After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 380: Drawing Territory and Choosing a Location

He had even seen drunkards climbing into ditches to urinate in Dunyu.

The problem with culverts is that they take a lot of work to build, but Bega has monsters that can dig holes, so this is not a problem in Fu Feng City.

What surprised him even more was that there was even running water.

By connecting the bamboo poles with their inner joints open and making pipes, the spring water from Baiyun Mountain in the north of the city can be transported directly to your home, eliminating the trouble of queuing up to fetch or buy water.

Of course, ordinary families are not eligible to use Baiyun Spring Water.

In addition to wholesale, Shimen Caravan also does group buying business. At this time, it is time to go to the market to open. He Lingchuan knows that they mainly sell sandalwood and a famous balsam called "Lover's Tears", which is an amber-like material collected from the unique fragrant wood of Fu country. Resin, as long as two natural flavors are added, can be mixed to create a deep and far-reaching aroma. The most important thing is that it is long-lasting, so it is very suitable for use as sachet decorations.

There are all kinds of strange things sold in the market, and there are also many monster shops and stalls.

It is relatively rare for monsters to open a shop in other places. He Lingchuan thought it was rare when he met Qian Xinliu's ape busking in Shihuan, but in the monster country it is completely natural.

He saw a weasel selling insect repellent kits, claiming that they could kill all mosquitoes, rats, and ants in the house at once and were non-toxic and harmless to humans. But the remarks are made larger and bolder and read:

Close the doors and windows, break them and leave immediately.

The packaging is bulging, and inside is a pig urine bubble filled with gas.

Good guy, He Lingchuan knew what was inside as soon as he saw this familiar package.

There is also a labor market in the market, and the job seekers include many monsters.

Bear monsters and giant apes are common laborers, and their ability to carry heavy objects is many times better than humans. Many caravans will hire them to do part-time work; He Lingchuan even saw two elephants here...

There are also many little monsters waiting to be hired. For example, He Lingchuan saw two cat monster couples with their children looking for jobs. Their specialty is catching rats and snakes and looking after homes and homes. The employment period is at least one year.

To hire permanent or fixed-term workers here, you must use the appointment letter provided by Fu Feng City. The format is standard, which stipulates the food, work content, duration, etc., and it takes effect after being stamped with a palm (paw) seal.

He Lingchuan was amazed and missed his medicine ape even more.

On the way back, he also saw that several temples were decorated with brand new red couplets, and stages were being built at the entrances, specially for performances on the birthday of King Baoshu.

He Lingchuan was curious. With so many operas singing on the stage, how many performances of King Baoshu would be seen?

The old trees on the roadside were even hung with many red strips of cloth for a festive occasion.

Finally, he went about his business, purchasing the materials for refining the God-killing Pill from the large drug store next to the inn.

According to the suggestion of the great alchemist He Lianchen, he could first refine these auxiliary materials into semi-finished products, and then simply fuse and process them after getting the imperial slurry, which would have a higher success rate.

Saving processes means saving accidents.

He didn't hide his whereabouts and walked into the medicine shop without hesitation.

Half a day later, his list of medicinal materials was copied to the Taifu Mansion. Because of its weird content, it was always presented to Master Sha.

Taifu Sha took time out of his busy schedule to take a look and frowned:

"Why is there still arsenic?"

The recipe that Wu Jinsong told him to give to He Lingchuan only had a few flavors that were the same, and the rest were replaced. The most outrageous thing is that more than 30% of them are serious poisons, including arsenic.

Is this the imperial ooze formula, or is he planning to poison everyone in the hotel?

Moreover, He Lingchuan’s purchase list was extremely long, and one of the items even included—“You also want skunk glands?”

What does this mean?

Of course, Mr. Sha Taifu also has his own pharmacist. The latter took the list and looked at it twice with a smile: "This person probably needs to make several medicines and buy the medicinal materials together? If nothing else, this skunk gland must not be eaten." .”

Taifu Sha glared at him, did he need to say this?

"And there are many medicines with conflicting properties that cannot be used in the same formula." The pharmacist added, "Either he wants to make many medicines at once, or he wants to use this list to confuse us."

Taifu Sha grunted: "Is he on guard?" Did the boy named He find that he was being observed secretly?

"No matter what medicine he wants to prepare, there is no prescription given by us." The pharmacist reminded him, "Is the prescription you gave him the general formula of Emperor's Liquid? It at least includes Dioshu, Kuyanlian, etc., which It’s not on this list.”

Mr. Sha Taifu then exclaimed: "Can he make another one himself?"

If you are not sure, no normal person would fool around with the formula of Emperor's Ouyang. That would be risking your life.

The pharmacist spread his hands: "That's not clear."

Taifu Sha pondered, and then asked Wu Jinsong: "You told him that there is no place in the suburbs to hold Emperor Jie's liquid, right?"


Taifu Sha then said: "This guy is very ambitious."

"Taifu?" Why did you say this?

"The territory in the outskirts of Fufeng City has been marked out. If He Xiao only stayed in the city to collect the Emperor's Liquid, he wouldn't have to put in so much effort." Taifu Sha smiled, "He made so many preparations because he intended to go far away."

Well, let's wait and see.

He was also busy with everything, and this little thing was forgotten in the blink of an eye.

For the next whole day, He Lingchuan stayed in the hotel, concentrating on refining the ingredients and doing some chores.

Refining medicine was not his strong point, so he could only use a small furnace purchased from the medicine shop. He had to refine four or five raw materials until his proficiency increased, and he got a semi-finished product that he was satisfied with.

Fortunately, the refining difficulty itself is not very difficult, otherwise he would have to think of another way.

Master Shi Er claimed to know the surroundings of Fufeng City well. He Lingchuan discussed with him for an hour, and then said that he would go out of the city for a tour soon and would not return until three days later.

Fufeng City is one of the important stops for any caravan. The Shimen Chamber of Commerce has to stay here for a while to unload, sell and deliver goods. There are many specialties in Fufeng City that are needed by Fu Country, but the Shimen Caravan will continue to go northwest, so I won’t buy the goods for the time being, but I have to place an order now and let the other party prepare the goods when the Shimen Caravan returns from Lingxu City. Then pay the balance and take the goods back to the country, similar to futures.

Now that it's the birthday of King Baoshu, Master Shi Er has been so busy these days, how can he care about where He Lingchuan is going?

Soon, he received great news:

There was a big deal that was originally handled by the Gan Chamber of Commerce, but the Taifu Mansion felt the kindness of He Xiao and transferred the deal to the Shimen Chamber of Commerce.

The size of the deal itself didn't matter, nor did it matter how much money the brothers made from it. The important thing is that the Shimen Chamber of Commerce and the Taifu Mansion got online and gained each other's trust!

What an honor this is, what a benefit this is?

This is the career turn that the Shi brothers have been waiting for.

The eldest brother's vision was indeed right. It would be of great benefit to establish a relationship with He Xiao.

When Master Shi Er received the news, he was overjoyed and wanted to have a drink with He Lingchuan, but he laughed and said, "I'm busy." He was not allowed in.

Head Shi Er poked his head around and saw that his room was full of women, almost all ages, and he didn't know what kind of medicine He Lingchuan was selling in his gourd.

After working hard until this afternoon, He Lingchuan rode out of the city alone and headed northeast.

The emperor's fluids predicted by Taifu Mansion will appear as early as tomorrow night.

Fu Feng City truly deserves to be the capital of the Baoshu Kingdom. The towns and villages in the suburbs are very prosperous. There are farmlands, orchards, forest farms, and workshops everywhere. There are monsters and humans working everywhere, and there is almost no place without people.

He Lingchuan walked farther and farther, observing carefully along the way.

Finally, the number of people became less and less, and the number of wild forests increased.

He tried to drive his horse close to a hill. It looks like a deserted mountain without any trace of human activity.

However, before He Lingchuan reached the foot of the mountain, he heard two rustling sounds in the forest, and several huge black sambar deer came out and stood in front of him, uttering human words:

"Order of the Prime Minister: This place is temporarily designated as the territory of the Black Horn Clan. No strangers should be allowed to approach it within three days."

Several big deer looked at him condescendingly, as if they were about to kick him if they disagreed.

He Lingchuan didn't stay, turned around and left.

Next, he tried several other locations, but they were all occupied, sometimes by demons and sometimes by humans, which showed that Wu Jinsong's information was correct.

When he first arrived, he, a foreigner, certainly didn't want to get into trouble with local snakes. He Lingchuan then headed northeast, staying in the wilderness at night, and walked from early morning to afternoon the next day.

Then, he finally arrived at his destination.

This place is more than two hundred miles away from Fufeng City, and it is an open space by the lake.

In fact, he had walked out of the suburbs of Fufeng City last night and left the strongholds of various forces. But to be on the safe side, he still walked out for an extra half day, even away from the official road.

This place is inaccessible, more than forty miles away from the nearest human settlement, and there is almost no trace of human activity nearby. As for whether there are monsters or not, this is the boundary of the monster country, who can say for sure?

However, the monster group in the mountains has limited power, unlike Fu Feng City.

Of course, Zhu Erniang and the other big monsters in the Demon Nest Swamp are exceptions.

He Lingchuan was also particular about choosing this place. The sparkling lake in front of us is called "Sanxin Lake", which means that it has three lakes, one large and two small, and the water bodies are usually connected to each other.

The largest lake covers hundreds of hectares, and the smallest only covers about four acres. There is a huge difference.

Master Shi Er will know this place because he was greedy for progress and rushed at night when he was on a business trip. He walked more and more crookedly and ended up here. It took me two days to find the way to Fufeng City, which was quite impressive.

He Lingchuan stood by the small lake and took a look, secretly saying, "God help me."

It turns out that it hasn't rained here for a long time, the water level has dropped a lot, and the channel connecting it to the big lake is almost blocked by mud and sand, forming a natural low dam.

Unless there are a few heavy rains, the fish in the big lake will not be able to swim.

It is said that deep water raises big fish, and deep pools bring out dragons. What kind of monster likes to stay in a small lake of four acres?

Moreover, there is a circle of mud beside the small lake, which can reach up to the knees if stepped on, while the woods are retreated more than ten feet away.

No matter who it is, no one will be willing to take over the emperor's flow here.

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