After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 362 Demon Fairy!

General You had already taken the bow and arrow in his hand, and the ferocious beast seemed to be able to pause slightly when it jumped to a high place, hanging in the air. At this moment, its owner fully drew the bow string and shot out an arrow!

The arrow's purple light flashes, condensing the light of Yuanli. This one is like a shooting star chasing the moon, and the red bird is so big, how can it be wrong?

But in the crisis, it jumped up suddenly, causing the bronze mirror to shift, and the arrow aimed at its heart hit the root of its wing.

Red Bird seemed to be in special pain, and fell from the sky with a mournful cry.

At this time, the ferocious beast also fell from the high point. General You looked down from a high position and focused directly on He Lingchuan with a ruthless expression.

Now the trouble was serious, the young man hissed, turned around and ran away.

So what if he stayed and won the battle? Why would he compete with the paper man?

But with Red Bird teaching him a lesson, he jumped into the canopy of the big tree to avoid General You from firing another arrow.

General You pointed in the direction of He Lingchuan's escape: "Capture the enemy general, life or death!"

The guards behind him responded and chased after him.

What the hell, why is he an "enemy general"? He Lingchuan guessed that 90% of the time it was the goddess who was behind this.

While he was escaping, he heard General You say: "Thank you, Senior Brother Qingxu, for your help!"

"Within our power!" The magician in mid-air snorted, "These demons are too rampant, and they will keep attacking if they are not taught a lesson!"

Senior Brother Qingxu? Fairy?

He Lingchuan silently wrote down these two words.

Are General You and Qingxu brothers from the same sect?

Moreover, the language they spoke was different from that of today. If He Lingchuan hadn't studied hard and had Sun Fuling practice and take exams, he might not have been able to understand.

Yes, these are all speaking the language of ancient immortals!

To this day, few living people know how to use it.

These evil ghosts are so good at acting. If they pretend to be real and sing them a thousand times, will they become real?

The cavalry behind him was surprisingly fast, and he was almost caught up in several dangerous situations.

If it weren't for the criss-crossed streets and buildings here, He Lingchuan really wouldn't be able to get rid of them. In the end, he simply jumped into a burning mansion. The cavalry could not follow him, so they had to rein in their horses and run around the outside. They returned to resume their lives without finding any trace of him.

It wasn't until they left that He Lingchuan walked out of the fire.

Wearing the sacred bone necklace, he is not afraid of fire, even the real fire of Red Bird.

But it is inevitable that the face will be blackened.

The building was burned out and collapsed in an instant. No one dared to stand nearby, so he quickly left the scene.

After a race against time to escape, He Lingchuan now had time to consider his situation.

Previously, he was clearly about to rush to Gan's house and catch Mr. Gan. Why did the goddess appear on this battlefield out of thin air with a wave of her hand?

Obviously, even in this weird place, the goddess couldn't kill him at once, otherwise what's the point of all this?

The last scene he had just collected through the eyeball spider was of Mr. Gan and the goddess making a contract, and the latter turned into ashes on the spot.

This is really hard to persuade the damn ghost.

Gan Sanye knew that the goddess was sneaky, but he still did it in the end.

In the end, he was defeated by his fear.

He Lingchuan recalled the battle in the city just now. The red bird's destructive power was astonishing. It could easily summon a large number of fire tornadoes, as if it could single-handedly challenge a city. He doubted whether the great demons in the northern demon country had such means.

As for layman Qingxu and the other six people being able to fly in the air, this is obviously not something that today's magicians can do. In this world where spiritual energy is scarce, how can any magician still fly?

What's more, they call Red Bird a "demon fairy", right?

He Lingchuan had a bold guess in his mind. By the way, the paper man he killed earlier in Zizhuyuan said that he was a centurion under General You.

In other words, the evil spirits on these two sides come from the same source?

Well, he had to leave as soon as possible.

At this moment, he suddenly saw another commotion in front of him, with several cavalry running in front, and Xuelin's army chasing behind.

Hey, there are actually familiar faces appearing in this weird scene?

He Lingchuan recognized at a glance that it was Wu Jinsong and others who were on the run.

It's just that there were seven or eight of them, but now there are only three left.

"Come here!" he greeted Wu Jinsong.

Hearing the sound, the three men galloped towards him on horseback, followed closely by their pursuers.

He Lingchuan, relying on his sacred bone necklace, was not afraid of being burned. He jumped twice into the burning building and used his strength to trample two logs with his feet.

As soon as Wu Jinsong ran past the foot of He Lingchuan, he heard a loud "kuacha" sound. When he turned around, he saw a burning log falling from the sky and hitting the pursuer on the forehead with precision!

The sergeant in the rear row immediately reined in his horse and never dared to step forward again.

The giant tree exploded twice more, sparks flying everywhere.

But there is a man who walks out of the fire, which is better than strolling in the courtyard, without fear of the raging flames behind him.

Wu Jinsong and others were stunned.

Even if their senses were dull at the moment, they couldn't help but sigh, "This guy is so handsome."

However, He Lingchuan's handsomeness lasted only three seconds, because another huge tree was also burned and smashed down.

He jumped into the back seat of Wu Jinsong with a single stride: "Let's go, let's go!" What are these fools doing? It was a waste of the time he had fought so hard to win.

The four people fled wildly on horseback.

After running for a mile after nine turns and eighteen turns, the shouts of killing became weaker and weaker, and there were no pursuers behind. Wu Jinsong and others slowed down their horses.

He Lingchuan asked him: "How did you get in here?" These people were finally rescued. It was true that there was no way to heaven.

"We searched around the lake for a few times, but didn't find any clues. We felt sleepy and tired, so we wanted to go to the county and settle down." They were brought in for several days and had almost no water or rice. It was strange that they were not thirsty or tired. "I entered here just after I came down from the mountain, and lost four brothers."

There were seven of them in total, and four of them were killed because they were outnumbered.

"You didn't go to Wuze County first?"


He Lingchuan also roughly understood that what he entered before was probably not the real Wuze County, but a strange space similar to this battlefield.

The question is, how to get out?

"No matter whether it is an illusion formation or a maze space, there will always be flaws, and there will always be a chance of survival." This is not the mercy of the caster, but a law. If there is no chance of survival, the space itself cannot be built at all. He asked these cavalrymen: "During this journey, have you found anything that is completely different from the outside world?"

Wu Jinsong smiled bitterly: "Everything here is very different from the outside world, and everything is incongruous."

Can the outside world be so war-torn?

"The first place I entered was Wuze County, and I was sent here until I wanted to prevent Mr. Gan from making a contract with the goddess." He Lingchuan pondered, "Why didn't you just throw me in here from the beginning?"

Wu Jinsong asked: "It is more likely to kill you in Wuze County?"

"That is to say, this battlefield is not its first choice. Is it because... it is difficult to control?" He Lingchuan looked at the city in flames, "The evil ghosts here are very into the drama, each acting in his own way, maybe Don’t you listen to its commands?”

Wu Jinsong was even more confused: "What evil spirit?" He had lost his soul, but his IQ had not dropped. Why couldn't he understand?

Looking at their expressions, He Lingchuan confirmed that his guess was correct. Only he could identify the evil ghosts and paper figures flying around the place, while others were deceived.

He was about to speak when he suddenly said:

The eyeball spider suddenly moved away!

He was busy dealing with this battlefield before, so he didn't change his perspective, but he could still vaguely feel the position and distance of the eyeball spider.

Needless to say, the direction was extremely erratic. Sometimes it was in the east, sometimes in the west. He Lingchuan couldn't follow it, as if the place he was in was a circle, and Mr. Gan was walking in the outer circle.

However, at this moment, he felt that the distance between himself and the eyeball spider suddenly widened, so large that the connection between the two parties was almost non-existent.

Is the signal bad? Where did it go?

He Lingchuan immediately switched perspectives.

The eyeball spider was still lying on Mr. Gan's body. From its perspective, the scenery was no longer the Gan family's house.

There are bamboo forests, weeds, half-ruined small buildings, and a puddle of clear water behind -

It seems that Mr. Gan has returned to Mochou Lake!

He also walked slowly back to the small building, straightened his chair, sat down at the table, and then put the mirror on the table.


At this time, the eyeball spider has quietly landed on Gan Sanye's shoulder. Looking down from its angle, he can see through the bronze mirror:

The mirror surface was no longer yellow and clear, but instead showed a scene of flames and black smoke flying together, and monsters and armies fighting.

It's not like a mirror, but more like a screen.

This scene is so familiar. Isn't it the same battlefield I'm on? It's just that Mr. Gan changed his overall perspective. He Lingchuan suddenly felt:

Turns out I'm in the mirror?

He suddenly remembered two details:

Just now I rushed into the courtyard of Ganzhai. The huge white marble screen wall was painted with a picture of flowers in front of the moon and a blank on the side.

This is unreasonable.

In addition to covering the scenery behind and creating a winding and secluded artistic conception, the screen wall often also has inscriptions engraved on it to add interest. The He family moved twice, and Mrs. Ying paid special attention to the screen wall.

There are paintings on the video wall, but where are the words?

Painting without inscriptions is like a beautiful woman going out without makeup, who would recognize you?

He jumped over the screen wall before and had no time to look at it, but when he stood on the full moon door and glanced down, he still saw a line of crooked small words:

Mo Er came here for a visit.

It's at the base of the wall at the bottom of the door, covered by green plants. It's probably written on charcoal strips, and I don't know how long ago it was left. If He Lingchuan hadn't been so high up, he would have barely seen it.

Most importantly, this line is backwards.

It's like he writes a few words on his hand and then looks in the mirror. The words reflected in the mirror are reversed.

After thinking about it from here, after he returned to Wuze County, it seemed that he did not see a single plaque, signboard, or couplet. Even the signboard of Zizhuyuan was completely blocked by the swaying bamboo branches.

Thinking about it now, it was because the owner of the mirror didn't want him to discover the secret.

It's just that there is still a sparse part in the hundred meters. The small words on the Full Moon Gate were not even noticed by him, so naturally he would not erase them.

But that was in Wuze County.

"Go there!" He Lingchuan looked around and signaled Wu Jinsong to gallop towards a five-story tower.

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