After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 77 Good, good, good

"The large square pot can absorb the resentful souls in the Panlong Wasteland. Zhong Shengguang was defeated and committed suicide, and he was one of them." He Lingchuan recalled, "You don't know that when I first entered the secret realm, Panlong City was peaceful and prosperous. Blackwater City. At that time, Zhong Shengguang had just arrived in Panlong City to take up his duties. I guess that was the best time in his memory, so the illusion completely reproduced Panlong City in peacetime."

The world is too bitter, so we have to use the beauty of nothingness to counteract it. It's the same for the living and the dead.

"Later, Nian Songyu climbed up to the city gate to mount a crossbow and fired cannons to burn the city. The most important thing was to blow up the bell house and tear the illusory dream into pieces. Only then did the black dragon be alarmed." He Lingchuan shrugged, "There is no way. Everyone wakes up angry."

"The Dafang Pot has been in Panlong City for more than 20 years. Zhong Shengguang has long established a close connection with it. After death, the soul is put into the Dafang Pot and becomes the spirit of the weapon. This makes sense." He Chunhua was applying ointment to the eldest son's cheek. The skin and flesh of the wound here are rolled out, and special ointment can accelerate healing.

"If we can't take the big square pot away, I'm afraid there will still be a wild sand season on Hongya Road in the future." He pondered for a while and then asked, "By the way, I heard that the god possessed you first, why did he run away later? "

"I don't know either." He Lingchuan looked confused. "When the white light hugged my face, my mind went blank. When I regained consciousness, it had already run out to find Nian Songyu."

"How long does this process take?" He Chunhua asked other witnesses.

"It only takes three or five breaths." Situ Han recalled.

"Do you have a headache or dizziness?"

"Yes, yes! How do you know, dad?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "My temples keep beating, and it still hurts terribly."

He Chunhua thought for a while: "Go back to the great shaman and see if the soul is damaged."

"Oh." What do you mean by the word "Zai"? He Lingchuan was slightly vigilant. When had the Great Shaman seen him?

The topic soon returned to the square pot.

"Is this artifact really integrated with Panlong City?"

"Maybe it's true?" He Lingchuan thought in turn, "Otherwise, Dafanghu used the Three Corpse Insects to control the enemy's defection, and the Gale Army was invincible. Why didn't Zhong Shengguang take the opportunity to fight back to his homeland? It can be seen that this treasure has limitations in its use."

"The God's things are not that easy to use." He Chunhua nodded, "It's a pity that there is no way to use it to suppress the rebellion. By the way, the Black Dragon finally said that its mission has been completed, and the people said that... "

Seeing the four people looking at him with burning eyes, He Chunhua paused slightly and retracted his words.

What can you ask these four stupid guys? It is better to go back and discuss with He Yue.

He Chunhua was very unwilling to get this treasure. It was also the first time that He Lingchuan saw his father being so passionate about something, even sighing and lamenting.

There was an impulse in his heart that he was willing to complete it for him at any cost.

Of course, this is the original person's subjective emotion, not his.

Fortunately, He Chunhua also understood that the adventure must end. Just opening the pond well channel consumes all the resources. It is highly unlikely that everyone will find a second way to obtain the large square pot.

Besides, the heroic spirits of the Gale Army patrolled the entire city, seemingly protecting, but actually monitoring.

If living people want to build large-scale construction projects in Panlong Desert City, these heroic spirits may not agree.

They can only go back obediently, without the capital to be willful.

At this time, the food in the pot is ready.

Add water to the fried rice cakes and boil it, and it becomes rice porridge. The taste is a bit scummy and not as smooth and smooth as the specially cooked white porridge. The advantage is that it is full, especially when paired with cakes and bacon.

Everyone started snoring and drinking, sitting like this in the lonely city in the wilderness, listening to the rain knocking on the eaves, and watching the heroes of the Gale Army wandering around, it felt like they were in another world.

He Lingchuan also took out some good wine and distributed it to everyone.

After having enough wine and food, the sleepyhead comes.

After more than ten thrilling hours, fatigue set in. Zeng Feixiong called his soldiers to come over for guard duty, and everyone fell asleep as soon as they lay down.


He Yue lay down very early and kept tossing and turning until he finally managed to fall asleep at midnight.

The past few days have been the most difficult time for the He family. He had to deal with heavy county duties during the day, and had to comfort his grieving mother when he returned home at night. Both were arduous tasks.

When he finally lay back on the bed, he was completely sleepless again, and all he could think about was what he could do to support the future of mother and son. The death of his father was a fatal blow to the family.

After a few days, the mental young man was almost exhausted.

However, when the rooster crowed that day, there seemed to be some commotion outside. Then He Yue heard an urgent knock on the door: "Second Young Master, get up quickly. The Master and the Eldest Young Master are back!"

The usually decent old housekeeper was so excited that his voice changed its tone.

He Yue jumped up, froze for a few breaths, suddenly grabbed the long coat beside the bed and rushed out.

The front yard was bustling with people, everyone was smiling as if they had picked up a big ingot.

The gloom and mist that had shrouded He's house in the past two days disappeared in an instant.

Surrounded in the middle of the crowd, who else was there other than He Chunhua, He Lingchuan and his son? Although his face was gray and somewhat haggard.

The second young master of the He family, who had always been calm, shouted and hugged his father and brother without caring about dignity.

He Chunhua stroked his head: "Okay, okay, I've worked hard on you during this time."

He Lingchuan chuckled: "You have to wag your tail to welcome us home."

He Yue rubbed his eyes, feeling overjoyed but also in disbelief: "The sand season is not over yet, how did you come back? Didn't you pass through the desert?"

"It's a long story!" He Lingchuan rubbed his face, "Let us catch the wind and wash away the dust first. This dust weighs two kilograms."

"I also have something important to report!" He Yue understood the importance and grabbed his father's arm and said word by word, "Intelligence from the east finally came over. The rebels at Woling Pass have been put down, and the Grand Sima Donghaoming rebelled! "

This heavy blow stunned the He family and his son.

He Chunhua suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, as if all his worries and worries were swept away: "Okay, okay, okay!"

At this time, Mrs. Ying also arrived, looking at her husband with tears in her eyes: "You are finally back!"

It wasn't until the east was bright that He Lingchuan crawled out of the tub and stretched out comfortably, as if he was reborn.

Where can such enjoyment be found in the desert?

He soaked in two large buckets of hot water and used the help of a temporary bather hired by the He family for extra money before he could clean off the dirt and dust on his body.

It's like people come to life again.

The wild sand season is far from over. The group's ability to safely walk out of the Panlong Desert depends on the escort of the heroic spirits of the Gale Army. Wherever these heroic spirits go, the resentful souls and three corpse insects will automatically disperse, and even the wind and sand will not be so swept, and humans can pass.

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