowly sweeping over every raised vein with a secret touch.

The devil sat with his back straight, his eyes fixed on the young man's slender and slender fingertips, completely speechless.




The heart beat faster and higher.

The demon tried his best to restrain himself, for fear that his heartbeat would be heard by the young man.

"What sound?" The young man raised his head and asked suddenly.

The devil's breathing stopped instantly, and he turned his stiff neck to look at the young man, "No, no, right?"

"Yes, listen to it."

The sound of noisy footsteps and conversation slowly came from outside.

"Damn it, where did these two go?"

"I saw them around here just now, so they must not be far away."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses. If you can't find them, the master will definitely be angry."

In the distance, there was a loud "bang" sound suddenly, and then Baili Xin and the devil felt the ground start to shake violently.

A force struck, but before the demon could react, he felt himself entering a warm embrace in the next second.

The demon froze again.

The young man's voice came softly: "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, I am here, and I will protect you in case of an earthquake."


Do you really think this is an earthquake?

He always felt that the young man was taking advantage of the opportunity, but the young man's expression was too serious.

Every time he had this thought, he wondered if his thoughts were too dirty.

The few people who had been wandering outside were visibly panicked.

"It's over, the master is angry."

"Oops, we have to find them quickly, or we will die."

"Are these two damn guys trying to kill us?!"

"It's been stained with ink, hurry to find them, maybe the master will forgive us if we find them."

The noisy footsteps and conversations slowly left, and finally disappeared completely.

"It seems that our disappearance has annoyed the owner of the Garden of Eden." The young man frowned slightly, and put his mouth next to the devil's ear, and said in a low voice, "Daughter-in-law, are you afraid?"

"?" The devil said, "I'm not afraid, if you regret it, you can take me back, I'll be fine."

Youth: "I don't regret it."

"As I said, I came here to find you. If I was afraid, I wouldn't come."

The devil was stunned when he heard this answer, and immediately stood up from the young man's arms and looked at the young man, "You came here for this?"

"How did you know there was such a place, and how did you get in?"

Youth: "There's something wrong with the Eden Resort. I've noticed something wrong from the very beginning. Make a wish in the golden room, and someone will disappear at 12 noon."

"But they are people after all, how could they disappear out of thin air. After you disappeared, I discovered the clue through the director's video, and then found that there should be another space. If you want to find you, you must first find this space."

"As for the way to enter this space, all I can think of is to become a sacrifice. So I asked Emir to make a wish and treat me as a sacrifice."

"That's how I entered this space."

The demon was stunned for a while, with a dull expression as if he was listening to the Arabian Nights.

He thought that the young man entered this space only because he was sacrificed by those two brothers and sisters, but he never thought that he entered this space by himself.

From the very beginning, the young man said that he was looking for him, but at that time he just thought that the young man just said it casually after seeing him, but he never thought that the young man really came to find him.

The young man opened his mouth, still talking.

But the devil couldn't hear anything.

He stared at the young man's unusually serious face without blinking, and saw countless non-existent colorful flowers and stars blooming around and behind the young man in his sight.

At that moment, the youth seemed to be in the sea of ​​flowers and became the most unique existence.

boom! boom! boom!

The heart was no longer under control and was beating violently.

The devil no longer restrained its beating, allowing it to vent its emotions wantonly.

Bai Lixin suddenly stopped speaking.

He stared at the demon's red eyes, feeling happy in his heart, and evil grew to his gallbladder.

With a light cough, Baili Xin approached the devil, put his face in front of the devil, imitating the tone Di Jia used to himself, and asked in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, you are so beautiful, can I kiss you?"

The demon seemed to have shut down, leaving only a dull expression.

The next moment, soft lips were attached to his lips.

The young man pressed the demon against the wall, and pried open the demon's lips under the demon's bewildered gaze.


Only magic can defeat magic!

My god, my god, the demon boss is so good, are we going to witness history, can we really see a counterattack? !

Ahhhh, Xinshen is so good

Ah, Xin Shen Chong! I suddenly got to the point where the boss deserves it. What's with the shame of being abused?

Is there a kind of refreshing feeling of Kaolin flower quilt?


Hold your breath and witness the miracle.

In the 999-storey tower, the man's eyes were slightly startled, his lips were tightly pursed, and he looked at the big screen in panic.

System: Sir, it has been detected that your heart beats faster and your adrenaline rises. My lord, you seem to be very nervous, did something happen to you? Need my help?

On the big screen, the demon leaned against the wall obediently, and the young daughter-in-law let the youth do whatever they wanted.

The young man's fingertips hooked the demon's collar dishonestly, and with a light hook, the demon's clothes hung obliquely on the collarbone.

Shouldn't this really be counterattacked?

The man didn't have time to pay attention to the system. He tightly grasped the handle of the sofa with one hand and swallowed nervously.

Even in the face of tens of thousands of spiritual monsters, he didn't blink his eyes, but now he was sweating coldly on his forehead.

The moment the youth hooked the corner of the devil's clothes, a pair of huge black flesh wings suddenly stretched out from behind the devil.

The black wings spread out in mid-air, fully four meters wide.

At the same time, the devil's eyes suddenly opened, and the original blue eyes turned blood red at this moment.

Bai Lixin glanced at the demon and was about to speak.

The devil suddenly covered his head, showing a painful expression.

Bai Lixin couldn't adapt to the current situation, and was about to get nervous, but was a little shocked to find that the demon justice in front of him had changed in a state visible to the naked eye.

The original black fleshy wings suddenly split into eight petals, and each petal became a pure white wing.

The golden curly hair slowly turned into straight white hair, and the indistinguishable face also slowly changed into a handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

When the blood-red eyes turned light blue, the man's expression also became calm.

Bailixin: ""

He looked dull.

I'm about to take off my pants, why don't you play transformation with me?

play it!

Handsome guy, who are you!

The angel looked around blankly at first, and then quickly discovered the young man in front of him.

He looked at the young man carefully, his calm gaze swept from the young man's forehead to the young man's tender white toes.

The eyes were misty, the cheeks were red, and the lips were red and swollen.

The clothes were also hanging crookedly, and he had an unsatisfactory expression on his face.

Although the angel didn't know why he appeared here, he quickly guessed what the devil was doing just now.

Staring at the young man's beautiful and cute face, the angel smiled slightly: "Shall we continue?"

Bai Lixin: "What?"

continue? How to continue?

Two seconds later, he knew how the other party wanted to continue.

Before he could react, the angel's eight wings spread out.

The man forcefully pulled himself into his arms, and the eight wings quickly wrapped them, tightly wrapping the two of them


Fuck, Mr. Angel has won so hard, okay? !

The point of concern is whether Master Angel has won? Unexpectedly, the angel and the devil are one person.

Fortunately, the angel and the devil are one person, otherwise the big devil would have confessed in the cave tonight.

Ahhh, the big angel is so handsome! ! ! I also like you, the devil boss, but the angel has eight wings, he can also straighten the ball, and he can say "let's continue", the angel boss, you are my god!

I have reasonable doubts, saying now that you are my god, Angel, is also the last batch of saying that you are my god, Xinshen.

Xinshen's road to counterattack will eventually be ruined.

fall short

completely cold

Not only was it cold, but the car overturned

Poor Xin Shen.

In the 999-storey tower, the man let out a long sigh of relief, and then frowned tightly.

System: My lord, your heartbeat has returned to normal. Your adrenaline has also returned to normal. As expected of an adult, you can adjust your emotions in such a short period of time, which is amazing.


Get out, I don't want to talk to you.

Half an hour later, a hand struggled and tremblingly stretched out from the soft feathers.

Then came the second hand.

The angel slowly spread its wings, and the feathers flew down in mid-air and landed on the angel's body. The angel's clothes instantly changed into the original white suit.

There is no trace of wrinkle, and it is well tailored and worn on the angel's body, completely tailor-made.

It's outrageously elegant and noble.

Looking back at the young man, there are already some loose robes hanging crookedly on his body.

He leaned against the wall weakly, staring blankly at the elegant angel above, his white body dotted with strawberries.

Bai Lixin frowned and bit his lips, feeling a tingling pain in his lips instantly.

All swollen.

The hateful angel is not as cute as the devil at all.

Bring back my pure devil.

The angel gave the young man a condescending look, "Although you are very tasty, the atmosphere tonight seems not quite right."

"I know it wasn't enough to satisfy you just now, but bear with me, and when we leave this place, I will make sure you no longer have any regrets.


"I know you like me very much, and I like you very much, but business matters."

Bai Lixin stood up tremblingly with his hands on the wall, and took several deep breaths before restraining his urge to punch the angel.

Which eye of yours sees that I am not satisfied, do you want to see an ophthalmologist for you?

"Boom" "Boom".

Two more loud noises came from outside, and Bailixin's eyes froze, and then his feet shook violently.

"We have to leave this place quickly, this space is about to run amok and twist." The angel came to Bailixin, and slowly squatted down in front of him, placing two feathers on Bailixin's white instep, In an instant, the feathers became two pairs of shoes that fit well.

Then, under Bai Lixin's dazed gaze, the angel took his hand again, and pressed a pious kiss on the back of his hand.

"Young man, bet on the honor of the battle angel, I will use my life to protect your safety."

"follow me."

Speaking of the angel hugging Bailixin, Bailixin only heard the whistling of the wind in his ear, and the angel directly flapped his wings and flew high into the air.

It was only then that Bai Lixin discovered that the palace in the distance was already ablaze.

From time to time, the screams of people can be heard.

Bai Lixin pointed to the location of the fire: "Go and have a look."

The angel glanced at Baili Xin, quickly flapped his wings, flew towards the palace, and carefully found a hidden dense tall tree and hid it inside.

Here, Bai Lixin also saw clearly what happened in front of him.

A fire was burning in the palace, and the servants who had looked happy before were kneeling on the ground in the fire, trembling and shaking their bodies in fear.

In front of them was a dark figure.

That black figure looked like a ball of black cotton, with no outlines visible, and its appearance was very scribbled.

I saw a slender snake-like thing protruding from the shadow, grabbing an attendant on the ground casually.

Amidst the pale and miserable screams of the attendants, the black shadow suddenly parted from the middle, and then a big blood-red mouth appeared in the middle.

Mouth full of sharp fangs.

Amidst the screams of the attendants, he was thrown into the giant mouth casually.

Then came the chewing.

The sound of bones breaking "click, click, click" clearly echoed in the air.

The servants on the ground huddled together in fear, not daring to move.

In the air, there was no other sound except the chewing of black sheep.

Suddenly, there was a distortion in the space.

Then three snakes emerged from the space.

The snake slid in front of the black sheep and vomited, and two figures vomited out from inside.

The pale philanthropist wife, and the terrified Richard.

They sat on the ground in a daze, staring at the crowd kneeling on the ground and the huge black monster in front of them, at a loss for what to do.

The philanthropist's wife: "Mr. Richard, have I come to hell? God, I really got retribution, woo woo woo."

The philanthropist's wife covered her face and wept bitterly.

"Quack," a complex voice rang above their heads, "Poor children, this is not hell, but heaven. Welcome to the enviable Garden of Eden."

The sound is complex because the sound seems to have many overlapping sounds.

It's like a chorus.

The philanthropist's wife looked around in disbelief, with a look of panic on her face: "Impossible, how could this be heaven, heaven is not like this, heaven is not like this."

The expression on Mrs. Philanthropist's face pleased the black sheep very well, and it chuckled, "Although the devil has been let go, there are new evils that have been sent up, which can be regarded as making up for the previous shortcomings. I hope that the next Don't make me unhappy, it's time to clean up the sin, who is she, stand up for yourself."

The attendants below looked at each other.

Who is it, stand up quickly!

The master is in a better mood, don't be so blind, stand up quickly, is this person trying to kill us? !

Why don't you stand up, could it be that you were eaten by the master just now?

Bad bad bad bad, the master is going to be angry again.

Just when the patience of the black sheep was about to be worn out, a faint voice came from the crowd.

"be mine."

Then, Mr. Philanthropist stood out from the crowd and walked towards Mrs. Philanthropy step by step.

After seeing Mr. Philanthropist's face clearly, the wife of the philanthropist said in surprise, "Husband, it's you!"

The moment Mr. Philanthropist walked in front of him, Mrs. Philanthropist hugged Mr. Philanthropy and cried, "My husband, that's great. Thank God, I can see you again."

Under the stands, there was a sudden uproar one after another, and even the black sheep laughed twice.

The angel whispered into Bailixin's ear: "That black monster seems to like to see the expression of others struggling to make a choice in their relationship."

He was very close to Bailixin, the warm breath blew into Bailixin's earlobe, his hair flew up, making his ears itchy.

Bai Lixin shook his ears physiologically, dodged the man back and glared at the angel, and then focused his eyes on the philanthropist couple in the distance.

He is also very curious about Mr. Philanthropist's choice.

Mr. Philanthropist struggled away from Mrs. Philanthropist's arms, and looked at Mrs. Philanthropist with a determined face: "Don't be like this, when you sacrifice me as a sacrifice, you should know that the two of us will never be able to marry each other again." gone."

"Why?" The philanthropist's wife had tears in her eyes. "I don't know. I didn't know it would be like that. The golden room appeared in my dream. I thought it was just a dream."

"I thought that since it was a dream and you didn't really sacrifice, that's why I agreed. I just want a child, but I never thought of trading your life for a child."

"I was cheated, husband, you trust me."

The philanthropist's wife has been crying heartbreakingly.

The booing from below was even louder.

"Kill her! She is a crime, kill her quickly!"

"Feelings are just slaves that hinder your development, don't be a slave to feelings!"

"She is deceiving you, deceiving you!"

Mr. Philanthropist stood still, and numbly took the dagger from the attendant.

The philanthropist's wife looked at the philanthropist's actions in disbelief, shook her head and said, "I really want a child, and I also hate you for killing our child."

"But the two of us have been living together for twenty years. Even if I want another child, I won't sacrifice my husband who I have been with for a child I haven't met."

"I thought about it before I came to the resort. If we still can't have a child this year, we will adopt one. You see, I am not so attached to a child. The death of our son is an obsession for me. I was just blinded by obsession."

"Honey, I hated you, but I also loved you deeply. If I knew it was true at the time, I would never kill you for one."

The philanthropist's wife suddenly smiled wryly as she spoke, "Forget it, you'd better kill me."

"If you die, I can't raise the child myself, so I might as well accompany you together."

As he said that, the philanthropist's wife suddenly rushed forward and rushed towards the sharp knife in the philanthropist's hand.

Mr. Philanthropist's expression changed, and he raised his hand to avoid Mrs. Philanthropist.

Amid the exclamation of everyone, he hugged the crumbling philanthropist wife and asked, "You really didn't mean it?"

The philanthropist's wife was sobbing: "I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Mr. Philanthropist suddenly smiled: "It's enough to have you, I actually didn't want to kill you from the beginning. I just can't let you go, I want to see you and the child."

He put his hand slowly on the stomach of the philanthropist's wife, "Since this child was exchanged for my life, then you should treat this child well, no matter it's a boy or a girl, treat it like me."

As he spoke, Mr. Philanthropist raised the dagger in his hand and mercilessly plunged it into his chest.

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