After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 503 The Second Strange Flash

The thing suddenly sucked in its nose, and a few wisps of light white smoke-like stuff were sucked away from the fragments.

The fragments disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

The strange head himself let out a long "ah". He looked like a homeless man who had been hungry for seven days and nights and had just finished a full meal, or like he suddenly jumped into a hot spring when the weather was freezing. How could the word "refreshing" be described? of?

Those who didn’t know it thought it was sucking X. He Lingchuan squinted at it: "Is this how it feels?"

The strange head sniffed twice, but still had more to say: "In the past, this power had to be distributed to more than a hundred faces. How can it be as comfortable as if I have it all to myself now? And..."

"And what?"

"This god smells like smoke. What's going on?"

He Lingchuan then told the story of how he snatched the statue from the fire scene.

"I felt something was wrong just now. It turns out that Cheng Yu wanted to burn the statue!" The strange head was furious and said viciously, "Okay, very good! He took the initiative to break the oath, but don't blame me for being unkind."

He Lingchuan was startled for a moment, then said with great joy: "Maybe you have abided by the contract with him?"

"The contract is gone." The monster chuckled, "If he dares to burn my statue, he is my enemy. I can take action against him!"

He Lingchuan touched his nose.

The Hundred-Faced Nightmare was swallowed by the giant red shadow. Cheng Yu probably thought the statue was useless, so he threw it in the fire without taking it with him.

Who knows, there is actually a nightmare clone left here.

Then his act of casually burning the idol broke the original contract with the nightmare.

This is really bad luck.

Or maybe he was too shocked and confused for a moment.

"You feel good now, it's time to get to work, right? Otherwise, as you swore..."

"Okay!" The strange head agreed, and then he said, "But I want to remind you one thing..."

He Lingchuan stared at it without answering, having a bad feeling in his heart.

The strange man was stunned by his look, and he smiled and said: "I can try to track him, but Cheng Yu may not be asleep. If he is not asleep, I can't find him."

"You can only find him if he falls asleep?"

"Yes." The strange head sighed, "Who calls me a nightmare? If he doesn't dream, I can't get close to him."

He Lingchuan said calmly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

This thing played tricks on him. He first deceived the power of the idol and ate it, and then talked about his own shortcomings.

He had never dealt with nightmares before, so he had no experience.

The strange head felt the murderous aura suddenly rising in his body, and said quickly: "But you don't have to worry, everyone is going to sleep."

"Practitioners often use breath adjustment instead of sleep." He Lingchuan himself does the same.

"It's okay for a short time, but whether it's a demon or a human, it still needs a long period of sleep." The strange head argued, "Many demon kings like Bejia are always sleeping, such as the treasure tree king. Besides, Cheng Yu suffered a backlash. , is seriously injured and urgently needs to sleep to nourish his body."

Its conclusion is:

"He won't last long."

He Lingchuan looked at it and said, "You should do what you do and believe in what you do."

But the weirdo was right, people must have sleep after all.


In the silent night, the Tianluo star in the east of the night sky flashed once again.

Lingxu City, Heavenly Palace.

The altar once again had a red light flashing.

This time the Tianluo star moved for a very short time, just two flashes, but its brightness was far greater than last time, so it successfully attracted the attention of the lantern keeper.

Since the last time the stars in the sky moved, Zhaixing Tower has sent extra people to guard the altar.

These two changes were naturally regarded as the most urgent matter and reported overnight.

So the Demon Emperor came in person soon:

"When one comes, there are two. I had expected this to happen."

"Emperor Shengming." Du Yun called out a sand table with mountains, rivers, valleys, and topography. "This time, the location of the big square pot has changed."

In the north of Zhitian Township and south of Xiangshan Mountain.

"Six counties in the northern part of Chiyan Kingdom?" the Demon Emperor said playfully, "This thing even has legs. Can it run on its own?"

"The scope has been narrowed to six counties, which is good news." Chief Du Yun analyzed, "The fluctuations caused by Dafanghu just now were very strong, so we can monitor it more accurately."

"It didn't seem like this before?"

"The fluctuation position of Dafang Hu was very clear in the past. We can easily capture it as small as a city or a place." Lord Duyun said in a low voice, "This time it is shrouded in confusion and uncertainty, which makes it very difficult."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen more words suddenly appeared on the heavenly book:

Unknown cause and effect unfolds one after another, not here, not in the divine world.

"Is there an unknown cause and effect related to the square pot that is unfolding?" The emperor pondered, "If it is not in the human world or the divine world, where else can it be?"

Cause and effect, cause and effect, there will be ripples only after the pebbles are thrown into the water.

If you can't find water or pebbles, how can you see ripples?

Obviously, the omniscient god was very concerned about this unknown cause and effect, so he asked Lingxu City to find out.

Did they feel uncomfortable and...


"The gods are afraid of causes, and all living beings are afraid of consequences." The Demon Emperor snorted, "Is there any new progress at Bai Ziqi's place?"

"Last time the Tianluo Stars moved, two illusions appeared before and after the ruins of Thousand Stars City in the Twilight Plains. Witnesses said they had never seen the second illusion. It was the old appearance of Thousand Stars City before the war. The entire city was very strange. calm."

"The second act?" The Demon Emperor was very concerned, "What's so special?"

"A caravan went in and walked around, but nothing unusual was found. It was just a sleeping city at night. The streets were empty, with the occasional soldier patrolling."

"They all interacted with the Dafang Pot, and they all caused the Tianluo Star to shine. How could there be nothing abnormal?" The Demon Emperor's deep laughter echoed in the hall, shaking the Changming lamp flames for a while, "Is this what Bai Ziqi found out?"

"There is no updated exact information yet."

"Tell him to rush to the new location." The Demon Emperor walked back, "The more frequently the big square pot moves, the more clues will be available and easier to find. By the way -"

The Demon Emperor suddenly paused: "Is it possible that the strange movement this time is just an illusion like it was more than a hundred years ago?"

"Illusion?" Commander Du Yun thought for a moment before realizing what he meant, "You mean, the Dragon Punishment Pillar?"

"Yes." The Demon Emperor said calmly, "At that time, my father was caught in a treacherous plot, and he had to go through a lot of trouble."

This was difficult for the Lord to accept.

"Let Bai Ziqi pay more attention; also, send people immediately to Panlong Desert in Yuan Kingdom to find out if anything happened there, and see if there is a wild sand season this autumn."


The next morning, He Lingchuan opened his eyes and stretched.

There is still a dull pain in the abdomen, but it is much better than last night, as long as I don't cough.

This is the effect of swallowing a Baishan Pill (defective product) before he adjusted his breath. Although one batch of the small pills concocted by Emperor Liujian was broken, the vitality contained in them was still very powerful and could quickly heal his internal injuries.

There is only a little bit of damage left, and he will be fine in another two or three days.

Just after washing up, the door was opened.

The tiger rushed in and said: "The inn is surrounded, someone is coming!"

He Lingchuan also heard the messy footsteps coming from below, and there were at least a hundred people coming. Some residents exclaimed, while someone scolded: "Sit back and don't move!"

He Lingchuan leaned to the window and looked down. There were more than ten riders turning the corner and heading here.

Civilian business travelers and even official officials on the roadside also gave way.

Although there were only a dozen riders, they ran with a arrogant aura.

The leading knight is handsome and majestic.

He Lingchuan took one look and said, "Let's go."

He actually didn't plan to stay.

The tiger wondered: "Where to go?"

This special envoy didn't give up when he confronted the patrol envoy and the Fan brothers yesterday. Why did he run away today when he saw the stranger approaching in a menacing manner?

"Of course I'm going to have breakfast and have morning tea."

While he was talking, He Lingchuan had already gotten out of the back window.

The men and horses below haven't surrounded him yet, so with his body skills, it's not difficult at all to slip out.

The tiger had no choice but to follow closely.

Thinking that he was a noble general in a hundred mountains, a master who killed countless enemies on the battlefield, but now he followed this special envoy over the walls and alleys, and jumped to the roof of the satin shop next door without any effort.

One person and one tiger continued to move forward furtively.

He Lingchuan passed by an attic and seemed to see a little girl inside who was about to change her clothes.

At this moment, the tiger stepped on a tile, "clang"!

The wooden window in the attic suddenly squeaked. He Lingchuan shrank his head in fear and quickly turned behind the ridge of the roof.

The little girl poked her head out to look around and found nothing unusual, so she closed the window.

He Lingchuan slapped the tiger on the head: "Be careful, don't expose us."

The tiger had rough skin, thick flesh, and a hard head. He didn't care at all. He just licked his lips and said, "They are dismounted."

"They" of course refers to the ten knights.

He Lingchuan looked around and saw that all these people were parked outside the inn. The scene was huge and there were many people watching, but the knight didn't care. The leader walked into the inn with his hands behind his back, followed by the rest of the people.

Soon, a figure flashed in He Lingchuan's guest room. The leader stood by the window and looked at it with an unhappy look on his face.

One person and one tiger have huddled behind the roof.

There is a high gable here that blocks the view. After they climb over, they can't see anything happening here from the guest room.

"Who is that guy who got 2,500,000 to 80,000?"

Jiao Yu said honestly: "I don't recognize him."

He is not familiar with Bai Shaqian.

"Just because his eyes are on the top of his head, I guess this guy is from Lingxu City."

Jiao Yu was puzzled: "Why are you avoiding me?"

"It's not necessary." He Lingchuan smiled, "He came over in a very aggressive manner, and at first glance he was looking for trouble. Why waste time arguing with him? We have important things to do on such a beautiful morning."

The man missed it, so he must have felt very uncomfortable.

Jiao Yu looked at him with strange eyes.

"What's wrong?"

The tiger licked his lips: "Aren't you angry? They attack the prince's envoys again and again. They are really aggressive." The prince would probably be furious, right?

"What's the use of being angry?" He Lingchuan shrugged, not angry, "I can't go to Zhongsun Mou and kill him with one knife."

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