After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 61 Does he have you?

He was also born with divine power, and he smashed the big bed into pieces with force, and it fell apart in mid-air.

But as soon as he left the big bed, another figure that rapidly grew in size in his field of vision had already approached.

Nian Songyu only had time to use his shield to block it, before he was knocked away three feet away with a "bang".

He stood up quickly and saw clearly that the person who was attacking him was actually a black demon ape with a half-ricked body that was also seven feet tall, and his whole body was covered with exaggerated tendons that were about to burst.

Its small eyes were glowing red, and its body was hairless. Its surface seemed to be covered with a black rock shell, and dark red liquid flowed in cracks of varying widths, like magma.

The demon ape still felt that it was not done yet, so it rushed towards Nian Songyu with both hands and feet. When it got closer, it raised its arms and hit it hard.

Nian Songyu squatted down and put the big shield in front of him.

The Demon Ape's fist followed closely and hit the big shield directly.

With a "pong" sound, the shield fell down, and there was no one behind it.

After suffering a loss once, Nian Songyu would not be fooled again. He had already made a wrong step and ducked behind it, and cut off its head with a backhand knife!

This move was swift and neat, a killing technique he had practiced on the battlefield, without any extra effort. Nian Songyu himself was very satisfied.

No matter what kind of monster it is, man-made or natural, the key point is usually in the head.

The headless demon ape staggered two steps, but did not fall down. Instead, he leaned over, picked up the head, and put it back on his neck.

The magma at the head and neck flowed up and down, and within two or three breaths at most, its head was connected, and the red light lit up again in the eye sockets.

This thing can't be beaten to death?

Then Nian Songyu heard Sun Fuping calling him: "Be careful, get back!"

One after another, the demonic apes pushed through the ruins and rushed over.

Nian Songyu chopped off two more heads, and this time the blade showed a slight green light. It was obvious that he had used his Sheji Order. As a general who leads the army, his luck is enough to directly suppress the evil spirits and ghosts, and he can also break through many magical powers.

After these demon apes were beheaded or cut in half, the lag time became obviously longer and their movements became slower, but they would eventually find their heads and come back to fight with him for another 300 rounds.

The all-conquering Sheji Order was actually suppressed, and Nian Songyu felt bad: "National Master, continuing to fight like this is not an option!"

He was also injured. A wound on his left arm was so deep that the bone could be seen, and the outward flesh was scorched black. The demon ape's claws are extremely sharp and as hot as a soldering iron.

When he was beaten by the first demon ape, Sun Fuping had already sprinkled a few beans on the ground. When other demon apes started to cause trouble, these beans grew into gold-armored soldiers one foot tall. These big guys tried their best to keep up with the Demon Ape, and protected him in the middle, buying Sun Fuping a lot of time.

But as Nian Songyu said, the demon ape can be resurrected indefinitely and grind the offenders to death, so it is not an option to continue doing so.

What's more, the Boss is still leisurely watching the show on the city gate.

A water droplet condensed in Sun Fuping's hand. After reciting a long mantra, the water droplet grew from small to large, and finally became as big as a duck egg.

He smashed the water ball onto the foot of a demon ape and said calmly: "The rules of this world are different from reality. Your luck and my magical powers are suppressed here!"

If it were in the real world, the water ball he transformed into would be at least twice the size of an ostrich egg, but it would have shrunk here.

When he recited the incantation, he had to consume twice as much real power, and the prerequisite was that this space received the rainwater from the pools and wells in the upper realm, otherwise it would not be possible to create it out of thin air.

Fortunately, the water ball exploded as soon as it hit the ground, and more than a dozen dark red water snakes rushed out of it. Each of them found a demon ape and rushed over.

It was really a water snake, made entirely of liquid. The demon ape roared and pulled, but it climbed up its head and penetrated into its seven orifices.

Nian Songyu heard the hissing sounds in their bodies one after another. As a large amount of white steam emerged, the magma flowing on the rock surface dimmed and then solidified.

After more than ten breaths, they could no longer maintain their shape and shattered into pieces of coke.

Only then did Nian Songyu have time to take out a green pill, chew it up and apply it on his wound.

A lot of light green foam immediately appeared at the wound, and Nian Songyu also took a long breath. This medicine can remove fire poison. Otherwise, the poison will invade the heart along the blood stream, which will cause big trouble.

Naturally, the medicine could also stop the bleeding. He moved his left arm and found that the tendons were fine. As long as the medicinal properties take effect, the patient will be cured in about ten hours.

The premise is that they can get out of here alive.

With the Imperial Master by his side, he felt relatively at ease, and inadvertently thought of the two Hundan who escaped from the battle.

Where is the little bastard named He hiding in some corner watching the fun?

When he returns to the real world, he will crush all the bones of He's body bit by bit, then cut off his fingers one by one, and force him to cook and eat them!

Thinking this way, the pain in his wounds eased a lot.

While the demon ape fell to the ground, Sun Fuping turned to the black dragon on the top of the city gate and said, "My king is determined to win the big square pot! You have been buried in the desert for many years and have become an artifact without an owner. Why don't you follow me out to devour your flesh and blood and return to the top?" ?”

After all, artifacts are also magical artifacts and require regular and careful maintenance. After Panlong City was destroyed, Zhong Shengguang hid the large square pot in the desert. No one has maintained it for so many years, and the divinity of the pot will definitely be worn away bit by bit. It’s just that a period of more than a hundred years is too short for an artifact. If it is left unused for tens of thousands of years, it will eventually degrade into scrap metal.

The artifact has a spirit, and it will instinctively want to get out of this predicament.

"That's right." The black dragon smiled, and its rough laughter echoed in everyone's consciousness, "What do you want to do after you get out?"

"I will lead you to quell the bandits and eliminate the border troubles, and restore the power of Heaven for my Great Yuan!" Sun Fuping said loudly, "Both you and the Three Corpse Insects have their uses."

The black dragon looked at him sideways, and after a while he said grimly: "I don't believe it."

Sun Fuping frowned: "Why?"

"You don't deserve it." Hei Jiao said with disdain, "You call yourself a national master and you keep claiming to save the country. Why can't I feel a trace of luck entwining you?"

Sun Fuping didn't react at all, but He Lingchuan, who was not far away, changed his expression first.

What does this mean?

Sun Fuping is one of the three great national masters, who arranges luck for Dayuan. Except for the emperor, none of the following officials are as rich as they are. The black dragon said that he had no luck?

Black Jiao looked at Nian Songyu and then at Sun Fuping: "You can't hide your luck from me. He has it, but you don't."

Nian Songyu's reaction was very calm, not as surprised as He Lingchuan. Sun Fuping sighed and said: "I will do what I say, but my position has changed. You are just a weapon spirit, but I can borrow the methods of gods. Anyway, in the end, you You have to admit defeat, why don’t I save you the steps of losing money?"

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