After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 56 My son has no regrets

Even if there were oil shops, wine shops, and charcoal shops in the city, the buildings were all made of wood. It would be a big project to burn down a city with just these few people. They had to try their best to find fire starters.

After everyone else left, He Lingchuan turned back to Zhongzhai and jumped into an empty room.

The room is not small, with two beds, one large and one small, two stools, and a dressing table.

Just after Sun Guoshi cast the command arrow, He Lingchuan took advantage of the time he gathered his companions to walk around the official residence and look around.

He Lingchuan didn't find any useful clues at that time, but after everyone's discussion, he suddenly wanted to take a look again.

Each set of official residences is small in area and has simple functions. It is a place to eat, live and sleep. Then this room should be the bedroom of Zhong Shengguang and his wife.

The bedding on the big bed was clean, the quilts were neatly folded, and there was a treasured sword with a dragon's mouth hanging on the wall above the bed.

Hanging a murderous soldier on the bedside of himself and his wife is probably something only a strong man in charge of the military can do, and the little bed next to it——

It should be their daughter Zhong Wuhan.

Because the crib is only three feet long, an adult can't even lie down on it with his legs curled up. There are small wooden horses and wooden soldiers wielding wooden swords on the bedside. Opposite them is a slightly fierce-looking cloth tiger.

No, it's a cloth leopard, made in the image of a sand leopard, with the round spots of a sand leopard.

Once these three are put there, it becomes a story.

He picked it up and saw a few small words embroidered on the leopard's belly:

My son has no regrets.

There was also a small rag doll stuffed at the foot of the bed.

He Lingchuan walked to the big bed. There was a gouache set and a bronze mirror neatly placed on the dressing table.

He picked it up and inspected it, and found that there was a comb stuck on the back of the bronze mirror. It turned out to be a suit.

This is? His eyes lit up, he picked up the comb, looked at the light, and murmured: "So it's here."

This is a simple wooden comb with a simple form and single function. Only a small light blue flower is painted on the comb head.

This pigment is derived from a fine powder ground up from shellfish and can produce a blue color like the sky.

Just by looking at this flower ornament, He Lingchuan could tell that this was the owner's token that the sand leopard took away when Panlong City was destroyed!

It was also the rift between the He family and Da Sima's family.

However, the comb is not half burned yet.

"Zhong Shengguang's wife passed away not long after giving birth to a daughter. Sure enough, he kept this comb as a souvenir." He Lingchuan looked at the small bed and said to himself, "No, Zhong Wuhuang has not yet come into the world at this time. Zhong Shengguang didn't know that his wife would It’s a boy or a girl, but a crib has been prepared.”

Otherwise, Commander Zhong would not put a few boys' toys beside the child's bed, as if they were cut by him himself.

"This is probably the happiest time in his life." His career is promising, but his beloved wife is about to give birth.

He smoothly opened the hidden compartment of the dressing table. There were several pieces of jewelry inside, all made of very ordinary materials. But He Lingchuan glanced at one of the items and froze.

This is a necklace, a crescent-shaped pendant.

It looked so familiar that He Lingchuan subconsciously pulled out the necklace around his neck.

This is basically the same thing! It's just that one is in fantasy and the other is in reality, and even the appearance has changed.

In other words, before his daughter was born, Zhong Shengguang was the owner of this sacred bone necklace.

If He Lingchuan realized something, he carefully put the comb back in its place and exited the room.

As soon as he walked out of the official residence, he saw someone standing outside.

Mao peach.

He Lingchuan was startled and couldn't help cursing: "You didn't say a word, how can you scare the devil?"

"Young Master, let me go with you. I will do all the work." Mao Tao accompanied her with a smile, "It seems that there is always someone spying on me, trying to take advantage of me when I am alone."

"Even if there is, that's not a human being." He Lingchuan did not refuse. He also felt that thorn in his back. It was indeed safer for two people to go together. Maotao pointed out, "I remember there was a pretty big restaurant there."

He Lingchuan turned around and glanced at Zhong Zhai: "It's too close here. Leave it to the ordnance at the top of the city. Let's go far away."

Both of them know how to use some kung fu to get angry and run fast.

Two-quarters of an hour later, the road became narrower and narrower, and the buildings on the roadside became sparser and sparse. Large commercial and storage warehouses, post stations, and even grain drying farms appeared.

This kind of place is far away from any city gate. Even if the ordnance at the top of the city can still be obtained, it will not have the effect of igniting a fire.

This depends on manpower.

The two went into a workshop, found the unloading truck and loaded more than a dozen barrels of tung oil. They also dismantled two pieces of wood that were pleasing to the eye and made torches before pulling the oil out.

Burn along the way, pouring oil on wood, quilts, thatch or any other combustible materials.

In this way, after walking for several miles and looking back, I saw only flames reaching into the sky.

Mao Tao pointed to the west: "There is black smoke rising into the sky. It seems that the Imperial Master is also working very hard."

He Lingchuan only glanced at it and continued working: "It seems that there is not the point."

Mao Taoqi said: "The key point? What is the key point?"

"We decided to burn down the entire city just because we couldn't find the key point to break the situation and could only rely on this stupid technique. Otherwise, a fire crossbow would be enough." He Lingchuan had a clear mind, "On the other hand, burn other places It’s all useless, only by burning to the core can this illusion be lifted.”

Maotao shook his hand and sighed: "How long will it take?" He was tired because He Lingchuan asked him to be the donkey pulling the cart.

Even a real donkey would be exhausted after pulling a cart full of oil drums for ten miles.

Burning down a city made him feel numb all over just thinking about it.

"You should be happy." He Lingchuan said grimly, "The breaking point is not in the area we are responsible for. It is a blessing you earned in your previous life. Think about Tao Bo's fate and the consequences of the rupture of the illusion. Can you afford it? "

Tao Bo's final fate was not much better than that of his teammates, with no bones left. Mao Tao shuddered: "Then let's join forces with the National Division as soon as possible."

He Lingchuan chuckled: "Thanks to you, it won't be completed so quickly."

Because Mao Taoliu came to see him, the entire northern part of Panlong City had not been burned yet. "Now you can tell me, what exactly are you doing here to find me?"

Mao Tao was stunned: "I, I'm just afraid."

He Lingchuan didn't bother to say more to him: "Go back to the north."

"No, let me tell you! I just haven't thought about it." Mao Tao wiped his sweat with a towel, "Just now, the Imperial Master looked at Tao Bo's letter. He didn't know that I actually lived in Tongcheng in the Baling Kingdom before following Boss Situ. I lived there for twelve years and went to school, until my stepfather was killed while doing business..."

"Stop, get to the point!"

"...Ba Lingwen, I can understand it to a certain extent."

He Lingchuan stopped: "What is the Imperial Master hiding?"

He knew that this old man was hiding something private!

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