After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 29 Walnut Boat

A wooden boat of this size cannot be called a giant boat, but it is more than enough to accommodate seventy or eighty people. And there are three wooden boats, which are enough to accommodate all members of the team.

Everyone looked up and looked up, and let out a long wow.

Even if they had known that Sun Fuping was a national master and had extraordinary means, everyone was still shocked when they saw this scene.

He Lingchuan heard Zeng Feixiong whisper: "That thing is Xuan Jing? It's the first time I've seen it." The voice was full of surprise.

"The green one is just a low-grade Xuan Jing." He Lingchuan's understatement.

As a result, Nian Songyu heard this sentence, and he immediately turned around and asked, "Do you have a top-grade one?"

"No, of course not!" He Lingchuan laughed. If this is admitted, then it will have to be confiscated, right?

Who told him to really have it?

In He Lingchuan's storage bag, there was a mysterious crystal lying at the moment, but it was dark green, and it was in better quality than the one that Sun Guoshi fed to Walnut Boat.

Xuanjing is the solidified form of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is usually only produced during the period of spiritual energy explosion. Human beings can pick it up and purify it, refine it, or add various materials to it, and they can turn it into various kinds of Xuanjing with different grades.

This thing has many uses. It can replenish the real power of magicians/monsters, increase the mobility of machine puppets, drive formations, etc. These three walnut boats look inconspicuous, but the asking price to drive them is quite high.

It has been a long time since the last spiritual energy explosion. The more Xuan Jing is used, the less it is used, and the more expensive it becomes. Sun Guoshi casually used it to drive the walnut boat, but He Lingchuan only had one in his hand. It was a gift given to him by the envoy from the Northern Demon Kingdom who asked him to do something.

One uses luxury goods, and the other supplies luxury goods. The difference in realm and worth is determined.

He was observing carefully, and Nian Songyu was asking the bandits: "What other tricks do you have that can help?"

Situ Han was also admiring the walnut boat. Hearing this, he kept shaking his head: "There are too many people, and our native methods will probably not be used."

Nian Songyu didn't really think they had a good solution when he asked. He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Didn't you bring out your fragrant dumplings this time?"

"Yes." Situ Han pondered for a moment, looked at Sun Fuping, and felt a little embarrassed, "I just don't want to be in that... elegant hall!"

"Saving one's life is important, not being indecent."

Nian Songyu asked Situ Han: "Useful, easy to use?"

"It's generally easy to use." Situ Han patted the hull of the boat, "How can this baby move?"

Nian Songyu didn't hide anything from him: "Xuanjing."

Then every second is burning money. Situ Han thought for a while: "If you are lucky, maybe you two adults won't have to consume the Xuanjing."

Now even Sun Fuping became interested: "Oh?"

Xuanjing is rare, and you can save it if you can. This thing has a price but no market, and ordinary people can't buy it with money.

Situ Han emphasized humbly: "If you are lucky!"

"Let me have a look." Nian Songyu said calmly, "If it doesn't work, it will delay official business. I will throw you off the boat and feed it to the monsters."

What a mouthful! Situ Han wanted to slap himself several times: "Then please cover your noses."


He Chunhua saw that his eldest son and the gangsters were all covering their mouths and noses with their facecloths, so he followed suit.

Then Situ Han gave an order behind him, and the bandits brought out a box. When he opened it, he saw that the box was covered with soft cushions and there was a bulging, bubble-like object in the middle.

Nian Songyu looked around and didn't understand: "What is this?"

"Captain Nian has never seen a pig being killed?" He Lingchuan laughed, "This is a pig urine bubble, which is a pig bladder. It can swell up when you blow it. It is far from being swollen to its maximum size now."

Seeing him so proud, He Chunhua couldn't help but curse. This guy has the best food and drink in Heishui City. He is a second-generation rich man and a noble son. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have seen pig urine. Unfortunately, he was too naughty. He used to like to fill pig urine bubbles with water and hang them on the old trees on the main street. If someone didn't like it, he would fly an iron stick over to them when they walked under the tree...

Nian Songyu has always been used to fine clothes and fine food, how could he have seen this? He didn't even eat low-grade meat like pork very often. He frowned in disgust and said, "What's the use of it?"

"The sealing is good, otherwise you will hurt yourself eight hundred times first." Following He Lingchuan's explanation, the bandits took out another large piece of bacon and tied it with a thick rope. Then they untied the pig urine bubble and tied it up. The contents of the urine bubble were poured over the bacon.

It was a viscous dark green liquid that not only bubbled, but also seemed to occasionally emit a wisp of white smoke.

As soon as it saw the light of day, the sense of smell of everyone around it was severely damaged.

This smell is like severe athlete's foot suffocating in airtight boots for months, mixed with body odor accumulated from not taking a shower for half a year, and the finishing touch is the dead fish piled up in the secret corner of the smuggling dock for many years. The unique taste of shrimp stuffing.

It brings together the culmination of fishiness, coquettishness, and mutton, and it shows both style and level.

The soldiers in the army who had no time to cover their noses vomited immediately.

The most terrifying thing about this smell is that it is firmly remembered in your body as soon as you smell it, and it will be unforgettable for a long time.

Suffering from this infection, those who had been holding back could no longer bear it any longer, and they all held their stomachs and vomited in a ball.

Fortunately, the bandits quickly threw the bacon into the sand and grabbed a few handfuls of sand to cover it. The strong desert wind blew away the smell in a short time.

Everyone struggled to breathe, never feeling that breathing was so beautiful.

Nian Songyu's face changed color: "Outrageous! What is the use of this thing?"

He also had chest tightness and felt nauseous, and had to restrain himself again and again to keep from vomiting. But when he turned around and saw He Lingchuan's beaming expression, he really wondered if this little bastard was taking the opportunity to harm him!

It's so smelly, who wouldn't fall for it?

"Just take a look." He Lingchuan didn't panic and pointed at the sand pit where the meat was buried.

When everyone took a look, they found that using the sand pit as a dot, there were streaks of ripples emerging on the sand, with different depths, but they all extended rapidly toward the outside. Obviously, there were many creatures hiding under the sand, and they were so smoked by the bacon that they all fled like shit.

Not only against humans, that thing is also very lethal against alienated monsters and monsters.

Even because the latter's sense of smell is more sensitive than humans, they suffer more serious spiritual and physical trauma.

"It can scare away all the strange beasts, that's good, but what else is it good for?" This move still surprised Sun Fuping. He had never thought about poison gas attacks when he was making plans. It seemed that country people's methods sometimes worked well.

"This alone is not enough!" Nian Songyu pinched his knuckles. Are these bandits and the He family acquainted with each other, are they uniting to deal with him?

Situ Han saw that his expression was not kind, and he didn't understand: "Wait, wait, the key to crossing the desert is coming!"

coming soon? What's coming?

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