After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 85 Precious First Experience 2

They were moving very fast, and passing by the wooden bridge was like a white horse passing by. It was impossible to take a closer look at a quick glance.

Almost no one noticed that He Lingchuan squatted and shrank at the bottom of the boat, and curled up into the shadow of the wooden bridge!

He hid under the bridge, not daring to breathe out, for fear of causing blisters and attracting unnecessary attention.

After more than ten breaths, he quietly came out of the water, looked around, then thrust the spear into the bank of the canal, and jumped to the ground with the help of his strength.

The cavalry had gone away, leaving only a few figures behind.

On the other hand, there were two five or six-year-old children beside the canal who looked at him curiously, but their mother looked wary and pulled them back.

The residents here are very unfriendly.

He Lingchuan wiped the water from his face and quickly hid behind two large haystacks.

Going forward is the warehouse, and then there are tall and short houses. Fortunately, there are no people. He Lingchuan lowered his head and looked at his wet body, knowing that the way he was dressed and the material of his clothes made the locals know that he was an outsider at a glance.

The only solution now is to change into a new set of clothes.

He looked around and finally showed a smile:

Not far away, clothes were hanging to dry in the open space in front of the farmhouse.

He sneaked over quietly without disturbing the woman cooking in the kitchen, and only took away a few men's clothes. Then, go to the back sun to change clothes.

Although it was quiet, he still carefully checked his surroundings before taking off his wet old clothes.

no one.

He quickly took off his wet pants and put on new ones.

While I was tying my trousers, a whistle suddenly sounded from the side.

He Lingchuan looked up in surprise and saw a white shadow flashing past, like light and lightning, too fast for the human eye to catch.

There is no way to avoid it.

There was a soft "whoosh" sound, and an arrow hit his throat. It moved forward and then out, and the arrowhead even penetrated into the wooden board.

What does it feel like to have your throat blocked by an arrow?

He Lingchuan wanted to be violent, but he couldn't speak. He only felt pain in his heart.

All he could see in front of him was the trembling white feather at the end of the arrow. Looking forward, he saw that something seemed to be moving in the haystack.

He tried to see clearly, but his vision was blurred.


He Lingchuan yelled, turned over and sat up, holding his neck.

As far as the eye can see, the window lattice, low table, and vases are all the furniture in his house.

There was a lark perched on a branch in front of the window. It was frightened by his call and flew away. One of its feathers fell off.

He Lingchuan stared at the feather, thinking of Bai Ling who sealed his throat with an arrow.

I touched my throat and found that it was very good. Even the skin was not broken, but my whole body was wet with sweat, as if I had just climbed out of a ditch.

"Grandpa was scared to death!" He was still alive, but he had a nightmare.

A figure flashed outside, and Uncle Hao came in: "What's wrong, young master?"

"It's okay." He Lingchuan rubbed his face weakly, "Nightmare."

"Still Calabash Mountain?"

"How is that possible?" After experiencing the great adventure of Panlong City, the memory of his original attack on Calabash Mountain was as blurry as if it happened a lifetime ago, and he had almost forgotten it.

He Lingchuan dismissed Uncle Hao, got up and poured himself a cup of herbal tea.

It was still dark and he could not sleep for an hour at most.

After coming back from the desert, his sleep quality was as good as that of a baby. What's going on today?

Glancing at the bedside, his eyes naturally fell on the broken knife.

"Are you causing trouble?" It's just such a variable that it's hard not to notice.

He Lingchuan took off the knife and slowly pulled it out of its sheath.

The surrounding temperature dropped at least two degrees, but He Lingchuan didn't feel the coldness, and held it comfortably for two minutes.

He thought about that nightmare. Except for the locals who regarded foreign visitors as enemies, the Chipa Plateau was actually great, with a fertile water town and pastoral scene.

The water network there is crisscrossed, the geography is changeable, and there seem to be mines further away. No wonder Panlong City has been able to hold on for many years in the face of powerful enemies. Objective conditions are also one of the decisive factors.

The last time he entered the Dafanghu Secret Realm, he almost died after only one trip to Panlong City. Of course, he had no chance to leave Xiongguan and see the Chipa Plateau back then.

The dream just now made up for this shortcoming.

Subconsciously, he believed that the Chipa Plateau he saw in his dream was a highly restored version of history.

The answers of the guards showed that the time he entered was after General Red appeared, which was the second half of Panlong City's desperate period.

The West Luo Kingdom briefly restored contact with Panlong City, but unfortunately it was too weak and lost to the pressure of the coalition forces, and soon gave up on Panlong City again.

Zhong Shengguang was also a human being. He had been loyal to his duties for twelve years but suffered such betrayal. He almost collapsed for a time before he turned to the embrace of God Mi Tian.

From then on, the Red General appeared.

Panlong City was the most mysterious during this period. Sun Fuping read the history books of many countries but could not find a complete record. It was as if there was a mysterious force forcefully erasing it from history.

He Lingchuan was also curious, but remembering the strangeness, lightness, and cruelty of that arrow, goosebumps started to creep up all over his body.

Counting this time, he has died twice.

Although this experience is strange and precious, no one would resist it.

The two arrow attacks before and after should be from the same person. Where is the archer hiding? The wolf-like and tiger-like Gale Army was all concealed by He Lingchuan. Why was this man able to follow him like a shadow?

He remembered that quick and loud whistle, remembered that he had not fastened his trousers, and remembered that Black Dragon had specifically mentioned this broken knife as a gift to him before he died.

It feels a bit like entrustment.

The previous owner of the knife was Zhong Shengguang. What kind of connection did he hope to establish with this knife and He Lingchuan?

The young man stroked his knife and said nothing, and had a new worry:

Do you want to hang it on the bedside in the future?

He shook his head and found that the nightmare did not give him a splitting headache. Instead, he was full of energy and relaxed, unlike in the dream.

To be honest, the adventure in the dream was quite interesting except for the sudden death at the end.

The most important thing is that he can wake up.

If there was no loss, would he still be afraid of Qiuqiu?

He Lingchuan pressed the blade and said, "Let's discuss it. If you don't send me nightmares every day, I can hang you on the bedside, how about that?"

This knife is quiet and naturally there will be no response.

So He Lingchuan hung it back up.

It's not dark yet, and Xiangsi Tower is already bustling.

This restaurant has been open for three years and is running prosperously in Blackwater City. It is rare that both locals and tourists like it. It is said that the boss behind it is a retired official from the mainland, and the dishes from his hometown became a great success when he moved them to the border areas.

Xiangsilou is famous for its duck cooking.

Yes, a duck is simply a duck swimming in the water.

The chefs specially invited from Longhua City specialize in cooking ducks. Whether it is braised, roasted, marinated, baked, or braised, fried, waxed or grilled, there is nothing they can't do, and they must choose the duck according to the cooking method. The fat and thin, young and old, are truly selective.

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