After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 379 A small country knows no respect

Neither light nor heavy, but just enough to scare the leisurely goldfish in the water into turning around and running away.

He Lingchuan's net entered the water at this time, just lying on the side of the fish, and he lifted it gently.

The black-flowered goldfish was photographed out of the water immediately. He Lingchuan caught it in the jar and went in!

Of course, the net is broken.

But it's worth exchanging a net for a beautiful and lively goldfish.

Sun Fuling clapped gently: "Okay!"

The move just now was so fast that others could not see it, but she could see it clearly. If nothing else, the net is so bad that it cannot withstand the goldfish's backlash and struggle, so the net cannot be placed right in front of where it is escaping.

In just a short moment, He Lingchuan accurately predicted the direction of the fish's swimming and gently released the force from the side.

The fish was bounced, not fished out at all.

Catching fish is a small matter, but his vision and accurate prediction are the key points.

The hawker was also a little surprised: "It's amazing."

Seeing He Lingchuan pick up the last net, he reminded again: "Don't frighten the fish anymore! My fish can't withstand being frightened."

"Okay." He Lingchuan already had some ideas and asked Sun Fuling, "Which one do you want now?"

"I want the lion's head and dragon's eyes!" Sun Fuling pointed out to him, "The pure black one."

"Okay." What a special aesthetic. This fish is black, with a swollen head and swollen eyes. What's so good about it?

He Lingchuan took two rice grains from the vendor and threw them into the jar. When the fish came to the surface, he lowered the net again.

This time it is placed vertically, and the wooden circle cuts the water vertically to avoid stress on the paper net.

He turned and vibrated his wrist, and the lion's head and dragon's eye that Sun Fuling wanted flew out again.

Taking off with it was another white fish that was competing for food.

It’s like getting one and getting one free.

The children on the side were stunned. How could this man's hands be so dexterous?

He Lingchuan got the money smoothly and paid another five cents. He fished wherever Sun Fuling pointed out, and he paid the right amount of money.

Sun Fuling observed his movements and applauded with a smile.

In just a few dozen seconds, there were nine trophies in different colors and shapes in the water jar.

There were many pedestrians at the market entrance, so they stopped and watched. The hawker was also smart. When he saw that there were many people watching, he started soliciting customers and shouted: "Look, look, people can fish it out! Is this a problem with my net?"

There was a little girl who was still looking forward to it. She blinked her big watery eyes and begged He Lingchuan: "Brother, can you help me fish it out?"

The hawker said with a straight face: "No, no, you can't do it for me!"

This guy spent ten cents to catch nine goldfish, and he even picked out the good-looking ones. He has already made a huge loss!

He Lingchuan asked his female companion: "Is it enough?"

Sun Fuling looked at the jar and smiled: "That's enough for now. Come back in a few days."

The hawker immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Do you want fish food? I have special fish food. The fish are beautiful and lively after eating it. It is much better than feeding it with rice grains. Putting rice grains in it will also easily spoil the water!"

The fish here are indeed more beautiful than those at other places, so He Lingchuan said of course, "Have some."

The hawker stood up and brought him an oil paper bag.

He Lingchuan discovered that he was a lame man, walking with a limp. It was really hard for him to carry a bucket to the market.

The little girl who just asked He Lingchuan to catch fish failed, so she pointed at his ankle and asked, "What's wrong with your leg?"

The hawker's face suddenly darkened: "You were just asking a nonsense question and got interrupted!"

The little girl shrank her neck and did not dare to say anything. Her mother glared and scolded: "You are a cripple with a black heart, and you still scare my daughter!"

"What happened to the leg I broke in Rongshan?" The vendor put away the copper plate handed over by He Lingchuan, and then slapped the cylinder head with a snap, "If I hadn't injured my leg in the fight with Xili's gang of dog wall things, Now that I'm enjoying a lot of food and drink, do I still need to fight with a fat woman like you in the market?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the woman's arrogance seemed to weaken by three points. She cursed a few more words casually and left with her daughter.

He Lingchuan and Sun Fuling fled after paying the money, staying away from the public quarrel.

But in the quarrel at the rear, he still heard a few words: "Is Rongshan a famous place? It doesn't seem to be in Panlong Wasteland, right?"

Sun Fuling's smile faded slightly: "It's within the territory of Xixi Kingdom."

"Is that the country to the east of Panlong Wasteland?" Panlong Wasteland is an enclave. He remembered that there were several small countries to the east, Xiqiao was one of them, and then he reached the border of Xiluo Kingdom.

"Xiluan was originally the territory of Xilao. More than ten years ago, the Huyan family took advantage of the turmoil in their mother country to seize the country and establish themselves as kings." She shook her head, "Those countries all appeared in this way."

"The locals of Xiliu are inherently xenophobic. After the founding of the country, there were still many residents from central Xiluo and Panlong Wasteland who were stranded in Xilu and unable to leave. As a result, they were exploited and made things difficult for them by the locals." Sun Fuling sighed, "Four years During the Qianrongshan riot, the Xiqiao people broke into the garrison built by Chinese residents, smashed, burned and killed, and abducted women and children. More than 2,000 people were killed or injured. When the news reached Panlong City, everyone was very angry, especially the distance between Rongshan and Rongshan. Panlong Wasteland is actually not far away, and many of the victims are relatives and friends of people in the city."

"To be so arrogant is to bully the motherland's weakness." No wonder the fat woman became silent when she mentioned this matter. This matter was actually a thorn in everyone's heart.

"Panlong City has repeatedly negotiated, hoping to bring back some wasteland residents, but Xiqiao flatly refused."

"Xilin often causes trouble at the border, and because it is our only trade route to the southeast, it unreasonably deters and extorts our business travelers."

Sun Fuling turned her head to look at his expression, "Do you want to ask why Panlongcheng didn't teach Xiqiao a lesson?"

He Lingchuan did not shy away from it: "Hmm, I have this idea. But looking back, could there be someone behind it?" Without a backer, how dare a small country bordering the Panlong Wasteland dare to jump so high and make such a fuss?

"The calls for punishing Xiqiao have become louder in recent years, but Panlong City itself also has its own difficulties." Sun Fuling said slowly, "Xiqiaosu has good relations with Baling. In the past few years, he also welcomed envoys from the Northern Demon Kingdom and gained a lot. The reward is really a bit forgetful. But every time it invades the border, it always chooses when we fight with Ba Ling or Xianyou and ignores it. The troubles it provokes at the border are neither big nor small, unlike Rong. Mountain riots are so excessive.”

After all, Rongshan is within the territory of Xiqiao, so people can do whatever they want with it. In the Panlong Wasteland, it was different.

"Isn't that just a toad on your feet?"

Sun Fuling was startled, imagining that scene and couldn't help but shuddered:


He Lingchuan also understood another layer of her meaning:

In fact, Panlong City itself is also having a hard time. In the past ten years, Zhong Shengguang’s entire focus has been on how to defend Panlong Wasteland. However, during the inland relocation four years ago, the West Luo Kingdom returned Panlong City’s 40,000 elites back to the interior. , Panlong City's own strength was greatly reduced.

In the past four years, Panlong City has been recuperating and recuperating, and there really is no spare time to meddle in other matters.

If you want to uphold justice, you have to see whether your fists are strong enough.

Crisis is always the main theme of this land.

"One day." He Lingchuan shrugged.

Sun Fuling nodded: "With such a lack of respect, Xiqiao will be in bad luck one day."

The two of them put the topic aside, bought some hot food, and found a donkey cart to go home.

He Lingchuan wanted to take the fish can to Sun Fuling's house, but she insisted on pouring the fish into He Lingchuan's water tank:

"If your tank is idle, it is idle. It is better to raise fish than to raise mosquitoes."

The pottery jar in his courtyard takes up too much area and usually only collects rainwater, which is wasted.

"I'm not often at home when I'm on a mission, for fear of starving the fish to death." In fact, he found that the time he went in and out of dreams was very different, and sometimes the interval lasted for several days.

Sun Fuling smiled slightly: "What are you afraid of? I'm here."

she? He Lingchuan thought that her whereabouts were even more erratic than his own, and these fish were afraid that they would soon finish their meal.

But seeing how she was happily lying next to the tank, feeding fish food to the goldfish, how could He Lingchuan dare to expose her?

At worst, I'll go to the market in a few days to get her some goldfish.


Early the next morning, He Lingchuan went to Fufeng City for a tour.

The inn chosen by Mr. Shi Er was close to the goods market, and it was very lively as soon as he stepped out. They arrived at Fu Feng City in the middle of the night, and He Lingchuan only saw the prosperity of the main city of Bejia this morning.

The streets in the main city area can be described as spotless, with dedicated demons cleaning them twice a day. Regardless of whether the streets and alleys are paved with stone bricks, the difference is that the main streets and avenues are paved with large bluestones, while the small streets and alleys are paved with long stones or black slates. After being subjected to traffic every day, it is actually very smooth, and it is obvious that the repairs have been done very diligently.

Of course, the slums are a different story, and every city has its own dark side. Fufeng City also doesn't shy away from being discovered.

He Lingchuan always watched his father manage politics, and sometimes He Chunhua and He Yue would discuss government affairs at home. He knew that streets and pavements could reflect the city's governance and financial level.

Fufeng City is probably not short of money.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that King Baoshu’s birthday is approaching and the entire city needs to update its interface and give it a new look.

He followed the Shimen caravan's carriage out. Markets were flourishing everywhere, and goods from the north and south were complete. Some cities separate commercial and residential areas, but Fu Feng City does not have so many rules. It is common for shops in the front to sell goods and people to live in the back buildings. He Lingchuan could always see a family sitting in the shop, people coming to sell goods and people leaving to work.

Different from other places, there are trees everywhere in Fufeng City. Ancient trees that are two to three hundred years old grow casually on the roadside, and two or three people can hug each other.

Flowers from all walks of life came out of the wall shyly, bursting out in red, yellow, white and purple.

The wind blows in May, and the green trees and fragrant flowers bloom.

This was the first time He Lingchuan had seen such a clean and beautiful city, and even Shi Huan was far inferior to it.

Walking on the tree-lined paths is endlessly pleasant.

Seven or eight artificial lakes are distributed in all directions of the city, connected by inland rivers, and finally connected to the rivers outside the city. However, He Lingchuan rarely saw small rivers and ditches, so he was curious about how people used water.

After all, this city occupies a vast area and it is impossible not to have a normal water supply and drainage system.

After asking about it, I found out that most of the water canals in Fu Feng City are culverts, and the covers on them fit tightly, eliminating the worry of pollutants falling into open ditches.

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