The baby was awakened by the movement around him, opened his eyes sleepily, and stared blankly at the strange faces surrounding him, his eyes full of curiosity.

Seeing this, Emil said, "Why is Samael so excited? Could this baby be the reincarnation of God the Father?"

After he finished speaking, he found that Hongyue and Baili Xin were all looking at him.

Emil was stunned, and suddenly realized what he said, his face changed, and he quickly covered his mouth, "Oh no."


It stands to reason that they shouldn't know Samael, and Samael can't speak now, so how could they know Samael's name?

Isn't this self-exposed?

"Samel?" Mr. Nick suddenly said, "This is the name Mr. Emil gave this craftsman? This name is not good, Mr. Emil, it is unlucky."

"However, Mr. Craftsman's current shape matches the name very well. It must be because of the shape of the craftsman that Emil has this association, right?" Hongyue thought for two seconds, and slowly spit out In a word.

Emil: "."

Sister Niu, it is really difficult for you to help me smooth things over.

Um? Strange, why am I called "Sister Niu"?

Mr. Nick: "But Mr. Emil is right. Why is Mr. Samuel looking at this baby so excitedly?"

Elizabeth also came over: "Yes, look at Mr. Samuel's appearance. If he is free now, he would have sat up from the bed."

The corners of Emil's mouth and eyes froze slightly.

How did you guys take on the name so naturally?

Are you all right?

He stood nervously waiting for the movie's death sentence, but nothing happened after waiting for a while.

Emile: So, is this a bluff?

Hongyue: Young man, be more confident and remove the "not". You did it juvenile, awesome!


I don't quite get it.

The Niu sister attribute that President Song likes is actually a sand sculpture attribute?

Instead of Sister Sa's attributes?

Didn't you break your brain when you were a zombie?

The little baby turned his head and saw Samuel, babbling and blinking curiously.

Samuel opened his mouth and stared at Bailixin eagerly, but he couldn't say anything, he could only blink desperately with his eyes.

After thinking for a while, Bai Lixin looked at Samuel, "Do you want to tell us some important information?"

Samuel's eyelids were heavy.

Priscine: "About the resort and this baby?"

Samuel blinked again.

Bai Lixin thought for two seconds, pulled a stool from the side and sat down, "Did I tell you that I can guess a little bit of the meaning of others simply from the shape of my mouth?"

Samuel: ""

not at all.

"But what I saw wasn't too accurate."

"Well, let me ask, and you blink. If I guess right, you blink once, and if I guess wrong, blink twice."

Samuel blinked hard.

Bai Lixin habitually leaned his body lazily on Lao Gong behind him, and said in a leisurely manner, "Okay, you go ahead."

Samuel opened his mouth, hesitated for two seconds, and finally opened his mouth and shook his head.

Hongyue: "You can't even lip-synthesize?"

Samuel blinked.

Bai Lixin: "Could it be that pulling out your tongue also deprived you of your ability to speak?"

Samuel's eyes lit up suddenly, and he blinked vigorously, even admiration flashed in his eyes.

Bai Lixin: "Pull out your tongue, break off your fingers, break off your arms and legs, and your whole body is covered with scars. Someone imprisoned you here to torture you?"

Samuel blinked.

"Hiss," Mr. Nick next to him shook his head after hearing this, "What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, so ruthless."

A look of embarrassment flashed in Samuel's eyes.

Bai Lixin: "Is the person who tortured you the owner of the Garden of Eden?"

Samuel blinked once, then twice.

Emil frowned: "Yes or no? What do you mean?"

Bai Lixin didn't say much, and continued to ask: "If it is true or not, then it may be the speculation in my heart. Did the person who tortured you become a spirit from the Garden of Eden?"

Samuel blinked hard.

The others looked at Baili Xin blankly for a moment, their eyes full of doubts.

Bai Lixin: "When I was in another world, that monster's mouth was full of resentment towards humans, complaints towards God the Father, and grievances towards the Garden of Eden. Samael's answer of 'yes and no' just now proves that this life is There is a part of the control of the Garden of Eden, but it is not the words of the master and father God in our understanding. The only guess is the Garden of Eden itself."

It was not the first time he had seen a monster with thinking ability generated in a building. When I was in the dungeon of ghost talks on campus before, the ultimate boss in that dungeon was also the building of the school.

However, the birth of that monster was more due to the accumulation of too many negative human emotions in the school. In the end, all the negative emotions continued to ferment and merge, and became a monster that trapped humans.

As for this copy of Eden becoming a spirit, it is more likely that the Garden of Eden itself is a fairy tale in mythology.

exist. Discontent over the Adam and Eve affair breeds terrible resentment.

One is a monster created by humans.

One is a self-generated monster.

Samuel blinked again in cooperation.

The three of Mr. Nick looked at each other for a while, and soon felt relieved.

So far, they have seen so many spooky and strange things, and now even if some of them suddenly say that they are angels and demons, they will believe it.

Let's just say, you don't have the ability to question at all, okay?

What else can I do if I can't fight again and again?

Bai Lixin: "You tortured you because you let Adam and Eve eat the fruit of wisdom, which caused Eden to be punished by God the Father, so Eden vented all its hatred towards you."

Samuel blinked.

"Huh," Elizabeth suddenly covered her mouth, "Why did Adam and Eve come out? No, wait a minute. Isn't it the fallen angel Samuel who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of wisdom in the ancient scriptures?"

Several people suddenly stared at the bandaged bun on the bed, the actor said, "Is he really Samuel?! Am I crazy or is this world crazy?"

"God, maybe the three of us are crazy." Mr. Nick frantically drew a cross on his chest, looking pitifully about to faint.

Emil's eyes flickered, he carefully tugged on Bai Lixin's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Is it possible to say so boldly?"

Is it really not possible to be found not to be in the movie and then be trapped in the movie?

You want to stay here, but I don't want to be buried with you yet.

"Emile, haven't you noticed yet?" Hongyue said slowly, "Look at the leaves, flowers and birds outside. Since just now, all the leaves have stopped."

"And those attendants have all disappeared."

Emil hasn't had a good rest since last night, and today he is also in a daze.

Hearing Hongyue's words, he hurried to the window to look outside, and suddenly found that the outside was really still at some point.

The leaves, flowers and birds were frozen in the air, and there was no more chirping of birds and cicadas, nor any sound of wind.

Mr. Nick also walked behind Emil and looked outside in shock.

Emil opened the window, reached out and grabbed a leaf suspended in mid-air.

The frozen leaves lay obediently in Emil's palm, and he easily brought them into the room.

This Garden of Eden was strangely still.

Emil observed the leaves in his hand, "How could this be?"

Hongyue: "I don't know, but obviously, except for us, all the Garden of Eden has stopped cooking. It's as if the music box forgot to rotate the spring, and the unwound music box can only stand there blankly, turning into a freeze-frame painting .”

"So don't worry about any surveillance, I guess Eden himself has stopped cooking."

"It's not a break, it's restarting." Bai Lixin corrected, "Last night, the actions of the Aisley couple seemed to break something. The monster suddenly destroyed that space like crazy, and said something while destroying, 'Everything will be restarted. start'."

"Maybe this short freeze is just the Garden of Eden accumulating energy for the restart. When the time comes, here will be a brand new Garden of Eden."

"However, if you think about it from another angle, now may also be the time when Eden's strength is weakest."

Samuel blinked cooperatively and gave Baili Xin an affirmative answer.

Hongyue: "So that's how it is."

Mr. Nick and the others were completely dumbfounded. They have been dumbfounded from the beginning to now, and the more they listened, the more stupid they became.

"What reboot, what is the weakest strength? What is the freeze frame." The actor finally squatted on the ground unbearably, and yelled in dismay, "You are making a movie, right?"

He suddenly stood up from the ground, his eyes were full of madness.

He ran wildly around the room, screaming and flipping through the room: "Where's the camera? Where's the director? Where did you hide the equipment? I get it, it's a trick show from the beginning!"

The actor suddenly rushed in front of Elizabeth, opened his eyes and looked at Elizabeth: "Elizabeth, hahaha, both of us have been deceived. I have seen through it, the director and the others did not die or disappear at all. This is their play. trick."

"They always do this, don't they? Those directors and dignitaries always tease us actors as monkeys. They always like to play with us in the window to satisfy their superior desire to conquer."

"I just said, how could we be so lucky to get tickets to the Eden Resort?" The actor became more and more excited as he spoke, his cheeks flushed with excitement, "He, him, and them!"

The male actor stretched out his arms restlessly, pointing to Mr. Nick, then to Bai Lixin and the others, "They are all actors who cooperate with the director's team."

"What Garden of Eden, what angels and demons, what Adam and Eve, deceiving ghosts?"

"The more terrified we are now, the happier those powerful people hiding behind the camera are. People like them, what they like most is to get the pleasure they want from our faces."

"In their eyes, we are not human beings at all, but monkeys one by one."

"Elizabeth," the actor suddenly took Elizabeth's hand, "Let's go, I'll take you out of this ghostly place right now."

Elizabeth gets brutally ripped

, After a stagger, he broke free from the actor's shackles.

The actor's eyes were already red at the moment, and he looked at Elizabeth with blood-red eyes, "I understand, they invited you to lie to me."

"It turns out that only I am the clown."

The male actor covered his face in pain, and burst into tears: "Hahaha, do you like watching my performance so much? A bunch of perverts, you are all a bunch of perverts!"


With a loud noise, Elizabeth raised her arm and slapped the actor heavily on the face.

The actor froze in place for an instant, and the red light in his eyes quickly faded away.

"Can you calm down?" Elizabeth squatted down in pain: "Look at the leaves outside, what film company can do this, we are really trapped in the supernatural. Don't lie to yourself anymore! "

"There are no actors! There is no director hiding behind! This is not a reality show, it's all real!"

Elizabeth yelled at the actor, as if to vent all the grievances she had suffered in the past few days, "Why don't you face the reality? Let others handle it. You are no longer a three-year-old kid."

The actor finally cried: "But why are we the unlucky ones? I have a movie to start shooting next month. The crew of that movie is the strongest in the world, and the director has won several international awards. If I can finish the movie That movie, I'll be an instant hit."

"I thought the moment I got the ticket was the beginning of my luck, but I didn't expect it to be the end."

"Woooooh, Elizabeth, I want to go back, I really want to go back."

Elizabeth's eyes were red: "We are not dead yet, why should we give up until the last moment?"

"You also said that you are very lucky. Maybe we people just got lucky and went back intact without dying."

When he said this, Bai Lixin silently glanced at the three of them, his eyes sparkling.

Under Elizabeth's comfort, the actor finally stopped crying.

Mr. Nick pursed his lips in disdain, and cursed secretly, "Trash."

"I cried when five people in my family died."

The actor's cheeks flushed, and he lowered his head in shame, not even looking at everyone.

After a small episode, Bailixin continued to look at Samuel: "Have you been in this space for a long time?"

Samuel blinked.

Bai Lixin: "You ran to our space and pulled us in. You shouldn't just let us come here to break through the level once and then leave? You want us to rescue you out?"

Samuel blinked twice.

Bai Lixin: "Not for yourself? Could it be for this child?"

Samuel blinked again.

Bai Lixin frowned, "It's neither for yourself nor for the children, do you want us to break the space of the Garden of Eden?"

Samuel blinked once, then blinked twice.

Bai Lixin: "You want me to rescue such a trapped soul?"

Samuel blinked heavily this time.

Bai Lixin stared at the baby on the bed: "Is he the key because he has some special identity? Could it be that, as Hong Yue said, he is the reincarnation of God the Father?"

Samuel blinked his eyes affirmatively.

Hongyue raised her eyebrows: "Hey, isn't it?"

"If it's not because of his identity, maybe it's because of his existence?" Cal put both hands on Prissin's shoulders, and he spoke the first sentence after being silent all this time.

Samuel immediately glanced at Cal and blinked.

Bai Lixin once again put all the details together and passed them in his mind, thinking about what he had missed.

Just when the picture in his mind was fixed on the Aisley couple, he suddenly raised his head: "This is a circular space. The monster said to restart, and the restart is not only space, but also time."

"Did the Eisleys make the same choice every time, so they would make the black sheep angry every time, and eventually restart."

"But in the previous cycle, we didn't exist. So according to the normal timeline, this baby who disobeyed the monster's will would die. But now he was taken away by us and survived. He is a variable, which makes the monster fear Therefore, it is the key to breaking this endless cycle.”

Samuel blinked heavily.

Emil frowned: "But how to break the endless cycle? Do you rely on this baby to babble and call mother?"

Samuel's eyes widened, as if he really wanted to cut Emir.

—The Madonna.

A voice thought in Baili Xin's mind.

Bai Lixin was slightly taken aback, and when he went to look for this voice again, it seemed to be his own illusion.

He glanced complicatedly at the baby who was still ignorant of everything, "The statue of the Virgin."

Several people looked at Bailixin in unison, and Bailixin continued: "Do you still remember the statue of the pregnant Virgin?"

"Put the child in the statue of the Virgin. According to the rules, under the blessing of the Virgin, he will receive the blessing and blessing of the Virgin and become God the Father for a short time."

"A Father God with dawn should be able to easily tear apart the cycle of Eden."

As soon as this remark came out, not only the others, but even Samael was stunned.

Others were because of Baili Xin's whim, and Samuel was because of shock.

Priscine was right.

Put the crystallization that symbolizes human emotions in the statue of the Virgin, and the crystallization will temporarily have the buff of the Father God, breaking the endless loop.

But this method was deduced by him after consulting a large amount of information and conducting countless prophecy deduction.

It is impossible for Bailixin to know this method, and it is even more impossible for him to investigate this kind of thing in advance.

But he guessed it.

How on earth did he do it? He was still struggling with how to pass the method to them just now, but he guessed it all at once.

He is terrible.

As expected of that person's lover, as terrifying as that person.

Samuel glanced at Cal silently while in shock. Cal felt Samuel's jealous gaze, looked back suspiciously, and secretly examined this strange man.

Samuel: ""

Looking at the other person's eyes, I really don't remember myself.

Before the long, long cycle, that terrible man once came to this movie. When he was about to despair, that man beat himself up and made a deal with himself.

The man told himself that there was still not enough opportunity to break the cycle with his current abilities, but he could take himself out of this movie and into their world, looking for a way to break the cycle.

But there is a price to pay.

Although he was skeptical, in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of "breaking the cycle" and agreed to the man.

But when he agreed, he never thought that he would really leave the "movie" world. Until then, he didn't even know that everything here was just a "movie" watched by others.

But soon, the man proved himself with practical actions.

He found a passage, and really took himself out with a strange prop, and gave himself a cloak that could hide his identity.

The man told himself that he must always wear a cloak to hide his identity.

Once his reality is captured by the system, he will be immediately sent back to the original copy.

From that day on, he is no longer the craftsman in the movie, but the player Samael.

He quietly and occasionally participates in games, and even sleeps wearing a cloak.

That cloak was like his own skin, firmly bound to him. He stayed in the game hall for a long time, long enough to see the man climbed up to the 900th floor step by step, and then watched the man stand on the leaderboard of the 999th floor, and saw the man being mosaiced.

He also discovered the secret of 900, and saw countless people excitedly climbed to the 900th floor in a victorious attitude, thinking that he could leave this world immediately.

But in a blink of an eye they all disappeared.

He also found that people forgot their names.

He knows everything, but he can't say anything.

Later, he slowly climbed to the 300th floor, and found a few clues. For the latter clues, he had to go to a more internal library, but the only people who could enter this library were the high-level members of the guild.

So he got to know Song Yuantian, joined the Shahai Guild, and became the guild's vice president by relying on his own strength.

At the same time, it also indirectly hinted to Song Yuantian the danger of the 900th floor.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Song Yuantian was very smart and knew everything.

Originally, Song Yuantian was frantically brushing dungeons during that time, wanting to improve his strength and accumulate strength to save Hongyue.

After understanding his hint, Song Yuntian resolutely gave up the dungeon, deliberately suppressed his progress, and kept hovering around the 800th floor without taking any action.

But he didn't know about the deal between that man and Song Yuantian at that time, he never heard Song Yuantian mention it.

Although Song Yuantian had already forgotten who he was doing the deal with, Samael knew that it must be that mysterious man.

He also learned later that the man had not completely disappeared like the others.

That man was indeed a leapfrog existence. Although his name was mosaiced, he was still active on the 999th floor.

But he never saw that man again.

Perhaps, he was trapped on the 999th floor.

I tried my best to climb to the 999th floor, but finally ushered in the canary ending in captivity.

I have to say, it's really a bit miserable.

Later, he began to pay attention to this man consciously or unconsciously.

Only then did he realize that this man seemed to be plotting something. He was like a hunting spider, quietly laying down many things.

He started planning before reaching the 900th floor.

This means that he already knew the ending of the 900th floor before reaching the 900th floor.

But he went up anyway.

He didn't know what he was plotting, because he was just quietly subdued on the 999th floor, motionless, just like the most professional hunter, who can always hide patiently before the prey appears.

After a long time, he almost dismissed this man. During this time, he got props that can predict the future.

Borrowing this prop, he finally found a way to break the movie loop, but unfortunately, there was a way, but something was always missing.

Until Bai Lixin emerged in the live broadcast room, and when he saw the figure of a man in the live broadcast room, he started to shut down again.

Note this man.

At first he thought it was just a coincidence, it was just that they looked alike.

But then that man appeared again and again in the youth's live broadcast room.

At the same time, the performance of the young man also made him see the shadow of the man he once was.

For a while, he even thought that the man had been assimilated by the system and turned into an npc in the game.

Then he noticed that every time the young man left a copy, the copy would be completely closed.

When he noticed this, he suddenly figured out what a man had to do.

He actually wanted to destroy the game hall from the inside!

It's like trying to ruin the movie loop yourself!

Since then, he has silently followed the youth's movements.

He asked Emil to deliberately test Bailixin, not only tested Bailixin's strength, but also got a pleasant surprise.

The man on the 999th floor can actually appear through an NPC.

But there is also some regret, the man on the 999th floor seems to have forgotten a lot of things.

Later, he found that it was not only himself who noticed the youth, but also Song Yuantian.

And for the first time, he also took the initiative to take the responsibility of entering the dungeon to protect Bailixin. He not only wanted to observe Bailixin, but also wanted to get close to the man through Bailixin to see what was going on with that man.

But unfortunately, he and Bai Lixin had been out of contact that time, and he had no chance to get close to the man.

But after that copy came out, his foresight suddenly upgraded, and he finally saw the only way to break this infinite loop of movies.

Bring in the youth.

So he followed the youth into the dungeon for the second time, that is, the zombie dungeon.

During that time, the prophetic dream became stronger and stronger, and the blurred picture became clearer and clearer.

Until he helped Song Yuantian rescue Hongyue, he took the opportunity to hand over the movie ticket to Bailixin.

He gave Baili Xin two cards, because he knew that wherever there were young people, that man would definitely appear.


Samuel frowned and looked at Cal again.

Beauty, who are you?

What about the man you agreed with? This dungeon even changed the skin?

Women's clothing boss?

Is it such a big game?

The devil pursed his lips, and there was a faint flame of anger in his eyes.

Look at me again, eat you!

"However," Emil raised his hand, "although I don't really want to pour cold water on you, all the statues of the Virgin outside have disappeared."

"According to the previous rule, the statue of the Virgin Mary will be refreshed when it gets dark."

"In our current situation, can we wait until dark?"

Bai Lixin looked at Samael, and saw Samael blinked.

Lord Bailixin, the voice of the escape system rang in my head. Brother M and I just secretly hacked into the main brain system and stole the data of the previous dungeon for you.

According to the previous rules, the Garden of Eden will be silent for a day, and the statue of the Virgin Mary and the entire Garden of Eden will be refreshed after dark. Your chance is only at that moment.

But correspondingly, that time is your opportunity, but also a disaster. Because of the instability of energy. The surroundings will continue to run wild, and the specific performance is that the world is eclipsed, and many little black snakes crawl out of the ground to look for food. Not only the little black snake came out, but also the souls who had been trapped here after death.

s419m: All in all, opportunities are accompanied by disasters.

Bai Lixin's eyes flickered slightly, thank you, the information from the two of you is really timely.

The escape system smiled embarrassedly: I would also like to thank Brother M, if it hadn't let me steal and encouraged me all the time, I wouldn't have dared.

s419m: As I said earlier, Tongmei, I am a professional in finding data. When I was wandering around the rivers and lakes with the host, I used to do this a lot! The master host has achieved this kind of achievement, because I raised it well back then.


Let's not say this kind of black history in such a proud tone, shall we?

Escape system: Wow, Brother M is awesome, and Lord Bailixin is awesome too! In the future, I will also steal a bunch of data to support you.

Seeing that the three views on the topic were getting more and more crooked, Bai Lixin quickly changed the subject: Well, how did Brother M persuade Tongmei?

Escape system: Brother M told me: Be a free and unrestricted uniform, a brave and mighty uniform!


Good guy, you're even more foolish than me.

He paused, then suddenly remembered the voice, and asked: Did you two remind me of the three words "Madonna" in my mind just now?

s419m: I don't have one, sister Tong, do you have one?

Escape system: I don't have one either.

Bai Lixin frowned.

Who the hell is that?

That voice flashed by so fast that I didn't even have a chance to judge its characteristics.

That message just popped into my mind so suddenly.

It doesn't sound like Di Jia's voice, nor is it the system's voice.

If not them, then who?

Could it be that there is another consciousness in this world that I don't know about?

He was only puzzled for a moment, and quickly regained consciousness.

Although I don't know what power to remind myself, but at present, that

The voice is not threatening to itself.

It can easily appear in your own mind, and if you want to do something, you won't give yourself a hint.

After finishing the conversation with the system, Bailixin turned around and told a few people what he knew.

After hearing this, Hongyue asked, "Then what are we going to do now? We've been waiting until nighttime?"

Bai Lixin: "Now there is one more thing to do, look for the passage entrance."

Hongyue and Emil were a little puzzled, and Bailixin explained the passage again.

Hongyue suddenly realized: "So there is such a place, wait a minute, you said that the sea around Xiachi is full of passages? This little brother's luck is good, but our luck should be too."

Emil interrupted Hongyue: "Sister Niu, you have to recognize the reality. Look at us, one unlucky enough to become a zombie queen, one unlucky to be folded into a bandaged snake, and one more"

He paused, and glanced at Bai Lixin: "I understand everything, so I won't say more."

Hongyue didn't take it seriously: "What if the negative and the negative are offset?"

"Wait, why do you call me Miss Niu?"

"" Emile, "the problem is we are negative."

Every time Bai Lixin dared not speak easily at such times, he took the devil's finger from his shoulder and played with it boredly.

The slender white jade fingers evoked the slender fingers with well-defined joints, and they shuttled back and forth between the fingers like a water snake, leaving a wet and soft touch everywhere they went.

The demon looked down at the young man's movements from top to bottom with soft eyes.

The young man who suddenly quieted down at this moment was like a cat snoozing in the afternoon, his body was so lazily leaning against his arms, his fan-like eyelashes trembling slightly, like a butterfly blooming in spring.

The butterfly's wings trembled slightly, leaving the blooming rose, and quietly landed at the fingertips of the devil.

The pollen stuck to the butterfly's legs entered the blood along the fingertips, and then flowed through the whole body through the blood.

back of hand, arm, collarbone

Everywhere you go, there is warmth.

Hongyue snorted softly: "That's not a good idea, what if our lucky value is not Lianliankan, but matchmaking."

Bai Lixin's eyelashes trembled several times: ""

Sister Hongyue is in a good mood.

Sure enough, there is no hurdle that Sister Hong can't get through, no wonder she can survive in the zombie dungeon for so long.


Are you playing right? The kind of negative negative positive.

No, I only play Lianliankan.

Sister Hongyue's mentality is really stable. It's not unreasonable to survive in the zombie dungeon for so long.

The "good mood is the secret of longevity" in the scientific community is not deceiving me.

Woohoo, at this moment between Xinshen and the demon boss, I just want to take a screenshot. It's so beautiful, why is there such a beautiful picture.

Yes, it's so warm. I'm afraid there are not many people who can do this in this critical moment.

I hope they are doing well, I like them all very much. Even Emile is pleasing to me.

Emile still has a face after all.

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