After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 76 Thank you behind closed doors

If He Lingchuan threw two more stones, they would end up with the same fate.

Does this mean you won't be welcomed?

After the black dragon died, it was true that everyone could come out, but the passage to the secret realm was also closed at the same time.

He Chunhua felt frustrated for a while.

After going through countless hardships, losing troops and generals, and killing high-ranking officials, Qiansong County still doesn't know how it will offend Xunzhou Mu and Da Sima.

After all, General Nian's most valued son, Nian Songyu, died, and for some reason Sun Fuping, who had lost his position as national advisor, also died.

In their deaths, the He family and his son also contributed a lot.

If it is investigated in the future, will Wang Ting be blamed?

The future seems bleak when I think about it.

"Chuan'er, what wish did you make to Black Dragon?"

"I don't even know I made a wish!" He Lingchuan smiled bitterly and pointed at the officers and soldiers beside him, "Ask them, how often have Black Dragon and I spoken to each other?"

The people listening on the city wall at that time, including Mao Tao and Situ Han, all shook their heads like wavy drums. In a critical moment, who has the leisure to make a wish?

"This is a trophy." He Lingchuan handed the broken knife forward, "Dad, do you want it?"

He Chunhua was a little listless: "Just take it."

After more than ten thrilling hours, everyone was tired. The only good news was that the violent sand storm outside the city had temporarily stopped, and the desert once again revealed its dark background.

He Chunhua ordered him to rest where he was and return home early tomorrow morning.

Because the Gale Army also left the illusion, and is now patrolling the Panlong Desert City, turning a blind eye to humans, but driving away or killing all the sneaky and resentful souls left in the city.

With these heroic spirits walking around, humans feel more at ease.

He Lingchuan took He Chunhua to find a yard sheltered from the wind to rest, and Zeng Feixiong and Situ Han followed him automatically. Mao Tao was still hesitating when He Lingchuan turned around and told him: "Bring in a pot."

"Okay!" Mao Tao was overjoyed. As expected, he asked his guards for a big pot and brought it into the yard.

Zeng Feixiong smiled bitterly: "Young Master, the water has been poured into the pond, so we can't cook anything. I still have half a bag of water for you."

He Lingchuan raised his fingers to Situ Han and said, "Here, fill this pot up."

Situ Han was slightly embarrassed, but under the watchful eyes of the other four people, he took out a water bag and poured water into the pot.

Don't look at the fact that the water bladder is deflated, and the water poured out is enough to fill the pot for eight points.

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Boss Situ is the leader of the bandits. How can it be so easy if you want to raid him?"

Situ Han laughed: "Looking at what you said, I am also a regular frontier army now, and I have joined the army!"

So Maotao found a lot of old furniture and chopped it up to use as firewood to boil water.

Everyone gathered together and found that they still had a lot of rice cakes, naan cakes, dried meat, and fish sticks, so they simply threw them into the pot to cook. In addition to salt, the peach also comes with chili pepper and spicy powder.

After the fierce battle, everyone's appetite is greatly increased and they are in urgent need of a big meal.

At this time, the roof tiles and walls were dripping, and it actually started to rain.

And the rain came hard and fast, pouring down in an instant.

Fortunately, everyone sat under the eaves and avoided the pain of toppings. When Zeng Feixiong heard the cheers from the officers and soldiers outside, he also said with a smile: "It's such a timely rain, we can return to Blackwater City alive!" After saying that, he took two steps back and stood in the rain, letting the rain wash away the dust on his face.

Even if the resentful souls and three corpse insects are not enemies of everyone, and there are heroic spirits to protect them out of the wild sand area, living people always need to drink water to survive. Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu asked everyone to empty their bags of water to replenish the pond and well, but the return journey took more than ten days. How could they survive without drinking water?

Now that the rain has fallen from the sky, the greatest trouble has been relieved. Why not make people happy?

"Actually, if we count the time, it's almost the rainy season." The rainy season in Panlong Desert only comes in September. At this point, He Chunhua was startled, "By the way, what day is August today?"

The four shook their heads. The time in the secret realm is very chaotic, and there is no reference when you come out. Who knows how many days have passed.

Maybe it’s September now, so isn’t it normal practice for rain to fall?

He Lingchuan instructed Maotao to find all the intact bottles and cans to collect the rainwater. Count on them when you step out of the desert.

No need for instruction from the superior, all the people in Blackwater City do this.

When Mao Tao moved a large water tank weighing 80 kilograms to the yard, He Chunhua told his son to take off his shirt and he applied the medicine himself.

The injuries on He Lingchuan's body were not serious, but the number was staggering. Most of them were caused by the claws of the silk rope. There were two wounds on his nose alone, and a piece of flesh was scratched off the back of his hand.

He Lingchuan knowingly asked, "Is Sun Fuping dead?"

Although Sun Fuping's injuries were healed by Nian Songyu, the previously consumed mana would not come back out of thin air. He had to fight against the angry heroic spirits, demonic birds, and the Blackwater City Army. He Lingchuan didn't think he had any chance of being spared.

"The commander of the Gale Army gave him one last blow. He was the one who attacked us in front of the temple."

"From beginning to end, he didn't use the Order of Sheji?"

"No." He Chunhua sneered, "You are right, he was removed from the post of national advisor, so he can't adjust his luck at all. Otherwise, even if the heroes of the Gale Army come on stage, it will be difficult to deal with him."

With the national destiny protecting you, where can the ghost get close? Even in a self-contained secret realm, this law can play a role to some extent.

Without the Order of Sheji, Sun Fuping was just a more powerful magician. With so many people on his side, he was enough to kill him.

He Lingchuan rubbed his hands and smiled: "Don't you have any last words or relics?"

This greedy example is exactly what He Chunhua is familiar with: "Didn't you get the trophy? The black dragon gave it to you."

"It's just a broken knife. I found it with my sharp eyes. If I hadn't had an idea, we might have been bitten by the black dragon."

That's right, this kid was actually the number one contributor to everyone's escape. He Chunhua took out two trophies, both of which were magic weapons:

Silk rope, animal head staff.

"Mainly these two treasures, which one do you want?" There are many other bits and pieces, so he won't take them out.

"A man wrapped in red thread is so effeminate." He Lingchuan chose the staff, "This animal head looks more pleasing to the eye."

"It's yours." He Chunhua put away the silk rope and tied it to his wrist.

When the animal-headed staff is idle, it turns into a short pestle, only one foot long, making it easy to carry. He Lingchuan played with the short pestle and said, "Sun Fuping must be capable and scheming. Why was he stripped of his position as national master?"

If it weren't for his really good luck, his father, son and the Blackwater City Army would never have been able to escape Sun Fuping's plan, and they would all have been sacrificed.

"It seems that many changes have occurred in the capital. Unfortunately, the intelligence is not smooth, and we still can't receive news from the central and eastern regions." He Chunhua sighed. Without first-hand information, even if our troops are strong, we will not have any chance to advance eastward.

Situ Han couldn't help but interrupt: "Then how could the black dragon be Zhong Shengguang? It's unbelievable."

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