After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 30 A sand boat looking for a horse

Sun Fuping signaled Nian Songyu to wait.

This wait is only half an hour.

All the creatures on the sandy bottom were smoked away, and there was no movement within a few feet, except for the whining wind.

"Not here yet?" Nian Songyu was impatient, "Time is precious." It was getting dark quickly in Panlong Desert, and it would be night in two hours. They didn't have much time to spend here.

"Not yet." Situ Han's forehead was covered with sweat, and he didn't know whether it was from the sun or because he was anxious. "It may be far away. It will take time to get here."

He Lingchuan did not forget to speak for Situ Han at this time: "I've seen it before. It's a giant thing. I'm sure it can really take us across the desert, saving time and effort."

"Are you sure?" When Nian Songyu heard these three words, his tone became gloomy, "You dare to waste our time on something you are not sure about?"

After two more incense sticks, the end of Hongya Road was still calm.

A gust of wind blew through the indifferent crowd, and they rushed into the distance with a "whoosh".

Nian Songyu tapped the scabbard with his index finger, click, click, which was a sign of his impatience.

As time went by, he felt more and more that the bandits had received instructions from He Lingchuan and were going to harm his own personnel. The so-called "fragrant dumpling" was also first proposed by He Lingchuan.

Nian Songyu's eyes became more and more unkind. He Lingchuan just pretended not to see it and felt a little worried.

Seeing that the sun was getting farther and farther west, even Sun Fuping finally lost his patience: "No more waiting, everyone get on the boat..."

During this time, he had divided everyone into three groups, each designated a walnut boat.

Time was precious, they couldn't afford to wait, they had to leave now.

Situ Han put his finger in front of his lips and shouted loudly: "Here he comes!"

It was really rude to do this to such a big shot, but now he was so nervous that he couldn't care less.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "crash" sound, and the desert was like a water surface splitting in the middle, with yellow sand splashing everywhere, like a sandstorm blowing in place.

A huge creature rushed out of the ground nearly a foot high, holding bacon in its mouth, and then landed heavily.

It was dusty again.

The thing dived quickly with agility that was not suited to its size, and disappeared into the sea of ​​sand in the blink of an eye.

Situ Han didn't care that he was splashed in the face and cheered: "It's coming, it's coming! Ah, bah, bah!" He quickly spat out a few mouthfuls of sand.

Except for Sun Guoshi and a few others who released their protective aura in time, the rest of the people were disgraced.

But everyone finally saw clearly what Situ Han had caught by fishing for the big fish.

The thing looked like both an eel and an earthworm. It was round and long without legs, but had links on its trunk. Its body color was almost the same as yellow sand. If it were buried quietly in the sand, it would be difficult for anyone with good eyesight to identify it.

But unlike the eel, its mouth is astonishingly large, opening more than the diameter of its body, and it is filled with tiny needle teeth. There are also two long whiskers on the side of the mouth, which seem to be used to detect the movement of quicksand.

Zeng Feixiong lost his voice and said: "Such a big earth dragon!"

This thing is eight feet (twenty-six meters) long!

The soldiers on the side also took half a step back unconsciously. The sense of oppression brought by such a body shape cannot be eliminated by reason.

This kind of earth dragon is not a snake eel in the sea, but a creature unique to the desert. In fact, no matter whether they live in the desert or the sea, some animals do not seem to need long legs.

But this thing is usually no more than one foot long in other deserts, and experienced travelers will catch it as food. But this one in front of me... Zeng Feixiong once led a team to patrol back and forth on Hongya Road, but he had never seen such a big earth dragon!

Situ Han was relieved: "This is not the Earth Dragon King...the largest one we have ever seen, it is more than twelve feet long."

"Since it's a big guy, a small piece of meat can't feed it enough." He Lingchuan pointed at the three walnut boats. "The earth dragon is very strong, so it shouldn't be a problem to pull a boat. Well, and they usually go out in groups."

In other words, smelly meat attracts more than one earth dragon.

Children at the beach know how to fish, and He Lingchuan, who grew up next to the Panlong Desert, has also fished for Tulong many times.

Of course, I have never used such a heavy bait, and I have never seen such a big prey.

Situ Han nodded: "Everyone, please get on the boat. We will do the same thing again and we can use them as horses pulling carts."

So the soldiers went to the boat in three groups. The boatman at the head of the Walnut boat grabbed the rope and tied a slip knot, and stood ready.

This time everyone protected their mouths and noses, so when the bandits took out large pieces of bacon and poured the smelly liquid on them, no one was hit. Nian Songyu personally took action, picked the specially seasoned meat pieces on the tip pole, stood on the bow of the boat, and raised it high.

The boatman's pole is also part of the walnut boat, and its length varies depending on the heart.

The special smelly liquid made by the sand bandits can drive away most of the creatures in the desert, and it is also a magic weapon in the box when escaping. However, there are advantages and disadvantages, and this thing is the favorite of earth dragons.

In fact, strictly speaking, what Earth Dragon likes is "stinky".

They eat carrion for a living, and the rancid smell that other creatures simply cannot bear is, to earth dragons, the aroma of food. And the smell of this level is like the bell for the village's annual forty-eight bowl banquet, which must be reached no matter how far away it is.

Situ Han reminded: "They are so stupid. If they hang it with smelly meat, the boat can move away!"

Since these things have come all the way here, they cannot be dispersed in a short time.

Sure enough, as soon as the smelly meat was picked up, a huge earth dragon burst out of the sand and pounced on the meat.

Judging from its size, it is bigger than its companion just now.

Nian Songyu had good eyesight and quick hands. With a flick of his wrist, the bacon jumped, and the earth dragon flew away.

The boatman standing by the side threw the rope and put it around the neck of the earth dragon with great precision.

Although it is round and has no limbs, the knots on its body are very deep. The knot slipped through two sections and was nested in the third section.

Tu Long was shocked when he was suddenly trapped, and he jumped forward more than thirty feet in a flash. It wasn't until the knot was tightened that Nian Songyu lowered the pole, letting the piece of bacon hang above the earth dragon.

The scent was so fragrant that the earth dragon had a small brain, so he immediately forgot about the fact that he was being strangled, and swam towards the bacon while dripping with laughter.

It is so powerful that it can drag the boat and people forward with ease.

So, the ship sailed.

As long as Nian Songyu swings the pole, the earth dragon pulling the boat will follow him. There was a hissing sound below, the sound of grains of sand rubbing against the bottom of the walnut boat, which showed how powerful the horse was.

The most important task of the boatman is to adjust the bow of the boat in time so that both the dragon and the boat go with the wind, so that the smelly meat hanging high in front will not kill the entire passengers on the boat.

Right now, there is nothing more important than this.

In the blink of an eye, Nian Songyu's boat sailed more than a hundred feet away.

"It's our turn." There were successful examples in front of them, and the rest of the crowd was in high spirits. Sun Fuping and Zeng Feixiong led the team onto the first boat, and the He family and his son and the bandit boarded the last boat. It was like this.

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