After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 22 I cheated my son

"Originally it was only 30%, but now it has increased to at least 50%." Sun Guoshi glanced in the direction of Panlong Desert, "If the strange phenomena in the desert are not beyond the information I have."

He Chunhua came back, his face slowly becoming firm: "Okay, I'll go!"

The eyes of the soldiers in the audience suddenly became more respectful.

The He brothers were shocked: "Father, why is this happening!"

They wanted to rush forward, but He Chunhua shouted "duh" and retreated.

The Lord County Sheriff was slightly angry: "What a decent way to tug and pull, no matter how many people are watching here!" After saying that, he turned to Zeng Feixiong and ordered, "Let's go!"

A team of nearly three hundred people marched north along the official road.

At this time, He Chunhua sighed and said to his sons: "I have been wasting at the border for twenty years, but you are young and must not be buried again. This trip is successful, and your starting point will be in Dadu!"

Twenty years of personal experience told him that in a remote and remote area, even if he had worldly talents, he would not be able to put them to use. Taking a risk can bring the He family back to Dadu. This deal is actually a good deal.

"The country is in turmoil, but here is a paradise." He Lingchuan couldn't help but said, "Dad, there is nothing wrong with Blackwater City. A futile treasure hunt is not worth the risk of your life!"

Really, it's nice here, he likes it very much, even though the wind and sand are a bit stronger, even though the food is a bit rough, even though he's tired of eating too much beef and mutton... Hey, can you please don't cause any extraneous problems?

If the Sheriff dies, who will take over? Who can control the situation? The family's good days are coming to an end.

"It's natural to die for the country. You'll understand when you grow up." In fact, the Imperial Master is here, and Wang Ling is here, so there is no way he can refuse. This kid is still ignorant at the age of sixteen! He Chunhua patted his eldest son on the shoulder and turned to He Yue, "While I am away, Yue'er will assist in the county affairs. You have always been prudent and resourceful. If I fail to return, you must take good care of the He family and my mother."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but turn to Sun Fuping: "Can't wait any longer? Let's find someone else to lead the team!"

"It can wait, but every official recruited must go through this test." Sun Fuping pointed to the large water tank, "The army always goes out in a hurry, but then fails again and again. At that time, we simply could not compete with the Panlong Desert."

Morale is at its strongest right now. If we try again two more times, the soldiers will be exhausted.

What's more, the team has already set out, how can there be an arrow to turn back when the bow is fired?

He Yue's eyes were red, he grabbed his father's hand and walked to the side, lowering his voice: "Dad, this is a trap they set!"

"How could I not know?" He Chunhua shook his head slightly, looked at He Lingchuan who was following him, and hesitated before saying, "Chuan'er, you go with me."

These words were like thunderbolts, making He Lingchuan's head buzz:

"What? Dad, I..." I don't want to go!

Why should he follow this adventure of narrow escape?

Didn't He Chunhua dote on his eldest son? Why did he ask him to die together?

"Ever since you were born, the great shaman has said that you are a blessed general who can make it through any crisis." He Chunhua seemed to find it difficult to say it, but he still said, "For more than ten years, the He family has been prosperous, which proves that this statement is true. This trip to Panlong is unpredictable, and I, I need your good luck! Besides, you have good martial arts, and I can rest assured that you have your own family to protect you."

He grabbed He Lingchuan's arm, glanced at Sun Fuping subconsciously, and whispered: "I always feel that this is a great opportunity for the He family. Chuan'er, I count on you for my father's safety!"

He Lingchuan felt that the bitter water in his mouth was almost bubbling. He wants to say not to go, but can he say not to go?

Since the founding of the country, Dayuan has tried its best to instill in its ministers and people the ethics of father and son, just like other regimes. He Chunhua was worried about his own safety and asked his eldest son to accompany him all the way. Isn't it normal?

Xunzhou Mu went too far and sent his son directly to take risks. In comparison, where is He Chunhua?

Besides, in front of everyone, could He Lingchuan really open his mouth and say "I don't"?


"Dad, I don't..."

He Lingchuan was about to show off his unreasonable skills, but unfortunately He Chunhua knew his son so well that he didn't give him a chance to consider, struggle, or refuse. He spoke to Sun Fuping first: "National Master, Chuan'er is coming with me! "

The voice was extremely loud, and the former soldiers looked at him sideways.

Okay, the tone is set.

He also suppressed He Lingchuan's final rejection.

He Chunhua patted his eldest son on the shoulder and said with emotion: "Good boy!"

He Yue looked stunned. Although it is not uncommon for father and son to go into battle these days, hasn't the father always favored the eldest brother? Why does he have to take him with him when taking big risks?

The eldest brother obviously had rejection written all over his face.

Nian Songyu also heard it and waved to He Lingchuan: "Great, let's get closer on the road."

What else could He Lingchuan say? Looking at Nian Songyu's cheerful smile, his mouth was dry and sour: "Okay, I'll prepare some supplies."

This time the farewell for the expedition team turned into a farewell for my father, and finally it turned into a farewell for myself.

All I can say is that surprises are everywhere in life.

The second brother, with red eyes, told him that the person he was careful about on the road turned out to be himself.

He Yue grabbed his arm and suddenly lowered his voice: "Be careful of those two people."

"You still need to tell me?" He Lingchuan rolled his eyes, "Uncle Hao, I leave my second son's safety to you."

Uncle Hao nodded.

He had a grudge against Nian Songyu, and He Chunhua resolutely refused to let him get involved in this retrograde journey to the Panlong Desert to avoid any trouble.

He Lingchuan was extremely envious of his staying out of the situation, but at this moment he could only show a dry smile and wave goodbye.

Looking at He Chunhua again, an idea suddenly came to his mind:

Is it possible that this father's feelings for his eldest son are not as deep as He Lingchuan originally thought?

The Panlong Desert has not yet entered the wild sand season, and there are many people on the Hongya Road.

The deadline is only a dozen days away at most, and everyone is in a hurry.

He Lingchuan had already changed his mount and hung up his supplies before setting off. He was now wearing a white robe, except for his face.

The sun was rising and it was frighteningly hot in the desert. After walking for a quarter of an hour without any obstruction, He Lingchuan's whole body was burning hot. He suspected that watering his body would produce steam.

In fact, we haven't entered the real desert yet. We can often see dwarf sea buckthorn, sand holly, and splendens around, as well as Haloxylon ammodendron trees and purple-stemmed willows scattered here and there.

As the only way in and out of Blackwater City, there was everything on both sides of the road, including old boxes, clothing and bottles, and half-rotten jackal corpses. He Lingchuan even saw a handful of black hair hanging in the wind on the splendens, and looked at Like humans.

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