After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 51 Panlong City in Another Time and Space

At this time, the water source of the Chipa Plateau was extremely abundant. Relying on the natural height difference, a few water trucks could realize automatic water supply all day long.

This is also understandable. Panlong Wasteland has always been the main transportation route for the West Luo Kingdom to connect with foreign lands. The key location of Panlong City is far more important than that of Heishui City in later generations.

And if the products here were not rich, how could Panlong City survive for more than thirty years despite being surrounded by powerful enemies?

Of course, walking in such a historic city, He Lingchuan felt not only sad but also wary.

These two guys have looked for the temple and the Red General Temple. Why didn't they look for Zhong Shengguang's former residence together instead of waiting for him to go with them?

There's probably something wrong with that place.

He Lingchuan was secretly worried, but on the surface he wanted to ask Sun Fuping for advice: "Master, do those resentful spirits live here year after year and don't go out until September every year?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Since they can live and work here peacefully, why do they go outside?"

"Then we'll have to wait until we get the square pot to find out."

He Lingchuan Xindao is truly worthy of being a national master. He can express the word "I don't know" so tactfully.

Nian Songyu had already gone to Zhongfu when assigning tasks before, and now he was very familiar with it.

But after reaching the place, Nian Songyu stopped.

In front of you is a gray brick house with a black roof and high lintels. It has a neat front door and a few green bamboo clumps peeking out from the high walls. It does look like a wealthy family. Two big words on the door:


"This is it?"

Nian Songyu obviously hesitated for a moment before saying, "The place is right, the house is right, but I went in and looked for it, and the person who lives here is named Chen!"

He Lingchuan was surprised: "What?"

Walking into Runyuan, this is a large house with four entrances. The materials used in the architecture and furniture are very exquisite. He Lingchuan even discovered that the screen wall is made of Tongzhou brick carvings. More than 300 bricks together have characters, landscapes and even plots. , pieced together into a beautiful comic-like story. This kind of brick carving is still very popular, and it takes more than four months to transport it from Tongzhou to Heishui City.

He Lingchuan knew so clearly because the He residence in Blackwater City also used this thing to decorate its appearance.

Of course, there is also a garden in such an exquisite garden, with rockery and flowing water as standard. The garden is also planted with tall red maples, and there are exotic flowers and plants hidden in the corners under the maple trees.

The dozen or so plants in the front can be barely recognized, but they don't know what species they are; the ones in the back are half hidden in the dark shadow of the trees, and He Lingchuan can't even see clearly.

Nian Songyu pointed to this garden and said: "In He's house in the desert city, here is a wooden house for storage, full of cabinets, and the floor is messy. In addition, I saw a few greeting cards in the side hall, indicating the surname of the owner here. Chen, courtesy name Huisheng."

He Lingchuan was stunned: "What era was this Panlong City in?" The land and water were plentiful, people lived in peace, and the city was prosperous. There was no shadow of war, and celebrities like Zhong Shengguang did not live where he should be.

He suspected that he had strayed into Panlong City in another time and space.

Sun Fuping answered: "If Zhong Shengguang doesn't live here, he should have another place to live. Mr. He, can you think of it?"

"Me?" He Lingchuan pointed at his nose, "How could I know?"

Nian Songyu said: "Think about it, think about it carefully!"

Sun Fuping suggested: "The legend of Panlong Desert has been circulating in Qiansong County for decades. You have grown up listening to it, so you should know a lot of anecdotes outside official history, even if they are wild things. For example, Commander Zhong Shengguang always He worked his way up step by step. Where did he live before he was promoted?"

He Lingchuan suddenly realized: "The Imperial Master suspects that we have come to Panlong City before Zhong Shengguang became the commander?"

"It's very possible." Sun Fuping nodded, "Looking for clues in such a big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The best variable to look for right now is Zhong Shengguang himself."

Although he had done his homework beforehand, his understanding was limited and he could not master everything in detail, so he had to ask He Lingchuan, a local.

He Lingchuan thought again for a while, then shook his head: "No, no impression."

He knows no more about Panlong City than the average Blackwater City person. Trivial matters such as how many times Zhong Shengguang moved, how many times he got sick, and how many women he had before he became famous are obviously over the top.

"You have been in Blackwater City for more than ten years, just making food and wine bags?" Nian Songyu said coldly, "It's better to come down with He Chunhua."

"You..." He Lingchuan became angry.

Nian Songyu clenched her fists, preparing to show him some color when he breathed out the fragrance. Unexpectedly, He Lingchuan changed the topic and said, "What he said is that we should go back to find people." He asked Sun Fuping, "National Master , how do we go back?"

This kid can assess the situation. Is he timid or smart? Before Sun Fu could speak, the sand bandit Mao Tao ran over from the corridor and said excitedly: "I found something, something!"

Only then did the three of them remember that this boy had disappeared at some point: "What is it?"

"Dead people! There are bones in the cellar."

Nian Songyu said angrily: "What do dead people have..." What's so strange about it? There are bones everywhere in the desert city. They can see them all along the way. They are also the bloody evidence of the Xianba coalition's massacre of the city.

But he reacted immediately and swallowed the next sentence: "Go and have a look."

This is not the outside world, this is Panlong City where time stops. Anything that violates the rules is a valuable clue.

Everyone rushed to the cellar, lit candles and found some corpses.

Panlong City is hot in summer and cold in winter. A large family like the Chen family digs more than one cellar to store meat, fruits and vegetables, pickles and ice.

Yes, we hide in solid ice in winter and eat snow in summer. The hard ice stored in the cellar can also be used to make ice fruit, ice wine, and to cool down the bed in the dog days of summer. It is an exclusive enjoyment for wealthy families.

What Maotao found was the ice cellar. It was probably early summer in Panlong City now, and the ice cellar was very cold. But as soon as everyone walked down, they saw bones scattered in the corner. Counting the skulls, they knew that there were three dead people.

Sun Fuping picked up the skull and observed it carefully, and said solemnly: "Really."

This is very unusual. Why do real human bones appear in the fantasy world?

An idea flashed across the four people's minds, and Nian Songyu lost her voice and said, "The expedition team from Baling Kingdom! They have also entered the illusion."

Yes, the entrance to the fantasy world was found first by the expedition team from the Baling Kingdom. Of course they had the opportunity to enter the Panlong City.

Here comes the crux of the question, how do people die?

"Look at their posture, they were moved after death." Mao Tao knelt down to take a closer look, and suddenly gasped, "No, the bones are all messed up. If they weren't disturbed later, that's..."

"He was dismembered after death." Nian Songyu held up a radius bone, then found a shoulder blade, and looked at the light a few times. "There are sharp scratches on the bones, on every piece. This should not be an injury during life. "

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