After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 28 The end of the road to Hongya

"You must have faith in the Imperial Master." He Lingchuan smacked his lips in the direction of Sun Fuping, "All the great Imperial Masters have risked their lives, how much confidence do you and I have?"

Sun and Nian walked in the front, with a long distance between them and He Lingchuan, with more than ten rows of soldiers in between.

The newly joined group of gangsters were not taken seriously by them at all.

Situ Han looked at their backs: "Can they hear me when I speak?"

"Don't worry, you can't." He Lingchuan himself didn't even remember saying bad things about the two previous people.

Situ Han then whispered: "These two people are really arrogant. If they encounter danger after entering the desert, it may not affect our lives. Young Master He, for the sake of celebrating the New Year every year, you should take more care of our brothers." . We, a family of thirty or so, came out to work hard, and there are more than a hundred women, children, and their families in Mangshan! If we die, they won’t even be able to drink porridge."

Although he called killing people and stealing goods a hard work, his expression was still very sincere.

Write all your worries on your face.

"I know." He Lingchuan comforted him, "I will keep an eye on you and prevent him from sending you to die in vain."

After he walked away, He Chunhua asked his eldest son: "What did he mean when he said it was for the New Year's sake?"

"Every Chinese New Year, doesn't he come to give us New Year greetings?" The most important thing is that every Chinese New Year, Situ Han will prepare a special gift for Young Master He. For example, last year, what he gave to He Lingchuan was a necklace of pearls. Each bead was almost the same size, round and brilliance.

Yes, it was the string that He Lingchuan forwarded to Uncle Hao.

What did you give the year before last? Hmm, I can't remember.

Of course, there is no need to tell dad these trivial matters.

He Chunhua looked at him and shook his head. He is a brat who is reckless and never shows mercy when accepting gifts.


Heishui City, Hezhai.

Although there were only two people left at home, Mrs. Ying still asked the kitchen to cook carefully and put a total of seven dishes on the table. The meal was even richer than usual.

But she actually had little appetite. She drank less than half a bowl of yellow rice porridge, and only took two bites of the flower roll that He Yue gave her, then stopped eating.

"Yue'er, where do you think your father is now?" He Chunhua left, as if he had taken her soul with him. Mrs. Ying couldn't sleep at night, and her delicate makeup couldn't cover up her haggardness.

"We should have passed a few stations." He Yue comforted her, "Zeng Feixiong is familiar with the desert, and Sun Da Guoshi is there to control the place. My father and brother will definitely be able to come back before the wild sand season."

Mrs. Ying sighed: "They say your brother is a lucky general. He really needs good luck this time."

He Yue sounded strange. His mother didn't seem to blame his father for taking his brother away?

Mrs. Ying asked some more about the affairs of Qiansong County, and He Yuedu said that he could handle it.

Finally she asked: "Still no news from the east?"

"No. Floods block the road. Besides, the war in the east is fierce. The rebels will behead spies when they catch them, and the couriers don't dare to go there."

In fact, he would also pay attention to the intelligence from the east without his father's repeated instructions.

Unfortunately, there is no news now.


On the second day, there was huge yellow sand all around, up and down, and not even a living thing could be seen.

This short section of Hongya Road points to the former Panlong Ancient City, and no caravan would go there at all.

Everyone cherishes every step, because this smooth road is coming to an end.

"There is no way." News came from the front of the team.

Looking eastward, the He family father and son could still see the huge base of half of the mountain peak slanting upward, like a dagger thrust into the sky.

The upper half collapsed nearly a hundred years ago and hit the Hongya Road where this team was supposed to be traveling.

The endless rocks turned it into a dead end road.

Zeng Feixiong murmured: "I wonder if it is God's will." He did not want the sleeping heroic spirits in the city to be disturbed by those who came after him.

"How can there be so much wishful thinking?" Nian Songyu sneered and ordered everyone, "Get off your horses, we have to lighten the burden."

There was no road ahead, and the horses were useless. Each person prepared five days' worth of dry food and water, and handed the horses to several cooks accompanying the army.

Situ Han stared at the endless desert.

The undulating sand dunes are clean and tidy, without even a single footprint.

"What's next? If we take one step away from Hongya Road, we will all be eaten!"

"Of course not. Don't you bandits know best?" Nian Songyu stopped him with one sentence.

Situ Han sneered. As people who have lived in the Panlong Desert for most of their lives, they know the local taboos very well, and they also have their own tips and tricks.

Nian Songyu pointed to the desert: "Tell me, how do you go if there is no Hongya Road? I guess you also have some experience."

"First of all, my lords, please keep the Sheji Order. You must not show it, let alone activate it!" There were many officials in this group of people.

Nian Songyu said, "Why?"

"The heroic spirits in the desert were defending the borders of their motherland during their lifetimes. We walked in wearing other countries' social orders. Isn't that deliberately planting flags to attract hatred? These things are all stubborn. They can hide and hide. Don't mess with them! "

There is some truth. Sun Fuping told the officials: "Keep the kite money and don't show it."

Then Situ Han said: "Are we going to Panlong Ancient City? It's still far away and it's impossible to walk there. There's nothing I can do about it."

Sand bandits usually go into the desert to escape pursuit or vendetta, and they only need it if they have an urgent need. They would not hike in such a place of death for nothing, because it would be too long for them.

"So, we need to change a vehicle." Sun Fuping took out three things from his arms.

They were three micro-carved boats, each about an inch long, as if carved from half a walnut, with exquisite craftsmanship. Not to mention the wood grain on the side of the boat, even the folds of the boatman's clothes and flying hair are all carved delicately.

Just looking at the carving work alone, it can be called a master level.

"This is a treasure I borrowed from a friend. I have to return it after use. Okay, everyone, stay away!" After saying that, Sun Fuping took out three crystal clear green pills and placed them in the right hand of the boatman in the boat. Then the three walnut boats were thrown onto the sand.

Nian Songyu whispered: "Xuanjing!"

The green pill was about the size of a quail egg, and it looked like it could knock over a walnut boat when thrown. But this was not the case at all. Aomaru disappeared after touching the boatman's hand, and the whole boat began to tremble strangely, as if something was about to run out.

Everyone is not stupid and has already avoided it in advance.

Sure enough, the walnut boat expanded at an alarming speed and doubled in size. In just two breaths, the originally one-inch long toy turned into a wooden boat that was more than five feet long and one foot high!

They stopped on the yellow sand. They were the original walnut boats enlarged to their original proportions. Of course, the boatman standing on the bow also became a normal human size. He walked over and lowered the side planks so that passengers could board.

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