After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 60 The real master is down

With a "whoosh" sound, the half-man long fire crossbow was shot towards Nancheng!

He fired randomly, but at a chosen angle. The crossbow arrow penetrated the roof of the first house, broke into the wall, and was nailed to the pillar of the second house.

With the oil on the arrow fueling the fire, with a few whirring sounds, the house that was shot started to catch fire.

The buildings in Nancheng are dense and row upon row. It stands to reason that firewalls should be built between doors. However, it has always been human nature to build buildings illegally and steal land. By building buildings and building them together, the houses are connected together. When you encounter an arsonist like Nian Songyu, you will immediately be shocked. Fireworks went off.

The most cruel thing was his newly found nail bomb. When he hit it, hundreds of nail shavings exploded, and sparks flew everywhere.

Nancheng was very big and lacked manpower, so Sun Fuping had no choice but to come in to help.

The rolling stones, carrying tar and flames, tore holes into the houses in Nancheng.

They fell in the official residence area, and two large rocks penetrated the Zhong family's house. The trees in the yard and the beams on the house burned at the same time.

The intensity of the fire was not surprising at first, but when the fires everywhere merged into one, it was the flames that burned the city!

Sun Fuping thought it was too slow to burn, so he used the Wind Calling Technique. This is not a vast world, the power of magical powers has been greatly reduced, and the strong wind has been reduced to a gentle breeze.

But the arch fire is enough.

Fire takes advantage of the wind, and smoke rises into the sky.

He Lingchuan and Mao Tao were standing by the small lake in the south of the city, deliberately staying away from the official residences.

Finally, the wooden beams in the Zhongzhai were burned into two pieces, falling down and hitting the bed and dressing table. The wooden comb bounced twice and fell helplessly into the fire.

The flames licked the wooden comb, quickly burning the lower half black.

As if some mechanism was triggered, the flames throughout the city were pushed in all directions, unstoppable and extremely fast.

Standing by the lake, both of them felt that the heat was hitting their faces and their hair was about to be scorched, so they had no choice but to plunge into the lake and use the water to cool down.

Even across a layer of lake water, He Lingchuan could see the red light flashing above.

The entire city was in flames, burning everywhere.

Nian and Sun stood at the top of the city and felt shocked.

The sudden spread of the flames so quickly was obviously abnormal. Sun Fuping exhaled: "Tao Bo is right."

Only by destroying the illusion of peace and tranquility will Panlong City reveal its true face.

Suddenly, it rained heavily.

The arrogant fire didn't last long, and was extinguished by the rain in the blink of an eye.

Sun Fuping stared at the small hole on the battlement. It had only been raining for a few breaths, and a small puddle had accumulated here.

"The rainwater is red." He said slowly, "It is the same color as the pond."

The city in front has been reduced to ruins, with smoke curling up.

The water level in the lake dropped rapidly, and He Lingchuan and Mao Tao found themselves sitting in a mud puddle, soaked with semen.

"Bah!" Maotao spit out the water in his mouth, "This seems to be blood?"

"The illusion has faded." He Lingchuan accidentally took a few sips just now, and now his mouth was full of fishy smell.

He didn't care so much and pointed forward: "Look, the ruins have changed."

Although it was scorched with smoke, the entire city had changed. Many building ruins appeared out of thin air, which did not originally exist in the illusion.

Even the lake where He Lingchuan and the two men were hiding had turned into a small pond with a radius of three to five feet. The two of them got up and took a look. The original lake surface had been filled in, and the house built seemed to be a stable?

This kind of Panlong City is like a desert city in reality.

Then, everyone heard a loud and angry roar!

The roar made the pebbles on the ground jump wildly, making the listeners' eardrums hurt and their hearts beat like drums. It also knocked down a crumbling dilapidated house in Nancheng!

Even though it was the first time he heard it, He Lingchuan could still tell the endless sadness, anger and unwillingness in the voice.

Mao Tao pointed at the South City Gate, her fingers trembling: "Come out, come out, come out!"

The huge black dragon relief actually moved.

It shook its head first, then suddenly broke out from the south city wall!

This movement alone brought out thousands of kilograms of earth and rocks, causing the ground to crackle.

After the outermost stone shell was peeled off, the body of the black dragon was dark and shiny in the flying dust, and any scale was larger than the turtle shield in Nian Songyu's hand.

If you look closely at this time, you can see that the top corner of the black dragon is very straight, and the front end is as sharp as a knife, not like a dragon.

Apparently it knew where the enemy was. After breaking through the wall, it looked back, then wandered back to the top of the city wall.

Although it has no legs, it can move in the same way as a snake. It can go to places that ordinary four-legged animals cannot.

It clearly saw the two people standing on the top of the city, and then flicked its tail. The long tail, which was thicker than the giant tree, hit the city gate heavily.

At this moment, both He Lingchuan and He Lingchuan felt the ground tremble even when they were standing so far away, as if they couldn't bear its anger.

Then, the dragon's tail swept across the city, almost destroying the battlements.

Nian Songyu and Sun Fuping naturally couldn't stay any longer and jumped back to the city.

The wall of the Weng City is fifteen feet (more than forty-five meters) high. Nian Songyu thrust his hand into the gap in the wall and rested on the wall twice before falling back to the ground. Sun Fuping, on the other hand, walked down, much more gracefully than Nian Songyu. , as if the air had the power to slowly lower him to the ground.

The black dragon sat on the city wall, looking down at them.

"Why do you always try every possible means to destroy such a beautiful place?" A loud voice sounded in everyone's heart, "You are seeking your own death!"

Sun Fuping took a step forward and said with confidence: "I am the Imperial Master Dayuan, and I have come here to ask for the large square pot on the emperor's order, in order to bring order to the chaos and restore righteousness!"

The black dragon lowered his head and looked at him: "That's nonsense!"

Nian Songyu said loudly: "We have no ill intentions, and we have no choice but to break the illusion. As long as we get the big square pot, we will turn around and leave without disturbing you again."

"A big square pot?" Black Dragon sneered, "I am a big square pot! Come on, let me see how much you guys weigh. Can you let me stuff it between my teeth?"

As a gatekeeper boss, it obviously knows its responsibilities very well and doesn't talk nonsense to the two people in front of it.

The dragon's tail pulled out the city gate and knocked the entire south wall: "Young ladies, dinner is ready!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nian Songyu caught a glimpse of something white moving at his feet from the corner of his eye. He dodged without thinking, only to realize that it was a thin snake that looked like a rope and had just retracted its neck.

If he hadn't been able to dodge quickly, this thing would have bitten his calf.

But just when he looked away, something flew over with a whirring sound and hit him in the face.

It was a broken bed.

The bed was burnt to black, but the ebony base was very good, and it weighed three to four hundred kilograms. It was so powerful and heavy that it almost hit the door as soon as he turned around.

It was too late to hide, so Nian Songyu roared angrily, raised his turtle shield and swung it upwards.

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