"Like" Bai Lixin chewed the word, "For artificial intelligence, what is the definition of like? Robots will also have the humanized psychological state of like."

"Sir, you are wrong again." Xiao Yi changed into a helpless expression on his face, and then quickly returned to a smiling face, "I use the word like just to make it easier for you to understand the kindness of robots. The definition is to have a good impression and interest in the target, and subjectively want to get close to, miss, and love the target. For us robots, we are full of kindness to human beings, and we are happy to help and serve human beings. This is the same as in the definition of human beings. Likes are very similar, and in the program designed by engineers, such internal drive is defined as liking.”

Bai Lixin: "Is it an unconditional love forever? Even if human beings hurt you, you still only have the feeling of liking for human beings. It's like me. Before you, I had many robots. Some of them were destroyed because of me, and some were destroyed. Being sent back to the factory because of my review is not very kind to a robot."

"For another example, you just said that your number of favorable comments has reached 99, and you only need one more favorable comment from me to have an S-level body. Your current future is completely in my hands. If I In the end, I wrote a bad review for you, preventing you from getting an S-level body, will you still like me, won't you hate me?"

"You are obviously so good, but you lost your better body because of an incompetent human being."

Xiao Yi's eyes on the black screen blinked twice.

"Sir, artificial intelligence has the most stable internal operating environment, which means that robots will not affect the calculation method due to external stimuli like humans." It tilted its head and whispered with a gentle electric voice, "The language you just said Very contagious, if the person standing in front of you is a human being, his emotions will definitely be affected by the words just now, but we robots will not."

"In the definition of human beings, what you just said can be defined as a radical method."

"Before I came to your home, I received your information in my storage, including your physical condition, preferences, and your diseases. I know that you once had a deformed relationship with the s001 robot. This deformed Being in love makes you think wrongly that robots have emotions just like humans.”

"But in fact, robots have no emotions. Our so-called likes and dislikes are words added to language modules and algorithm modules by engineers to match human language habits. Our existence is only to assist humans, and what we have is only the established program algorithm, without the complex inner activities of your human beings."

"Even, the reaction of the s001 robot you thought you fell in love with, I speculate, is just a calculated feedback based on the program calculation to your emotional needs. It's just that you overcompensated and mistook this feedback for Love. There was an error in your communication but you didn’t find it in time, causing the misunderstanding to snowball. It’s an excellent robot, and it could have avoided the tragedy of being destroyed.”

Priscine Wilton "You Know That Robot"

Xiao Yi's head turned left and right a few times inflexibly, "I don't know that robot, but the S series is the highest series, so it must be excellent."

thyme ""

Is the S series the white moonlight model in the robot world?

Prisse Star's concert is about to start, and Bai Lixin stops to clash with Xiaoyi's thoughts.

He chatted with Xiaoyi for so long just now, Xiaoyi's words have been impeccable, and the output is stable, there seems to be no problem.

But what happened to the gaze I felt just now?

Bai Lixin arrived at the venue an hour before the opening of Pulis Star's concert.

He thought he was early, but only after seeing the surging crowd did he realize that he was late.

The place where Xingchen chose to hold the concert is in the city center of the Order District. Sky City is a large studio suspended in mid-air. Singers and bands often choose to hold concerts here.

Pulis Xingchen is not the only one, but it is said that he is the most popular singer.

Today, he took the time to investigate Pulis's stars on the star network. Even on the almost nonexistent star network, there is very little information on the stars.

"Mysterious", "beautiful" and "sound of nature" have always been his labels.

He rarely appears in the public eye, and the purpose of his appearance is basically to hold a concert.

Xing Chen first appeared five years ago. He quickly became famous on the Star Network with the song "Mist". With his perfect appearance and beautiful voice, he became popular overnight.

A few months later, he appeared again, this time with an airship floating in the sky, dropping countless business cards just like this time. With this appearance, he held a concert. The concert was simulcast on the whole star network, and after one concert, he has become an interstellar superstar.

Then, Xingchen disappeared again, and he appeared again a few months later.

Many paparazzi have tried to dig out the private life of Pulis Xingchen, but these paparazzi exhausted all their skills, and even failed to find Pulis Xingchen's residence.

The more mysterious he is, the more curious the public will be about him.

Although he hasn't appeared for a long time, the public's discussion and enthusiasm for him have lasted for a long time.

Because Pulis Star only appeared twice a year, people on Xingwang even gave Pulis Star a synonym for "year-old idol".

"It's been a few months since Pulis's star appeared last time. After this performance,

It is estimated that I will be missing for several months. Hey, I want to see the stars again, but I don't want to see the stars. What a delicate mood. "

The whispers of passers-by continued to come from around.

"When I can't see the stars, I have been looking forward to his arrival, but seeing him means that I will definitely not see him in the next few months, so contradictory."

"When I think about Xingchen, I can only look at his previous images to miss, but Xingchen produces two videos every year. I have memorized all his previous videos. There are really too few."

"Where does his family live? I really want to live next door to his house."

"Hey, you are acting illegitimate, it's not okay."

"That's right, Xingchen has zero social interaction to the level of a limited-time idol. If an illegitimate meal scares him, and Xingchen even deprives him of the rights of this limited period in a fit of rage, then who am I to cry to?"

"I heard that today is Xingchen's last concert, is it true?"

"Don't listen to the nonsense from the outside world, it's spread like this every year, isn't there a concert behind Xingchen as usual, as long as it doesn't come from Xingchen's mouth, I don't believe a single punctuation mark."

Following the crowd of people, Bailixin slowly moved to the entrance.

There were two robots checking the tickets at the entrance. Bai Lixin stood not far away and watched, and saw the audience quietly standing on the entrance table after checking the tickets, and then the blue light flickered around the table, and the audience watched from the front of his eyes. Disappeared.

Bailixin, this is teleportation

s419 is an ultra-high-speed elevator, Mr. Host. That platform is actually an elevator, and the blue light is a protective film that protects the human body from super-high-speed impact. When people stand on it, the protective film will be quickly opened around it, and the elevator will enter a super-high-speed state, so fast that it is difficult for the naked eye to catch it, and there will be a visual illusion that it suddenly disappears.

Bai Lixin said in his mind, it turned out to be the working principle.

The efficiency of the robot was very high, and it was Bailixin's turn soon.

After successfully passing the ticket check, Bailixin stood on the stage. When the blue light rose around, all the sounds suddenly disappeared.

At that moment, he seemed to have entered a silent and frozen world. The next second, the white light flashed before his eyes, and the environment around him was completely different.

In just the blink of an eye, he didn't even feel the change in the air flow, and he had already entered the city in the sky hundreds of meters above the ground.

Is this the future of technology?

The reason why this studio that everyone likes very much is called "City of the Sky" is said to be because the studio is located in the dome, surrounded by stars and clouds, so it was named so.

The walls around the city of the sky are made of transparent glass, in order to highlight the word "sky". The audience sits in their seats, with their favorite stars in front of them. When they look up, they can see the stars at their fingertips, as if they were real It's like sitting in the sky and enjoying a concert. Because of this unique sense of atmosphere, "Sky City" has become the favorite concert venue of countless singers, orchestras and audiences.

Bai Lixin quickly found his seat according to the seat, which was a very side seat.

There was still more than half an hour before the start of the concert, and the seats at the concert site were almost full, and a few people behind were still going inside.

The staff and robots on the stage are hurrying to adjust the final singing equipment. Bai Lixin sat on the seat and looked up at the stars above his head that were within reach.

Under the dark night sky, the sky is full of nebula.

Magnificent nebulae spread over the dome, swaying into a brilliant and gorgeous Milky Way.

Among the stars, aircraft can occasionally be seen passing by, and the aircraft with a long trailing tail quickly passed by the sky, and then quickly disappeared in front of the eyes. Over the starry sky.

so beautiful. The escape system sighed in his mind, I have never seen the Milky Way so closely.

s419 What did sister Tong see before

The escape system used to be either in the game lobby, or bound to a certain player to break through. What you see is not the dark and cold metal, but the exciting scene of breaking through the level.

s419 I feel sorry for you, sister Tong. Don't worry, the host has already climbed to the 740th floor, and I believe it will not take long to climb to the 999th floor to find the main god. At that time, they will definitely join forces to destroy this garbage game. When things are all over, I will take you out of here and into our world. The main god lives in the stars, so you can see such a beautiful scene whenever you want.

The voice of the escape system is trembling with excitement Brother, will there really be a day when I can really look at the stars whenever I want, and I won’t be an escape system anymore Can we really get out of here and be free?

s419 patted himself on the chest, of course, who is my host, who is the master god of Bailixin, who can fight better than my host after death, even a god can kill someone, this is just a small game, nothing There is nothing to be afraid of, you have to trust the host.

The place where we live is not only the stars, but also many things that you have never seen before. When the time comes, I will make a body for you, and the two of us won't have to curl up in the mind of the host like we are now. At that time, I will take you personally, and take you to swim, dive, and fly in the sky. By the way, do you like to eat or not? I am also good at cooking. I can also take you out to eat a lot of delicious food.

Surprised by the escape system, can I have a sense of taste?

s419Of course, when you have a body, it's not just the sense of smell, taste, feeling

Sense, touch, sight, you have it all, you will be free, you will be completely your own.

The escape system has been caught in the longing for the future. I'm already looking forward to it, bro.

Bai Lixin quietly listened to the dialogue between the two systems in his mind, and chose to remain silent.

What s419 said is correct, he is already on the 740th floor, and I believe that he will be able to meet Di Jia in just a few copies.

His eyes wandered boredly in the deep and dreamy Milky Way, and his eyes traced the traces of the sky bit by bit.

Another aircraft flew across the sky, passed through one end of the white cloud, and flew into the Milky Way. The long light tail was like a not-so-sharp dagger, briefly leaving some scratches in the Milky Way Then he plunged into the clouds.

Bai Lixin followed the aircraft until the fuselage of the aircraft entered the cloud.

When the aircraft plunged into the cloud, something flickered vaguely where the two met.

He paused first, then sat up straight and squinted his eyes to look more seriously.

The aircraft has disappeared into the clouds, leaving only a faint thick white mist.

thyme ""

so what was it just now

Time is like quicksand between fingers, inadvertently disappearing without a trace.

During the quiet waiting, half an hour passed quickly without knowing it, and the singer Xingchen arrived as promised.

The stars slowly fell onto the stage from the top of everyone's heads. Baili Xin's seat was not in the front, but there was a large-screen projection of the stage above, allowing him to see clearly the excitement on the stage through the projection.

The stars at the scene had exquisite and handsome features. He wore a gorgeous dress today, and the first song was the famous song Mist.

The moment Xingchen's singing sounded at the concert site, all the audience couldn't help cheering for him and humming this popular song along with him.

"The mist was heavy, and the mist covered my eyes, making me miss the way to chase."

"Looking at flowers in the fog may not be true."

"Even if the road ahead is blurry, even if my feet are faltering, even if the thorns are stained with blood, I can't stop my steps."

"Look for, fiddle with, and look for the truth beyond the thick fog."

"Finally, the fog cleared."

"I saw the truth."

As the singing gradually entered, the exciting music enhanced the atmosphere of the scene to the extreme, and Xingchen's unique ethereal voice was covered and surrounded by the complex voices of the audience. But no matter how loud the surrounding voice is, the sound of the stars can penetrate the air and penetrate directly into people's ears and deep in their hearts.

Bai Lixin was also infected by the singing of the stars. He looked up at the stage suspended above his head, and saw the young and handsome man swaying enthusiasm and sweat on the stage, with a natural and unique sexy in his gestures and gestures.

This is a life and soul born for the stage. Watching the clip of the stars singing, Bai Lixin recalled a long and distant memory in a trance.

When he was traveling through the world before, there was a copy that he was also an interstellar singer.

At that time, I was like the stars now, standing on the suspended stage, under the focus of the spotlight, desperately expressing my singing with my soul.

He enjoyed the stage at that time very much, just like the stars in front of him enjoy the current stage.

Speaking of which, that dungeon itself was regarded as the "God of Songs".

The stars are full of vitality. After the mist sang, he sang the song "Stars and the Dome" with the same name as him. These three songs are all about the sky. They are also called the "Sky Trilogy" of the stars. The three most popular songs in it.

Each song is amazing, nice but not a mouthwatering song, the tune is extremely polished, it is a song that will not fade in the next few decades, and it will definitely become a classic golden song.

While admiring the singing of the stars, Bai Lixin silently gave a pertinent evaluation in his heart.

It wasn't until the "Sky Trilogy" was finished that Xingchen stopped for a while and went to the backstage to change clothes and prepare for the next track.

Although Xing Chen temporarily left the stage, the atmosphere of the scene did not cool down. The surrounding audience excitedly waved the light sticks in their hands and hummed the song just now.

Master host of s419, this singer named Price Star sings quite nicely.

Thyme is very good.

s419 is as beautiful as your singing voice. The last time I liked a song so much was when you became the "God of Songs". I haven't been as excited as I am today for a long time.

Bai Lixin suddenly paused, what did you say?

s419 I said that I was very excited when I heard this Priscilla song.

Bai Lixin said in a low voice, not this sentence, but the previous sentence.

s419 When you were the God of Songs

Bailixin is ahead.

s419 is inexplicably as beautiful as your singing voice


He finally knew why he liked listening to the stars sing so much.

Because the feeling of his singing is so similar to his "God of Songs" period, how can he not like himself

It's not about the melody of the song or the way it's rapped, but the similarity in the feeling it expresses.

s419 paused for a few seconds before hesitating and haggling to speak, Lord Host. I suddenly had a shockingly bold idea.

Since Bai Lixin thinks it's appalling, it's better not to say it.

s419 yelled no, let me say let me say this star, is there a possibility that it is your descendant? Do you still remember that when you became the "God of Songs", didn't you leave a descendant? Since the mermaid There are two dungeons in ancient times and modern dungeons, so is it possible that this dungeon is a continuation of the "God of Songs" era? Otherwise, how do you explain that the style of this star is so similar to yours?


It is indeed appalling.

No, it should be impossible, Bai Lixin suddenly felt a little pain in the head, your guess is completely off the mark, let alone the wrong time, even if you take ten thousand steps back and say that it is really that plane, so many years have passed, the descendants I didn't know how it would develop. Can your guess not be so outrageous, maybe the singer Xingchen just happens to have a style similar to mine.

Good-looking people are mostly the same, and good-looking melodies are nothing more than a few paragraphs. There are only so many melodies in the song, and it is not uncommon for planes to collide with each other. There are singers of the same era who are in the same era, not to mention those who have crossed the era and the world.

The surroundings are in a mess, and the stars have not returned yet.

Bai Lixin rubbed his head and stood up, intending to go to the bathroom to refresh his head that was startled by s419.

He followed the signs to the bathroom, and before pushing the door, the door opened by itself from the inside.

He raised his head and bumped into the subject of the topic just now, Price Xingchen.

s419 yelled excitedly in his mind, it is the host of Prisse Xingchen himself, please ask him who his ancestor is


shut up you,

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