After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 400 How is this possible?

Fortunately, he was riding a blue sheep, and the horse couldn't jump up and down on such rugged terraces.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" He Lingchuan urged Yanyang, and he was actually very urgent. Leader Shi Er didn't know why, so he just thought he wanted to return to the caravan, and gave him directions, "There is a small road there. It's a bit steep, but if you go down there, you can get ahead of the caravan." The convoy was walking along the path. The mountain road almost encircles Fengmo Mountain, so climbing the mountain for the two of them is equivalent to taking a shortcut.

It's just that this shortcut is too difficult to take, and normal teams can't choose it.

At this time, people came in one after another from several paths, including men and women. They were all amazed when they saw the ancient ruins.

These were guests from other caravans who came up for sightseeing. Everyone followed the rules and followed the established route, which was much slower than them.

He Lingchuan had just jumped near the path leading into the mountain when a whistle suddenly came from behind.

To be honest, the wind sounds here are very varied, like howling wolves, crying like ghosts, roaring like tigers, whistling, you can hear everything.

But the whistles from behind were three long and two short, and the series of rapid sounds behind them were obviously not natural wind sounds.

He Lingchuan's ears twitched, and when he looked back, he saw a man standing by the seam in the ground, holding a long whistle and blowing happily.

Other whistles are short, at most an inch long. The green whistle in his hand is like a half-cut chopstick, resembling bamboo but not bamboo, resembling jade but not jade, and there are knots on it.

And the sound he made was actually softer and richer than the whistle, and actually sounded like a whale's roar.

This man also used his true strength when blowing the whistle, so that the sound of the whistle could be concentrated and not dispersed by the surrounding noise.

No one can withstand the wind and frost swords on the top of the mountain. Everyone wears a thick felt hat or a scarf to cover their face, with only a pair of eyes exposed, including Master He Lingchuan and Shi Er.

But if this person wants to blow the whistle, he can only take off his hijab and reveal his true colors.


Looking at that increasingly familiar face, He Lingchuan's heart suddenly shook.

As expected, this man escaped from Fufeng City completely and continued to carry out his mission without giving up.

But the envoy from Shanyu Kingdom clearly returned to the east, why didn't Fu Shanyue follow him instead of following him here?

Could it be that his goals have changed?

Fu Shanyue blew his whistle and looked up around him, his eyes turning red.

Although his behavior was weird, other tourists would not stop him. Only one person said dissatisfiedly: "Keep your voice down, don't cause an avalanche!"

Only He Lingchuan looked around and was about to jump onto the stone path when he suddenly turned the sheep's head and made it jump directly into a deep groove on the side of the mountain.

The mountain walls are full of grooves eroded by the wind and snow. Some are large enough to accommodate houses, while others are small enough for only a squirrel to fit in.

This is a dead end with no passage from behind.

There seem to be three large characters carved on the rock wall, which need to be carefully identified.

Master Shi Er was puzzled: "Brother He, what are you doing?" Aren't you about to go down the mountain?

At this moment, another strange sound suddenly came from the belly of the mountain, like a trapped animal unable to escape from its nest. It was full of irritability and anger, so the sound was as loud as thunder.

The most important thing is that this sound comes from the cracks in the ground!

It's like some monster is about to jump out of it.

The guy who blew the whistle also retreated, all the way to the mountain wall, but the whistle didn't stop.

At this moment, there was a young man in his early twenties standing at the entrance of the crack in the ground, making fun of his companions: "Oh, what are you afraid of? The wind demon has been killed by the King of Treasure Trees long ago. This noise is just groundless!"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, a violent wind blew out from the cracks in the ground!

Everyone standing in the gap was blown away without exception. The one who had just made fun of him was the unlucky one to be lifted up by the strong wind and lifted directly into the sky.

He Lingchuan built the tent with his hands and visually estimated that the height he flew up to was at least ten... no, seventeen or eighty feet.

Well, falling down will only lead to death.

The strong wind rushing out of the cracks in the ground did not go out along the holes as usual, but echoed in the ring-shaped mountain belly in circles. With each lap, the wind force increases a bit, and the whine of the wind also increases a bit, but the "volume" of the wind seems to shrink.

The dozen or so tourists who went up the mountain for sightseeing were also unlucky and were immediately sucked in. Using them as a reference, He Lingchuan could see that the radius of their spinning was getting smaller and smaller.

At the same time, the gravel, mud, sand, and snow everywhere are also sucked in, and they are all mixed together.

These people could scream a few times at first, but then they were knocked unconscious.

With these debris colored, He Lingchuan finally saw the appearance of "wind" clearly:

A standard tornado, big at the top and small at the bottom.

The two dark masses at the top look like eyes.

He Lingchuan, the two men and the blue sheep all stood against the depths of the mountain wall. Such a strong wind could not blow them.

The only person still standing in the field is the whistleblower. The tornado seemed to go out of its way to avoid him.

"This, is this a wind demon?" Master Shi Er was so shocked that his eyes widened. He was stunned for a few breaths and suddenly shouted, "How is this possible!"

This road has been safe for hundreds of years, and even he himself has walked it several times. Why did he suddenly encounter a wind demon this time?

Is this a hell!

Wasn't Feng Mo killed by King Baoshu?

He hurriedly asked He Lingchuan: "Brother He, how did you know this thing was coming out?"

But He Lingchuan turned a deaf ear and instead observed something carefully:

A sculpture of the Wind Lion God.

Yes, there are also two wind lions in this groove, one on the left and one on the left. The one on the left is one person tall, and the one on the right is three feet tall.

He Lingchuan looked at the wind lion's back with wide eyes, and at the same time asked an incomprehensible question: "There is no wind in this groove, why?"

In order not to be blown away, he also hid the blue sheep deep inside. Unexpectedly, there is no wind at all standing here, just like a tornado selectively ignoring this groove.

Just now he took a few steps outside, and at most he felt the breeze blowing on his face, as if he was in a different world from the apocalyptic scene outside.

Master Shi Er was still in shock and repeated: "Why?"

In the face of this horrifying scene, does Brother He still pay attention to such minutiae?

He also turned to He Lingchuan and saw that the snow on Wind Lion's back had been wiped away, revealing fine lines.

Is there a formation behind the sculpture?

"Maybe it's because of them." He Lingchuan pointed down casually, "Look at the terraces below. There are wind lions nearby. Which ones are damaged?"

Master Shi Er lowered his head subconsciously, and sure enough he saw that the terraces with the Wind Lions were still covered with thick snow and had not been sucked into the tornado. The area without the Wind Lions looked as if it had just been cleaned by a vacuum cleaner. Clean and tidy.

Yes, yes, the function of the Wind Lion is to ward off wind and suppress evil spirits!

No wonder the Piaomiao Sect wants to place wind lions everywhere in their territory. It turns out that they are used to ward off wind demons.

"These sculptures are carefully refined and engraved with formations. They are not ordinary items." He Lingchuan took a rough look at the formations and was convinced.

There are many formation diagrams hidden in Panlong City's Wenxuan Pavilion, especially the battle formations, and he also took a look at them.

Even if you can't master it, at least it won't be a problem to identify the authenticity.

He took another look at Fu Shanyue and found that this man was indeed standing around the Wind Lion Lord. Even if he faced the Wind Demon directly just now, his clothes were just flying.

At this time, the tornado in the heart of the mountain was getting smaller and smaller.

However, this reduction is not reassuring. Instead, it is like compressing a balloon to the limit. When it reaches the critical point, it will explode.

When the radius of the wind circle was only three feet, the tornado let out a thundering roar.

There was a feeling of sympathy in the sky. It was originally a clear sky, but suddenly there was a burst of thunder, and a large group of dark clouds floated over from nowhere, quickly blocking the bright sun.

The sky suddenly became dark, and dark clouds rolled over the city.

Fu Shanyue had already climbed to a high place. At this time, he simply stretched out his hand and pointed at the escort on the opposite mountain road.

This action is full of murderous intent.

As if receiving a killing order, the tornado roared out of the golden top of Feng Mo Mountain and rushed to the other side!

Master Shi Er shouted: "Is this person crazy? He actually summoned the wind demon to attack the guards!"

"He's not crazy, he's just here to kill people!" Fu Shanyue has always done things with a target in mind. I wonder why he fell in love with the escort team this time. Could it be that he also covets the treasure tree king's spiritual seed?

He Lingchuan grabbed the ice and snow from the ground, patted it on the carvings on the rock wall and rubbed it.

Bai Xue sunk in and traced the words, and he finally saw clearly the stone carvings of the ancient immortal language:

Feng Boyan.

Master Shi Er stayed for a long time, and suddenly bowed his head to He Lingchuan: "Thank you, Brother He, for reminding me, otherwise the caravan would be doomed!"

Now he also sees that the escort is the target of the whistleblower. Fortunately, he listened to He Lingchuan's words and allowed the Shimen caravan to be more than ten miles behind the convoy, thus avoiding the disaster.

This caravan has been the hard work of the two brothers for half their lives. If it is destroyed by the wind demon, it will be a serious loss of vitality.

Noble man, this is truly noble help.

"It should be." He Lingchuan smiled, stretched his legs and stretched a stone tile down the hillside.

He had good footwork and good accuracy. The stone tiles rolled over and over among the terraces, getting faster and faster, and finally fell towards the long crack in the ground.

The stone tiles fell into the cracks in the ground, just like wood falling into the water, dangling in the air for a long time under He Lingchuan's nose, and then suddenly floated up again.

This is what Master Shi Er said before, that there is a strange scene in the ground where "falling objects will not sink".

Strong winds coming from the ground will blow objects that fall into cracks in the ground upward.

In other words, the previous abnormalities in the cracks in the ground were all due to the wind demon?

What is this guy doing inside, ambushing + charging?

The whistle was blown by Fu Shanyue, so where did he get another wind demon?

The most important thing is, why did Fu Shanyue attack Baoshu King's escort team? Can normal people do such a thing?

He Lingchuan thought for a while and did a small experiment:

He put both wind lions into the storage ring.

The full mountain wind outside suddenly rushed in, blowing across every inch of the stone surface mercilessly.

This confirmed that He Lingchuan's guess was correct, this thing was wind proof.

He put the Wind Lion back again and said to Master Shi Er, "Stay here and don't run around." Then he rode on the rock sheep and followed the mountain wall to the top of the mountain. On the way, he picked up a few more ones that were nearly as tall as a person. Wind Lion Lord.

Be prepared.




1.1-1.7 are all double time, thank you all!

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