After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 57 Prisoners in the Resentful Soul

However, Mao Tao obviously understood but looked as confused as them. This kid was not stupid.

"I don't know much about the Baling text, so it's a bit difficult to read it. However, Tao Bo asked the person who dug up the manuscript to send it to the Baling Kingdom, and he would be richly thanked. In addition, he seemed to have said that from this illusion, what The gods have indeed fallen."

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "Metian?"

It seems that Balingguo also knows more inside stories. But this is normal, after all, it was a participating country in the war.

"I can't understand those words." Maotao smiled bitterly, "Besides, the large square pot may not be able to move."

He Lingchuan's expression changed: "Are you sure?"

They went through all kinds of adventures here just to get the big square pot back. If you can't take the pot away, isn't it in vain?

Also, what about the battle at Woling Pass?

This question just popped up, and He Lingchuan himself was shocked.

Since when did he pay so much attention to the war situation in Yuan Kingdom?

"I'm just not sure, so I didn't think about whether to say it or not." Mao Tao muttered, "I've only been in school for three years. If I had known this, I wouldn't have slept in class." He only regrets having less books when he uses them.

"What else?" He Lingchuan touched his chin. Guoshi Sun must have seen these words, but he didn't say a word.

Is the old man confident about taking away the big square pot, or does he have other plans in mind?

"Also, Tao Bo believes that there is a powerful being in this world." Mao Tao said with shame, "I can't understand the other words, so I can't make random guesses."

A powerful being? "Do you mean the peeping tom hiding somewhere?"

Mao Tao shrugged. He had no answer: "Brother Chuan, why didn't the Imperial Master mention it?"

"Maybe you think we don't need to know." He Lingchuan changed the subject, "How long have we been setting the fire?"

"Uh, more than an hour?"

"It's time to go back."

"There's still... in the north..."

He Lingchuan interrupted: "The north may not be important."

How did the eldest young master see that the north is not important? "The houses in the north were not burned. I'm afraid that the imperial master will pursue them." Outside, Mao Tao would definitely only follow He Lingchuan's lead, but here...

"Young Master, you can't harm me."

"Let's go back first. If the illusion is not broken, I will definitely accompany you north." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Are you afraid that they will eat you up?"

This spoke to Zhong Maotao's thoughts, and he couldn't help but tremble. He is the weakest among the four. If he doesn't want to be eaten first, he must at least win over someone.

At this time, the fuel and charcoal that the two of them had replenished on the road had all been used up, and Mao Tao no longer objected, so he abandoned the cart and headed towards the south gate.

"Young Master, let's go straight there." Why do we have to take a detour and sneak past almost against the east wall?

"Follow me, stop talking nonsense." He Lingchuan couldn't explain why. The further south he walked, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart.

It's like disaster is coming.

So he chose this route because the buildings on the east side were tall and the river network was dense, making it easier to hide his body.

Now the east and west of the city are blazing with fire, and there is a smell of impending doom.


Outside the thunder-calling magic circle, there was a crowd of heroic spirits, and there was no end in sight.

The ordinary resentful souls had been squeezed to nowhere, only the Gale Army surrounded the place. Their military appearance was neat and tidy, and they stood as calm as an abyss. The violent appearance they had when they first came out of the pool was gone.

In life and after death, they are all powerful travelers.

Being stared at by tens of thousands of dead people without a word, how much pressure does this bring to the living?

The Blackwater City Army's scalp was numb, and he couldn't tell whether it was from fear or from being electrocuted. In front of so many military souls, can the formation still protect them? He Chunhua often loudly encourages his men: "Don't worry, don't be afraid, the thunder from the sky is enough to protect us! If we stand here with peace of mind, we are fighting for the country!"

The talisman array on the ground indeed has a thunder snake wandering around, reminding both the enemy and ourselves that its power is hidden and silent.

The leader of the previous team threw his spear, but it was broken down by thunder. No one alive in the formation was harmed, which also gave everyone peace of mind. Who knew that it could not only use its brain and assess the situation, but also know how to send its men to find reinforcements.

Now Wuyang Wuyang's army outside the magic circle doesn't seem to be here to watch the fun. As long as the numbers are gathered, I am afraid they will launch an attack. This is what everyone is most worried about:

The Heavenly Thunder Formation is indeed powerful, but after all, it is driven by human power, just like a lever. The power of the sky thunder is very high, so your side must score at least one point, right? With the morale of these hundreds of people, coupled with the Sheriff's Sheji Order, can they hold on until the Imperial Guard comes out?

Even He Chunhua was heartbroken.

The army of heroic spirits assembles with the intention of overwhelming their opponents with momentum. The so-called strategy of attacking with troops is to subjugate the enemy's troops without fighting. Then they must have sequels.

In addition, He Chunhua was particularly worried about Chi Jingnei's eldest son.

Nian and Sun are uneasy and kind to the He family. Will their son suffer a big loss if he is left alone? Although he sent Zeng Feixiong and others in, how many dangerous mechanisms there were inside, could He Lingchuan be able to deal with them?

On one side, He Chunhua silently thought that his eldest son was a lucky general who would be able to turn danger into safety, but on the other side, he couldn't help but worry. If He Lingchuan encounters misfortune, then...

"How is this going?"

"Are there any prisoners among the resentful souls?" A commotion among his men interrupted He Chunhua's train of thought. He looked up and was also surprised.

The Gale Army separated from it, making way for hundreds of resentful souls to be pushed out from behind.

These were the first souls to come out of the pool, some humanoid, some strange, and more than half of them were even wearing military uniforms and looked like they were soldiers from other camps.

"The coalition is the soul of the Xianba coalition." Yes, the war on the Panlong Wasteland has been stalemate for thirty-two years. This meat grinder has harvested not only the lives of the citizens of Xiluo, but also a large number of coalition soldiers.

They also slept in this blood-stained land, and were finally taken away by Dafang Pot, and they could not live in peace after death.

These resentful souls who were originally resentful and low-pitched were driven away by the gale army, and they actually looked panicked. The sky thunder wandering in the talisman array in front made them smell the smell of their nemesis.

He Chunhua's expression changed: "The Gale Army is going to drive them to attack the magic circle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Gale Army gave an order that shook the surrounding area. Sure enough, swords and guns came out, forcing the resentful souls to rush forward. These hundreds of resentful souls were so urged that their eyes turned red, they spun around in circles, and finally they rushed forward despite the power of God.

The formation was immediately activated, and they were blown away as soon as they hit the thunder barrier.

Even so, the resentful spirits continued to fight.

All the living people saw the formation flashing and the thunder roaring, but the Gale Army outside the formation was still waiting in full formation, and they felt uneasy in their hearts.

When armies are engaged in battles or sieges, prisoners of war are sometimes pushed to the front row as human shields. If the opponent cannot bear to attack, one's own side can seize the opportunity. This method is cruel but effective and has never been absent in wars throughout the ages.

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