After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 15 Cleaning up

"She is a little strict. She hopes that when we become talents and return to the capital, we can accomplish something."

He Lingchuan laughed loudly: "Put it down, she just hopes that you will return to the capital after studying and be crowned Beijing. What does it have to do with me?"

These words were full of resentment, and He Yue was displeased: "Brother, why do you need to belittle yourself? Have you ever thought about what you will do after returning to the capital?"

"Going back to Dadu?" He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "No!"

The original person never thought that far ahead, and he certainly had no plans.

Qiansong County seems to be a bitter and cold place to outsiders, but actually he and the original person think it is pretty good. The He family is the grass-headed emperor here. He is used to being domineering and arrogant. He is comfortable standing up or lying down, but he is nothing in the capital of Yuan Kingdom.

In terms of foundation, financial resources, connections, and even the ability to spend money, the He family is not worthy of supporting those high-ranking people.

So why go? I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

He Yue reminded him: "This is dad's long-cherished wish. We will try our best to fulfill it. We promised it during the family sacrifice." If you don't worry about the long term, you will have immediate worries. It's strange that my mother would like my eldest brother's attitude.

"I know." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder and said nonchalantly, "You study essays and I practice martial arts. Together they are both civil and martial arts. When you return to Dadu one day, if anyone creates trouble for you, I will kill them secretly."

"Brother, you are really..." He Yue could only be speechless when he encountered such a bully.

But thinking on the bright side, my brother's pleasure in Blackwater City was all for the sake of it. At least he knew that most of the time he would have to do evil in secret when he returned, which was considered an improvement.

That's right.

On the way, he met Uncle Hao, who winked at He Lingchuan and followed him.

What accident happened again?

When they arrived at the side hall, the two of them sat down. Uncle Hao walked to the door and stood guard, keeping others within a five-foot radius away.

He Yue picked out a tea set and touched the cold cup: "Are the Imperial Master and Xunzhou Pastor looking for trouble?"

He Lingchuan yawned and said listlessly: "They are not the most troublesome. The leader behind the scenes is the emperor's father-in-law."

"Da Sima?" He Yue's expression suddenly changed, "Are you talking about...Dong Haoming?"

"Hmm, how many more heads of state do we have?" He Lingchuan thought for a moment. His father only said not to tell Mrs. Ying, but he didn't mention keeping silent to He Yue.

This kid has been helping with county affairs since he was nine years old. There is probably no need to hide this important matter from him now. Anyway, He Chunhua will send people into the desert in a few days, and He Yue will definitely know about it.

So he readily explained the purpose of Sun Guoshi's visit from beginning to end.

He Yue listened carefully, occasionally interjecting a few questions, and most of the time carrying a pot to boil water.

My brother is too lazy, so he can only do it himself.

After he boiled the water and brewed the tea, He Lingchuan's mouth became dry after talking, so he picked up the hot tea and took two big sips.

"Second brother, what do you think?"

"Da Sima wants to use us as sword and gun wielders, but my father will most likely agree, and it is useless for us to object." He Yue analyzed, "With my father's age and qualifications, there is still a lot of potential for him to return to the royal capital."

Both sons are about to reach adulthood, but He Chunhua himself is not yet thirty-five, and is still strong and energetic. He has spent the best twenty years of his life in a barren land, how can he tolerate himself to continue to be ignored and buried?

"Fortunately, the whereabouts of Zhong Shengguang's token are unknown. If they search for it for dozens of days without success, they won't be able to go to Panlong Desert."

He Lingchuan coughed lightly: "Actually, the token has been found."

"What? Where is it?" He Yue was startled and looked at his brother with more suspicion, "How do you know?"

"It's right here with me." He Lingchuan patted his chest and said slowly, "Actually, this started when I was seriously injured more than a month ago..."

This time I will try to keep the story as short as possible.

"Nian Songyu only said that he was looking for the leopard demon, but he didn't mention that he would raid his nest and exterminate his clan." He Yue frowned, "Besides, why did Xunzhou Mu send him here?"

"It is said that he is assisting Master Sun." He Lingchuan touched his chin, "It seems that dad will ask me to get the sand leopard's relics soon."

He Yue reminded him: "Hongbaidao still has two guards from Donglai Mansion in custody. Now that you know their purpose, what do you plan to do with them?"

"How else to deal with it? Of course let it go."

"Release?" He Yue was a little surprised, "I thought you wanted to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces."

The best way not to offend Donglai Mansion is to not let them know that they are offended.

"No need, right?" He Lingchuan scratched his head, "It's just two second-class guards. To Donglai Mansion, are they nothing?"

"Well, you're right." He Yue thought to himself that the mystery of the whereabouts of these two people would be a problem after all. What if the red and white road revealed another flaw? If dad decides to help them win the big square pot, it's best to show some sincerity at this time, so as not to be tricked behind the back when the rewards are finally discussed. Anyway, there are only two guards, even if they are small, they don't count. Donglai Mansion is about to use us, so I don't think we will use it to our advantage.

He Lingchuan looked at him and muttered: "What kind of look are you looking at me with?"

Compared with before, my brother seems to have changed, but not completely. He Yuela came back to his thoughts: "There are many doubts about this matter. Entering the Panlong Desert is a narrow escape, even if you really have a token in hand. Just let them take the risk. You and your father cannot wade in this muddy water."

"Know it."

At this time, Uncle Hao came to report that Hong and Baidao sent people.

He Lingchuan met people in the garden.

He Yue looked through the window and saw his brother sitting on a bench in the garden, crossing his feet and asking, "Are those two things still alive?"

"Alive." This person was the member of the Red and White Road who had tipped him off last time. "What instructions do you have, Master?"

"Get it out of jail and clean it up."

"Clean it up?" the man understood. "Do you want to burn it to ashes or turn it into water?"

"I said clean up, not kill!" What are these guys thinking? "The people who are supporting them are here. I'm afraid they will have to be released in the next two days, and they will be released alive!"

The congregant said "Ah": "Let it go?"

"Why, their parts are incomplete?" He Lingchuan frowned. This is not good. If the person returned to Donglai Mansion is missing arms and legs, it will not be a show of goodwill, but enmity.

"Complete, complete, but, but..."

He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat, these guys were worried: "But what?"

The man coughed: "One of them tried to escape yesterday, but we accidentally cut off half of his buttocks when we arrested him. As you know, Chen Laoqi was a bit harsh."

"I know? How could I know?" He Lingchuan glared, "I thought they just ate too much bad food and had a few extra bed bug bites on their bodies. If this matter spreads, it won't be their p. But it’s the face of Donglai Mansion!”

He Yue in the study heard this and covered his face with his hands. Was it really an illusion before? Brother hasn't changed.

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