After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 14 You should be more sensible

Nian Songyu was a little arrogant: "Master He, do you know the endless sea south of the sky? There are constant hurricanes all year round, turbulent undercurrents, and sea monsters roaming around. It is also said to be a sea area that is forbidden to living people. I have been ordered by the king to go south twice. Entering and exiting the Endless Sea, you can escape with your whole body intact." These country people really don't know the heights of the world.

He Lingchuan coughed: "When you go in and out of the Endless Sea, you always have a guide, right?"

"Of course."

"But from September to February or March of the next year, sometimes until April, there are no guides at all in the Panlong Desert. No one dares to go!" He Lingchuan looked at his father, "In the past fifty years, this desert has swallowed at least Four thousand lives were calculated based on reports from the victims, and the true number cannot be determined. But when the desert really shows its power, do you know how many people will come back alive?"

"One!" He raised a finger. "Only one in fifty years, and he has gone crazy. According to the shaman's diagnosis, he has lost his soul and will never regain his sanity in this life."

Sun Dongfu raised his eyelids slightly, and the Imperial Master showed his dignity, "Da Sima has sent people to look for something. As long as we find it, it may be safe for us to enter and leave the Panlong Desert. Besides, I will try my best to protect the team."

He Chunhua sneered secretly. After going around in a big circle, the picture is finally revealed, right? However, he was still surprised on the surface: "What is that?"

What did Da Sima send people to find to cause his son to fall off the cliff?

"It's a relic left by Zhong Shengguang. By using it to enter and exit the Panlong Desert, the resentful spirits guarding the ruins are likely to allow us to pass." Nian Songyu said, "The clues found by Da Sima all point to the Sand Leopard Clan on Hongya Road. Does Mr. He know that Zhong Shengguang’s spiritual pet in the past was a sand leopard?”

"Yes, I think I've heard it before."

"Now its descendants and tribesmen are all in the Panlong Desert. We went to look for them and there was a little conflict." Nian Songyu said lightly, "A few sand leopards left. We spent forty or fifty days looking for them one by one. Later it was discovered that one might have entered Blackwater City."

He Lingchuan smiled: "It's simple, just put up posters all over the city to find leopard revelations. Blackwater City, there are monsters everywhere."

Sun Fudong said to He Chunhua: "Then we need to borrow the power of the county guards. Time is precious, and the battle of Woling Pass cannot be delayed. As we speak, there are no telling how many lives have been harvested on that battlefield. Only by finding Dafang Hu as soon as possible can we end this battle. An unjust war."

He Chunhua thought for a while: "If you find the token, I will send the best guide to show you the way."

"The twenty or so of us alone are not enough, we must at least have an army." Nian Songyu was a little dissatisfied, "Panlong Ruins is a most evil place, and only the destiny of the country can suppress it!"

So at least 200 people are needed, and the generals leading the team must wear the Sheji Order. Otherwise, how can we mobilize the luck to protect the body?

He Chunhua looked troubled. How brave of a general would he be to take over such a plan that was clearly meant to lead to death?

When Sun Fudong saw this, he immediately said: "There is something I shouldn't say, but Master He was able to escape from the God-rewarding Case and was demoted to Qiansong County with sufficient preparations and people to take care of him. He was promoted twice under special circumstances. It might not be without the great Sima’s lobbying efforts.”

Criminals who were sent to the frontier had to have their faces painted with inscriptions and had to work in barren land for more than ten years. Although He Chunhua is not such an unlucky person, it is still more than a thousand miles from the capital to Blackwater City? He was only an eleven-year-old child at the time, and he still had a household registration. If no one was there to take care of him, provide him with money, and provide enough benefits to the escorting officials, the hardships and ups and downs along the way could easily kill He Chunhua. .

There are countless wronged souls on the road to exile, not one more than him.

Not to mention the subsequent promotions and promotions due to meritorious service. Although He Chunhua was responsible for his success, it was difficult for the emperor to pay attention to him if there was no one in the court.

The aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alley? Oh, what a load of nonsense.

He Chunhua also guessed that there was a noble person interceding, but he never expected it to be Da Sima.

Sun Fudong continued: "Seizing the Dafang Pot and seizing Woling Pass is a great achievement. My king personally ordered that those who have meritorious service in this trip will be promoted to a higher level."

He Chunhua was silent for a while, and finally said: "I will arrange my manpower now. Sun Guoshi and Nian Duwei, please move to the annex first. Later we will greet you two at Songhe Tower."

Having achieved their goal, the two of them stood up happily, and the He family father and son walked outside the main gate and walked away.


Watching the two people disappear at the corner of the street, He Lingchuan asked his father: "Do you really want to send someone to follow them to Panlong Desert?"

He Chunhua was silent and looked worried. He still had county affairs to deal with, so he told his son: "Don't tell my wife about this matter," and left in a hurry.

He Lingchuan walked back to the house, and He Yue was walking out with his mother and met his brother in the garden.

Mrs. Ying asked her eldest son: "Who is the guest?"

He Lingchuan said seriously: "The Imperial Master and the second son of Xunzhou Mu are discussing confidential matters with father!"

"National Preceptor?" Mrs. Ying was startled, "What Imperial Preceptor?"

"Which Imperial Master is it?" He Lingchuan corrected her, "It's Imperial Master Sun Fudong, who came all the way from the capital."

He was a first-class big shot, and princes and princes were treated as guests. Mrs. Ying was surprised, but she didn't delve into it further. She just asked He Lingchuan, "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Since it is "confidential", she, a woman, cannot ask random questions. He Chunhua usually takes care of county affairs, and Mrs. Ying never gives any advice.

"A mixture of good and bad." He Lingchuan said seriously, "It just depends on how dad handles it."

Mrs. Ying rolled her eyes: "Why do you ask me to go with you?"

Since the matter is confidential, the husband should call his younger son who is more reliable.

"I am also involved." He Lingchuan's face darkened, "Mom, what do you mean, dad shouldn't call me when something happens?"

I feel a little annoyed again.

"Are you also involved?" Mrs. Ying looked him up and down, "Did you get into trouble again?"

"Is this how you look at me?" He Lingchuan also had a serious face, "I will only cause trouble?"

But the lady’s response seemed to be on point.

Ying Hongchan softened her tone and advised earnestly: "Lingchuan, when you grow up, you need to be more sensible and steady so that you can take care of your father's worries."

She glanced in the direction of the door: "I'll hand out food outside the door, and you two can have a chat."

She was helped away by her maid, but He Yue stayed.

"Brother, let's have some tea?"

He Lingchuan understood and followed him to the side hall.

After taking only two steps, He Yue said to him: "Mom is straightforward and has no ill intentions. Don't worry."

"Your mother is also my mother, do you need to comfort me?" He Lingchuan squinted at him, "She annoys me to death, and she loves you like a treasure. It's been like this since we were children. Hey, you don't need to explain, the explanation is cover up!"

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