V chapter 50 ratio, anti-theft 72h Thank you for your support where to hide

This is a problem

Suddenly, Li Cancan exerted strength.

The speed bonus of 300 is really not covered. Bai Lixin saw a flash of light in front of him, and all the bonfires around were extinguished.

She didn't forget to carefully close the door of the ancestral hall, and then she grabbed Baili Xin by the wrist, and pulled him quickly under the altar table.

Finally, Li Cancan glanced at Bai Lixin with red eyes, and blew out the candlestick in Bai Lixin's hand.

Crying at the same time, sister, a little fierce.

In the darkness, Bai Lixin glanced at the trembling girl beside him.

The hand tightly clutching the wrist trembled uncontrollably, and the girl beside her was clearly terrified to death, but she still clenched her teeth and did not make a sound.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Suddenly, Li Cancan shook Bai Lixin's wrist, and said nervously, "The brass lock, the brass lock is not on."

The water was wrapped around the other wrist, and Bai Lixin felt the water that had been wrapped around the wrist move.

The stream of water branched out into a small waterline, unwillingly whipped the inside of Bailixin's grasped wrist twice.

A little numb, but not painful.

Immediately afterwards, the stream of water flew out without a sound, gently lifted the copper lock hanging on the door, and slowly locked it.

After doing this, the water flow returned to the wrist and tightened hard, as if declaring sovereignty and venting emotions.

In the ear, a deeper voice than usual sounded, "In the end, I still need to clean up the mess for you. No matter how you look at it, I am more useful."

thyme ""

Why did it suddenly roll up inside?

Bai Lixin was grabbed by one of his two wrists, waiting for the village chief who came belatedly.

The door opened with a "squeak", and the torches on the wall were lit one by one.

The light returned to the sight of the two of them, and Bai Lixin looked out from the gap in the table.

The village chief's footsteps were heavy. His two legs were like stiff bamboo poles, and he seemed unable to bend them. He could only rely on the strength of his crotch to move his legs slowly. His posture looked strange and distorted.

The village head carried a bamboo basket containing clean melons and fruits, slowly moved to the desk, put the basket on it, and picked up the whip on the desk.

The next moment, the sound of the whip falling on the stones and cloth resounded throughout the ancestral hall.

Li Cancan shuddered all over.

While beating, the village chief kept cursing.

"Kill you stupid village head, Bao'er is a good girl, she belongs to her, why do you give her to that dog for the sake of the village, and in the name of offering sacrifices to the river god? Pooh, you bastard"

"Kill you, a profiteer, because you have a few broken money and a few bags of food, can you do whatever you want? It's all because of you, everything started because of you, and the most damned is you"

"Kill you dead old woman who was blinded by lard. If you hadn't persuaded Bao'er, how could she have gone so obediently? She could have escaped."

"Kill you, kill you, you all deserve to die"

The sound of cursing was mixed with the sound of whipping, constantly echoing in the cramped and dark ancestral hall.

Finally, the village chief got tired of beating, slowly put away the whip, and put it back on the desk.

"Bao'er." The village chief's hoarse voice echoed in the room.

After so many whips and scolding for so long, the village chief's voice was still as steady as ever, with his characteristic gloomy and hoarse, Baili Xin couldn't even hear the other party's panting.

"I came to see you, look, I brought you your favorite apple."

As soon as the gloomy voice finished speaking, something fell to the ground, rolled all the way, and rolled in front of Li Cancan.

is an apple.

The village head froze, "I am old and useless, and I can't even hold an apple. Let me look for it. Where did the apple fall?"

Through the gap, Li Cancan saw with horror the body on the other side slowly bending, as if wanting to bend down to pick up an apple.

She covered her mouth tightly, not daring to let out a little breath.

Seeing the body on the other side getting more and more bent, a foot suddenly jumped out from beside him and gently kicked Apple out.

The apple rolled twice on the ground and stopped at the village chief's feet.

Li Cancan ""

Apple go out by itself, is that okay?

Bai Lixin slowly withdrew his feet, and smiled silently at Li Cancan.

Don't be afraid, we won't hesitate in a real fight.

Li Cancan didn't know Bailixin's fighting power, and his heart was already in his throat.

The village chief scratched his head in doubt, bent down to pick up the apple, and didn't care why Apple ran out from under the desk at all.

Li Cancan ""

it really works

The village chief wiped the apple and put it on the table again.

Light incense and kneel down.

Although faltering, the victory lies in skill.

The village head knelt on the futon, "Bao'er, tomorrow will be the 30th year since your death, can you still not appease your anger? It's all my fault. I didn't protect you well. Bao'er, my Bao'er"

The voice of the village chief began to tremble, and Li Cancan looked through the gap.

he should want to cry

Yes, but I don't know why I can't shed tears. In the end, he twisted his skin-separated face and made a terrifying expression, howling with a hoarse voice.

Half an hour later, the village chief picked up the melons and fruits that had been replaced, and dragged his stiff body out of the door.

The door slammed shut.

There was another "click" on the lock.

Li Cancan let out a long sigh of relief when the footsteps gradually disappeared, but turned his head and looked at Bai Lixin with despair, "What should I do, the village chief seems to have locked the door."

It was pitch black all around, Baili Xin crawled out in the dark, went to the door and pushed gently, the door was as solid as a rock.

In the ear, Di Jiami laughed, "Heh."

"", Bai Lixin lowered his voice, and said in a mosquito volume that only two people could hear, "Stop it, hurry up and help."

Di Jia was stunned, "I can help you, but why should I help you?"

Bai Lixin "Well, because I am your most precious collection, if you don't let me out today, I may die tomorrow, are you willing to die like this for a collection that is rare in a thousand years? I am not helping myself, It's helping you. You open the door, I can leave, and you can protect your collection, mutual benefit, kill two birds with one stone, okay?"

Tiga hesitated.

Bai Lixin was not in a hurry, and turned back to the desk to search for it in the dark.

Li Cancan "What are you looking for"

Bai Lixin "Come here, get some souvenirs."

A few seconds later, Di Jia's voice came to his ears.

"It's true to say that, but your ultimate goal is to get out. After all, I helped you, and I want to charge interest."

A small stream of water drilled from the wrist, and there was a slight sound of the lock turning outside the door.

Li Cancan just came to the door in the dark.

"What should we do? Do you want to send a private message to Liang Xi and the others to come and save us?" She put her hands on the door and said anxiously while pushing, "We won't just starve to death here."

The door creaked and opened.

Li Cancan looked confused, "Well, Bai Lixin, the door is open."

Bai Lixin had already brought his things and came over, "Oh, you are so lucky, thanks to you today, I must have been blessed by you."

Li Cancan blushed embarrassingly, "Ah yes, is that so? Thank you, thank you for the compliment."

Di Jia: "Hmph."

thyme ""

In order to hide just now, the candles of Bai Lixin and Li Cancan were all extinguished, and now they can only walk in the dark on the stone path.

It was dark all around, and the feet were still uneven.

Because Li Cancan was afraid of the room behind him, Bai Lixin let Li Cancan go ahead.

Li Cancan supported the wall and moved forward slowly, Bailixin's gentle breathing and footsteps sounded not far behind him.

After walking for about three or four minutes, they passed the fork in the road.

After walking for another two minutes, Li Cancan staggered.

A force grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up.

Li Cancan supported the wall and took a breath, and thanked behind him, "Thank you, Bailixin."

That force didn't disappear, but moved to Li Cancan's shoulder.

Through the clothes, Li Cancan felt that the thing was hard and sharp, like a candlestick.

Li Cancan was a little embarrassed, "Thank you for helping me, I've been holding you back since I woke up, sorry."

In the darkness, there was only heavy breathing.

Li Cancan took another two steps, but Bai Lixin still had no intention of taking down the candlestick.

Li Cancan: "Bailixin, you really don't need to take care of me like this, you don't need to help me, I can do it myself"

"Li Cancan, don't look back"

Bai Lixin's somewhat cold voice came from a little distance behind him.

It is a little far away, not not far away.

Li Cancan's whole body tensed up suddenly, but he still obediently didn't look back, and moved his body forward stiffly.

If this voice is Bai Lixin, what is the thing behind it?

The sound of breathing behind him became more intense, so close that it seemed to be right next to his ears.

The pressure on his shoulders gradually tightened, and Li Cancan stiffened his body and felt something like claws.

Bai Lixin's voice came again, "I counted to 3, you just squat down immediately, do you hear me?"

Li Cancan's voice trembled, "Okay."

Thyme "1, 2, 3"

At the moment of counting to three, Li Cancan quickly squatted down without any hesitation.

She heard a loud noise coming from behind, and she bowed her waist to look back. When her eyes gradually adapted to the darkness and vaguely saw what was in front of her, her whole heart almost jumped out of her throat.

The four scarlet eyes shone strangely in the darkness.

monster red spider

Li Cancan immediately took two steps back, leaning against the cold wall behind her.

She couldn't see the scene in front of her very clearly, she could only vaguely see a general black figure and the sound of fighting with heavy punches.

"Your speed has increased to 300. If you encounter danger, immediately leave the red spider and cannot catch up with you."

Suddenly, what Bai Lixin said earlier appeared in his mind.

Li Cancan turned her head and looked at the exit. She even saw the small light spot of the exit.

She can leave this dangerous place by running for ten seconds.


Run away and she is safe.

Li Cancan shook his head vigorously.

no, can't run

Maybe she can't help anything, maybe she's the most useless, but she can't be a deserter, can't leave Prissin and run away

If she had to run, at least she would leave with Bailixin

Li Cancan resisted the instinct to run away, and shouted with a trembling voice, "Monster, come here, I am better than him!"

In the darkness, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Bai Lixin's voice came lazily, "Hey, it's a pity. It's daytime now, and it will melt as soon as the sun shines. Otherwise, you can take this one back with you."

Li Cancan ""

At this moment, why did she suddenly feel that among the three present, the monster should escape the most?

In the room, five people sat down facing each other. ,,

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