After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 90 People’s attitudes

It is not Panlong City's obligation to accept refugees.

When the wife chokes, they are homeless, so what position can they take?

He Lingchuan whispered: "That man is not a good guy. His mule is a bit old, but it can still carry two skinny old people."

The old couple were both very thin, and together they weighed at most 1,780 pounds.

The wife was stunned: "What about him?"

She took a peek and saw that the mule was limping slightly, but it was actually walking quite steadily.

"He just couldn't bear to part with his wealth." He Lingchuan explained. "The commander also saw this, so he asked him to throw away the wealth and help his father get on the back of the mule. But without the money, it would be difficult for this man to establish himself in the new place. His parents I am too old to work and make money, and I still have two more mouths to eat.”

"If he doesn't want to, the commander will certainly not force him. The old woman went up the mountain on her own, and she understands her son's thoughts." Either she is frustrated, or she can't let go of her wife.

Liu Sanjiu and his wife looked at each other speechlessly after hearing this.

Some things cannot be studied in detail. If you look at them in detail, they are all dirty.

After walking like this for more than a quarter of an hour, the cavalry coming from behind shouted: "Go faster, go faster, the enemy is catching up!"

The rolling thunder in the sky was not as powerful as these words. Screams and wails immediately broke out in the long queue, and the speed of travel was indeed increased visibly to the naked eye.

Falling behind at this time is really the only way to die!

It was not easy to walk on a rainy night. He Lingchuan saw many people stumbling while running, falling to the ground and struggling to get up.

Many old and weak people fell down and were stepped on several times and never got up again.

He Lingchuan couldn't help but close his eyes.

Even though he knew that history was gone with the wind and everything in front of him was an illusion, he had been here and seen it before, and it felt like a big stone was weighing on his heart, making him feel heavy and uncomfortable.

How different are the human lives on this plain from the grass under their feet and the chickens in the cage?

Being slaughtered by others can be treated lightly or despised.

At this moment, the speed of the team suddenly slowed down, and there was a commotion ahead.

The descendants crowd in the predecessors and become blocked.

He Lingchuan had good ears and could hear the shouts and curses in front of him.

The crowd is like this, the more anxious and chaotic it is, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Standing here, you could only see the backs of the people in the front row. He Lingchuan put his baggage on the ground and climbed up the half-dead poplar tree next to him.

In extreme weather, standing high could easily result in lightning strikes, but he recognized the risk.

Fortunately, the next two lightning bolts struck him in the distance and illuminated him. Through the light, he saw dozens of carriages crowded on the riverside ahead.

The carriages were carrying large boxes, and it was obvious that there were wealthy people among the people fleeing.

Needless to say, those who have already passed through, but perhaps because the belongings in the boxes are too heavy, or perhaps because the ground is too muddy, seven or eight carriages cannot climb up the slope at all. No matter how the coachman whips his whip, the horses scream and the carriages Just stuck in the mud and motionless.

There were twenty or thirty carriages waiting in line behind.

At this time, the team has reached the river, with a cliff on one side and a river on the other. The road in the middle is not wide and can accommodate up to three carriages parallel to each other.

And it’s still a steep slope.

All late comers were blocked.

A man like He Lingchuan could still climb over the carriage with empty hands; but who could escape without bringing their belongings? Those who drive oxen and carts with all their belongings are unable to fly.

There were soldiers chasing after them, and the refugees were furious, and they were not polite to them, so they went up and dragged the carriage.

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of shouting from inside the car formation, and about twenty bodyguards rushed out, holding bright weapons in one hand and pushing the refugees with the other: "Retreat, all retreat, do you want to die?"

The two sides began to quarrel.

Of course, in the current situation, swearing will not solve the problem, it will only add fuel to the fire.

So dozens of breaths later, the refugees took action first. Someone grabbed the mud on the ground and threw it at the escort. The latter immediately fought back and a fight broke out at the scene.

He Lingchuan counted, at least a dozen people were injured in half a cup of tea.

Not a single carriage was moved. I have to say that these escorts are quite responsible.

The commotion here quickly attracted the attention of the Gale Army. He Lingchuan's old acquaintance arrived again, this time with more than a dozen of his men behind him.

The situation at the scene was clear at a glance, and he did not listen to nonsense from both sides to avoid wasting time: "Whose carriages do these belong to? Come forward!"

A fat man in brocade clothes ran out from the car formation: "This military master, what is your surname?"


"Master Xiao, I am the steward of Mr. Sun, the governor of Sun County! These are all belongings of the Sun Mansion. Please help us push them up..."

The commander waved his hand: "Move immediately and make way for others!"

The fat man was anxious: "Master, these are all valuable materials. They are the baggage transported by the governor to Panlong City. This is what the two parties have agreed on! For example, the armor and weapons that your army can use..."

At this time, Panlong Wasteland had already fallen into a long-term war stalemate, and military supplies and food were the lifeline of the city. The commander also paid great attention to what he heard and said directly: "Open the box and check!"

The caravan obeyed the order and opened the boxes, but at some speed or slowly. As expected, the box opened first was full of weapons, armor, medicine and other military supplies.

The fat man said loudly: "Master Jun, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

With a wave of the leader's hand, all the cavalrymen stepped forward and opened the rest.

He Lingchuan was condescending and could tell at a glance that among the dozens of boxes in the car, only about ten boxes were military supplies, and the rest were all kinds of soft goods, gold and silver jewelry, expensive jewelry, and then clothing, antiques, small pieces of furniture, etc. , only people can’t think of it, there is nothing that can’t be installed here.

Just then, a bolt of lightning passed by, shining brightly on a box of gold items, and there was even a small gold toilet in it...

The fat man wiped his forehead, not sure if he was wiping sweat or water.

The crowd was quiet for a few moments, followed by a wave of curses.

The commander gave the order with an expressionless face: "Unload the horses and drag the military supplies up! Everything else is pushed away!"

The fat man was so anxious that he rushed up and grabbed his hand and said, "You can't do it, you can't do it! You can't explain it to the commander even if you throw away Commander Sun's belongings!"

The commander shook off his hand, and a piece of gold flew out: "Hurry up, why are you standing there in a daze! The road will be clear as soon as possible!"

This is a military order, are you willing to obey it?

Onlookers: Of course!

They rushed forward in a swarm, helped the Gale Army push away the Sun Mansion's private goods, and then unloaded the horses and added them to the carriage transporting military supplies.

During this process, of course some civilians grabbed Sun Mansion's valuables and hid them secretly. The servants of the Sun Mansion saw it and rushed to catch the thief, making the scene even more chaotic.

At this time, a man in his thirties rushed over from behind and shouted: "Who dares to touch my Sun family's things!"

He pointed at the commander and cursed: "You are so bold. My father, Commander Sun, and Commander Zhong have supported each other for ten years, and they have shown the same courage! Now that Wei City has fallen, you soldiers dare to add insult to injury and rob my family's property..."

Just use this gold toilet to pay tribute to the great Mr. Saul Goodman!

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