After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 62 Shapeshifter

"God? I need to know more about it!" Black Dragon laughed loudly, "It's been a long time since I had a good fight!"

Before he could finish these words, hundreds of fireballs suddenly fell from the sky and hit the land where the two of them were standing.

These fire balls were golden and red but also tinged with white, which showed that the temperature had reached a terrifying level. They were wrapped in obsidian rocks with a diameter of more than one foot. The impact was so strong and the sound was so violent that it seemed to penetrate the earth's surface.

Each one hit the ground, causing a huge explosion. Deep pits were dug into the ground, and the surface of the soil was melted into a glass shape by the high temperature.

And such collisions were all concentrated within a radius of ten feet, and even the soldiers in golden armor were blasted into copper water.

Can those two people survive? Not far away, He Lingchuan blocked his ears tightly to prevent his eardrums from being shattered.

The more powerful the magical power, the longer it takes to prepare. This black dragon flicks its tail and can summon rocks to fall from the sky. It seems easy and simple. In addition to the fact that this world is its home field, I am afraid that the previous chat with the two people was also a cover for the secret power.

What is more difficult to deal with than the artifact spirit is that this artifact spirit is as cunning as a human being.

The black dragon probably knew what was going on underneath, and with a low groan, one figure after another emerged from the black smoke that filled the ground.

The demon apes got up again, and due to the continued supply of sky fire, they looked bigger, stronger, and faster. Magma even flowed from them, and every drop made a hissing sound when it hit the ground.

As soon as they take shape, they rush off in the other direction.

It was a pile of rubble, and the large amount of earth and rocks that had fallen from the southern city wall served as the best cover.

Unfortunately, this move is useless against the black dragon. It can accurately determine the location of two enemies without using eyesight.

They were not at the position where the fallen rocks were bombarded. Sun Fuping probably used his escape technique and dragged the two of them twenty feet away when there was no chance.

But just as the two of them emerged, the ten ordnances on the city wall suddenly turned around and aimed at this place. Black Jiao was so rested: "You just blew up my house. Didn't it feel great?"

Crossbows, flints, and nail bombs were fired at the same time, all directed towards the two men.

Nian Songyu had been pleasantly surprised by using nail bombs before, but now he was in such a mess. The turtle shield was covered with tiny nail shards, and he was even hit by two bullets in his legs.

He was glowing with a green light, and he had already withstood two rounds of flying crossbows and one round of flint. Unfortunately, Sun Fuping was not wrong at all. Not only was the effectiveness of the Sheji Order greatly reduced here, but the real power he consumed in battle was doubled.

Fortunately, he still bought some time for Sun Fuping, and used the ground escape technique again, and the two of them moved ten feet away.

The black dragon rubbed his head on the city gate tower: "Don't worry, this is just a warm-up, there are more fun things."

As soon as he finished speaking, bats flew out one after another from the air holes on the city wall, circling in a circle over the south wall, covering the sky and the sun.

I'm afraid there might be tens of thousands of them.

Then half of the bats swooped down and turned into five powerful sand leopards; the rest grouped in the air and turned into strange birds with sharp beaks and bat wings.

The demon ape is powerful but slow, giving Nian Songyu a chance to maneuver; the black dragon saw this, so he summoned the agile sand leopard to make up for the shortcomings of the attack, and the demon bird launched an air attack, so that the upper and lower attacks were integrated. It wants to see if these two people can make it to the sky?

But at this time, it was also seen that Nian Songyu did have two brushes. After Sand Leopard joined the battle, it was inconvenient for him to hold a shield with one hand, so he simply put away the turtle shield and took out a long knife. He Lingchuan stood in the distance and saw two green lights flying up and down there, as powerful as a swimming dragon. They were fast, accurate and ruthless. Neither the sand leopard nor the magic ape could get close.

But in the world of Black Flood Dragon, how could he do it without paying a price? In just a short period of time, Nian Songyu had at least a dozen large and small wounds on his body, and the blood soaked his clothes. The most serious one was caused by the monster bird that jumped down. Although he also cut the demon bird in two, his sharp beak was also damaged by him. The wounds were from the forehead to the chin, and his eyes were almost pecked out.

Seeing this scene, He Lingchuan murmured: "That's nonsense, the monster can still change like this?"

Although the original person has little education, he still knows that there is an iron law in this world: neither a human nor a monster can completely transform into other creatures, unless it has the ability to mimic and transform.

To put it simply, humans cannot transform into monsters, and monsters cannot transform into humans; bats are bats and cannot transform into leopards or birds, but toad monsters can still grow from tadpoles, because this is their original law.

Human beings can partially alienate themselves through certain magical powers or methods, but it does not last long and causes great losses and side effects.

The so-called iron law is a law that is universally applicable. Isn't it too ungrateful for these bats to be able to transform at will?

Maotao smiled bitterly: "It's not surprising that any weird things happen in this place, right?"

He Lingchuan suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air above him, and quickly made a silent gesture to him, but it was a pity that it was too late.

A demonic bird landed on the ruins, less than a foot away from them, and both sides stared at each other.

When it fell down, it was revealed how big this thing was. The height alone was almost as high as He Lingchuan's height.

This thing has bat-like wings with thin membranes, a keel-like sternum protrusion, and a claw hook at the front when the wings are folded. The black pointed armor alone is longer than a human finger.

The beak is sickle-shaped, long and pointed, and can crush the prey's skull with one peck.

Mao Tao was so frightened that he pulled out his sword. He Lingchuan waved his fingers slightly and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Don't move!"

Being stared at by those earth-yellow eyes, he also felt his scalp numb. This thing itself is an aggregation of monsters. Besides sand leopards and monster birds, who knows what else it can transform into?

Besides, these things can't be killed, no matter how hard he tries, it's useless.

When He Lingchuan was thinking about countermeasures, the demon bird also tilted its head, as if he was also thinking about it.

Of course, neither of them dared to move for a moment.

After a few breaths, the demon bird lost interest in them, turned its back, flapped its wings and flew away.

Mao Tao's forehead was covered with sweat, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath: "If I can get out of here, I will burn a few more sticks of incense, and ask my mother-in-law to serve more meat dishes. What a blessing from my ancestors!" "

That was a monster that even the Imperial Master and Captain Nian couldn't handle.

"It has nothing to do with your ancestor. It is not hostile to us. Why?" He Lingchuan looked at the black dragon on the city gate. These monsters are summoned by the black dragon. They are both the eyes, ears and thugs, and their actions are controlled by the black dragon. The demonic bird didn't react when it saw He Lingchuan, which only meant that the black dragon had no desire to attack.

Like Nian Songyu, they also set fire everywhere in the illusion. Why would the black dragon let them go?

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