After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 23: Those with low status should be careful

There is a half-peak in front of the mountain, and the mountain is completely barren, with only a few sparse bushes in the corners. However, pedestrians who come here for the first time will definitely be attracted by its unique shape:

The upper half of the mountain is gone, but it doesn't look like it was broken by weathering, because the fracture is extremely smooth, as if someone had slashed it in half with a knife!

The break was abrupt and resolute.

You must know that it is an entire peak, millions of tons of rock and soil, it is not like a clump of bamboo that can be chopped down easily.

There is a local legend that in ancient times, immortals fought here and split the mountain peak with one sword, so this broken peak is also called "immortal chop".

Such legends are everywhere in this world and are difficult to verify. But He Lingchuan's original body actually climbed up the Immortal Zhan a few years ago and saw with his own eyes that the fracture was smooth and smooth. There was no unevenness in such a large area. It was indeed beyond the reach of even the careful polishing of craftsmen.

Whether it is man-made or not, it is incredible.

Sun Fuping stared at the half-peak, as if he was feeling the fierceness and sharpness of that sword that remains to this day. After a long time, he let out a long breath: "There is no end to the Tao."

Further on, turning around the mountain col, an old poplar tree stood alone on the side of the road, with two people hanging from its dry branches.

The wind is blowing and people are shaking.

Many pedestrians were watching under the tree, pointing and whispering.

Sun Guoshi's team took a closer look and saw two white boards hanging on the corpse, which read "Lishang" and "Reciprocity" respectively.

The expressions of Nian Songyu and Sun Fuping changed immediately. Their sharp eyes saw that there was a transparent sign pinned to the clothes of the corpse with the word "Donglai" on it.

Two of the Donglai Mansion guards who were sent to track down the Xishan Shabao went to Blackwater City and disappeared. Sun and Nian knew this because they assigned the manpower. But by then there were clues about the whereabouts of the sand leopard, so they did not investigate.

Now, these two people have turned into corpses, lying on the road they must pass.

Nian Songyu could tell at a glance that the two men had their necks broken and were tortured before death.

Sun Guoshi saw that his face was red and the veins on his neck were popping, and he quickly held his shoulders: "Don't be impulsive! Isn't this expected?" The two guards had been missing for a long time, and we had already deduced the possibility of their death.

"We arranged the manpower in Donglai Mansion, this little bastard is taking revenge on us!" Nian Songyu gritted his teeth. If you kill a harrier demon yourself, the other party will kill both of you in retaliation.

After all, Donglai Mansion was too far away from the border, so Da Sima assigned his guards to the two of them.

Sun Guoshi's face darkened: "The overall situation is the most important thing! No internal strife is allowed now."

"When I get the big square pot..." Nian Songyu gritted his teeth, knowing that He Lingchuan had figured out that he would still rely on the Blackwater City army, so he couldn't fall out just yet. He turned around and shouted angrily, "He Lingchuan!"

He Chunhua was also shocked when he saw the corpse. Shouldn't these two people be locked up in the farm on Hongbai Road?

Then he remembered that his eldest son had always acted recklessly.

The slight restraint in the past two months does not mean that his nature has changed.

Nian Songyu called out twice, and then He Lingchuan slowly rode forward, facing Nian Songyu's anger that was about to burst out: "Captain Nian, what's going on?"

"Do you recognize these two people?"

He Lingchuan took a closer look and was secretly shocked. Has Uncle Hao vented his anger?

"Of course I don't recognize them. There are so many people coming and going in Blackwater City, how can I have the ability to write down their names one by one?" He paused, "Hey, they actually have the Donglai Mansion's name tag. How could such a big shot hang himself in this place? Backcountry?”

"Okay." Nian Songyu smiled instead of being angry, and the topic suddenly changed, "My companion died on Hongya Road. How will you deal with it?"

He immediately guessed that the two guards must have been killed by He Lingchuan. This guy wants to give him eye drops. If he asks more, he will be ridiculed more.

It's enough to say nothing more, so there's no need to go into it any further.

"If you can't take it back, you will be buried in the sky." He Lingchuan shrugged, "It won't end well anyway, so let the creatures in the desert be grateful for the gift of nature."

He Chunhua came over and interrupted: "Most of them are buried in the ground."

"Then let's bury him in the ground." After all, he was from Donglai Mansion, so it was not easy for his body to be exposed in the wilderness.

He Lingchuan said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter. Captain Nian should focus on the present first, and don't delay the progress of the team."

Finally threw this sentence back, happy!

There was a flash of resentment in Nian Songyu's eyes, and then he told Zeng Feixiong to send someone to remove the two bodies and bury them on the spot.

Of course the team couldn't wait and moved on.

The feeling of being stared at by Nian Songyu was like a poisonous snake on his back, and his hair stood on end. He Lingchuan pulled his father to slow down and walked in the middle of the team.

Of course a man as proud as Captain Nian would lead the way. He couldn't look back at He Lingchuan too often, right?

"What are you doing?" He Chunhua scolded his son in a low voice, "Killing those two people will not help. It will only further enmity with Nian Songyu."

He didn't know that Uncle Hao had killed him.

"You can vent your anger!" He Lingchuan couldn't help but sneer when he saw him reprimanding him as if nothing happened. "These two people have calculated that we have no limit, so why don't we allow our son to slap him back? Besides, he is asking for something from us, and this is even more inappropriate at this time. Fall out with us."

"If we come back alive, from now on..."

"If we come back with the treasure in hand, Da Sima will be overjoyed. How can he care about such a trivial matter?" He Lingchuan said wistfully, "Father is not old yet, but he is timid."

He Chunhua thought for a while, his face darkened: "You are right, I am too cautious."

He always thought about serving as officials in the same court in the future, especially since his family had just returned to the capital and had an unstable foundation, so it would be better to make fewer enemies.

The idea may be correct, but how can such a cowardly and cautious mentality in front of powerful people achieve great results?

Here he secretly warned himself, and then said to He Lingchuan: "Chuan'er, are you still blaming your father for dragging you on the road?"

When asked this question, should I answer "yes" readily or "no" against my will? He Lingchuan could only chuckle: "How dare you, son?"

"As a father, why wouldn't you want your son to be safe and well? But in this world, it's impossible." He Chunhua patted his shoulder, "Chuan'er, you're not young anymore, it's time for you to have some experience."

He Lingchuan couldn't help it: "Other people's experience goes from low to high in difficulty." Only his father gave him a big boost at once.

As expected, the eldest son was full of resentment. He Chunhua smiled: "Don't blame dad for being cruel. With you here, the possibility of us returning home safely will increase by at least 20%. What the great shaman said is not a joke."

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes. If he was really a lucky general, why did he die quietly and his skin was taken over by an outsider like him?

But this rhetorical question can only be kept in the stomach.

No matter how noisy it is now, it will be of no use, not to mention that as the local governor and his father, He Chunhua actually does not need to explain to him at all.

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