After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 82 Worrying is worse than drinking

How many days have passed? He Chunhua was so focused on his official career, how could he miss this great opportunity to write a letter to claim credit?

"If my father's memorial arrives first, it may be read and suppressed; after rumors spread, it will be confirmed if the memorial is published again, and it will be useless for the royal court to deny it."

"Why was it suppressed?" He Lingchuan thought and suddenly understood, "S--you mean, Wang Ting is afraid of the situation and wants to keep it secret? This is not good, won't our achievements be swallowed up?"

Wang Ting was sending troops to attack Da Sima, and the war at Woling Pass had just ended. The huge empire was leaking from all sides, and Wang Ting was exhausted. At this time, he probably didn't want to force Xunzhou Mu also to rebel, and give himself more time. Make a strong enemy.

Then it is very likely that it will suppress what happened in Panlong Desert and keep it secret. In this way, both Guodu and Xunzhou Mu can breathe a sigh of relief.

But if this happens, the military exploits that He Chunhua cherishes so much may fly away.

How could he be willing to take such a big risk and pay such a high price?

So He Chunhua's countermeasure was to send people into the capital to stir up the matter first. As long as the rumors spread, Xunzhou Mu will do the opposite no matter what he wants!

The mutual suspicion between him and Wang Ting was only separated by a layer of paper. It seems that He Chunhua decided to take action himself.

After thinking about this, He Lingchuan couldn't help but high-five: "Dad is so awesome, the sword is still young!"

He Yue lowered his head: "Once the rumors spread, our contribution will be confirmed. But the war in Yuanbei region has resumed, and we don't know how many lives will be taken; or maybe Nian Zanli directly transferred to the Northern Demon Kingdom, and Yuan's territory was established. One less state. This is not a good thing for Dayuan."

"Then the fact that the royal court suppressed us is a good thing?"

"Perhaps, Wang Ting plans to deal with Da Sima and then consider the issue of Xunzhou and defeat them one by one."

He Lingchuan was funny: "Nian Zanli is not a wooden figure carved out of grass. He is stupidly waiting for someone to attack. Since he is rebellious, he is like a powder keg. It is better to explode late than to explode early, and it will hurt fewer people." As he said, He patted his second brother on the back of his head and said, "Sometimes, good causes have bad consequences."

He Yue sighed: "I will tell you something more, but please don't spread it outside."

He Lingchuan made a gesture to seal his mouth: "Don't worry, there is no pillow wind that can blow away from me yet."

He was also a little strange. This younger brother was usually proud and independent, which didn't fit well with him. Why did He Yue become close to him after returning from his trip to the Panlong Desert?

Could it be because he helped He Yue deal with Nian Songyu?

He Yue looked around subconsciously: "During dinner a few days ago, my father asked me what I thought of Da Sima's rebellion. I said that it was treason."

He Lingchuan took a big mouthful of almond tofu: "What's the problem?"

"That's just to deal with dad." He Yue whispered, "Actually, if I put myself in his shoes, I think Da Sima can be forgiven. Your Majesty's treatment of state affairs is really a bit of a joke. As for how to deal with the northern demon country, I am more in favor of Da Sima. Sima."

"Oh?" He Lingchuan was a little surprised, "You don't agree with defending the territory?"

"Who doesn't agree? But the national policy is determined by the actual situation, and we can't just show off the courage of an ordinary man. You see, Panlong City is quite remarkable. It has persisted for thirty-two years after becoming an enclave. But its mother country is weak. No matter how Zhong Shengguang fights, the West The Luo Kingdom just lost the Panlong Wasteland once again, and in a few years, it will be gone."

"The strong can be impassioned, and those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away, but the weak must know how to make trade-offs." He Yue said seriously, "Now our mother country is no longer the rich and powerful country it used to be. Da Sima worked hard to appease him. In the Northern Kingdom, Da Yuan can free his hands to quell the domestic chaos."

He Lingchuan smiled: "You want to say that before going abroad, you must first settle down at home?"

He Yue nodded.

"So, what if the domestic chaos cannot be solved? Separatism, floods, famine, rebellion, and border chaos. In the past ten years, it seems that we have only solved disaster relief, and we may not be able to succeed every time. Because there are old people in Qiansong County Dad is here, so Hongya Road is very peaceful, which was not the case seven or eight years ago."

He Lingchuan continued: "Da Sima didn't just gain power today. He has been assisting the monarch in handling these troubles for a long time, but he has not yet solved them properly."

He Yue hesitated to speak, and finally sighed.

He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay to worry, but it's not okay to talk nonsense. You can't spread a word of these words today, so as not to hurt dad and me!"

He Yue said angrily: "Of course, I'm not stupid."

"Liu Baobao is inviting you for a drink at Xiangsi House tonight, will you come?"

"I can't drink."

Yes, Mrs. Ying can keep an eye on her little son. He is fourteen years old, marriage can be discussed, but alcohol is not allowed, no matter!

He Lingchuan wanted to say something more, but rolled his eyes, grabbed another piece of red date cake and said, "I'm going to take a bath, and we'll talk later."

Without waiting for He Yue's reply, he jumped out of the window and left.

"Eh?" He ran away too fast, and He Yue felt something was wrong.

Just a few breaths later, several figures walked in from the door, led by Mrs. Ying.

She was stunned as soon as she saw the tabletop: "These are the snacks for the guests at the tea party. They will be sent out now! Yue'er, why didn't you tell me if you wanted to eat? I asked someone to prepare them and send them over."

There are only a few pastries left that are enough for ten people. When did my son become so good at eating!

He Yue: "..."

He Lingchuan slipped back to his yard and patted his belly. He was sixty percent full and happy!

Asking someone to get some water, he took a comfortable bath and drank a cup of hot milk. He was about to lie down and take a nap when his eyes suddenly glanced at the broken knife beside the table.

I usually keep this knife in the study room, but I subconsciously brought it here today.

He pulled out the broken knife and rubbed it gently. Since he left the illusion, the knife didn't seem so cold, as if the sharp edge that was meant to cut people's eyes had no effect on him.

Of course, only to him. He Yue just touched the blade lightly, and his finger was cut without even touching the blade.

He Lingchuan raised his finger and touched the blade and it retracted.

He takes good care of his skin.

The finger is fine and intact.

He Lingchuan became bolder and gently pressed his finger on it.

Still no bleeding.

Pressing hard, a dent was made on the pad of the finger, but the skin was still not broken.

It was so sharp that it looked like it had no edge.

He Lingchuan was so excited that he waved his knife several times.

With a click, the sandalwood tree a few feet away snapped in half.

This knife is different for him!

He Lingchuan couldn't put it down.

This lonely soul of his came to another world. Although he lived a life of fine clothes and fine food, and was surrounded by people, he inherited everything from his original body, and there was always a sense of unrealism and illusion.

Only this knife truly belongs to him, and no one else can touch it.

Unfortunately, he didn't know its name. A sword should have a name. Why didn't Zhong Shengguang engrave its real name on the scabbard?

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