After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 24 Hongya Road

Looking back on his own cleverness, He Lingchuan changed the subject and asked, "Dad, why do we have to go back to Dadu?"

"Where is the He family's foundation, how can there be no reason for unworthy descendants not to return?"

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "I have eyes and ears on both sides, do you want me to speak plainly?" He leaned into his father's ear and his voice was like a gnat, easily drowned out by the sound of horse hooves, "Our whole family was killed by the emperor. , why do you still want to go back and work for him?"

He Chunhua frowned: "Otherwise, where would you be able to display your ambitions?"

Don’t you need to rely on a real man to make great achievements?

"The Baling Kingdom in the west is also fine. Doesn't our Qiansong County border the Four Kingdoms? I think the monster country in the northeast is also good..." He Lingchuan looked at the six directions and dodged the slap from He Chunhua's pocket, "Besides, , the domestic situation was turbulent, and those mud-legged people who raised flags dared to call themselves the grass-headed kings! If you look abroad, the emperors were changed like a revolving door! I heard that Xuanguo in the east had eleven emperors in twenty years , the shortest reign was only nineteen days."

A serious, high-risk profession.

What's wrong with that brat? Are you thinking of treason? He Chunhua said with a straight face: "How can the small country of Zuer compare with the big Yuan? After all, we have been a country for more than 60 years and are fully equipped."

hehe. He Lingchuan took a long breath: "We have narrowly escaped death this time, why don't daddy want to say something heartfelt to me?"

He Chunhua was slightly startled, and suddenly stared at him and said, "What got on you?"

These words were caught off guard, and cold sweat broke out on He Lingchuan's back.


The eldest son is brave and brave, but he is not a delicate person. He should not see through his own reservations. He Chunhua looked at him and said solemnly: "Never say such words about beheading if convicted."

A gust of wind and sand blew by, and He Lingchuan sneezed.

Dad's thoughts are also very deep.


Sun Guoshi's team finally embarked on the Hongya Trade Road.

Passing through the heart of the mountain, you will see a vast world of yellow sand before your eyes.

Sand dunes stood one after another in the hot wind, some were as short as mounds of earth, and some were as high as tens of feet, comparable to mountains. But they are by no means as hard as mountain cliffs. Some giant hills will disappear overnight and pop up suddenly in other depressions.

All the plants have disappeared, and there is no trace of greenery.

Looking around, there is nothing left but vastness.

The Hongya Road opens in the middle of the desert, is five feet wide, and can accommodate several domestic horse-drawn carriages. The original color of the stone tiles on the ground cannot be seen, and they have become uneven under the countless trampling of merchants. Some of the bricks are new, and the state has contracted repairs on some sections of the road for Heishui City and neighboring countries. There are also some ancient bricks that have not been replaced, with different shades of black on the surface, but layer upon layer.

This makes Hongya Road crawl like a gray-black snake in the sea of ​​sand.

Zeng Feixiong was also walking beside He and his son. Seeing He Lingchuan curious about the floor tiles, he explained: "There are blood stains on the bricks, some are old and new. There are many bandits on this road, and there are many battles."

"By the way, some of the bloodstains were left over a hundred years ago. Hongya Road was the route used by Panlong City to transport troops and food. It is said that countless robberies and massacres occurred around these roads."

To attack a besieged city, it is necessary to cut off the opponent's reinforcements and food supplies.

Hearing what he said, He Lingchuan suddenly felt a bloody aura rushing toward his face.

So many fierce fightings, so many living lives, and such resolute calls to defend the country were all buried in the endless sand, leaving nothing behind.

In the third year after the destruction of Panlong City, the Xiluo Kingdom was destroyed; in another six years, the Xianyou Kingdom was also destroyed.

This pair of old enemies fought for decades, and eventually both fell into the dust of history.

"Is this why everyone hangs the 'bell flag'?" He Lingchuan pointed to the tall flag streamer at the front of the team.

This is obviously the army of the Dayuan Kingdom, and the leader is the highly respected Sun Guoshi, but the flag banner of the team has the word "bell" embroidered on it for the boss.

It is incredible that people today have to fly the old flag of the previous dynasty when they travel to the end of the world.

In fact, not only our own team, but almost all the traveling travelers on Hongya Road raised the bell flag high, as if to send a message to the entire desert.

Of course, after all teams leave Hongya Road, they will put away the bell flag before entering the borders of other countries, so although He Lingchuan has heard of it, it is rare to see this flag.

"Wraithful spirits and alienated monsters wander across the desert, eating whatever they catch, but they do not set foot on the Red Cliff Road, because this is the route that the Gale Army traveled countless times. Everyone hung up the bell flag to pay tribute to the Gale Army back then. , and seek peace for yourself.”

According to He Lingchuan, it's not a tribute, it's clearly a counterfeit.

Zeng Feixiong tore open the cloth covering his face, spat on it, and put it away: "Spit and urine cannot be randomly spilled on Hongya Road. They must be collected and taken away. Otherwise, it will be regarded as slight and will offend the heroic spirits here. .”

He Chunhua also said: "In the past, many countries did not believe in evil and did not allow their business travelers to fly the bell flag and walk on Hongya Road. The result -"

"In the end, they had to be accurate." He Lingchuan understood, "There is no need for the living to vent their anger on the dead."

At this moment, several loud roars came from behind.

Everyone looked back and saw a snow-white puppy running out of another team walking behind. It left Hongya Road in two steps and ran towards the nearest sand dune.

Its little owner is a five-year-old girl. As soon as the dog escapes, she subconsciously raises her legs and chases after her.

Soon, she also left Hongya Road.

Before her family could react, the foreman rushed over from behind and shouted at her: "Come back! Come back quickly!"

What He Lingchuan and others heard was his cry.

The child's mother, a noble lady, came over and said dissatisfiedly: "Keep your voice down, don't scare my child!"

"If you don't come back, your child will be gone!" The waiter then yelled, "Come back quickly, the monster is going to eat people!"

The desert was as empty as a still painting, not a single wild animal appeared.

The girl stopped, looked at the team, then at the little white dog in the distance, and hesitated.

The child's mother said disgustedly: "Go and carry her back."

I don’t want to leave Hongya Road even if I don’t do it.

The mother-in-law had no choice but to stride towards her child, pick her up and walk back.

Nothing happened.

"Useless man..." Before the lady could finish her sentence, the sole of her foot suddenly collapsed.

A big mouth suddenly appeared from bottom to top, swallowing her and the child in one gulp.

The screams were loud and short.

At this time, they were less than three steps away from Hongya Road.

After the monster that devoured the two people appeared, it did not dive in a hurry, but quickly moved towards the white dog not far away.

This thing is a bit like a plaice, with a mouth on the top of the head, a body shaped like a large round plate, flat and similar in color to yellow sand. If it hadn't jumped out on its own, He Lingchuan might not have been able to detect its existence even if he got closer.

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