After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 187 Sun Hongye

He Lingchuan lifted up his shirt and took a look, and found that the wounds he had suffered from the werewolf last night were indeed healing, and they were not painful at all. Including the wounds on his ribs where bones were almost visible, there was also a layer of thick scabs on the surface.

This was too fast. He Lingchuan turned around and grabbed a handful of pear candy and gave it to it: "With Lingguang here, I will suffer less."

Ling Guang wanted to say that serious demon apes don't eat sweets, but the pear candy was too fragrant, so she extended her paw to reject it instead of offering it, and silently accepted it.

He Chunhua entered the palace early in the morning and has not come back yet.

Next, He Lingchuan washed his face and changed clothes, then randomly stuffed a dozen large meat buns with two bowls of peanut soup mixed with eggs. He was sixty full before going out.

Deputy Liu was standing outside the door. He had changed his clothes, but he had two big dark circles under his eyes, and it was obvious that he had not slept all night.

As soon as he saw He Lingchuan, he bowed to the end and could not even lift his waist for a long time.

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

"Young Master He saved my life last night, I'm so grateful!" In the face of the crisis, He Lingchuan gave up the horse to him first. Assistant Liu worked until he was in his forties and had never been treated like this by a nobleman. Even a servant from a powerful family called him "assistant", but he didn't even bother to hide his contempt in his eyes.

"Since it's a cheap life, it's worthless, so why don't you say thank you?"


He Lingchuan chuckled: "Okay, stop being pretentious and work hard for me."

Before yesterday, Deputy Liu's respect for him was for money, but after yesterday it was from the bottom of his heart. He looked around to make sure that the medicine ape had not appeared, and then lowered his voice and said, "Young Master He, you just hired Ling Guang as the alchemist yesterday morning, and you were almost killed last night! Do you think it is this ape that is dangerous?"

He Lingchuan was startled. Assistant Liu had forgotten about it even if he didn't mention it.

"It will take some time to harm the previous masters." The more Deputy Liu thought about it, the more frightened he became. After all, he almost became a victim yesterday, "Besides you, someone will be harmed in less than half a day!"

"Okay, let's stop making random suspicions. Don't you think it's going to be fine?" He Lingchuan recalled the way Lingguang looked at him last night and this morning, and he was really worried. "It's just a few wounds, but in exchange for a Northern Star Tundra My fellow giant wolf, why do I feel so lucky?"

He climbed onto the carriage and said to the sad-looking Assistant Liu: "The ones who attacked us last night have now become homeless dogs and are being chased to the point where they have nowhere to live. What else do you have to fear?"

He knew in his heart that Dong Rui might not be captured that easily, but one of his demon puppets was missing, the other two were injured, and he was being hunted all over the city. The demon puppet master had no time to settle accounts with the He family for the time being.

After going to Xiazhou, the He family was no longer afraid of him on their own territory.

At this moment, there is a general Nian Zanli Nian in the north, waiting to settle the blood feud with him for killing his son. These old things all happened before Yao Yuan came to seek refuge. When it comes to evil stars, I'm afraid He Lingchuan himself is the biggest evil star.

Deputy Liu thought about it. Besides, he was a big-ass little guy. Who would go out of his way to find trouble for him?

"So where to go now?"

"Take me to the Jinghe Hall at the foot of Beacon Mountain." He Lingchuan leaned on the soft seat and yawned, "I want to visit the wounded."

As the carriage rumbled out, He Lingchuan opened the curtains and once again lamented that the prosperity and vitality of Shi Huan was far beyond that of Heishui City. The North Avenue is crowded with people, and the most important business in Shihuan City is at the northern pier, where goods traveling from south to north must be loaded and unloaded.

Dayuan gathered the power of the whole country to support the prosperous capital and accompanying capital.

But He Lingchuan was walking south in the opposite direction. After turning a few turns, the road became narrower and uneven. In addition to the small number of people, the buildings don't look that glamorous. The layout and scale are much smaller, and they are starting to get closer and closer.

He Lingchuan thought of his cabin in Panlong's dreamland.

It turns out that all bungalows in the world are pretty much the same.

Soon, the carriage passed by a wine shop. The facade was no longer glamorous. On the shaky signboard were two capital letters and bold ink characters: Xiang Rong.

Maotao seemed to have said that yesterday he and his brothers from Cai Yingjun had a drink at this Xiangrong wine shop. It was cheap, large bowls and without water. The hair of the pork head that is served with wine is also plucked cleanly.

After more than a hundred feet, the road ahead was suddenly crowded and the carriage could hardly move.

He Lingchuan looked around and found that the crowd had surrounded a bungalow on three floors, inside and outside, and they were all crowded at the door talking.

People were being carried out from the house, which was covered with white cloth.

It's two dead people.

The cloth was not covered tightly, and a strong wind blew by, lifting the corners of the cloth, revealing a woman's face.

About twenty-four or five years old, neither fat nor ugly, with a deep cut on his neck.

Cutting the throat is fatal. This knife is very sharp. He Lingchuan judged that the murder weapon was a short knife or a dagger, so the murderer was probably standing behind her, covering her mouth with one hand and slashing with the other, without attracting the attention of the neighbors.

The door of the room was open, and he took a look inside. Grass grows in the cracks in the ground, and there are many debris piled up in the corners of the room. The square table is still lame, and is covered with half a broken book.

This family was very poor, so poor that even the dead were carried away, and the living people who were watching could only take away a few porcelain plates and bowls with corners missing.

He Lingchuan also noticed that several aunts secretly spit at the base of the wall.

Deputy Liu also came over to take a look and wondered: "Isn't this Yao Er's house? There are only two people in this family, and they were both carried out." He clicked his tongue, "I heard that the officials started searching for people in the early morning. Fugitives, many civilians injured."

He Lingchuan pointed to the crowd: "Why did I hear someone pointing and saying, 'Sure enough, something will happen to these two sooner or later'?"

"That's because of his family's business. Yao Erniang's man went to fight on the front line. When he came back, he had a broken hand and a changed temperament. He was neither illiterate nor able to sell his strength. After he spent all the pension money, he was let My wife is in the flesh business, and the place of business is at her own home."

He Lingchuan understood: "It turned out to be a secret business."

"When they do this, they are reluctant to exchange money and will always offend others. Yao Erniang's husband often quarrels with guests, and the neighbors hear it many times."

He Lingchuan didn't say anything after hearing this. It was none of his business.

It's no one's business.

Even if two insignificant ordinary people died in a strange and sudden death, with two lives comparable to those of wild dogs, they would not stir up much excitement. After seven or eight days, others would have completely forgotten about the matter.

Since the monarch stopped hunting in Luming Garden, there have been more and more houses and markets at the foot of Beacon Mountain.

When there are more people, medical clinics and pharmacies will follow.

Jinghe Tang is a chain of medical clinics run by the Fu family. Although this one at the foot of Beacon Hill is a branch, there is a famous doctor consulting in the front hall this month, so there is an endless stream of patients.

The back hall is divided into a pharmacy and a ward. Severely or seriously injured patients can rest here so that doctors can treat them nearby.

Assistant Liu asked the two people one after another, and then led He Lingchuan to find the target——

The young man from the city was sent here for treatment last night by Ke Jihai's men.

This person has woken up, his hall is no longer dark, his face is paler, and he looks exhausted.

He was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a quilt and having breakfast.

A can of thin and thin millet porridge, a small plate of pickled melon rind, and half a pancake.

The pancake must be very hard, but the boy couldn't even take a bite of it.

The ward is large and has many patients, but there is only a brazier in the corner, which obviously lacks heat.

He also recognized He Lingchuan, put down the pancake, and didn't make any gesture to get down to the ground. He just clasped his fists and said, "Master He!"

"You just have to eat. How is your injury?" He Lingchuan thought to himself that this man is also interesting. Everyone respects him as the eldest son, and only the young man Wen Chuchu calls him "young master".

The young man picked up the jar and drank the porridge until he was drunk: "The doctor said I can't die."

"My mother is grateful for your kindness in protecting me and specially asked me to visit." He Lingchuan said, taking out a sandalwood box and handing it to him to open. "It's a small gift, but I cannot thank you for it."

Neatly placed in the box were two lychee-sized luminous pearls, which were extremely round and round; there were also two squares of fine mutton-fat white jade, which looked like fat meat, white and greasy.

The things that Mrs. Ying used to reward her for saving her life were shabby. These four treasures can be sold for at least two hundred taels of silver.

Even in Shihuan City, this amount of money is enough for a family of four to live comfortably for several years.

"It's such a small effort, but Sun is too ashamed to accept it." The young man did not expect the He family's thank you gift to be so valuable, and could not hide his surprise for a moment, "How is Mrs. Ying?"

"She... was a little frightened and is still recovering today."

"I wonder how last night ended?"

The boy was hit by a poisonous arrow last night and passed out early, so he didn't see the end of the play.

At this time, Assistant Liu took a step forward, put the entire basket of fruits on the table, and opened the lid. Then he left the hospital to do other things He Lingchuan told him.

In the basket are two large packages of strawberries and one large package of red dates.

In the cold winter, fruits are more expensive than meat.

"Last night, it was a bit complicated." He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "In short, both the werewolf and the ghost ape were subdued, but the ghost ape was later rescued by its owner, and we haven't found it yet."

"Are there any casualties?"

"The injuries are all on me and General Ke. There is a coachman who was shot in the left eye and was incurable when he was brought here. You are luckier than him." He Lingchuan said, "My father has given his family a heavy pension. .”

He was really lucky, so the young man let out a long sigh. He Lingchuan saw that he looked somewhat melancholy.

Next, the boy reported his family name, his surname was Sun, and his given name was Hongye. He was once the companion of the third son of the He family in Fangtai. He left the He family a few months ago and now works as a bookkeeper in a rice shop.

"Whose family is Fangtai?" Why does it sound familiar?

"It is the home of He Liwen, the imperial censor. You already met the second son of the He family yesterday."

"Oh!" He Lingchuan remembered, "He Su?"

Sun Hongye nodded.

"Then why did you go to Luming Garden to find General Ke?"

"I..." The young man pursed his lips into a thin line, his face was a little dazed, and he hesitated for a while, "I recommend myself to General Ke."

He Lingchuan became even more curious: "What position are you looking for?"

"Staff and strategist!" Now that he had said it, Sun Hongye simply let go and said, "Instead of waiting in disgrace in Shi Huan, it is better for Shi Ying to build a career!"

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