After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 84 Unfriendly soldiers and civilians

He composed himself: "Is the leader who is running the army now Zhong Shengguang or General Red?"

What kind of problem is this? The guards were a little surprised, and one of them said: "General Red is in charge of all wars, big and small." This is not a secret, everyone knows it, but the behavior of the man in front of him is getting more and more weird, and he should be detained and questioned.

With this thought in mind, the last guard turned around and ran back to fetch reinforcements.

He Lingchuan saw it and ignored it. He just said to everyone: "You guys stand here, and I will let you go in half an hour; otherwise, I will take the bodies of my companions back."

He was sure that this move would be effective against the Blackwater City army, but the guards in front of him looked at each other. Although they hesitated, they followed suit and were not threatened by him at all.

The prisoner said with difficulty: "Even if you kill me, they won't let you go!"

He Lingchuan looked around. The hills were undulating, the low shrubs couldn't hide, and the nearest village was four to five hundred feet away.

The worst part was that when the farmers at the ditch saw the guard being subdued by him, they jumped into the water and chased him.

Now, he is being attacked from both sides.

We cannot stay here for long, we must find a way out. Thinking of this, he grabbed the prisoner and moved to the ditch.

Fortunately, the prisoner was small and thin, and He Lingchuan was very strong, so he dragged him backwards and trotted away.

The canal was built to divert water for irrigation. It was probably early summer and the water was still a bit turbulent. He Lingchuan stared at the small wooden boat tied to the canal.

If you can swim downstream, you can run much faster than human legs.

No matter what, let's get rid of these pursuers first.

He just ran forty or fifty feet away. Although the guards refused to stop, they still cherished the lives of their companions and did not dare to rush forward and take them away.

At this time, the sound of horse hooves was suddenly heard, and more than ten cavalrymen turned out from the mountain col. Looking at the clothing, He Lingchuan couldn’t be more familiar with it:

Gale Army!

There are actually Rangers from the Gale Army here, which is really annoying.

He Lingchuan didn't want to take him prisoner anymore, so he cut him on the leg, pushed him out, and ran away.

Two legs can't run as fast as four legs, so he can't afford to be another burden.

Fortunately, it's not far from the canal.

He Lingchuan ran as fast as he could, using the momentum of his forward motion to jump directly into the ditch and cut the rope that tied the boat with his knife. The wooden boat was pushed by the canal water and slowly swung away.

The sound of hooves was getting closer, and it was obvious that the cavalry was also charging. He thought it was too slow, so he bent down and pushed the wooden boat.

At this moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred in my heart.

He didn't have time to think, he rolled forward and fell directly into the boat.

This posture is a standard dog-eating posture, but it is ugly, but it still saved his life, because in the next second, two feather arrows were shot, one hit the capital of the tied rope, penetrated three points into the wood, and the other passed over the wooden stack. , shot straight into the water.

If he was still stuck in the same place, he would either be stabbed through the throat or through the heart, which would not end well.

However, He Lingchuan's movement was too big and the boat was too narrow. He flipped it upside down when he pounced on it.

"..." Young Master He silently recited the Three Character Sutra seven or eight times.

What to do?

With his arm strength, he could certainly turn the boat right again, but the cavalry were like wolves and tigers, and they had probably rushed to the edge of the canal by this time. Even if he takes a boat and goes straight down the river, the most he can do is to get rid of the guards and farmers, those few cavalry will still be like a stick with him, and will not give up until they find an opportunity to drag him up.

Besides, there are still people who take the time to shoot cold arrows. He is sitting in the boat, is he a standard living target?

To be honest, the moment he recognized the Gale Army, he knew that running away was the best option.

In just three to five breaths, the cavalrymen rushed to the canal first.

The Chipa Plateau has a special terrain that makes it difficult for large troops to climb up, but agile scouts often sneak in quietly to inquire about military information and poison and assassinate people. Therefore, the people of Panlong City hated spies so much that they would beat them to death without explanation. As long as the spies were still alive when they were handed over to the camp, the superiors would never blame them.

They weighed the weapons in their hands and were about to throw them as javelins.

The He family had seen this move before in Panlong Desolate City, and even Sun Fuping's barrier was beaten to the point of collapse. Now it seems that it is a regular skill of the Gale Army that everyone can learn.

But when they reached the edge of the canal, they were stunned when they looked down.

There was only one wooden boat in the canal, and it was moving along the current with its head turned upside down, and the speed was actually quite fast. At first glance, the spy was nowhere to be seen.

The water is so clear that even fish and shrimps cannot be hidden, let alone a large living person.

A cavalryman suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed: "Look, he is hiding under the boat!"

Everyone lowered their heads, and sure enough, a small figure was revealed under the boat——

The boy actually huddled under the boat and moved forward with the hull.

A cavalryman fired his spear neatly, and it hit the bottom of the boat with a "click". But the boat still drifted forward, and no blood flowed out from under the boat. It was obvious that the enemy was not hit.

The cavalryman cursed in anger.

The bottom of the boat was rounded, making it impossible for people to stand on it, and it was difficult for them to jump off.

He Lingchuan used the entire ship as a shield, and the upside-down cabin was filled with air, enough to support him breathing freely for a long time.

He was underwater and blocked by the boat, so the shooters on the shore had nothing to do with him.

Now he is curled up in the boat, pedaling on the bottom of the canal, pushing the wooden boat faster and faster along the current.

Under the combined effect of water power and manpower, the ship accelerated, leaving the infantry behind in an instant, leaving only the cavalry in hot pursuit.

In this way, he traveled more than a thousand feet along the current.

He Lingchuan had already calmed down his heartbeat and breathing, and he secretly thought something was wrong before he could think of a countermeasure.

He couldn't see the scene on the shore and didn't know where he was drifting. Most troublingly, he could feel the water level falling.

In other words, the water in the canal was getting less and less, and it was no longer turbulent. If it went further down, the boat would not float, and he had to face the cavalry on the shore.

What should I do?

This kind of canal used to be densely distributed in the countryside, and bridges would be built every distance, otherwise pedestrians would not be able to pass. Thinking of this, his heart moved. He reached out to touch the bottom of the boat, grabbed the long gun and pulled it out with force.

Then, he stuck his head out from the side of the ship to observe the situation outside the canal.

The bad news is that those cavalrymen are still chasing after them, and He Lingchuan got a few cold looks as soon as he looked over. One of the pursuers even pulled out a bow and arrow from his back, which scared He Lingchuan and quickly shrank his head.

The good news is that there are scattered buildings on both sides of this waterway, so the front is either a village or a town market!

As long as it's not an empty plain, his success rate of escaping greatly increases.

He Lingchuan had already made a plan in his mind. He calculated the speed of the water flow in advance, brought the boat close to the canal, and suddenly let go and squatted down.

The boat happened to pass under a wooden bridge again.

It was about noon, the sun was shining directly in the center, and the shadow of the wooden bridge was perpendicular to the water.

Then, the boat drifted away from under the bridge again, just like before.

The cavalry continued to move forward, chasing the wooden boat in the water.

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