"Oh, so the baby belongs to a philanthropist couple."

After listening to Bai Lixin's explanation, Hongyue poked the baby's chubby face and said regretfully.

Bailixin: ""

So why do you look regretful?

Emile: "According to what you said, all the people in the other dimension are dead?"

He opened his mouth, and just about to say something, he suddenly bit his lip.

Then Hongyue and Bailixin received a notification tone.

Emile: I suddenly had a bold idea.

Hongyue: Come and listen, let me see how bold you are.


Sister Hongyue, there is nothing you can't answer, right?

You are more or less a social cow in it.

Cough cough, Emil paused for two seconds, and continued to send messages in the group chat. Just now you said that there was a tombstone there, and Xinshen was also in that tombstone when he came back from another dimension.

Is there a possibility that the space Xinshen went to is actually hell?

The people he saw in that space were actually dead long ago.

Emir suddenly shivered in reality. If so, wouldn't the resort we're staying in be a haunted house? !

Ah ah ah ah.

Hongyue: It is indeed a very bold and wild conjecture. For you, Bai Lixin.


What's the matter with this kind of host's general ability to control the field?

Priscine: Let me just say that Emil is right. I saw many attendants in that space, and some of them wore the ornaments we had seen before, the red moon.

Red Moon: Jewelry? You mean the flowers and brooches on the tombstones?

Well, Bai Lixin continued to send messages, so Emil's guess is close to ten, and my guess is that those people are dead, but that space may not be hell.

Emile: Not hell, then what kind of place?

Red Moon: Stupid, demons are residents of hell. Which book have you read that hell will celebrate Thanksgiving? Will the hell see the devil and kill everyone?

Emil wrinkled his nose, and wanted to say something to appease his respect, when he heard someone calling out to them gently from behind.

"Guests, it's time for breakfast."

This sudden voice interrupted the private chat of the three of them. The three of them looked towards the voice and saw the tour guide standing behind them at some point.

He stood in the shadow of the gate, his slender body was hidden in the darkness, and he didn't know how long he had been standing here.

The tour guide still had a stiff professional smirk on his face, his indifferent eyes swept over the four of them little by little, and his black pupils were full of suspicion and suspicion.

The tour guide looked around, and finally landed on Bailixin and the demon: "Mr. Bailixin and Miss Cal, welcome back."

"Breakfast has been prepared for you, hurry up and enter the restaurant with me, other guests are waiting anxiously."

The four looked at each other, and slowly followed the tour guide into the restaurant.

In the restaurant, there are now three people sitting sporadically in front of the huge dining table.

Mr. Nick, Elizabeth and the actor.

The three of them huddled in a corner restrainedly, and exquisite food was placed in front of them, but the three of them just watched with stiff bodies and pale faces, without any appetite at all.

Don't you have any sense of waiting in a hurry?

Hongyue walked to the opposite side of Mr. Nick and the three of them, pulled a chair and sat down.

Seeing that Hongyue found a seat, Emil Bailixin and the devil also took their seats calmly.

Mr. Nick stared at the people opposite him with wide eyes: "You, are you all right? Miss Carr, how is your leg? Miss Carr, Mr. Bailixin, where were you before? Why are you still in your arms? Have a child?"

"Don't worry about this kind of problem," the tour guide said suddenly, he was still standing at the front of the dining table, slightly lowered his head and looked down at the few people on the dining table, "It's fine if you can come back."

Just a few days ago, this dining table was full of people. At that time, some of them were fighting secretly, and some were harboring ulterior motives, but none of them thought that they would die or disappear.

Hearing the voice of the tour guide, Mr. Nick was no longer as aggressive as before, his face turned pale, and he closed his mouth in a panic.

Elizabeth and the actor also huddled together, staring at the food in front of them tremblingly.

They are afraid, afraid of the tour guide.

To be more precise, they are afraid of everything in this resort.

The constant death and fear have long smoothed all their edges and corners. At this moment, the only thought in the mind of such a once high-ranking person is to live.

Stay alive and get out of this place alive.

Seeing Mr. Nick's cooperation, the tour guide twitched the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, revealing his classic smirk.

"Originally things were very tight before today, but because many people disappeared in the past two days, our food has been more abundant."

"Dear guests, let's put our hands together and thank these guests for their sacrifices, and thank God for the food that God has given us."

Mr. Nick and the others didn't know how to write the word "resistance" for a long time. As soon as the tour guide finished speaking, they folded their hands honestly and prayed.

Bai Lixin and the others were half a beat behind, but quickly caught up with their rhythm.

When Emil was praying, he secretly opened his eyes a slit. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of lifeless eyes staring at him intently.

Those eyes belonged to the tour guide. At this moment, the inside of those eyes was pitch black, and the faint white around them quickly disappeared and turned into pure black.

Now those weird eyes with no other colors just stared straight at it, and the empty eyes couldn't see any expression.

Emil closed his eyes instantly, and a few drops of cold sweat quietly appeared on his smooth forehead.

He suddenly thought of Samuel who was lying alone in the ward.

If that world is full of dead people, where can this space be safe?

The tour guide turned into this ghost when they couldn't see it, obviously not human.

The tour guide is like this, are the attendants and doctors normal?

Samuel is now in the ward by himself, and he can't carry it with his hands. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a delicate and pea princess now.

As he is now, if these monsters want to do something to Samael, it will be effortless.

Emil subconsciously pulled the sleeves of the people around him.

The person next to him didn't respond at all, just sat there motionless.

Emir was anxious, and tugged on the sleeve next to him, typing frantically in the system chat window.

Emile: I just opened my eyes and saw the guide's eyes! His eyes all turned black! Samuel is in the ward by himself, so he won't be in any danger, right?

Bai Lixin: Take it easy, don't be impatient, you shouldn't die, let's go take a look after breakfast.

The owner of the sleeve finally moved, holding Emil's wrist with his backhand.

Emile froze for a moment: Okay, I understand.

After saying this, he waited for two seconds, and the owner of that hand didn't mean to relax at all.

Emil had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue sending messages: That, God Xin. I see, you can let go of your hands.

Baili Xin:? I want to tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

Emil: Good news?

Bai Lixin: Even if it is good news, you should calm down. The good news is that my hand is off because I didn't grab you in the first place.

Emil's breathing stopped suddenly, and he suddenly realized that the touch on his wrist was not right.

He had also touched Bailixin's arm before, and it was not as cold as the current touch.

If it wasn't Xin Shen who caught him, then what was it?

He remembered correctly, he was sitting next to Xinshen, and the direction of grasping was not wrong.

A panting sound suddenly rang in the ears.

The voice seemed to be coming from the ears, and the chilly breath was so bluntly drilled into the ears.


Someone stood between him and Shen Shen!

who is it?

"Hehe." A cold laugh sounded, and Emil's entire scalp went numb.

Be a tour guide!

He was obviously looking at them with pitch-black eyes in front of the dining table just now, how did he come to them in the blink of an eye?

And he didn't hear the guide's footsteps at all.

This thing is too buggy, it is simply a pervert.

Emil rolled his Adam's apple hard, and his eyes closed even tighter.

There was a rustling sound of cloth, and when the others were about to pray to the end, the tour guide finally let go of Emil's wrist.

Feeling the disappearance of the cold touch on his wrist, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense shoulders also relaxed.

As the last prayer of the crowd fell, Emil opened his eyes with relief.

In the next second, a pair of expressionless eyes came into view without warning.

Emil's little soul almost flew into the sky: ""

Fuck, can you stop scaring him alone!

The tour guide didn't know when he sat next to Emil, and just looked at Emir and the others stiffly with his straight shoulders.

Emir smiled dryly: "Guide, Mr. Tour Guide, why are you looking at us like that?"

The tour guide grinned, and from Emil's point of view, he could even see the overly bright red tongue in the tour guide's mouth.

"Mr. Emile," the tour guide said slowly, with a bit of numbness in his voice, "are you three really fallen nobles?"

Hongyue and Bailixin suddenly looked at the tour guide with a sly smile, and Hongyue frowned even more.

Amir is facing a big enemy: "Of course, you won't look down on us just because of our identities, right? I am the young master of the dignified Emil family. Even if our family falls, not everyone can come and step on us." of!"

"Our Amir family is born noble and cannot be desecrated by anyone! Tour guide, this is only one time. If there is another time, I will definitely not let you off lightly!"

Emile talked more and more vigorously, and finally even danced.

If it wasn't for Hongyue and Bailixin knowing their details, both of them would have been deceived.

Yes, Emile, the acting is top notch.

The tour guide looked at Emil suspiciously, then looked at Hongyue and Bailixin blankly, then scratched his head hesitantly, and slowly stood up from his seat, "But a pampered noble young master, why is there something on his finger? So many cocoons?"

Emir "slapped" a row of tables, and got up angrily and roared: "You are enough!"

"Our family hasn't fallen into a situation where you will be questioned even if we secretly do some farm work! Tour guide, I have always regarded you as a gentleman. Is this how you treat a gentleman? It's too much, I don't care if I don't eat this meal! "

With that said, Emil left the table angrily and strode away.

Hongyue quickly followed Emir's footsteps, and before leaving, she still gave the tour guide a glare: "You also know that our family is a down-and-out aristocrat, and we have long been so poor that we can't even hire a helper. So some farm work It's all done by my brother."

"Although my brother is a dude and arrogant, he has the pride and self-esteem that a nobleman should have. But you shouldn't expose his scars in public, tour guide, you shouldn't. Don't say my brother doesn't forgive you, I Hongyue I won't forgive you!"

Tourist guide:""

Mr. Nick, who had been huddled in a corner all the time, couldn't help but said, "Yes, the nobles are down and out, and they also have their pride. This is the romance of the nobles. You, the tour guide, really went too far this time."

"Do you know that in order to protect the honor of the nobles, these nobles can even use death as a decisive way to prove it!"

The tour guide looked blankly at the direction where Hongyue and Amir left, and then at Bai Lixin who was still sitting firmly on the dining table, and suddenly asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Bai Lixin raised his knife and fork, and replied confidently: "I'm hungry."

Tourist guide:""

What about the honor of the nobility and the way of decision?


I'm hungry

first-class acting

As expected of a fraudster, his acting skills came as soon as he said it. One second, he was almost scared to cry, and the next second, his acting skills exploded.

He left in such a hurry, probably because he was worried about the safety of the craftsman?

What danger can artisans be in?

The craftsman himself was tortured like that, is it a danger in itself?

At the dining table, Mr. Nick and the others struggled to stuff the food into their mouths, the taste was like chewing wax.

It is eight o'clock in the morning, and there are still four hours before twelve o'clock.

But now that another space has been destroyed, no one will disappear at twelve o'clock.

In order to test his inner conjecture, Bai Lixin looked at the three people opposite and asked, "To be honest, did you enter the golden room last night, no matter in reality or in a dream?"

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and waved their hands in fear.

"No, no, we already know the horror of the golden room, how could it be possible to enter, even if I was killed, I would not enter."

"I didn't dream it, I really didn't dream it. I stayed in the room honestly last night and never took a step away."

"Me neither. I hate that golden room to death now. I can't wait to avoid it like a snake. How could I enter that golden room with my own death?"

Bai Lixin: "Did I not go in, or did I not dream?"

The three began to explain in a panic again.

"I didn't go in, and I didn't dream about it."

"Yes, I didn't dream at all."

"Not dreaming is not dreaming."

Bai Lixin: "So, with the disappearance of that space, the golden room also disappears."

The baby in his arms gurgled twice, then pulled his mouth and began to cry loudly.

"Mr. Tour Guide," Bai Lixin patted the baby's back reassuringly, "This is the child of the Eisley couple, please prepare some milk for him, and a clean swaddle, he is too dirty, Need to tidy up."

The tour guide glanced at the baby in their arms, a numb eye suddenly flickered a few times.

There is disgust and anger, and there is terror and fear.

Bai Lixin silently took in all the eyes of the tour guide. He lowered his head and glanced at the helpless baby, then quickly and naturally looked away.

The tour guide would be afraid of this child?

Could this child be the key to cracking the Eden Resort?

"Well, why don't you give me the baby?" Elizabeth stood up slowly, and said with some hesitation, "I have been a nun for a while, and I can take care of a little guy of this size."

"You didn't hug the child like this. He will feel uncomfortable if you do this."

Bai Lixin stared at the crying child in his arms, thought for a while, and carefully placed the child in Elizabeth's arms: "Please, Miss Elizabeth."

Elizabeth used her actions to prove that she had indeed taken care of a child. She was very skillful. As a result, the baby's buttocks were carefully held in her arms by the queen, and she gently patted the baby's back to comfort the child.

However, the baby's crying not only did not stop, but cried louder.

"Tell him not to cry!"

An angry scream suddenly sounded in the room, and Bai Lixin followed the sound without changing his face, and saw the tour guide who was still indifferent just now, covering his head with his hands in pain, and the stiff face was tangled at the moment. Together, every pore is talking about being uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Elizabeth's originally light movements suddenly became clumsy.

She slapped the baby frantically, but the more she tried to quiet the baby, the more it cried.

The baby who was just a baby turned into a hot potato in an instant, which made her feel at a loss.

"Mr. Bailixin." At a loss, Elizabeth had no choice but to ask Bailixin for help.

Bai Lixin took the baby in silence, while casually patting the back of the baby in his arms.

Back comforting the baby, while observing the look of the tour guide.

The tour guide had already retreated to the corner, curled up on the ground, his normal human eyes were blurring into pure black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Elizabeth and the others also noticed the abnormality of the tour guide, but they had already been dominated by fear and did not choose to escape. Instead, the three of them hugged into a ball, shivering and shrinking themselves.

Bai Lixin watched the changes of the tour guide silently.

Suddenly, he felt something strange in his chest.

Suddenly lowering his head, the little baby was grabbing Bai Lixin's clothes with a pair of soft hands, trying to pull his white robe away.

The baby aimed at Bai Lixin's chest, "Fanfan, eat, mom."

Bailixin froze in place, as if he had been struck by five thunderbolts.


Hahaha, Mom, Fanfan, hungry.

Xin Shen proved who is the male mother with practical actions.

This baby, who knows current affairs is a hero.

But how could he speak at such a young age? Wasn't it just born yesterday?

Don't you think he's not only talking, but also getting a little bigger?

Maybe it's because he's the product of a wish? So the growth rate is also different.

Bai Lixin opened the baby's hand indifferently, forbidding the baby's wandering and begging behavior.

Seeing that the food was far away in the sky, but it was out of reach, the baby who had stopped crying burst out crying again.

The tour guide also instantly covered his head again, with a painful expression on his face.

He had never been so embarrassed.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even stand up.

The tour guide just lay on the ground, glared at Baili Xin and the baby in his arms with fear and resentment, and crawled away on the ground with difficulty.

Elizabeth was the most courageous. She bravely went out and took a look, then quickly retracted her head, "Guide, crawled towards the outside of the gate."

The little baby's face was flushed, and his voice was almost hoarse from crying. Just when everyone was a little at a loss, a small silver spoon filled with milk was delivered to the little baby's mouth.

The little baby took a sip immediately, and burst into tears after drinking it.

Just when the little baby is rambunctious again, the silver spoon with the milk is delivered again.

In this way, one gave another a drink, back and forth dozens of times, the little baby's flushed face finally eased down.

He yawned comfortably, found a comfortable position in Baili Xin's arms, and fell asleep peacefully.

Several people stared blankly at the scene in front of them, even Bai Lixin was a little surprised.

It wasn't until the baby fell asleep that Bailixin found his voice: "Daughter-in-law, you are so virtuous."

The devil's face suddenly became hot.

"Daughter-in-law?!" Elizabeth screamed in a low voice, "You two are together?"

But she calmed down quickly, and said to herself: "It's inevitable for a man with a talent and a woman to attract each other. I'm sorry, but I'm so rare."

Bai Lixin carried the baby and walked to the door of the restaurant. There was still a drag mark that had not been restored on the carpet in the corridor outside the restaurant.

"It's weird," Mr. Nick also walked out of the room. "For some reason, the resort is empty today. Except for the tour guide, everyone else has disappeared. Those attendants who used to pretend to be fake don't know where they went."

"Where else can I go?" the actor complained, "I must have found something wrong here, so I ran away overnight."

Bailixin stared fixedly at the open door of the resort, and chose to remain silent.

The tour guide just now was examining their identities at the dinner table.

He hasn't forgotten the rules of the game in this movie, and he can't reveal that he is someone outside the movie, otherwise they will stay in the movie forever.

There should be two situations to stay in the movie.

The first is to expose the identity.

The second is to die in the movie.

So what about the conditions for leaving the film?

Is it to uncover the secrets of this resort?

He still doesn't know how to leave the movie, because from the beginning, neither the system nor the movie theater owner said the conditions for leaving the movie.

In only propositions but no conditional inferences, all propositions are false.

Bai Lixin frowned slightly.

If "leaving the movie" is a false proposition, then the act of leaving itself is not valid.

No solution.

That's the answer to this question.

From the moment they enter the movie, it is difficult to leave the movie.

Unless Baili Xin looked up suddenly.

There will be a channel connecting the two worlds!

Movies are to cinemas, just like this strange world is to this world.

As long as there are two different worlds, there must be flaws.

While Bai Lixin was still thinking, a system prompt for private chat suddenly came from the system.

He opened the private chat window and found that the sender was Zhou Guang.

Zhou Guang: We are in trouble.

Bai Lixin: Tell me about it.

Zhou Guang: We persisted through the so-called four days in the movie, but we did not leave the movie, but were taken back to the village by the name of the village as survivors.

Zhou Guang: We don't know how to leave. Do you have any clues?


Bai Lixin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, it was as he expected.

Even if they stick to the duration and date in the movie, if they can't break the barrier between the two spaces, they can't leave the movie.

Bai Lixin: Look for it, and see if there are any water streams, mirrors and other things that can produce water ripples within your reach.

Find them and see if there's anything special about them. If there is, that place is likely to be the passage connecting the movie to the outside.

Zhou Guang: Okay, I understand. You really have a way, I know it.

Thank you, I will look for it with Li Cancan now.

After finishing the chat with Zhou Guang, Bai Lixin clicked on Xia Chi's private chat window again.

Baili Xin: Xia Chi, are you there?

Xia Chi didn't answer as quickly as usual this time, he didn't wait for Xia Chi's answer after about ten seconds passed, and then opened Liang Xi's private chat window: Liang Xi.

Liang Xi's reply was very quick: What's the matter, Xin Shen.

Bai Lixin: What about Xia Chi?

Liang Xi paused for two seconds: He was the npc who had been helping us and was pierced through the heart by a monster in order to save Xia Chi. Xia Chi hugged that npc's body and cried for a long time, and now he recovered.

If you have anything to do, Xinshen, it's the same with me.

As soon as Liang Xi finished speaking, Xia Chi sent a private message: Brother, you are looking for me.

Bai Lixin probably guessed that the npc should be Tan Yue, but according to Tan Yue's rank, he would not be killed by the monster in the movie.

He did this most likely to return to Lai Xiachi's system.

Bai Lixin: Did you have a flash of inspiration?

Hey, Xia Chi enters the information, brother, you will not secretly install a surveillance camera on me, will you?


I am your sister.

Xia Chi: No, even the security monitor on my body can’t detect my mind. Could it be that you have installed something weird in my brain?

Bai Lixin: Have you been persecuted recently?

Xia Chi: Huh, brother, brother, that npc who looks like Tan Yue died, he died to save me, I am so sad.

Bai Lixin: Good boy, don't cry. When we go back, you can set up a tomb for him so that he can return it with peace of mind, okay?

Xia Chi: Well, okay, I’ll listen to you, bro. But even though my flash of inspiration came back, it seemed to be a bug, and I kept jumping, just like epilepsy. My flash of inspiration wouldn't cause Alzheimer's, right? It is an aging system after all.

Bailixin: Getting old? It told you by itself?

Xia Chi: That’s right, it said that it has stayed in this system for a long time, and its professional skill is no. 1. Just let me believe it wholeheartedly.

Although the npc is dead, it is good news to come back with a flash of inspiration. By the way, brother, what do you want from me?

Priscine: When is your film time?

Xiachi: Arrived three hours ago, we killed the sea monster at the end of the movie, but it's strange that we didn't leave.

Bai Lixin was silent for two seconds, repeated what he said to Zhou Guang, and then said: You may find it a bit difficult to find such a place, but

Xia Chi interrupted Bai Lixin: It seems that it is not difficult to find.

Baili Xin:? ? ?

Xia Chi: To tell you the truth, the ocean we live in is full of strange things. Just like this, the waves of the sea will stretch out and beckon strangely, and they almost said: "Master, come quickly".

The channel you mentioned may be full of features.

Hey, did I guess right, I jumped in a flash of inspiration.

Brother, do you think I want to dance? Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.


I often look out of place because of low self-esteem.

This is the chosen one.

The mirror is in his room?

Invincible luck in the universe?

How could he have the nerve to say it?

so envious.

I really want to rely on luck to pass the level.

Xia Chi: Why are you silent, bro?

Bai Lixin, you, just dance as you like.

dare not speak.



Damn, why did Xia Chi jump into the sea! Could it be that he couldn't think about it and wanted to die for that handsome npc? !

The mountain has no edges, and the heaven and the earth are united. How dare you break with the king!

However, he took Liang Xi with him when he danced.

Hahaha, Liang Xi's face turned green.

Liang Xi: I will really thank you. You are noble, you died for love, and dragged me to be buried with you?

Hey, they came out!

Oh, it turned out that it was not a sacrifice for love, but an escape.

After understanding this operation, I suddenly understood. The movie and the movie theater outside are also two worlds. After the movie is finished, there is no way to leave unless you find a passage.

The sea is the channel? Ah, these resources come from around me, and they are inexhaustible.

Compared with Xia Chi's lucky value, Xin Shen is simply weak.

Suddenly, I wondered what the channel in Xinshen movie was.

I suddenly thought of a question, if the passage is the key to leave, should I just leave? Don't care about the so-called exposure or not?

Hey, it makes sense.

"Let's go

, I'll go and see Hongyue and Amir. Bai Lixin took a deep breath and walked towards the depths of the corridor without looking back.

Let them find the passage together, and tell them that the whole sea is the passage of Xiachi by the way.

He couldn't be the only one whose mentality exploded.

The three of Mr. Nick don't know where they are now. Because the huge resort has lost its popularity, it instantly becomes empty.

The original magnificent building suddenly became strange and cold.

The three of them looked at each other, and although they didn't say much, they all followed behind Bailixin tacitly.

So, everyone squeezed into the ward at the same time, and saw Samel's unrequited expression.

Emil is removing Samael's hair.

The ostentatious hair was split in half. At a glance, Elizabeth and the others couldn't tell whether it was the flower that had gone off the rails or the golden retriever had broken its leg.

The air was suddenly silent.

Everyone: ""

Hongyue is the same as usual Sheniu-sama, even though the atmosphere was so embarrassing to the freezing point, she still calmly said, "Tsk tsk, why is there milk stains on the corner of the baby's mouth, Xinshen, Mr. Carl, who are you two?"

Everyone: ""

Emil: ""

Bailixin: ""


Sister Hongyue is really brave.

Has there been nothing left in this world for her to miss?

People who have been zombie queens have unusual brain circuits.

Let's just say, is there a possibility that Hongyue boss used to have this brain circuit?

I have a small question, that is, why did Song Yuantian fall in love with her?

She has a good-looking face, a good figure, strong abilities, she has a lot of friends, and she can be hot in the field. There are many advantages. What do you think President Song likes in her? If I were President Song, I would be sticky too

"Ahem, just kidding," Hongyue shrugged her shoulders as usual, "Why do you take it seriously? I am the hot spot."

Bai Lixin hesitated for two seconds, and finally couldn't help asking his own doubts: "Hongyue, do you keep your face and heart beating?"

Hongyue lazily raised her eyelids: "Then do you still need to ask? Of course it's because I have a thick skin."

Bailixin: ""

Everyone: ""

Unexpected, reasonable answer.

After a few days of recuperation, Samael still can't move his arms, but he can already move his neck simply.

He turned his neck with difficulty to look at the baby in Baili Xin's arms. The moment he saw the baby clearly, his pupils lit up suddenly, and even a long-lost smile appeared on his deathly face.

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