As the sun goes down, the resort that has been static has also undergone changes.

The leaves suspended in the air swayed, and the sound of the wind reappeared in everyone's ears.

The scene in the original freeze frame began to shake.

It's just that the shaking of these objects is very illogical. The leaves did not fall on the ground, but seemed to go backwards in time.

Everything seems to have been pressed backwards, except for the moon rising above the head as always.

As the landscape recedes, something slowly emerges from the ground.

Suddenly Elizabeth's screams came from behind, and they turned their heads to look, and saw Elizabeth was wrapped around her ankle by a black snake that came out from under her feet.

Elizabeth screamed, kicked the black snake away with all her strength, and jumped to the side in a panic.

Immediately afterwards, more and more black snakes sprung up from the ground.

They were densely coiled around everyone's feet, writhing their dark bodies, as if they were looking for something.

Elizabeth and the others turned pale with fright, and the three hugged in a panic, hiding behind Baili Xin and the others who seemed to be calm.

Seeing the changes around him, Emil couldn't help but complain: "Could it be that the movie is playing backwards now? Bai Lixin, hurry up and find a way, I don't want to come to this ghost place again."

Hongyue pointed to the direction of the back garden: "Look, the statue of the Virgin is out!"

Bai Lixin and Amir looked up, and saw a statue of the Virgin standing up from the rear garden that was being turned upside down, and the top of the statue was still covered with damp soil.

But beside the statue of the Virgin, countless black snakes seemed to have been summoned, and they scrambled to occupy the side of the statue of the Virgin. Their tails were wrapped around the statue of the Virgin, their heads were facing outward, and they were staring at the surroundings.

Emil swallowed her saliva: "What should I do?"

Hongyue: "It doesn't matter, let's go there first, and I'll finish it later!"

She made a pumping motion in mid-air as she spoke, which looked weird because she was pumping air and loneliness.

"Hiss, I'm going," Hongyue put her hands down awkwardly, "I can't take out the props and weapons in the backpack."

Emil: "Sister Niu, did you just find out?"

He tried it the first time after the system was turned on. Although he could see the system interface, the function of the backpack still could not be opened.

"It should be the limitation of the movie, just like if there are modern weapons in the ancient background, it will be very inconsistent." Amir asked Hongyue after a guess, "Then sister Niu, are you still going to break the queen?"

Red Moon: ""

I am lonely.

She looked around, and suddenly looked at Bai Lixin: "Baili Xin, where's the boss?"

From just now, there were only the three of them. The boss set out with Baili Xin when he was looking for the passage, but Bai Lixin was the only one who came back now.

Bai Lixin: "He'll be here in a while."

While speaking, there was a sudden violent shaking between the sky and the earth. Accompanied by this violent shaking, the ground in the direction of the apple orchard began to crack rapidly, and a dark thing protruded from it.

Hongyue: "What the hell is that, such an ugly sheep."

Emile: "Is there a possibility that it is the boss?"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The screams sounded again, and Hongyue looked in the direction of the sound. The three of Elizabeth were frantically surrounded by black snakes, and the black snakes scrambled to wrap around the three of them.

"Save us." Mr. Nick fiddled with the black snake desperately, his pupils trembling and his face pale.

Things weren't much better for Elizabeth and the actor, either.

The actor quickly kicked off the black snake on his body, and dragged Elizabeth to the top of the stairs to avoid the black snake's attack.

Mr. Nick quickly followed after seeing this.

I don't know why, seeing the three of them leave, those black snakes quickly followed the three of them, chasing after them.

Seeing the black snake catching up to them again, Bailixin squeezed the baby who had been peaceful in his arms.

The severe pain came suddenly, and the little baby looked at Bai Lixin in disbelief, his round face was shrunken, and he was crying like a storm.

The loud voice pierced the sky in an instant, and no matter whether it was the black snake or the black sheep, they all stopped moving as if they had pressed the pause button.

Bai Lixin didn't hesitate, and while the monster was suspended, he sprang out like a ghost and rushed towards the statue of the Virgin.

Everything stood still for a second.

A second later, all the monsters roared angrily towards the sky like they were going crazy.

The deafening sound soon overwhelmed the baby's crying, and all the monsters pursued Bailixin as if possessed by a demon.

However, in just one or two seconds, Bailixin had already rushed behind the statue of the Virgin.

When he opened the hidden compartment behind the statue of the Virgin, those black snakes also chased after him.

They wrapped around Bai Lixin's body, and one wasp after another was afraid of Bai Lixin's body.

Just as soon as the secret compartment was opened, Baili Xin was submerged in the crowd of black snakes.

Bai Lixin pursed his lips tightly, he lifted the baby high with one hand, and pulled the black snake in front of him away with the other hand.

Just when there were more and more black snakes, two other different hands joined in.

Hongyue changed from her previous idleness, pawing the snake with both hands like a groundhog, swearing while doing it, "That means I believe in Buddhism now, or else I will kill you!"

We all got it back and soaked in wine for drinking every day. "

Emil was shocked by Hongyue's digging speed: "But why is it for the president to drink?"

Hongyue's complexion changed slightly: "Hey, children don't need to know about adults. Forget Bailixin, you don't need it."

Bailixin: ""

I will really thank you.

Emil reacted for two seconds, and finally realized what Hongyue said. His fingers trembled slightly, and he was almost bitten by the black snake: "."

My sister Hong in society.

In the movie theater, several people sat on red chairs, nervously watching the huge screen.

Now there is only the last playback screen left on the screen. After receiving the prompt from Baili Xin, the others found the passage one after another and left the movie world.

Hongyue's words without warning penetrated into the ears of several people, and everyone immediately looked at Song Yuantian tacitly, with scrutiny and thoughtfulness on their expressions.

President Song's face is so pale, can't it be true?

Although, Hongyue really broke her heart for her boyfriend.

Song Yuantian's eyes flickered, and he silently opened the private chat window after taking in everyone's gaze.

Song Yuantian: Red Moon!

Hongyue's eyes in the movie were blank for a while, and Song Yuantian received a private chat.

Hongyue: What's the matter, Tiantian.

Song Yuantian's pale cheeks were flushed with embarrassment: We are all out, and you are the only ones left. Now we are all in the cinema to watch you pass the level.

Hongyue: That's really great, we should be there soon, wait for me, baby, I'll come out to find you right away.

Song Yuantian's expression became more and more ashamed: That's not what it means, we can see your movie screen now, please pay attention.

Hongyue in the movie suddenly raised her head and looked around: Oh, I see, you want me to restrain myself.

Song Yuantian coughed lightly: Yes.

Hongyue: Got it, let me pay attention.

Song Yuantian paused, and blushed again and sent a message to Hongyue: Uh, sister, do you really think I need to drink snake wine?

He is a little guilty.

Hongyue: Snake wine nourishes yin and nourishes yang. Your body has been so depleted these years that I almost didn't recognize it. Before Tiantian, she was obviously cute and her face was white and tender. Of course I hope you can return to your former health.

Song Yuantian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second he became nervous again: Oh, so it is like this. Well, am I not looking good now? Will my sister not like it? Sister, I have really been taking good care of my body recently, eating and sleeping on time without insomnia.

Don't dislike me, sister.

What are you talking about, Hongyue news will be sent soon, why would I despise you, I love you so much. Have you really had a good rest recently? When I get back to the game hall, I will check it carefully. If I find you lying, I will punish you.

Song Yuantian's eyes flickered, and he quietly replied a message: Well, I see, sister, please pay attention to safety, I will wait for you to come out.

Hongyue: Be good every day.

Three people and five hands finally used all their strength to open the hole to a small space.

At this time, the bodies of the three of them were almost buried by the black snake.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Baili Xin grabbed the hard-won gap and stuffed the crying baby in the swaddle without hesitation.

The moment they were stuffed in, the three of them were buried by the black snake at the same time.

The air was still again.

The once beautiful back garden is now a paradise for black snakes.

As far as the eyes can see, there are all winding black snakes, like a black ocean.

The three people submerged in the black ocean remained motionless, and even lost their figures in the picture.

Before the movie, Song Yuantian and the others anxiously got out of their chairs, and Xia Chi shouted at the owner of the movie theater angrily: "Where are people?!"

The old man lightly tapped the ground with the tip of his cane, and praised: "It's already very good for them to get here, they can leave safely as long as they find a passage, but they insist on going to a dead end, thinking about breaking this world. "

"They want to dig people's ancestral graves, and others will not let them do this nonsense."

"This is not only a lesson for them, but also a wake-up call for other latecomers."

"Don't try to expect things beyond your means."

Lin Jue: "Fuck you, the woman our president likes is so easy to be cold? I think you are the one who is overwhelmed. Stupid old thing, it seems that you really don't know that we humans are scary , sometimes more monsters than monsters."

There was a sudden explosion in the movie, which attracted everyone's attention to the movie.

In the movie screen, an angel with eight big wings came lightly under the moonlight. He was suspended in mid-air, flapping his powerful wings.

With every flapping of the angel, the black snakes on the ground were blown away one by one, and the three buried people gradually appeared on the screen.

The angel let Baili Xin grab his own neck, and grabbed another with one hand, and easily flew the three of them out of the pile of black snakes.

While flying towards the roof, the angel patiently apologized: "Sorry, I'm late."

Bailixin: "Is it done?"

Angel: "Well, I came back right after I just finished."

Emil couldn't understand what the two were talking about: "What did you do?"

At this moment, the angel just landed on the roof.

Standing on the high roof, Emil saw flames soaring into the sky in the distance, with greenery and thick smoke curling up in the flames, licking up everything it went, turning into a sea of ​​blood.

Hongyue was dumbfounded: "An angel went to the fire-burning mountain? Is this what an angel should do?"

After finishing speaking, she looked around in a daze, found an angle that she thought was the camera, and said solemnly: "Friends from the audience, a friendly reminder, it is wrong to set fire to mountains. Protecting the safety of natural property is to protect our lives and health. Refuse all behaviors of burning fire. Especially children, don't imitate."

"When it's critical, don't stick to trifles," the angel said earnestly, "I burned that cemetery, so those souls should be freed."

Bai Lixin stared deeply at the fire in the distance: "Thank you for your hard work."

"You burned my cemetery," the black sheep finally realized something was wrong. It circled around a few times anxiously, its fat-looking body was very flexible, and it rushed towards the people like a meteor hammer." Bastards, cunning humans, I want to eat you!"

Seeing the black sheep rushing towards this side, in the back garden where the black snakes entrenched, a cry of a baby that could shatter the sky sounded again.

But this time, his voice could no longer be easily covered by anything.

All the conditions were met, and as the variable appeared, the black sheep suddenly fell to the ground in pain.

The black snakes also lost their strength one after another, standing still one after another.

This may be the easiest time they have won.

The scarlet eyes of the black sheep looked up at the sky angrily, as if looking at another existence through the sky.

It stretched out its hand in despair, sending out its final resentment: "Father God."

"Why? There is nothing wrong with the Garden of Eden, but you want to condemn this sin to the Garden of Eden?"

"It is Samuel who is guilty, and it is Adam and Eve."

"I just want all the beings living in Eden to be happy."

"Father God, Father God, Father God."

"I just want to create a real pure land, why do I keep making mistakes?"

"I'm doing it for the good of their humanity."

"Samael is not wrong, Adam and Eve are not wrong, and of course you were not wrong at the beginning." Bai Lixin squatted on the roof, "You just have different interests, so naturally you can't empathize.

"The fruit they ate is called the fruit of wisdom. Although they were punished to leave the Garden of Eden, that fruit endowed them with broad thinking and rich emotions. If you think about it carefully, you can actually infer that the fruit that ate the fruit of wisdom They obviously had a hard time accepting being two caged birds in the Garden of Eden all the time. Because of that fruit, they created the human family."

"Human beings have emotions, selfishness and fearlessness. It's not like the flowers and plants in the Garden of Eden. They are green. You want to re-enclose complex human beings who yearn for freedom and challenges. This is a retrogression for human beings. You It is the villain who destroys mankind."

"You used the name of 'for the good of mankind', and the pure land you built with a psychology full of hatred from the beginning, was not pure from the beginning, big brother."

The black sheep was lying softly on the ground, unable to speak now, it glared at Bai Lixin, and squeezed out four words from its mouth: "You know what a fart."

"", Hongyue, "Do you want me to go down and beat it up for you?"

Looking at the black sheep's gradually cloudy pupils, Bailixin shook his head: "No need, it's almost dead."

The action of the black sheep behind did indeed fulfill Baili Xin's words. It finally looked up at Bai Lixin unwillingly, and closed its slack eyes slowly.

Just when everyone thought that the black sheep was about to die, its blood-red pupils opened suddenly, and it used all its strength to fly into the air and pounced straight in the direction of Baili Xin.

Everyone didn't even have time to react, they could only watch the suddenly enlarged torso of the black sheep.

In front of the screen, the owner of the movie theater looked excitedly at what happened on the screen, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise: "Jie Jie, Jie Jie."

"This is the brilliance of watching movies. The reversal of the finale is always inadvertent, but it can also surprise the audience."

Suddenly, his smile froze.

On the huge screen, the thin-looking young man easily put his hand on the head of the black sheep, and the black sheep was blocked by an arm in an instant, unable to move forward any more.

A laughing voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the owner of the movie theater, "Haha, the owner of the movie theater is indeed the boss, as you said, the reversal of the finale is always inadvertent, but it makes our eyes shine again."

Lin Jue condescendingly looked down at the movie theater owner, gloating, "I said a long time ago, don't underestimate these people. Oh, don't underestimate these people here, you know they are stupid now. "


Hiss, how should I say it. When these people get together, I often wonder who is the boss's trance.

I am also the npc of this movie theater old man who is so miserable.

I'm going to die laughing at Emil, is this friendly reminder okay? It is simply engraving the garden protection in the DNA.

Humph, after all, Uncle Firefighter is good at popular science, and we are all little guards of fire protection and environmental protection.

A trace of panic flashed in the pupils of the black sheep, and Hongyue and Amir, who were standing on both sides of Bailixin, also reacted in the next second, and directly pressed the black sheep on the roof of the building.

, punched and kicked.

If it was normal, the black sheep would definitely not be so weak, but now the black sheep has lost most of its strength because of the crying of the baby, and now it is a catfish on the chopping board.

Man is the knife and I am the fish.

At this moment, it suddenly felt the pain of being forced to accept.

It looked at the few people in front of it helplessly, and slowly disappeared into the air with the last unwillingness.

With the disappearance of the black sheep, the black snakes entrenched below also disappeared one after another.

And with the disappearance of these monsters, the back garden that once looked like a paradise finally revealed its true colors.

Withered grass is overgrown and barren land is everywhere.

What apple orchard of golden trees is there, what rose garden?

It's all an illusion.

As far as the eye can see, there is wilderness everywhere.

"My God, the white jade is gone!"

"Where are those golden walls? Why are they gone?"

"And those out-of-print portraits are all gone!"

The exclamations of Elizabeth and the others came from the ground.

The four looked at each other, and the angel flapped its wings again, slowly bringing them back to the ground.

At this moment, the voice of the system appeared in Baili Xin's mind.

Ding! Congratulations to player Bailixin, breaking the curse of Eden. After the curse was broken, everything returned to normal here, and the player's backpack and props can now be used freely.

Ding! Friendly reminder: There are 30 minutes before the end of the movie, please find the passage to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the player will be trapped in the movie forever.

It's not just the back garden that has become depressed, the entire resort has also changed.

The huge white jade fountain that used to be located in front of the building has long been covered by yellow withered grass, and the inside of the fountain has long since dried up. How can there be any water?

Its material is not the priceless white jade, but the most common marble. After years of baptism, the marble has long been dilapidated.

The gate and the hotel are covered with creepers and dead vines. The metal gate has long been rusted and hangs crookedly on the latch.

Time travel has disappeared, and everything has returned to its truest form.

Bai Lixin walked to the back garden and came to the statue of the Virgin Mary.

He was about to reach out to take out the baby, when he saw a hand the size of a five or six-year-old child protrude from it.

Then came the second hand.

Soon, a little boy about five or six years old wobbled and crawled out with hands and feet.

His chubby cheeks were stained with tears, and there were faint tears in his brown pupils.

The little boy looked up at Bai Lixin naked, and met Bai Lixin's eyes for two seconds, sniffed again in grievance, and called out: "Mom."

Bailixin: ""

Five thunders struck the top.

It's enough to be called "Dad" by a group, but now you're being treated as a male mother?

For a while, I couldn't tell whether I was here to pass the barrier or to adopt a child.

After staring at each other for several seconds, Bai Lixin finally recovered his voice: "I'm not your mother."

The little boy tilted his head with a ignorant and innocent expression.

Obviously, although his body has grown to such a large size, his mind is still in the infant stage.

I am not his parents, but I can't leave the child here, right?

Bai Lixin took off his coat and put it on the little boy, picked him up, and returned to the hotel entrance.

The inside of the hotel was pitch black at this time, and the original exquisite stained glass had long been damaged, and there were countless cracks and mottled traces of years of baptism on the ordinary marble walls.

Without the blessing of money, this overly large space is now eerie and terrifying.

Everyone stood at the door, and no one entered.

Emir: "It's bad, we just forgot about Samael."

Hongyue: "I just said that it feels like something is missing."

Emil glanced at the dark corridor, "I'll go see him."

With that said, Emil was about to rush inside.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Hongyue grabbed Emir who was about to rush, and stared seriously at the dark corridor: "Wait a minute, listen, there are footsteps."

Emil's feet that had been raised in the air suddenly froze. He held his breath and raised his ears, and he heard the footsteps in Hongyue's mouth.

It was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Only hear its sound, not see its shape.




At the end of the darkness, the crisp sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground came rhythmically, one after another, like a pendulum hitting everyone's foreheads silently.

Elizabeth stammered and said, "What, who is it? Isn't it time to end the matter? Are there other monsters?"

Emil and Hongyue looked at each other, looking into the depths of the corridor warily.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Moonlight poured in from the tattered window frame, and gradually, a leg appeared in the moonlight.

Elizabeth and the others all tensed up, looking at that leg tremblingly.

Then came the second leg.

It wasn't until the owners of the legs stood completely under the moonlight that Emil and Hongyue's expressions froze.

master of legs

Bathed in the moonlight, her golden hair was smudged with a faint misty white light. He simply waved at several people and said hello: "Hi, long time no see."

Emil: "Samael!"

Samuel's eyes were deep and indifferent, he hooked the corners of his lips lightly, and walked slowly in front of several people.

Hongyue looked at Samuel thoughtfully.

This should be her first time dealing with Samael head-on. She didn't have any communication with Samael in the zombie dungeon, but she still wants to thank Samael.

Hongyue: "Samael, hello, I am Hongyue. Thank you for the cloak you threw to me."

Samuel's gaze has always been cold and indifferent, as if he looks at everyone the same.

He glanced at Hongyue, and said in a deep bass voice: "It's a little effort, thank you."

Hongyue's eyes brightened slightly: "So you are a subwoofer, and the sound is quite nice. By the way, why did you suddenly recover?"

Samael: "I was imprisoned in the cycle, and the torture I suffered was also caused in the cycle. Now that the cycle is broken, my strength has been restored, and that's it."

"Actually, it's the other way around. You shouldn't thank me, but I should thank you."

"Miss Hongyue, thank you for your help."

Then Samuel looked at Emil with complicated eyes.

Emil had shrunk into a ball at this time, quietly hiding behind Hongyue.

He lowered his eyes to the ground, like a mouse seeing a cat.

The smile on the corner of Samuel's mouth widened a little, and he called out in a low voice, "Emil."

Emily trembled suddenly, his eyes suddenly raised, his eyes flickered, and he began to confess in a trembling voice: "Sa, Samuel, listen to me explain. I tied those hairs for you for a reason, listen to me explain .”

"Heh," Samael looked down at Emir, and let out a chuckle from the corner of his mouth, without tearing off Emir's weak disguise: "Okay, let me listen to your explanation, you speak slowly, we have plenty of time, don't worry. "

"", Emil was speechless for a moment, and a few seconds later he squeezed out a sentence from his mouth, "That, I'm sorry. But don't forget, I saved you."

So you can't scare me.

He raised his head, and his gaze happened to meet Emil's blue pupils.

Those eyes were looking at him quietly, as deep as the deep ocean. He glanced at it twice, then quickly looked away, as if if he continued to look at it, he would drown in it the next moment.

Samuel didn't say much, just whispered: "I know, thank you, Emil, for saving me with all your heart and taking care of me."

"You will be free after this matter is over."

Emil was stunned.

He lowered his head and bit the corner of his lip.

Ever since he was discovered by Samael and threatened to become Samael's younger brother, he has been looking forward to freedom all the time.

But now that he heard what Samuel said, why did his heart suddenly feel empty?

Samuel looked behind Amir's shoulder and saw Prissin and the angel approaching from a distance, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he strode towards Prissin.

When he came to Bai Lixin, he swept the faces of Bai Lixin and the angel back and forth several times, and said solemnly: "Thank you both for your help, without you, this place will not restore the previous peace."

Samuel's eyes fell on the child in Baili Xin's arms, "Give this child to me, he does not belong to the Garden of Eden, nor does he belong to the outside world, and I will raise him up."

"Aren't you going back with us?" Emil turned his head suddenly, but he asked this question in his brain, and he was stunned after asking.

Yes, if you don't go back, no one will bother you.

Why does he care so much about whether he goes back or not?

Is he crazy?

Samuel took the child from Baili Xin, turned around and looked at Emil meaningfully: "You want me to go back?"

Emil was restrained in place, not knowing how to answer.

Samael sighed softly: "I don't belong to your world. Let's talk about it, this child's parents are dead, and now I need to raise this child. If I still have a chance, I will go to you again."

Emil: ""

"Don't worry," Samael explained, "My wish has been fulfilled, and I won't tie you by my side like before. Don't be afraid."

Emil still didn't speak: ""

I am not afraid.

Seeing that Amir had been silent, Samuel didn't force him anymore, but just sighed silently, turned to look at Bai Lixin: "Have you not found a way to leave the movie yet?"

Bailixin: "Yes, do you have any clues for us?"

Samael: "The last time I left it was through the water in the fountain. The water reflected the reflection of the moon. We left from the reflection. But now there is no water in the fountain."

Hongyue: "If it's a reflection, will the mirror work if there is no water?"

Everyone looked up at the moon in the sky thoughtfully, and Samuel said, "You can try it, do you have a mirror? Or we can go into the hotel and look for it. There should be a mirror left here."

"No, I have it." Hongyue directly took out a mirror from her backpack and placed it on the fountain, finding the right angle to reflect the reflection of the moon into the mirror.

After doing this, she looked up

Seeing everyone's stunned expressions, he frowned slightly, "I'm a girl, and girls love beauty, so it's not too much to put a mirror in your backpack, right?"

Emil: ""

Are you a girl? You are clearly the queen, okay?

Samael hugged the little boy and walked to the mirror, followed by the others. Seeing the obviously different reflection in the mirror, Samael said: "That's right, this is the passage, and you don't have much time left Now, you guys leave quickly."

Elizabeth and the others also joined together, and Elizabeth said happily: "It's great, I can finally leave this ghost place."

Her short sentence instantly attracted all the attention of the other Baili Xin and the others.

Instantly becoming the focus of everyone's attention, Elizabeth was a little at a loss. She hesitated and said, "You guys, don't you plan to abandon us and leave by yourself?"

"Look at the fire outside. If you throw us here, don't you want to watch the three of us burn to death?"

"Take us away quickly, please."

The actor also said, "Yes, I still have a movie to shoot next month, so take me with you too,"

Bai Lixin and the others looked at each other for a moment, Hongyue said in a deep voice: "You three, don't you realize it?"

The three were at a loss: "Aware of what?"

Hongyue: "A long time ago, the three of you died."

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