After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 52 Can a madman cook barbecue?

He Lingchuan frowned: "What's the explanation?"

"When you eat roast chicken, do you prefer to eat the legs and wings first, or the breasts?"

"Of course it's the legs! If I don't eat them, someone will snatch them from me." In the past, the food snatching in the men's dormitory was a legend of hungry wolves. But He Lingchuan reacted immediately, "You mean, they were eaten?"

Maotao picked up another bone from the ground: "This has traces of being burned by fire."

Not only do they eat people, they also roast them. He Lingchuan suddenly felt his stomach churn.

Every time he thought he had adapted to the world, it pushed his limits again. "Are they crazy? Why do they want to eat their companions?"

"You're not crazy." Nian Songyu pulled out a few more broken bones, half of which were burnt. "Have you ever seen a madman cooking meat over a fire?"

Maotao also sighed: "Young Master, people usually eat people because they are extremely hungry."

There is little peace in this world. In times of famine, people would sell one son today and one wife tomorrow, and even exchange their sons for food. When wars broke out, it was common for armies to kidnap civilians to use as food reserves, called "two-legged sheep." Some generals even published books to teach people what to do about the human body. Delicious parts and how to cook them.

Cannibalism has been around since ancient times, and it is unavoidable today.

"There is no water or food here. They are trapped to death!" Nian Songyu looked at Sun Fuping, "National Master, what should we do?"

This Panlong City looks rich, but in fact, a living person cannot take in a single thing here. If you stay for a long time, you will either die of thirst or starve.

If they can't find the big square pot, they will follow in the footsteps of the Ling Kingdom team!

Sun Fuping, however, was very calm: "It doesn't matter, let's look for him again. Don't forget that we still have someone to rely on."

He is indeed very calm and maintains his air of being a master until now.

As expected, the old guy has a way of keeping things under control. Is this probably the reason why Nian Songyu dares to follow him on an adventure? He Lingchuan watched the two people closely and found that Nian Songyu glanced at him after listening.

This look was subconscious. Nian Songyu withdrew his gaze at a glance, acting as if nothing had happened. But alarm bells rang in He Lingchuan's heart: "Why are you looking at me? Could this life-saving method have anything to do with me?"

With this thought, my heartbeat would skip two beats.

But then he thought again, it's not the last moment yet, maybe Sun Fuping won't show off his cards right away?

It is impossible for him and Mao Tao to fight against Sun and Nian alone. He Lingchuan made up his mind that once these two guys got involved, he would turn around and run away without saying a word. Panlong Wasteland is so big, they may not be able to find him.

But now, the hope of success of the operation still lies with Sun Fuping.

He Lingchuan seemed to be able to smell the coming crisis, and his mind was more flexible than usual at this time: "They have reached the point where they can eat each other. They must have been here for a long time and haven't researched anything? What if we could find It can save us a lot of time."

He walked to the two large vats. There were a lot of debris thrown here, which didn't look like something that would be found in an ice cellar.

This makes perfect sense. Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu looked at each other and nodded.

There were almost all clothes and rags on the ground, plus a few empty bottles and random debris. The four of them could conclude that these were the relics of the Baling Expedition, but they couldn't find anything useful after rummaging through them.

Sun Fuping was not discouraged. He stood up and said, "This cellar is just for discarding the remaining bones. The person who ate them is not here. Let's search separately. You and Nian Duwei will go together." He pointed at Maotao.

"Mr. He and I are in a group."

He Lingchuan's eyes flashed: "Why not divide the operations into four groups? It will be easier to find more manpower."

"There may be unknown dangers in the city, so we shouldn't split up." After Sun Fuping finished speaking, Nian Songyu took Mao Tao and left.

Are you afraid that he will find a place to hide alone? He Lingchuan became more and more certain that these two thugs were plotting against him, but he still had to treat Sun Fuping respectfully: "National Master, please."

Walking on the empty street, He Lingchuan couldn't help but ask Sun Fuping:

"Even if we find the Dafang Pot, can it really turn the tide of the war and pacify the Woling Pass rebels?"

"Theoretically speaking, it is possible. Otherwise, why would we spend so much effort?" Sun Fuping walked very fast. It seemed that there was no goal on this road.

"If it was so easy to use, why didn't Zhong Shengguang use it to fight back to the West Luo Kingdom?" He Lingchuan had this question for a long time. "As a result, he and the city residents stayed in this enclave until they were outflanked until they died."

"There are many restrictions on the use of divine objects like that. Or maybe the god who gave the treasure back then had other plans."

"Then, what if we can't break through this restriction?"

"You don't need to worry." Sun Fu was confident, "As long as I find a big square pot, I will have a way to break the restrictions."

He Lingchuan was doubtful. The old man had never seen a large square pot and didn't know what restrictions it had. How dare he guarantee that he could solve it? It's like a doctor doesn't even see the patient, just asks about the symptoms, and prescribes medicine without taking a pulse or checking the whole story.

And when he said "break open", it sounded like it was forcibly lifted.

But this old man doesn't look weak at all.

Sun Fuping glanced at him, and He Lingchuan said: "Get the big square pot back, and dad and we can return to the capital. We will also ask the Imperial Master to take care of us."

Sun Fuping smiled: "Of course. You guys have done a great job in helping me retrieve the sacred object."

"Captain Nian and I seem to have some..." He Lingchuan coughed lightly, "Misunderstanding, how did I offend him?"

"Xunzhoumu led the troops to suppress the rebellion. Captain Nian may have some concerns." Sun Fuping comforted casually, "Young people can't calm down. If they don't sleep for a few nights, they will get angry and their temper will be bad."

He Lingchuan was a little embarrassed: "Can you please ask the national master to mediate?"

This kid finally knows how to be reverent? But it is right for him to be afraid. Firstly, He Chunhua and the Blackwater City Army are not here, and he has no support in the past. Secondly, the He family father and son have been dreaming of returning to the capital in Jinyi. In a place like that, how could a little official dare to offend Zheng? General of Peking University?

It's time to bow your head and be careful to build a good relationship with others.

Thinking of this, Sun Fuping smiled even more gently: "It's a trivial matter."

He Lingchuan was indeed grateful: "Thank you, Imperial Master!"

At this time, the two of them had left Chen's house dozens of feet away and still had nothing to gain. He Lingchuan jumped on the roof by the roadside and murmured as he watched: "If I were a Baling man and was about to die of thirst and starvation, where would I try my luck?"

He also needs luck, otherwise he and Maotao may be beaten to death after Nian and Sun finish eating their food and water.

If it comes to that, it might be Sun Guoshi who takes action to kill someone. Although he looks kind-hearted.

No, they will strike early. After all, dry food can last for a long time, but skin and meat cannot.

It is more reasonable to eat all the flesh and blood first and then eat the dry food, not to mention the meat is more fragrant, tender and nutritious...

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