After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 186 A night of chaos

He Chunhua coughed. It's hard to say that he didn't know, right?

He Lingchuan admired it for a while, and then said: "There are so many tricks for immortals. I don't know what it was like in ancient times. I really want to see it."

"Historical records say that at that time, there were immortals and demons coming and going, and giant demons roaming the world. Ordinary people could only crawl on the ground and were nothing more than ants." He Chunhua said lightly, "The immortals and giant demons have the ability to move mountains and fill seas. They can move mountains and fill seas at every turn. Eat a whole city of people. Compared to then, I still feel better now."

He added: "News came from the front line that Nian Zanli is launching a fierce offensive on the northern front. After tonight's accident, it is expected that Wang Ting will still order me to go north as soon as possible, and I will leave within two days at the latest. Although Shi Huan is in danger on this trip, After sending Zhu Xiuer back, many parties showed good intentions, and I was able to better understand the movements of the royal court."

He Lingchuan behaved carelessly: "Dad, our new territory is in the north, and we have little contact with Wang Ting. We rely on ourselves to recruit troops and buy horses, and we don't look at others. Why do we have to show our enthusiasm to the corrupt nobles like Ducheng and Shi Huan?" "

The words are unpleasant, but this is his style, and He Chunhua is used to it. "This is the way to be an official, and it is also to prepare for a rainy day. Even if I don't expect anyone in the court to speak for me at a critical moment in the future, at least don't hold me back or shoot me secretly."

He sighed: "In ancient times, many loyal ministers and good generals were not buried in the battlefield, but died in vain at the hands of traitors." After saying that, he looked at He Lingchuan and said, "You are flexible and outstanding today. Even General Ke is interested in you." Full of praise, very good, very good.”

The two demon puppets sent by Dong Rui were extremely difficult to deal with, but looking back on the entire battle, whether it was delaying the werewolf or subduing the ghost ape, his eldest son actually played a key role.

Is it just luck? He Chunhua thinks less and less.

There is no better son than a father.

His father looked at him with emotion, but He Lingchuan was slightly stunned. He Chunhua originally only used the words "flexible mind" to praise He Yue, but this time he used it to his eldest son.

Everyone else wants to be recognized, but He Lingchuan often uses the old turtle demon's verse "hide the front and guard the humble" to encourage himself to be more stupid.

The whole family was in danger tonight, but he couldn't hold on and was suspected.

This is bad.

He Lingchuan held his head high and said deliberately: "General Ke thinks that I am a talented general sent from heaven. This can't be wrong. After going to the north, my son also wants to go into battle to lead troops to kill the enemy and achieve unparalleled feats!"

"You defeated two monsters and you think you are omnipotent?" He Chunhua scolded with a smile, "Okay, I will give you a chance when the time comes, so don't fail!"

He Lingchuan hit the snake with a stick and asked: "Then you will serve as a captain for me?"

"You have to earn military merit by yourself." He Chunhua stood up, "Let's go find the wolf monsters and let them choose their companions as soon as possible. The longer the night, the more dreams there will be."

He Yue was startled: "All night long?" It was still midnight, two hours before dawn.

"General Ke's visit to the capital will not be peaceful." He Chunhua also looked at the sky, "We'd better get everything done before something unexpected happens."

The "alliance contract" identified by Rock Wolf requires two freshly slaughtered lambs, the steaming kind. The mutton left over from the hotel last night will definitely not do.

In the middle of the night, the butcher shop was not open. Mao Tao took the money and knocked on the door of the nearest slaughterhouse in Shihuan City, and picked out two lively lambs from the back pen. Only then did he fulfill his promise to the wolves.

The lamb was no more than one year old, and the meat was tender and worthy of what He Lingchuan called "young." The two giant wolves were very satisfied with the meal.

Next, we have to make a one-on-one covenant with the wolf demon.

This is a process of challenging each other. Only when both humans and wolves see eye to eye can they reach an agreement.

Lu Xin walked straight to He Lingchuan without thinking, "I choose him!"

He Lingchuan's performance tonight was the best in the game, and Yanlang had already noticed it.

He Lingchuan was overjoyed: "You have vision!" Except for Lu Ze, it has the highest status among the wolves, the most powerful appearance, and the most ferocious eyes. If He Lingchuan takes it out for a walk, the number of people turning around should be huge, right?

The remaining giant wolf, Lu Jin, walked around He Chunhua, Zeng Feixiong, Wu Shaoyi and others under the expectant eyes of everyone, sniffing here and there, and finally stood next to He Yue, "I choose him! "

He Yue was flattered: "...thank you?"

This majestic giant black wolf didn't choose his father or Zeng Feixiong, but chose him. Is this a fate?

Lu Jin held his chest high and his head high, grinning and giving He Yue an evil smile: "Young Master, I will protect you from now on!"

Others were disappointed when they lost the election. He Lingchuan was amazed and secretly asked Lu Xin: "Is my second child so popular?"

Lu Xin's long wolf face showed no expression: "He looks relatively weak and needs the strongest protection."

It sounds like there's no problem.

Next, the man and the wolf form a bond, and the process goes smoothly without going into details.

After the contract was finalized, He Chunhua also ordered everyone to go back and rest.

Before dawn, He Chunhua was shaken awake.

Ying Hongchan patted his shoulder gently: "Master, Zhao Qinghe has something to report."

Why is it so urgent that we can’t report it during the day? He Chunhua's heart tightened, and he quickly stood up and dressed. Zhao Qinghe was already waiting for him in the corner of the courtyard.

"What's the matter?" It was freezing cold, He Chunhua wrapped his robe tightly.

Zhao Qinghe has now been promoted to Zeng Feixiong's adjutant: "Sir, do you remember Rui Manzi in the policy army?"

"I personally selected him to join the team, how could I not remember?" He Chunhua felt bad, "What happened to him?"

"Last night, he and another soldier drank until they were very drunk. When they walked out of the wine shop, they were accosted by a secret doorkeeper, so they went to her house to spend the night. During the period, they talked nonsense and boasted about the battle by the Fairy Lake. His companion vomited When I wake up from the drunkenness, I remember that these conversations were inappropriate and violated your silence order, so come and retaliate against me."

After the battle in Xianling Village, He Chunhua issued a silence order to the entire army, strictly prohibiting them from talking about or spreading this past. Violators will be severely punished.

This is a military order.

"Did they mention it at the wine shop?"


"Only in women's homes?"

"Yes." Zhao Qinghe said, "It was also the woman who took the initiative to ask, when did the new adopted daughter recognized by the housekeeper's wife join the team?"

"Asking proactively?" He Chunhua narrowed his eyes, "When will Rui Manzi return to his residence?"

"Two quarters of an hour ago. The two of them were questioned by a patrolman on the way. The other party saw their waistbands before letting them go."

"It's not dawn, and the curfew hasn't ended yet." He Chunhua looked at the sky and said, "Civilians can't go out yet. The woman has to wait until dawn before she can go to summons to collect the reward. You still have time."

"My lord, please give me your instructions."

"Do whatever you have to do, but don't cause any trouble to the city's patrols." He Chunhua's eyes were full of compassion, "Zhu Xiuer finally got out of the quagmire. She still has to live in Shihuan, and her reputation cannot be tarnished."

"By the way, Rui Manzi disobeyed the military order. He received twenty sticks and remembered to fight again when he arrived in Xiazhou." After the people were beaten, they had to recover from their injuries. They had to travel a long distance later. "In addition, please pass on my order to support the army while they are in Shihuan City. No alcohol at all!”

After saying that, he folded his hands and went back to his room to rest.


"Bang bang bang", someone knocked on the door.

He Lingchuan was shooting an arrow in his dream when he was frightened by a knock on the door. The arrow went crooked and he woke up.

Before he could curse, the anxious voice of the housekeeper Lao Mo came in: "Young master, get up quickly, someone is coming from the palace!"

In the palace?

He Lingchuan jumped up and opened the door. Two guards came in and helped him put on his clothes and shoes as quickly as possible.

He rushed to the front yard of the inn, and the He family members were all there. The short, fat father-in-law with a pale face and no beard came to deliver the message:

The king announced that He Chunhua, the general manager of Xiazhou, came to the palace to see him!

Entering the palace early in the morning?

After conveying the holy message, the fat eunuch smiled and said to He Chunhua: "Mr. He, please?"

He Chunhua straightened his clothes, and He Lingchuan saw his father striding out with a glowing face and full of energy. How could he be tired from staying up late after a fierce battle?

A group of people cheered and came and went. Mrs. Ying smiled and said: "I entered the palace overnight. It seems that the king takes it seriously."

He Lingchuan let out a long yawn: "Is everything okay? I'm going back to sleep."

Anyway, it has nothing to do with him, he is just a follower.

After returning to his cage, he was unable to enter Panlong City again, but instead dreamed of the Immortal Cave.

To be precise, he "saw" the divine bone necklace sinking three feet below the surface of the earth. The rock and soil here were guided by the instructions and poured into the hole in the center of the divine bone. There was no way in or out.

Soon, an inconspicuous light red crystal the size of a rice grain was also sucked in.

It seemed to be very reluctant. The crystal broke midway and turned into a thin red mist, trying to escape in the opposite direction.

But the power of the divine bone was stronger, so I pulled it hard and finally sucked it into the ring.

The abnormal movement underground stopped, and the divine bone necklace quickly rose back to the surface.

Then, He Lingchuan was awakened by bursts of short and sharp whistles.

He also heard rapid footsteps, shouts, and curses, all passing outside the inn, getting farther and farther away.

This also prevents people from sleeping!

He Yue happened to be passing by outside. He Lingchuan rubbed his eyes and called to him: "What happened outside?"

Deep in his heart, he was thinking about the dream he had just had.

Is this what happened below the surface when we entered the Immortal Cave last time?

The divine bone necklace absorbed the red mist, and after that, the Panlong Dream allowed him to come and go frequently?

"The officers and soldiers took the people, and at the same time strictly ordered all inns and bathhouses not to admit new guests, and they also had to hand in the list of old guests." He Yue said, "Just now, dozens of people were tied up in a string across the street. Take it away, just like candied haws."

There is an entire bathhouse street in Shihuan City. In addition to bathing, it also provides overnight services, so it is also regulated.

He Lingchuan understood: "Wang Ting's movements are quite fast."

"The rebels have sneaked into Shihuan City and assassinated the royal officials. This is right under the emperor's nose. Why don't you pay attention to it?" He Yue asked him, "How is your injury?"

He Lingchuan complained of pain when he raised his left shoulder halfway, and Yaoyuan Lingguang came over with the elixir in his hands: "Don't move your shoulder randomly, boss, don't strain your muscles and bones. I will give you two more medicines, and it will be ready in four days at most." Good; other injuries will be almost healed in these two days."

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