This is the person who cannot be offended in Blackwater City. The blacksmith hurriedly said: "No, no, this magic weapon has also cultivated its mind and has the instinct of self-protection. Besides, it has been tempered many times and is inherently resistant to high temperatures. I'm afraid the temperature here is as high as Not even."

Would a spiritual baby let him roast himself?

"Then who can do it?"

"No one can do it in Blackwater City, and Jinzhou is also very difficult." The blacksmith hesitated slightly, "It is best to go to the big eastern city or the capital. I heard that the Spiritual Weapon Sect is stationed in those places. Maybe there are secret skills and stoves that can be used Take off the gold from the head of the staff."

To put it bluntly, only magic weapons can defeat magic weapons. All of his furnaces are ordinary furnaces. The magic staff is only used to wash the sauna. Only sects that specialize in casting magic weapons will have special furnaces.

He Lingchuan knew that it was useless to embarrass him, so he threw a small ingot of silver to him, stood up and left.

Zeng Feixiong quickly followed: "I'll treat you to a drink."

On the third day after returning from the desert, he received a generous reward, and Sheriff He also kept his promise and sent someone to take care of Father Zeng twelve hours a day.

The pressure on Zeng Feixiong's body suddenly decreased, and he felt that the sky was bluer, his breathing became easier, and his pockets were bulging.

He was able to come back alive, and He Lingchuan was indispensable, and this trip to the desert greatly changed his view of Young Master He.

But He Lingchuan shook his head: "Let's do it another day."

The joy of the rest of his life after the disaster had passed, and he returned to the daily life of eating, drinking and having fun, and he suddenly felt that his interest was dull.

Just go home and take a nap.

But after taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "I will let Liu Baobao treat me to tonight."

After returning home, He Lingchuan did not lie down and sleep. Instead, he went to the small martial arts training ground to practice sword skills.

This trip to Panlong Desert made him truly feel the gap between himself and Nian Songyu. After falling into a fantasy world and losing the support of his father and the Blackwater City Army, his most common thought when facing Nian Songyu's malice was how to save his life, without even caring about losing his breath.

Only later did he learn that Nian Songyu's nature was even worse. He had only verbally mocked him and Mao Tao in the Panlong Fantasy Land, just because he and Sun Fuping had the idea of ​​sacrificing the two of them later, and they were too lazy to care about the mortals at that time. .

The traction technique inherited from his family only laid the foundation for He Lingchuan. While self-supervision, he also needed more and more profound techniques.

In the first two months after he came to this world, he just wanted to live it up to the end and enjoy his wealth. However, the appearance of Sun Fuping and others told him that in this world, trouble likes to come to his door.

He had also contacted He Chunhua in the past two days, hoping that his father could find a more powerful and suitable technique for him. He Chunhua readily agreed.

The sword flashed, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The intensity that had made him sweat profusely in the past was just a slight dampness on his back this time. Perhaps it was the experience between life and death that had increased his physical strength and toughness.

Finally, He Lingchuan stopped, wiped his face, which had been roughened by the desert sun recently, and decided to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

It seems like I'm getting hungry faster than before.

The He Mansion was very quiet today. He Chunhua was at the official office and Ying Hongchan was out, so he didn't have to deal with anyone.

He Lingchuan came to the kitchen cabinet where the cook kept the food. He opened it and saw that it was good. In addition to the red date cakes piled like a mountain, there was also white and tender sweet-scented osmanthus almond tofu in the cabinet. He touched it with a spoon and trembled. Toweringly.

The production and preservation of this kind of almond tofu requires the use of stored summer ice. September in Blackwater City has just entered the rainy season, and the weather is sultry and hot. At this time, I can eat a few spoons of cool and sweet almond tofu, and the heat on my forehead will be repelled.

He Lingchuan took a large bowl and poured out half of the pot.

Just after eating a few pieces, someone next to me said hurriedly: "Hey, leave some for me!"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw He Yue.

"Why are you back?" The little nerd shouldn't be at home today.

"Go home and get some ledgers." He Yue also started to scoop up dessert for himself, with gentle movements, but the bowl was as big as his. "I want to eat something to cool down."

Seeing his eldest brother devouring his food, He Yue hesitated to speak.

When stealing food, He Lingchuan always kept an eye on all directions: "Speak, don't hide anything you have to say."

"Dad and I have been very busy lately. One hundred and five people died and thirty-seven were injured during Panlong's trip. Pensions and rewards each cost a lot of money, as well as promotions... various items It’s only been done today.”

"Oh." What does this have to do with him? Young Master He has always been responsible and careless.

He Yue hesitated.

"What else?" The boy's forehead was wrinkled with the word "Sichuan", "You look like you are constipated. Eat more almond tofu to relieve diarrhea!"

He Yue subconsciously took the bowl away.

"These tasks are basically left to me, because my father has been busy meeting with many chambers of commerce and missions these days. He went to the restaurant four times alone."

"I know. He also asked me to make an appointment for him with the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce, that is, Liu Baobao's family." He Lingchuan didn't take it seriously. "What's the problem? It's not his responsibility?"

He Chunhua is very busy at the beginning and end of the wild sand season, because there are a lot of business activities in Blackwater City at this time.

This year's wild sand season has just begun. Caravans and missions that catch the last train from Hongya Road to enter Dayuan must clear customs here before they can disperse into the east and central parts. One can imagine the workload of He Chunhua's entire team.

"All other large and small interviews will be handed over to the officials of the department. Do you know the characteristics of the guests my father has interviewed these days?"

He Lingchuan shook his head.

"They are all going to the capital." He Yue looked solemn, "The first batch set out three days ago. Now the road to Wolingguan in the east is open. If you go there by boat and transfer to the waterway, you will have to go down the river. , we can reach Dadu in a few days at most!”

"so what?"

"My office is not far from the conference hall, and I can often hear laughter and laughter inside."

"What's wrong?" He Lingchuan thought it was normal when he heard this.

"Brother, my father is usually quite dignified when meeting businessmen, but he is not usually like this."

"What on earth do you want to say?" He Lingchuan looked for water and choked after eating too much red date cake. "Stop hesitating, you're just like a girl."

"Let's just talk in private. Don't spread the rumors outside." He Yue hesitated again before saying, "I guess my father wants them to go to the capital to build momentum and spread the rumors first."

"What rumors?"

"That's the news that we defeated Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu." He Yue smiled a little, "Aren't you bragging about it in Blackwater City these days?"

He Lingchuan refused: "Isn't this true? How can it be called a rumor or a big boast?"

"If it spreads in advance before my father reports it, it is called a rumor."

He Lingchuan was startled: "Dad hasn't submitted yet, how is that possible?"

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