After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 504 Cheng Yu’s back-up plan

The enemy first used nightmares to plot against him, but failed, so he asked the Fan brothers to set up an ambush. Two consecutive killings in one night, the method is extremely cruel, it can be said that he hates him and wants to die.

If He Lingchuan is not lucky, Jiao Yu is probably picking a coffin for him at this moment.

It was only half the night, and the other party came to bully me again!

This is really a slap in the face, and does not take the crown prince's special envoy or the majesty of the Chiyan monarch in the slightest.

"It's important to do business first. Remember these two accounts first." He Lingchuan patted the tiger's head, "I have a hunch that the settlement will be done soon."

When the enemy uses this method, the two sides are determined to be at odds with each other, and there is no room for change.

Could it be that the rampant behavior of Zhongsun Mou and Cen Mansion was due to being too anxious?

At this time, he should calm down.

As a result, the first thing he did next was sneak out into the street to eat a steaming bowl of salty porridge.

This is done by boiling diced tofu, diced radish, diced pork and dried clams with rice porridge, then adding any vegetables you can find at hand, and cooking until the rice grains bloom and the porridge is thick and sticky, then add a lethal amount of pepper. It’s ready to serve.

He Lingchuan tasted it and found that it tasted good, but the reason for the bustling crowd was not only this, but also the two grains of salty milk that were served with the porridge.

This thing is as white as snow and bulging like glutinous rice balls. If you bite it raw, you will only get a mouth full of crumbs, which is not delicious at all. But if you press it hard into the bottom of the boiling porridge and soak it for dozens of breaths, it will become a soft and elastic baby. With a gentle sip, the salty fragrance of buffalo milk will explode in your mouth. !

"It's great!" He Lingchuan tasted this kind of thing for the first time and immediately drank up Liang Hai's bowl of salty porridge.

When the third bowl came, he also asked for two fried dough sticks just out of the pan and a bowl of Houlin beans.

This kind of yellow beans is cooked soft and waxy, and tastes like bean paste filling, but it is salty. The local way of eating it is to scoop up the Houlin beans and stuff them into the gaps in the fried dough sticks, and then you can crunch them. They are crispy on the outside and soft and glutinous on the inside, doubling the deliciousness.

The midsummer morning was not much cooler, so everyone still gathered around the low table, snoring and wiping sweat while eating.

Jiao Yu could only eat cold food, so he went to the market next door to buy half a fan of fresh lamb hind legs. The ones slaughtered in the early morning weighed less than twenty kilograms.

It doesn't have a good appetite, so it eats just a little bit.

Cheng Yu is also having breakfast.

The fragrant and delicious medicinal porridge, the last ingredient of which was ginseng, tasted like nothing in his mouth.

He felt nauseated in his chest, so he managed to eat a few more mouthfuls, and the food almost spurted out of his throat.

He had no choice but to push the bowl away: "Remove it."

Uncle Wu next to him saw that his face was as golden as paper and his expression was sluggish, and he said with concern: "You still have to find a way to sleep for a while."

This guy has such a great reputation, such a high salary, and his previous arrogant behavior. He dared to boss the young master around.

The young master also had high hopes for him, thinking that he would succeed immediately.

The results of it?

As a result, he failed to attack the prince's envoy and was seriously injured instead. Now he has to take full care of him and fill his mouth with all the good medicine.

Just ridiculous.

"If I could sleep, I would have lied down long ago." Cheng Yu gave him a cold look, "The fact that he can kill hundreds of people shows that he is also proficient in spells. If I fell asleep, I would give him an opportunity to take advantage of him."

Who doesn’t know that after a serious injury, you need the most sleep. Sufficient sleep can nourish your energy and energy, and no panacea can replace this.

But where would he dare to sleep now?

Last night's method failed. As soon as he left, the opponent chased him to the inn. This shows that He's tracking spell is also very good, and he may even get some clues from the Hundred-Faced Nightmare.

The Hundred-faced Nightmare actually lost, it was still unbelievable to him when he thought about it now. That is a nightmare transformed from the immortal soul!

But the fact was before him, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

Uncle Wu felt contempt in his heart, was this guy so afraid of He Xiao that he didn't even dare to sleep?

But on the surface, he still wanted to sigh for the other person: "Isn't this daytime?"

Don’t people like them always do harm to others at night?

Cheng Yu was silent.

He suspected that the other party also had nightmares in his hands, even more powerful than Hundred Faces.

Uncle Wu said again: "It's not possible to hold on like this. You have adjusted your breathing several times."

A normal person would feel uncomfortable without sleep. If someone like Cheng Yu was seriously injured and still tried to force himself to wake up, he would probably end up fainting.

Uncle Wu said again: "My young master has just set off to find this person named He himself. Would you like to take the opportunity to sleep for a while?"

At this time, He Xiao has to deal with Cen Boqing, and he should not be able to use his hands to plot against Cheng Yu.

After hearing this, Cheng Yu also thought this was a solution.

As soon as he relaxed, his mind became even more dizzy.

"Then I'll sleep for a while. Find someone to sit in the courtyard and keep an eye on the rope bell formation!" Cheng Yu slowly moved to the bed. "No matter which direction the rope bell rings, it means that there is an invisible evil spirit approaching. You must hurry up. Shake me awake."

He had already set up some talisman formations in the house, and ordered people to wrap a red rope around each of the four corners of the house, the four corners of the courtyard, and the four corners outside the courtyard, and then tied eighteen, thirty-six, and seventy-two talismans respectively. A silver bell.

That's equivalent to three squares nested inside each other.

Oddly enough, the bells would jingle before they were hung up, and the gatekeeper thought it would be too noisy, but after the red rope was tightened, they all stopped.

It was windy today, but it was strange that none of the more than a hundred silver bells rang.

After Cheng Yu finished explaining, he lay down on the bed in the middle of the rope and bell array.

He was so tired and tired that he fell asleep in a second.

Uncle Wu immediately sent two people to guard the yard, and every two hours, two people came to change shifts with them.

Time passes slowly.

Uncle Wu stretched himself, thinking that he still had things to do, and was about to get up and leave when he suddenly heard the crisp ringing of the bell.

Ding ding ding——

It seems to be coming from the east.

At first, only the outermost rope bell rang. In the blink of an eye, the middle rope bell also rang.

Uncle Wu did not dare to delay. He stepped to the bedside and shook Cheng Yu's shoulders vigorously: "Wake up! Wake up quickly!"

As long as this guy doesn't open his eyes, he doesn't mind slapping him twice more.

Blood suddenly flowed from Cheng Yu's nose.

Uncle Wu was taken aback, thinking that he had been tricked.

However, Cheng Yu still opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the crisp ringing suddenly stopped.

The three people beside them looked up and felt strange.

Cheng Yu didn't sleep for a while, he was still not in good spirits, and he felt weak: "How long have I been sleeping?"

"A quarter of an hour." Uncle Wu said solemnly, "He actually came."

Sleeping for just a short while would be better for a seriously injured body than not sleeping at all. Cheng Yu pressed his drowsy head: "I have set up a talisman array, so ordinary spell masters cannot follow you here."

Those talisman formations are like a maze, and any spellcaster with weaker attainments will be trapped and die in it.

Wu Boqi said: "He is just a teenager. He seems to have good martial arts skills, and he doesn't seem to be good at spells. The guards around him are even less like it."

"How can you tell whether you can do spells or not?" Cheng Yu said angrily, "Besides, people who are proficient in spells may not necessarily be people."

"So, what now?"

Cheng Yu thought for a while and took out a transparent shell from his arms.

The shell is almost clear and colorless, but snowflakes are flying inside the shell, as if it is experiencing a snowstorm.

There is also a small wooden house in the middle of the shell. The doors and windows are closed, and warm light shines inside.

If He Lingchuan were here, he would probably recognize it as a snow globe.

There is also a small plug on the screw.

Uncle Wu was also curious: "What is this?"

"Dreamland." Cheng Yu was still a little reluctant, "This is a fixed and closed dreamland. No other spells or nightmares can invade it, but it can only be used three times... I have already used it twice, and this is the last time. "

This life-saving trick should be used once and less often.

But then again, if you don’t need to stay now, when will you stay?

He asked Uncle Wu: "Did you see the lantern outside the door?"

"Yes." Uncle Wu could see through the shell, a pair of red lanterns hung at the door of the wooden house, swaying in the wind and snow.

"Once the red lantern lights up, you plug the stopper tightly and seal off the entire dreamland." Cheng Yu said sternly, "Wait until the red lantern dims and then open it again. There can be no mistakes!"


"During this period, keep my dreamland and my body safe and don't let others take it away."

"It's a small matter." Uncle Wu smiled, "You are currently resting in the Cen Mansion courtyard. No one dares to enter here."

"Then..." Cheng Yu coughed a few times and his expression worsened, "That's good."

His face was as ugly as a dead man's, but he still insisted on giving the last instruction: "Absolutely, absolutely do not remove the plug early. I was severely injured this time, and it will take a long time to recover. Unplugging it early will cause the soul to be scattered, and not only will I be injured, Accidents will bring misfortune to those who pull out the plugs. Remember, remember!"

Uncle Wu agreed wholeheartedly.

Cheng Yu then swallowed some pills and lay down again.

Uncle Wu held the shell, and he always felt that after Cheng Yu closed his eyes, there was something more in the room.

After a while, Cheng Yu began to snore.

The snowstorm in the shell suddenly stopped, and the red lantern suddenly lit up.

Uncle Wu did not dare to neglect, and quickly tightened the plug of the screw mouth, completely sealing the entire shell.

Then the snowy scene there remained the same, and the orange light from the wooden house was warm, but it seemed...

Is there a moving figure?

Uncle Wu took a closer look and saw that a figure was indeed reflected on the window paper, as if walking back and forth in the room.

Is this person Cheng Yu?

About two-quarters of an hour later, the rope bell outside the yard suddenly rang again.

Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling.

The bell rang outside the hospital,

The bell rang in the courtyard.

Something was approaching the room quickly.

Soon, the rope bell in the house also rang!

The ringtone was crisp, cold, messy, and strange in its urgency.

For the first time in his life, Uncle Wu hated ringtones so much.

He knew that his opponent had already entered the house and was right here, hanging next to him and Cheng Yu.

But he can't see or hear the other party, and it's even possible that the other party can't see or hear them.

The two parties may not be in the same space.

Probably because he couldn't find Cheng Yu, the other party was a little anxious, so the bells on the four ropes in the room rang together.

Is this thing wandering around the house?

Uncle Wu looked at the shell in his hand.

The figures in the wooden house were also shaking and seemed nervous.

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