After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 363 The full moon on the new day!

This tower has black tiles and gray walls, and is very solemnly built. On the gate on the first floor is a huge word "Qiongze". There is also a monument at the bottom of the tower with the name of the person who donated it engraved in red.

He Lingchuan first looked at the name of the tower, then the inscription, and clapped his hands: "Sure enough!"

Wu Jinsong also looked at it, but didn't understand: "What kind?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing to prevent the people behind the scenes from monitoring their every move.

The name of the pagoda and the words on the inscription are all correct, which is different from Wuze County.

So the Wuze County he was in just now was the reflection reflected in the mirror, but this battlefield was not?

To take a step back, the reflection in Wuze County is the scene that is easiest for the people behind the scenes to control, so where is it as soon as He Lingchuan enters?

The people behind the scenes found that they couldn't capture his soul, so they threw him on this battlefield and wanted to use the power of war to kill him?

Thinking of this, his hanging heart was relieved.

If the person behind the scenes cannot control this battlefield, then he, Wu Jinsong and others will be relatively safe.

The only solution now is to find a way to escape.

Where will the exit be?

He cut into the perspective of the eyeball spider again, and unexpectedly his eyes were completely dark, but he heard Gan Sanye's roaring voice in his ears, as if coming from far away:

"Is there such a surveillance method? I'll block your eyes and ears and see what you can do!"

Hey, just now, the eyeball spider was discovered?

He Lingchuan secretly felt something was wrong, and the guard Xu Dongdong standing behind Wu Jinsong suddenly said: "Today seems to be New Year's Day."


Xu Dongdong raised his head and looked at the moon: "The new moon is a dark day, but the moon in the sky is still so round!"

Everyone looked up and saw a full moon hanging high in the sky, big, round and bright.

He Lingchuan remembered that Wuze County was bathed in such a full moon just now.

But when he took Sanye Gan to the shore of Mochou Lake to find the goddess, it was clearly raining.

Sure enough, this was an unusual incongruity, but he had been looking around for it before, but he had ignored it and it was hanging in the sky!

He channeled his true power into his eyes, and the shadow the size of a sesame seed in the full moon became clearer and clearer, as if--

It seems to be a decoration in a small building.

He vaguely saw Mr. Gan sitting in front of the mirror, staring straight at him.

It's just that the distance between the two sides is too far, so far that even if there is a shadow on the moon, he will not look up.

He Lingchuan immediately whispered into Wu Jinsong's ear: "I probably have a way out."

When he spoke, he covered his mouth with his hand to prevent Mr. Gan from hearing or seeing him.

Wu Jinsong nodded after hearing his plan: "Okay, we will cooperate."

Gan Sanye in front of the mirror really wanted to listen, but their volume was too low. He was so angry that he slapped the table: "Damn it!"

The four of them turned back and quietly approached the center of the city.

When passing by a burning house, Shi Hu in front of the door suddenly said: "He Lingchuan."

Wu Jinsong and others were stunned, and He Lingchuan's eyes moved slightly: "Master Gan?"

He recognized the voice of Mr. Gan San, and there was also a little devil lying behind Shi Hu. The human voice was actually made by it.

Because He Lingchuan could see this thing, Shihu's voice transmission was not only not mysterious, but actually a bit funny.

He Lingchuan's heart moved, and he calmly took off the sacred bone necklace and threw it on the ground.

The next moment, the little evil spirit disappeared from his sight.

Ha, that's true.

Since when did the divine bone necklace allow him to see ghosts?

Is this change happening because he fed the divine bones and swallowed the remains of Zhu Erniang not long ago?

Shi Hu didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't care: "Hand over the traffic order and I will let you out."

"Give it to whom?" He Lingchuan waved out the brocade flag, and at the same time took out a small bottle and handed it to Wu Jinsong, "Each person takes one, take it."

Wu Jinsong and others did not doubt it, so they poured out the little red pill from the bottle and swallowed it.

As soon as they took the pills, they felt their eyes were hot, their noses were bloated, their mouths were sour, and their bodies felt chilly... as if they were infected with wind and cold. However, the expressions of the three of them changed immediately and they took two steps back one after another.

They also saw the evil ghost lying on the stone tiger.

This pill is Duhunsan. Taking it can make people see unclean things for a short time. It can also make the life fire on one's body temporarily block the breath of living people, but it will be ineffective once entering a battle.

At this time, Shi Hu had already opened his mouth: "Just put the traffic order in."

"How do I know you can keep your promise?" He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Let us out first."

"If you are trapped here, even if you are not killed, you will eventually die of hunger and thirst." There is no human food here.

"It's very touching, but your experience warned me not to make any deal with the goddess." After He Lingchuan finished speaking, the blade passed over Shihu's back and killed the little evil ghost.

He fed the three horses with Du Hun Powder, and also ate one himself.

He shuddered, and after the medicine was gone, he whispered: "Follow me, and remember, no matter what you hear or see, don't look back!"

Otherwise, the shielding effect of life fire will be weakened.

Four men and three horses returned to the battlefield.

Of course, the necklace automatically returned to He Lingchuan's neck and never left it.

Wu Jinsong and others clenched their weapons and prepared to start a war without a word of agreement. Unexpectedly, when passing by the people, troops and monsters, they didn't even look back. Those who needed to fight continued to fight, and those who needed to run and scream continued to run and scream, without even giving them a single glance.

This is the effectiveness of Du Hun San.

In a world full of evil spirits, as long as they don't turn around, they are effectively invisible.

Only after confirming that all the evil spirits in this war were immersed in fighting and would not obey Gan Sanye's command could He Lingchuan do this with confidence.

He Lingchuan suddenly said: "These don't seem to be evil ghosts, but resentful spirits."

It is a lonely soul that died with resentment.

On the other side, people were fleeing for their lives, and the pursuers were chasing behind them.

The four of them carefully avoided, lest they would bump into them and see through their disguises. At the same time, they had to avoid the explosions and falling beams at the fire scene...

Approaching the center of the city like this, He Lingchuan muttered: "I think it seems to have landed near here."

Everyone finally found a small martial arts field, adjacent to the river.

The layout here is a bit like the martial arts parade hall in Panlong City. It is usually a place where soldiers practice and compete. Now it is heavily guarded by General You and the enemy is attacking frantically. Therefore, the battle here is the most intense place in the whole place.

He Lingchuan and others did not dare to rush up, fearing that they would be affected by the chaotic magical powers, so they repeated their old trick and climbed to a big tree a few feet away to observe.

Coincidentally, this position was also favored by archers, so they secretly killed several archers to get the best viewing position.

Looking down from a high place, Qingxu and several other magicians stood at the four corners of the martial arts arena, each holding a bronze mirror to control the red bird.

The size of this monster bird has been reduced to one-fifth of its original size, and it is only two feet long. It is not known whether its original shape is the result of the mirror.

The mirrors in these people's hands looked familiar to He Lingchuan.

Thinking about it carefully, when he first entered the Bamboo House, was the bronze mirror he saw on the goddess's table the same style?

The golden light in the mirror shone on the red bird, making its struggle in vain.

In addition, He Lingchuan also noticed that the arrow was still stuck on the base of the big bird's wing. It wanted to bend down and peck it out again and again, but unfortunately the mirror's fixing power was so powerful that it couldn't even lower its head.

The feather arrow was glowing with purple light, and it was obvious that Yuanli had a suppressive effect on it.

Mirror + Feather Arrow controlled Red Bird here.

He Lingchuan even noticed that when Red Bird suddenly made a move, the magician holding the mirror would stumble.

Apparently they're in a tight spot, too.

This kind of stalemate consumes the most energy, and I don’t know who will win in the end. He Lingchuan saw the two magicians taking out the Xuan Jing and silently refining the energy.

That's a dark red Xuan Jing, it makes me greedy just looking at it.

Fortunately, he understood that everything here was illusory and nothing could be taken away, otherwise He Lingchuan would really want to get a few pieces before leaving.

The endless enemy attacks are just to rescue Red Bird and return to the battle.

There were also archers shooting from nearby trees, but there was a layer of green light flickering in the martial arts arena, blocking all the arrows.

Sure enough, a battle formation was set up here.

This red bird was He Lingchuan's target, but it was trapped in the hands of Qingxu and others.

He Lingchuan didn't think it was a good idea to jump in recklessly. That formation was no joke.

Fortunately, he had expected this situation, and the best way now was probably to wait for the stone from his mountain to come and attack the jade.

Soon, the "Stone from Other Mountains" arrived. He Lingchuan and others also passed by it when they were on their way, but did not disturb anyone——

A behemoth appeared at the end of the street. It was a giant bull covered in heavy armor. It was more than three feet (ten meters) tall, with small horns, but its forehead was round and convex, as if it had a big drum on its forehead.

He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief: "The swollen-headed cow is finally here."

He guessed that this thing was coming to destroy General You.

There are so many strange beasts appearing in the illusion in the mirror, and the swollen-headed cow that has been extinct for a long time also appears. Of course, this is another name given to it by later generations. Others have a serious name, called "Xuguang".

The long street was just for running. When it accelerated and ran wildly, Wu Jinsong and others knew how its real name came from:

Its swollen forehead actually began to glow, and the faster it ran, the brighter the light became.

"Xuguang" is as fast as a locomotive at full speed, and no one dares to stand in front of it. General You's men tried their best to obstruct it, but they were either knocked into a trapeze or trampled into meat. The speed of the giant bull did not slow down at all.

The gate of the martial arts arena was heavily guarded, but it could be seen that it was coming with a tremor, and everyone's face changed color, and they jumped away at the last second.

There was a loud bang, the giant bull hit the door, and light burst out.

The bright light was so dazzling that people including He Lingchuan and others on the tree immediately turned their heads for fear of damaging their eyesight.

This kind of bright light is also one of the methods of attack. Enemies who dare to collide with the giant bull will be easily blinded by it. When used in siege, the enemy soldiers are busy closing their eyes, and it also buys the giant bull precious time to turn around.

The green light wavered for a while, and the defensive battle array was knocked into chaos.

This thing is more ruthless than a siege hammer, and it also has the attributes of turning back and secondary attack. The gate of this city was knocked open by it. Now the enemy drags it to attack the small gate of a martial arts field. Why can't it break down?

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